BCMaterials will participate in the conference “Acelera la innovación de tu empresa con neutrónica”

On April 19, BCMaterials will participate in the K-Future conference organized by the Basque Technology Parks network, dedicated to promoting the use of neutron science in companies. Under the title “Acelera la innovación de tu empresa con neutrónica”, the conference will highlight the power of neutrons for the development of new materials, the optimization of processes and the improvement of products in a wide range of industrial and technological sectors.

The event will take place at the Zamudio/Derio Campus of the Euskadi Technology Parks, starting at 10:00. It can also be followed online. The sessions will be mainly Spanish spoken.

BCMaterials will open the conference with the presentation "Ciencias neutrónicas como herramienta avanzada para la mejoría de materiales, procesos y productos", by our post-doctoral researcher Ainara Valverde. This intervention will serve to place attendees at the base of neutron science, giving way later to ESS Bilbao, which will talk about the European ecosystem of neutron sources to which companies can go to do their tests.

The Laue-Langevin Institute (ILL) in Grenoble (France), one of the largest European sources, will present examples of neutron measurements in different sectors, such as chemicals and biotechnology.

Arcelor Mittal will close the interventions, with a case study of residual stress measurements in steel for the Laser-Powder Bed additive manufacturing technology.

Registration open: https://parke.eus/es/agenda/acelera-la-innovacion-de-tu-empresa-con-neutronica/?occurrence=2023-04-19

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