Andrey Shibaev, New Post-Doctoral Researcher at BCMaterials

We would like to welcome Andrey Shibaev as a new post-doctoral researcher at our center. Dr. Shibaev obtained his PhD in polymer physics from the Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia), then worked there at the Chair of polymer and crystal physics as a junior and senior researcher and became an associate professor in 2022, specializing in the self-assembly of complex polymer and surfactant systems and polymer gels.

Shibaev will work in the understanding and modification of electroactive materials for advanced applications. This will be a research work of BCMaterials in collaboration with The Polymers & Soft Matter Group at the Center of Materials Physics (CFM-MPC) in San Sebastian.

This position is funded by the IKUR strategy of the Education Department of the Basque Country. The IKUR program focuses in 4 strategical fields: Neurobioscience, Quantum Technologies, Neutronics, and Supercomputing and Artificial Intelligence. Dr. Shibaev’s work will be related with neutronics as an instrument for the structural characterization of electroactive materials.

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