Invited talk by Vladimir Golub on February 16

BCMaterials will offer a new invited talk on February 16, by Vladimir Golub, head of the department of Magnetodynamic Properties of Condensed Matter at the Institute of Magnetism of Ukraine (NASU).

The talk, will take place in the auditorium of the Martina Casiano building (BCMaterials headquarters, in Leioa), will begin at 11:00 am. “Magnetostatic and magnetoresonance study of nanomagnetics and heterogeneous structures. Focus on nanotwinned epitaxial films of magnetic shape memory alloys” will be the title of this invited talk.

With more than 35 years of research career, Professor Golub is an expert in solid state physics, magnetism, functional materials and, more specifically, in the magnetic properties of nanomaterials and magnetic heterostructures.

This event is open to the public until the auditorium capacity is complete.

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