Computational Materials Science

Computational support has been over the years used in BCMaterials research spanning from DFT to molecular dynamics, from finite element simulation to artificial intelligence and machine learning for materials design. A transversal research line will be implemented to integrate the most important competences into the BCMaterials and to coordinate from the very beginning materials design, physical-chemical interactions understanding and modulation, and device implementation.
Abideen, Zain Ul
Pre-Doctoral Researcher
El Adel, Abdessamad
Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Fernández Pendás, Mario
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Gul, Shehla
Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Infante, Ivan Antonio Carlo
Ikerbasque Research Professor
Kumar, Vikas
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Lequerica Mateos, Marcos
Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Llusar Camarelles, Jordi
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Lucarini San José, Sergio
Ikerbasque Research Fellow
Ramos Auzmendi, Aingeru
Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Associate Research:
In this research line also take part several Research Associates, that belong to the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and perform part of their activity within BCMaterials. Thus, the work of the different lines is carried out in close collaboration with research groups at the University, promoting excellence and worldwide impact.
Gajjala, Rajendra Kumar Reddy Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Micro and nano-devicesExpertise:Electrochemistry, Electrochemical Interfaces, Electrocatalysis, Nanomaterials, Biosensors, Bioassays
Bio:Dr. Rajendra Kumar Reddy committed researcher specialized in the fields of electrochemistry, biosensors and nanotechnology. He received M.Sc. in Nanomaterials and Technologies from Sri Venkateswara University, India (2010) and Ph.D. in Electrochemical biosensors from SASTRA Deemed University, India (2018).
With Keen focus on advancing electroanalysis and electrocatalysis, Dr. Rajendra's research centers around the development of innovative materials. He possesses 1.8 years of industrial experience and 2.5 years of postdoctoral experience, specializing in the areas such as electrochemsity, biosensor design and validation and nanomaterials development for real time applications.
Interests and Objectives:Dr. Rajendra actively contributes to various research activities, including spectro-electrochemistry, electrode development, and biosensor design for real time applications.
Ugalde Pallares, Andrea Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesBio:Andrea Ugalde Pallarés finished her Chemical Engineering degree in 2022 at the University of Basque Country. Her bachelor thesis was based on the extension of the water supply by means of seawater desalination for the Canary Islands, after participating for six months in an internship working on the osmosis process of seawater desalination.
After finishing her studies, she participated for three months in an internship at BCMaterials. She worked on sustainable batteries fabrication, mainly on the use of the laser induced graphene (LIG) technique to engrave current collectors.
Currently, she is working in the BIDEKO Project (Biodegradable and compostable batteries for precision agriculture and decentralized energy systems) as a researcher in biodegradable battery fabrication and characterization. She will also combine the research in the BIDEKO project with a master's degree in environmental management.
Ruiz Bilbao, Estibaliz Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Micro and nanostructured materialsExpertise:Inorganic synthesis, single crystal X-ray diffraction
Bio:Estibaliz Ruiz-Bilbao graduated in Chemistry from the University of the Basque Country (2016), and continued her Master studies in New Materials at the University of Leeds (UK, 2017). Recently, she obtained a PhD in the field of Inorganic Chemistry from the University of the Basque Country (2023) about ‘Polyoxometalate-Based Hybrids with 3d- and 4f-Metal Complexes Bearing Multidentate Organic Ligands – From Magnetoluminescent Molecular Species to Extended Frameworks with Sorption Ability’. Currently, Estibaliz is a post-doctoral researcher at the BCMaterials-Basque Center for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures.
Interests and Objectives:Her research interest are focused on Polyoxometalate Chemistry and the application of POMs in molecular magnetism.
Porro Azpiazu, José María Ramón y Cajal & Ikerbasque Research Fellow
Email:Research line: Neutron ScienceExpertise:His expertise focalizes in the investigation of magnetic shape memory alloys in polycrystalline, single-crystal and thin film forms, as well as in nanomagnetism, and in particular in thin film and interacting nanostructures’ magnetism. Complementary to these, his research interests also include the design and fabrication of patterned magnetic micro and nanostructures by means of advanced lithography techniques, and in the characterization of all the aforementioned materials by means of large-scale facilities such as synchrotron and neutron radiation sources. His current research activities include the design and development of ferromagnetic shape memory alloys undergoing patterning processes, the study of all-optical switching phenomena in magnetic multi-layered thin films, and the study of a novel class of interacting magnetic materials called Artificial Spin-Ices.
Bio:Dr. Jose María Porro is currently an Ikerbasque Research Fellow and Neutron Science research line co-leader at BCMaterials, Leioa, Bizkaia, Spain. He obtained his “licenciatura en física” (2008), his Master in Nanoscience (2010) and his PhD in Materials Physics (2014), from the University of the Basque Country. He developed his PhD at the nanomagnetism group of CIC nanoGUNE (Donostia-San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa, Spain), under the supervision of Prof. Paolo Vavassori. After his PhD, he was a post-doctoral research associate at the ISIS neutron and muon source of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (Oxfordshire, UK) until September 2017. At the same time, he was a visiting scientist at the Diamond Light Source synchrotron of the UK. In 2017 he secured a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship (MSCA-IF) at BCMaterials, followed by an Ikerbasque Fellowship in late 2019 at the same institution. He has undergone research stays at leading international research institutions such as the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (California, USA), the Brookhaven National Laboratory (New York, USA), the Institute Laue-Langevin (Grenoble, France), the Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut of the University of Groningen (Netherlands) and the Nanotechnology Core Facility of the University of Illinois at Chicago (USA).
He has secured funding for this research activities, both as PI and as project member, from European (H2020, MSCA actions), international (EPSRC, UK), national (MINECO RETOS) and regional (PIBA, ELKARTEK) funding schemes. He is author and co-author of around 30 research articles published in indexed international leading peer-reviewed journals. He contributes to the organization of conferences and workshops, including being member of the Program Committee of the Magnetism and Magnetic Materials conference series, as well as of the Scientific Committee of the IMoH'22 conference in the area of neutron sciences . He has contributed to international and national conferences, including 6 invited talks in the last two years. He is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Society of Neutron Techniques (Sociedad Española de Técnicas Neutrónicas, SETN), member of the Magnetic Materials Committee of the TMS (The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society) of the USA, and of the user committee of the IBR-2 neutron source (Dubna, Russia). He is an Editorial Board Member of the journal Magnetochemistry (IF: 3.336), an evaluator for the Spanish AEI on “Generación de conocimento” project calls, and scientific expert (evaluator of neutron beamtime proposals) in the panel “Nanosystems and soft matter” for the IBR-2 neutron source, as well as for ANSTO, the Australian Neutron Source. He is a lecturer on the Master in New Materials of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), has supervised three Master Thesis, as well as several TFGs and short research internships, and currently supervises four PhD students.
Publications:Humidity Sensors Based on Magnetic Ionic Liquids Blended in Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene)
Serra J.P.; Fernandes L.C.; Pereira N.; Fidalgo-Marijuan A.; Porro J.M.; Costa C.M.; Correia D.M.; Lanceros-Mendez S.
ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 5, 1, 109, 119, 10, (2023)
Structure-property control of polycrystalline Ni-Mn-Ga by moderate Co-doping
Namvari M., Chernenko V., Saren A., Porro J.M., Ullakko K.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 944, 169184, (2023)
Advanced Neutron and Synchrotron Characterization Techniques for Nanocomposite Perovskite Materials Toward Solar Cells Applications
Porro J.M., Shalan A.E., Salado M.
Engineering Materials, 613, 661, (2022)
Competition of Magnetic Anisotropies in Permalloy Antidot Lattices
Porro J.M., Villar A., Redondo C., Río-López N.A., Lasheras A., Salazar D., Morales R., Fernández-Martín E.
Magnetochemistry, 8, 5, 55, (2022)
Designing Metal-Chelator-like Traps by Encoding Amino Acids in Zirconium-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks
Valverde A., Tovar G.I., Rio-López N.A., Torres D., Rosales M., Wuttke S., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Porro J.M., Jiménez-Ruiz M., García Sakai V., García A., Laza J.M., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lezama L., Arriortua M.I., Copello G.J., Fernández De Luis R.
Chemistry of Materials, 34, 21, 9666, 9684, (2022)
Lithium-Ion Battery Solid Electrolytes Based on Poly(vinylidene Fluoride)-Metal Thiocyanate Ionic Liquid Blends
Serra J.P., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Barbosa J.C., Correia D.M., Gonçalves R., Porro J.M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Costa C.M.
ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 4, 8, 5909, 5919, (2022)
Magnetic Properties of Tetragonal SmFe12−xMox Alloys in Bulk and Melt-Spun Ribbons
Rodríguez-Crespo B., Garcia-Franco A., Rosero-Romo J.J., Echevarria-Bonet C., Porro J.M., Saiz P.G., Salazar D.
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science, 219, 15, 2100725, (2022)
Denitrogenation process in ThMn12 nitride by in situ neutron powder diffraction
Aubert A., Puente-Orench I., Porro J.M., Luca S., Garitaonandia J.S., Barandiaran J.M., Hadjipanayis G.C.
Physical Review Materials, 5, 1, 014415, (2021)
Enhanced performance of magnetoelectric laminated composites by geometry engineering for high frequency applications
Lasheras A., Saiz P.G., Porro J.M., Quintana I., Polak C., Lopes A.C.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 884, 161065, (2021)
Influence of the magnetic domain structure in the mass sensitivity of magnetoelastic sensors with different geometries
Saiz P.G., Porro J.M., Lasheras A., Fernández de Luis R., Quintana I., Arriortua M.I., Lopes A.C.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 863, 158555, (2021)
Neutron scattering as a powerful tool to investigate magnetic shape memory alloys: A review
Río‐lópez N.A., Lázpita P., Salazar D., Petrenko V.I., Plazaola F., Chernenko V., Porro J.M.
Metals, 11, 5, 829, (2021)
Spontaneous zero-field cooling exchange bias in ni–co–mn– sn metamagnetic heusler sputtered film
Alexandrakis V., Rodríguez-Aseguinolaza I., Anastasakos-Paraskevopoulos D., Barandiarán J.M., Chernenko V., Porro J.M.
Nanomaterials, 11, 9, 2188, (2021)
Author Correction: Thermally and field-driven mobility of emergent magnetic charges in square artificial spin ice (Scientific Reports, (2019), 9, 1, (15989), 10.1038/s41598-019-52460-7)
Morley S.A., Porro J.M., Hrabec A., Rosamond M.C., Venero D.A., Linfield E.H., Burnell G., Im M.-Y., Fischer P., Langridge S., Marrows C.H.
Scientific Reports, 10, 1, 3328, (2020)
Magnetic, magnetoelastic and corrosion resistant properties of (Fe-Ni)-based metallic glasses for structural health monitoring applications
Sagasti A., Palomares V., Porro J.M., Orúe I., Sánchez-Ilárduya M.B., Lopes A.C., Gutiérrez J.
Materials, 13, 1, 57, (2020)
Role of Fe addition in Ni–Mn–Ga–Co–Cu–Fe ferromagnetic shape memory alloys for high-temperature magnetic actuation
Pérez-Checa A., Porro J.M., Feuchtwanger J., Lázpita P., Hansen T.C., Mondelli C., Sozinov A., Barandiarán J.M., Ullakko K., Chernenko V.
Acta Materialia, 196, 549, 555, (2020)
Magnetization dynamics of weakly interacting sub-100 nm square artificial spin ices
Porro J.M., Morley S.A., Venero D.A., Macêdo R., Rosamond M.C., Linfield E.H., Stamps R.L., Marrows C.H., Langridge S.
Scientific Reports, 9, 1, 19967, (2019)
Thermally and field-driven mobility of emergent magnetic charges in square artificial spin ice
Morley S.A., Porro J.M., Hrabec A., Rosamond M.C., Venero D.A., Linfield E.H., Burnell G., Im M.-Y., Fischer P., Langridge S., Marrows C.H.
Scientific Reports, 9, 1, 15989, (2019)
Effect of FePd alloy composition on the dynamics of artificial spin ice
Morley S.A., Riley S.T., Porro J.-M., Rosamond M.C., Linfield E.H., Cunningham J.E., Langridge S., Marrows C.H.
Scientific Reports, 8, 1, 4750, (2018)
Maceiras Martínez, Alberto Lab Technician
Email:Bio:Dr. Alberto Maceiras Martínez received his Chemistry degree in 2009, followed by a Master degree in New Materials in 2010. In 2016 obtained his doctoral degree in Materials Science from the Basque Country University UPV/EHU. During his master's and thesis, he worked in the Physical Chemistry department involved in the synthesis and characterization of polyimides for piezoelectric materials, magnetoelectric nanocomposites, and battery separators.
He joined BCMaterials in 2016 as a postdoctoral researcher in the area of active (smart) materials, advanced functional materials, to develop novel ink compositions, mainly based on polymers.
In 2018, he moved to the University of Beira Interior (UBI) in Portugal to increase his knowledge about multifunctional ceramics for thermal barrier coatings and biocomposites, integrated by printing technologies.
His research has been focused on multifunctional polymers, composites, ceramic materials, and inks for printing technologies. He has worked with electroactive materials, piezoresistive and piezoelectric materials, magnetoelectric materials, battery separators, different types of polymer-based composites, and multifunctional ceramics by printing technologies. He is interested in the development of novel smart and multifunctional materials and their application in smart devices by printing. He has years of experience in the areas of synthesis and processing of materials, such as rotary and thermal evaporators, fume hoods, furnaces, spin coaters, ink printers (screen and inkjet printers), and 3D printers: Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) and stereolithography (SLA). He is a user of many physicochemical characterization techniques, such as chromatography, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), thermogravimetry (TGA), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA), Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM), or Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), etc.
Up to February 2021, he has taken part in the writing of 20 interdisciplinary scientific papers and one book chapter, 7 contributions to congresses. He has participated in the preparation and management of 9 scientific research projects, co-directed 2 master's projects, 2 bachelor´s projects, and 4 internships for university students (undergraduate).
Currently, he is the Lab technician at BCMaterials, responsible for attending the technical and administrative tasks in its different laboratories. He carries out different tasks for the assigned laboratories, including:
- Instruments and laboratory equipment supervision of bookings and usage.
- Equipment maintenance and calibration.
- Laboratory assets and related documentation inventory control.
- Basic lab training to new users, plus specific instruments and facilities training.
- Advisory and training for users concerning the techniques to use.
- Carrying out measurements and providing services for external applicants.
- Stock control and provisioning of substances and laboratory consumables.
- Monitoring and inventory of waste, as well as its removal by authorized managers.
- Surveillance of compliance with established protocols regarding health and safety in the laboratory.
Links to external profiles:
García Arribas, Alfredo UPV/EHU Research Associate
Email:Research line: Micro and nano-devicesBio:Expertise
Thin film technologies; Micro- and nano-patterning; integration of materials for applications.
Dr. Alfredo García-Arribas is currently an associate (tenured) professor at the Universidad of País Vasco UPV/EHU and researcher of BCMaterials, after several years with the University of Oviedo, Spain, and having enjoyed research visits with the University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA, and Cranfield University, Cranfield, U.K. He got his PhD degree at the Universidad del País Vasco in 1996, devoted his PhD to the study of the properties of amorphous magnetic materials. His current research activity is focused in the application of magnetic materials in micro-sensors and actuators, in particular, those based on magneto-impedance, magneto-elasticity, and magnetic shape memory alloys. He has authored more than 100 scientific articles, receiving more than 750 citations (h-index=17). He has supervised 3 PhD Thesis and is currently directing 3 more.
Interests and objetives
Currently Associate (tenured) Professor in the Electricity and Electronics Department of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) ascribed to BCMaterials.
Teaching activities: Sensors and Actuators; Microsystems; Material Synthesis by thin film deposition.
Main research topics are related to the development and application of magnetic materials to sensors and actuators: for example, thin films for magnetoimpedance sensors and magnetic shape memory alloys for actuators.
Curriculum Vitae -- ResearcherIDPublications:Assessment of magnetoelastic resonance parameters retrieval for sensor applications
Sisniega B., Barandiaran J.M., Gutiérrez J., García-Arribas A.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 565, 170213, (2023)
Influence of the geometry on the performance of GMI in meander configuration
Beato-López J.J., Lete N., García-Arribas A., Gómez-Polo C.
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 340, 113520, (2022)
Magnetoelastic Resonance Detection of Calcium Oxalate Precipitation in Low Concentration Solutions
Sisniega B., Gutierrez J., Garcia-Arribas A.
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 58, 2, (2022)
Magnetostrictive Materials
García-Arribas A.
Magnetic Measurement Techniques for Materials Characterization, 727, 750, 23, (2021)
Disk-shaped magnetic particles for cancer therapy
Goiriena-Goikoetxea M., Muñoz D., Orue I., Fernández-Gubieda M.L., Bokor J., Muela A., García-Arribas A.
Applied Physics Reviews, 7, 1, 011306, (2020)
Elucidating the role of shape anisotropy in faceted magnetic nanoparticles using biogenic magnetosomes as a model
Gandia D., Gandarias L., Marcano L., Orue I., Gil-Cartón D., Alonso J., García-Arribas A., Muela A., Fdez-Gubieda M.L.
Nanoscale, 12, 30, 16081, 16090, (2020)
Half-hedgehog spin textures in sub-100 nm soft magnetic nanodots
Berganza E., Jaafar M., Fernandez-Roldan J.A., Goiriena-Goikoetxea M., Pablo-Navarro J., Garciá-Arribas A., Guslienko K., Magén C., De Teresa J.M., Chubykalo-Fesenko O., Asenjo A.
Nanoscale, 12, 36, 18646, 18653, (2020)
Improved determination of q quality factor and resonance frequency in sensors based on the magnetoelastic resonance through the fitting to analytical expressions
Sisniega B., Gutiérrez J., Muto V., García-Arribas A.
Materials, 13, 21, 4708, 1, 15, (2020)
Magnetotactic bacteria for cancer therapy
Fdez-Gubieda M.L., Alonso J., García-Prieto A., García-Arribas A., Fernández Barquín L., Muela A.
Journal of Applied Physics, 128, 7, 070902, (2020)
Real time monitoring of calcium oxalate precipitation reaction by using corrosion resistant magnetoelastic resonance sensors
Sisniega B., Sedano A.S., Gutiérrez J., García-Arribas A.
Sensors (Switzerland), 20, 10, 2802, (2020)
The performance of the magneto-impedance effect for the detection of superparamagnetic particles
García-Arribas A.
Sensors (Switzerland), 20, 7, 1961, (2020)
Damping of magnetoelastic resonance for oil viscosity sensing
Bravo I., Arnaiz A., Garcia-Arribas A.
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 55, 1, 8506476, (2019)
Broadband ferromagnetic resonance measurements in thin-film structures for magnetoimpedance sensors
González J.M., García-Arribas A., Shcherbinin S.V., Lepalovskij V.N., Collantes J.M., Kurlyandskaya G.V.
Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 126, 215, 222, (2018)
Configuration of the magnetosome chain: A natural magnetic nanoarchitecture
Orue I., Marcano L., Bender P., García-Prieto A., Valencia S., Mawass M.A., Gil-Cartón D., Alba Venero D., Honecker D., García-Arribas A., Fernández Barquín L., Muela A., Fdez-Gubieda M.L.
Nanoscale, 10, 16, 7407, 7419, (2018)
Magnetic Nanoparticles, Synthesis, Properties, and Applications
Alonso J., Barandiarán J.M., Fernández Barquín L., García-Arribas A.
Magnetic Nanostructured Materials: From Lab to Fab, 1, 40, (2018)
Magnetic Study of Co-Doped Magnetosome Chains
Marcano L., Munoz D., Martín-Rodríguez R., Orue I., Alonso J., García-Prieto A., Serrano A., Valencia S., Abrudan R., Fernández Barquín L., García-Arribas A., Muela A., Fdez-Gubieda M.L.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122, 13, 7541, 7550, (2018)
Magnetization reversal in circular vortex dots of small radius
Goiriena-Goikoetxea M., Guslienko K.Y., Rouco M., Orue I., Berganza E., Jaafar M., Asenjo A., Fernández-Gubieda M.L., Fernández Barquín L., García-Arribas A.
Nanoscale, 9, 31, 11269, 11278, (2017)
Magnetoimpedance in samples with patterned surfaces for the detection of ferrofluids
García-Arribas A., Goiriena-Goikoetxea M., Fernández E., Barandiaran J.
2017 IEEE International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG 2017, 8007789, (2017)
Magnetoimpedance in Samples with Patterned Surfaces for the Detection of Magnetic Particles and Ferrofluids
Garcia-Arribas A., Goiriena-Goikoetxea M., Fernandez E., Barandiaran J.M.
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 53, 11, 7931619, (2017)
Motor current signature analysis for gearbox condition monitoring under transient speeds using wavelet analysis and dual-level time synchronous averaging
Bravo-Imaz I., Davari Ardakani H., Liu Z., García-Arribas A., Arnaiz A., Lee J.
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 94, 73, 84, (2017)
Surfactant-assisted production of TbCu2 nanoparticles
de la Fuente Rodríguez M., Espeso J.I., González J.A., Rodríguez Fernández J., Rojas D.P., Rodríguez Fernández L., Garcia-Arribas A., Fdez-Gubieda M.L., Echevarria-Bonet C., Périgo É.A., Michels A., Fernández Barquín L.
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 19, 7, 231, (2017)
Thin-Film Magnetoimpedance Structures onto Flexible Substrates as Deformation Sensors
Garcia-Arribas A., Combarro L., Goiriena-Goikoetxea M., Kurlyandskaya G.V., Svalov A.V., Fernandez E., Orue I., Feuchtwanger J.
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 53, 4, 7745884, (2017)
High-yield fabrication of 60 nm Permalloy nanodiscs in well-defined magnetic vortex state for biomedical applications
Goiriena-Goikoetxea M., García-Arribas A., Rouco M., Svalov A.V., Barandiaran J.M.
Nanotechnology, 27, 17, 175302, (2016)
Comparative study of magnetic, microwave properties and giant magnetoimpedance of FeNi-based multilayers with different structure
Kurlyandskaya G.V., Fernández E., García-Arribas A., Lepalovsij V.N., Volchkov S.O.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 615, S1, S296, S299, (2015)
Equivalent Magnetic Noise of Micro-Patterned Multilayer Thin Films Based GMI Microsensor
Fernández E., García-Arribas A., Barandiarán J.M., Svalov A.V., Kurlyandskaya G.V., Dolabdjian C.P.
IEEE Sensors Journal, 15, 11, 7174467, 6707, 6714, (2015)
Equivalent magnetic noise of thin film based giant magneto-impedance microsensors
Fernández E., García-Arribas A., Barandiaran J.M., Svalov A.V., Kurlyandskaya G.V., Dolabdjian C.
Proceedings of IEEE Sensors, 2014-December, December, 6985098, 710, 713, (2014)
Sensor applications of soft magnetic materials based on magneto-impedance, magneto-elastic resonance and magneto-electricity
García-Arribas A., Gutiérrez J., Kurlyandskaya G.V., Barandiarán J.M., Svalov A., Fernández E., Lasheras A., de Cos D., Bravo-Imaz I.
Sensors (Switzerland), 14, 5, 7602, 7624, (2014)
Bazán Blau, Begoña Del Pilar UPV/EHU Research Associate
Email:Research line: Micro and nanostructured materialsBio:Expertise
Solid coordination frameworks (SCF), hydrothermal synthesis; X-ray diffracion; crystal structures; structural analysis.
Begoña Bazán received the diploma degree in geology and the doctor degree in sciences from the University of Basque Country (UPV-EHU) in 1997 and 2003, respectively. She held the position of Assistant Professor from 2004 to 2013. Now, she holds a post of permanent doctor researcher in the Mineralogy and Petrology Department at UPV/EHU from 2013. She is a member of the Crystallography group from 2001 and a junior researcher of the BCmaterials from 2014, an excellence research centre sponsored by the Basque Science Foundation and the University. Her current research includes the synthesis and study of solid coordination networks (SCN), X-ray diffraction, elucidation of crystal structures and their structural analysis. She is co-author of 33 scientific papers (h-index=10), of 7 book-chapters and of 80 contributions to Spanish and international conferences. She is author of 1 international patent, and has supervised 3 Thesis Master. Currently, she is supervising 2 PhD Thesis.
Interests and objetives
Currently, I am involved in DEMAGENER (Development of advanced materials for the generation, storage and liberation of energy) project, funded under the MINECO.
I also belong to the Consolidated Group (Basque Government) led by Prof. Arriortua.
Curriculum Vitae -- Google Scholar -- ResearcherID -- ResearchGatePublications:Multifunctionality of weak ferromagnetic porphyrin-based MOFs: selective adsorption in the liquid and gas phase
Amayuelas E., Iacomi P., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.K., Barandika G., Lezama L., Llewellyn P.L., Arriortua M.I.
CrystEngComm, 23, 23, 4205, 4213, (2021)
Encapsulation of β-alanine model amino-acid in zirconium(IV) metal organic frameworks: Defect engineering to improve host guest interactions
Muguruza A.R., de Luis R.F., Iglesias N., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.-K., Larrea E.S., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Barandika G.
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 205, 110977, (2020)
Ionothermal synthesis of cadmium coordination polymers: Ionic liquid effects on the synthesis, structural, and thermal characterization
PerezF I., Larrea E.S., Bazán B., Barandika G., Urtiaga M.K., Arriortua M.I.
Molecules, 24, 22, molecules24224059, (2019)
Double role of metalloporphyrins in catalytic bioinspired supramolecular metal-organic frameworks (SMOFs)
Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Amayuelas E., Barandika G., Larrea E.S., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.K., Iglesias M., Arriortua M.I.
IUCrJ, 5, 559, 568, (2018)
Aluminum alkali metalate derivatives: Factors driving the final nuclearity in the crystal form
Muñoz M.T., Barandika G., Bazán B., Cuenca T., Mosquera M.E.G.
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2017, 13, 1994, 2001, (2017)
Cationic Mn2+/H+ exchange leading a slow solid-state transformation of a 2D porphyrinic network at ambient conditions
Amayuelas E., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.K., Barandika G., Lezama L., Arriortua M.I.
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 247, 161, 167, (2017)
Highly thermally stable heterogeneous catalysts: Study of 0D and 3D porphyrinic MOFs
Amayuelas E., Fidalgo-Marijuán A., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.K., Barandika G., Arriortua M.I.
CrystEngComm, 19, 48, 7244, 7252, (2017)
CuII-based metal-organic nanoballs for very rapid adsorption of dyes and iodine
Amayuelas E., Fidalgo-Marijuán A., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.-K., Barandika G., Arriortua M.-I.
CrystEngComm, 18, 10, 1709, 1712, (2016)
Thermal and Magnetic Diversity in the Behaviour of the CuII-bdc-bpa System: 1D, 2D and Interpenetrated 3D Frameworks
Bravo-García L., Barandika G., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Bazan B., Urtiaga M.K., Lezama L., Arriortua M.I.
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2016, 29, 4783, 4791, (2016)
Coordination and crystallization molecules: Their interactions affecting the dimensionality of metalloporphyrinic SCFs
Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Amayuelas E., Barandika G., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.K., Arriortua M.I.
Molecules, 20, 4, 6683, 6699, (2015)
Cu-PDC-bpa solid coordination frameworks (PDC=2,5-pyrindinedicarboxylate; bpa=1,2-DI(4-pyridil)ethane)): 2D and 3D structural flexibility producing a 3-c herringbone array next to ideal
Llano-Tomé F., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.-K., Barandika G., Antonia Señarís-Rodríguez M., Sánchez-Andújar M., Arriortua M.-I.
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 230, 18967, 191, 198, (2015)
Heterogeneous catalytic properties of unprecedented μ-O-[FeTCPP]2 dimers (H2TCPP = meso-tetra(4-carboxyphenyl)porphyrin): An unusual superhyperfine EPR structure
Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Barandika G., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.K., Larrea E.S., Iglesias M., Lezama L., Arriortua M.I.
Dalton Transactions, 44, 1, 213, 222, (2015)
Mother structures related to the hexagonal and cubic close packing in Cu24 clusters: Solvent-influenced derivatives
Amayuelas E., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Barandika G., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.-K., Arriortua M.I.
CrystEngComm, 17, 17, 3297, 3304, (2015)
Thermal stability of ionic nets with CuII ions coordinated to di-2-pyridyl ketone: Reversible crystal-to-crystal phase transformation
Bravo-García L., Barandika G., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.K., Arriortua M.I.
Polyhedron, 92, 117, 123, (2015)
Water-induced phase transformation of a CuII coordination framework with pyridine-2,5-dicarboxylate and di-2-pyridyl ketone: synchrotron radiation analysis
Llano-Tomé F., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.K., Barandika G., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Fernández De Luis R., Arriortua M.I.
CrystEngComm, 17, 33, 6346, 6354, (2015)
CuII-PDC-bpe frameworks (PDC = 2,5-pyridinedicarboxylate, bpe = 1,2-di(4-pyridyl)ethylene): Mapping of herringbone-type structures
Llano-Tomé F., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.-K., Barandika G., Lezama L., Arriortua M.-I.
CrystEngComm, 16, 37, 8726, 8735, (2014)
Rial Tubio, María del Carmen Research Fellow
Email:Research line: Active and smart materialsBio:Career and achievements, present tasks and professional objectives
Carmen Rial received her BS in Physics from the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain. She carried out her MS and PhD in Materials Science and Technology at the Instituto de Ceramica in the same university. Her dissertation focused on the development of 3D photonic bandgap crystals for infrared and terahertz band by 3D printing technique. As a postdoc, her research activities have been mainly focused on 3D printing functional materials, components, and devices, which include photonic crystals, catalysts, tissue engineering scaffolds, and vacularized tissues. She has published 80 scientific papers in international peer-reviewed journals, 19 of them as first author, and she is also the author of more than 30 contributions at national and international conferences, 2 chapter of book, and 1 international patent related to 3D printed catalytic systems.
Her research interests span a range of topics in materials science and engineering, but focus in particular on the area of 3D printing, ceramics, colloidal science, and polymers. Currently, she is involved in the development of polymer composites with suitable piezoresistive/piezocapacitive responses for sensor and actuator applications.
List of abilities:
3D Printing/Robocasting
Colloidal synthesis
Spin/dip coating
High temperature treatments
Surface&structural analysis
Thermal analysis techniques
Rheological characterization
Mechanical characterization
Links to external profiles:
RESEARCHGATE: printing of a palladium-alumina cermet monolithic catalyst: catalytic evaluation in microwave-assisted cross-coupling reactions
Tubio C.R., Malatini C., Barrio V.L., Masaguer C.F., Amorín M., Nabgan W., Taboada P., Guitián F., Gil A., Coelho A.
Materials Today Chemistry, 27, 101355, (2023)
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene-Based Composites with Permalloy with Tailored Magnetic Response
Merazzo K.J., Díez A.G., Tubio C.R., Manchado J.C., Malet R., Pérez M., Costa P., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Polymers, 15, 3, 626, (2023)
Beeswax multifunctional composites with thermal-healing capability and recyclability
Brito-Pereira R., Ribeiro C., Tubio C.R., Castro N., Costa P., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Chemical Engineering Journal, 453, 139840, (2023)
Influence of polymer matrix on the luminescence of phosphor based printable electroluminescent materials and devices
Polícia R., Correia D.M., Peřinka N., Tubio C.R., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Polymer, 268, 125700, (2023)
Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) Blends with Poly(caprolactone) and Poly(lactic acid): A Comparative Study
Tubio C.R.; Valle X.; Carvalho E.; Moreira J.; Costa P.; Correia D.M.; Lanceros-Mendez S.
Polymers, 15, 23, 4566, (2023)
3D-printed carrageenan-based nanocomposites for sustainable resistive sensing devices
Macedo V.M., Pereira N., Tubio C.R., Martins P., Lanceros-Mendez S., Costa C.M.
Polymer, 262, 125456, (2022)
Carrageenan based printable magnetic nanocomposites for actuator applications
Macedo V.M., Pereira N., Tubio C.R., Martins P., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Composites Science and Technology, 224, 109485, (2022)
Carrageenan-Based Hybrid Materials with Ionic Liquids for Sustainable and Recyclable Printable Pressure Sensors
Serra J.P., Pereira N., Correia D.M., Tubio C.R., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 10, 26, 8631, 8640, (2022)
Electrospun Magnetic Ionic Liquid Based Electroactive Materials for Tissue Engineering Applications
Fernandes L.C., Meira R.M., Correia D.M., Ribeiro C., Fernandez E., Tubio C.R., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Nanomaterials, 12, 17, 3072, (2022)
Environmentally friendly carrageenan-based ionic-liquid driven soft actuators
Serra J.P., Fernandes L.C., Correia D.M., Tubio C.R., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Tariq M., Esperança J.M.S.S., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Materials Advances, 3, 2, 937, 945, (2022)
Fiber-Reinforced Polyester Composites with Photoluminescence Sensing Capabilities for UV Degradation Monitoring
Tubio C.R., Seoane-Rivero R., Neira S., Benito V., Zubieta K.G., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Polymers, 14, 17, 3666, (2022)
Ionic-triggered magnetoelectric coupling for magnetic sensing applications
Fernandes L.C., Correia D.M., Pereira N., Ribeiro C., Tubio C.R., Martins P., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Applied Materials Today, 29, 101590, (2022)
Multifunctional Ternary Composites with Silver Nanowires and Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles for Capacitive Sensing and Photocatalytic Self-Cleaning Applications
Tubio C.R., Pereira N., Campos-Arias L., Martins P.M., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 4, 8, 3815, 3824, (2022)
Piezoelectric biodegradable poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) based electrospun fiber mats with tailored porosity
Marques-Almeida T., Fernandes L.C., Correia D.M., Tubio C.R., Lanceros-Mendez S., Ribeiro C.
Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 33, 4, 1092, 1099, (2022)
Self-sensing fluorescence polymer composites for chemical degradation protection and monitoring
Tubio C.R., Seoane-Rivero R., Garcia A., Gallardo A., Salaverria L.D., Amondarian A.L.A., Zubieta K.G., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Progress in Organic Coatings, 168, 106879, (2022)
Structural organization of ionic liquids embedded in fluorinated polymers
Petrenko V.I., Fernandes L.C., Ivankov O.I., Tubio C.R., Tariq M., Esperança J.M.S.S., Correia D.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 360, 119385, (2022)
Tuning magnetorheological functional response of thermoplastic elastomers by varying soft-magnetic nanofillers
Díez A.G., Tubio C.R., Gómez A., Berastegi J., Bou-Ali M.M., Etxebarria J.G., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 33, 8, 2610, 2619, (2022)
A Facile Nanoimpregnation Method for Preparing Paper-Based Sensors and Actuators
Brito-Pereira R., Tubio C.R., Lanceros-Mendez S., Martins P.
Advanced Materials Technologies, 6, 9, 2100476, (2021)
Comparative Assessment of Ionic Liquid-Based Soft Actuators Prepared by Film Casting Versus Direct Ink Writing
Correia D.M., Barbosa J.C., Serra J.P., Pinto R.S., Fernandes L.C., Tubio C.R., Lanceros-Mendez S., Costa C.M.
Advanced Engineering Materials, 23, 10, 2100411, (2021)
Fluorinated Polymer Membranes as Advanced Substrates for Portable Analytical Systems and Their Proof of Concept for Colorimetric Bioassays
Brito-Pereira R., Macedo A.S., Tubio C.R., Lanceros-Méndez S., Cardoso V.F.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13, 15, 18065, 18076, (2021)
High dielectric constant poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene-chlorofluoroethylene) for capacitive pressure and bending sensors
Pereira N., Gonçalves S., Barbosa J.C., Gonçalves R., Tubio C.R., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Polymer, 214, 123349, (2021)
High-dielectric mouldable and printable wax reinforced with ceramic nanofillers and its suitability for capacitive sensing
Brito-Pereira R., Rodrigues-Marinho T., Tubio C.R., Costa P., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Flexible and Printed Electronics, 6, 3, 035005, (2021)
Highly sensitive transparent piezoionic materials and their applicability as printable pressure sensors
Fernandes L.C., Correia D.M., Pereira N., Tubio C.R., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Composites Science and Technology, 214, 108976, (2021)
Magnetorheological Elastomer-Based Materials and Devices: State of the Art and Future Perspectives
Díez A.G., Tubio C.R., Etxebarria J.G., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Advanced Engineering Materials, 23, 6, 2100240, (2021)
Multifunctional wax based conductive and piezoresistive nanocomposites for sensing applications
Brito-Pereira R., Tubio C.R., Costa P., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Composites Science and Technology, 213, 108892, (2021)
Polycarbonate based multifunctional self-sensing 2D and 3D printed structures for aeronautic applications
Costa P., Dios J.R., Cardoso J., Campo J.J., Tubio C.R., Gon alves B.F., Castro N., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Smart Materials and Structures, 30, 8, 085032, (2021)
Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Properties of Fluorinated Polymers with Embedded Functionalized Nanodiamonds
Nunes-Pereira J., Costa P., Fernandes L., Carvalho E.O., Fernandes M.M., Carabineiro S.A.C., Buijnsters J.G., Tubio C.R., Lanceros-Mendez S.
ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2, 11, 5014, 5024, (2020)
Functional Piezoresistive Polymer-Composites Based on Polycarbonate and Polylactic Acid for Deformation Sensing Applications
Dios J.R., Gonzalo B., Tubio C.R., Cardoso J., Gonçalves S., Miranda D., Correia V., Viana J.C., Costa P., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 305, 12, 2000379, (2020)
High deformation multifunctional composites: Materials, processes, and applications
Costa P., Nunes-Pereira J., Tubio C.R., Dios J.R., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Advanced Lightweight Multifunctional Materials, 317, 350, (2020)
Integrating Reactors and Catalysts through Three-Dimensional Printing: Efficiency and Reusability of an Impregnated Palladium on Silica Monolith in Sonogashira and Suzuki Reactions
Díaz-Marta A.S., Yañez S., Lasorsa E., Pacheco P., Tubío C.R., Rivas J., Piñeiro Y., Gómez M.A.G., Amorín M., Guitián F., Coelho A.
ChemCatChem, 12, 6, 1762, 1771, (2020)
Magnetic and high-dielectric-constant nanoparticle polymer tri-composites for sensor applications
Mooti A., Costa C.M., Maceiras A., Pereira N., Tubio C.R., Vilas J.L., Besbes-Hentati S., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Journal of Materials Science, 55, 34, 16234, 16246, (2020)
Magnetically Activated Electroactive Microenvironments for Skeletal Muscle Tissue Regeneration
Ribeiro S., Ribeiro C., Carvalho E.O., Tubio C.R., Castro N., Pereira N., Correia V., Gomes A.C., Lanceros-Méndez S.
ACS Applied Bio Materials, 3, 7, 4239, 4252, (2020)
Silica nanoparticles surface charge modulation of the electroactive phase content and physical-chemical properties of poly(vinylidene fluoride) nanocomposites
Ribeiro S., Meira R.M., Correia D.M., Tubio C.R., Ribeiro C., Baleizão C., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Composites Part B: Engineering, 185, 107786, (2020)
Tailoring electroactive poly(vinylidene fluoride‐co-trifluoroethylene) microspheres by a nanoprecipitation method
Macedo A.S., Carvalho E.O., Cardoso V.F., Correia D.M., Tubio C.R., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Botelho G., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Materials Letters, 261, 127018, (2020)
Water-Based Graphene Inks for All-Printed Temperature and Deformation Sensors
Franco M., Alves R., Perinka N., Tubio C., Costa P., Lanceros-Mendéz S.
ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2, 9, 2857, 2867, (2020)
Highly Sensitive Humidity Sensor Based on Ionic Liquid-Polymer Composites
Fernandes L.C., Correia D.M., Pereira N., Tubio C.R., Lanceros-Méndez S.
ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 1, 10, 2723, 2730, (2019)
Multicatalysis Combining 3D-Printed Devices and Magnetic Nanoparticles in One-Pot Reactions: Steps Forward in Compartmentation and Recyclability of Catalysts
Sanchez Díaz-Marta A., Yáñez S., Tubío C.R., Barrio V.L., Piñeiro Y., Pedrido R., Rivas J., Amorín M., Guitián F., Coelho A.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 11, 28, 25283, 25294, (2019)
Serrano Armenteros, David Administrative Officer
Email:Expertise:Daily accounting, purchasing of scientific supplies & contact with related vendors
Bio:David Serrano is Higher Technician in Administration and Finance. He obtained his studies in Colegio Zabalburu in 2016. He is also Higher Technician in Computer Applications Development since 2010.
Curriculum VitaeInterests and Objectives:Currently I am in charge of the purchases (flights, conferences, chemical supplies, etc) and projects expenses
Fernández Martín, Eduardo Research Fellow
Email:Research line: Micro and nano-devicesBio:Expertise
Micro and Nano patterning, magnetic characterization, High frequency measurements, magnetic sensors, finite elements magnetic simulations.
Curriculum Vitae -- ResearcherID -- ResearchGatePublications:Electrospun Magnetic Ionic Liquid Based Electroactive Materials for Tissue Engineering Applications
Fernandes L.C., Meira R.M., Correia D.M., Ribeiro C., Fernandez E., Tubio C.R., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Nanomaterials, 12, 17, 3072, (2022)
Printed Capacitive Sensors Based on Ionic Liquid/Metal-Organic Framework Composites for Volatile Organic Compounds Detection
Fernandez E., G. Saiz P., Peřinka N., Wuttke S., Fernández de Luis R.
Advanced Functional Materials, 31, 25, 2010703, (2021)
Smartphone-enabled personalized diagnostics: Current status and future prospects
Merazzo K.J., Totoricaguena-Gorriño J., Fernández-Martín E., Javier Del Campo F., Baldrich E.
Diagnostics, 11, 6, 1067, (2021)
Design of Ionic-Liquid-Based Hybrid Polymer Materials with a Magnetoactive and Electroactive Multifunctional Response
Fernandes L.C., Correia D.M., Fernández E., Tariq M., Esperança J.M.S.S., Lanceros-Méndez S.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12, 37, 42089, 42098, (2020)
Magnetic Field Perturbations by Thermoelectric Effects
Ferreira N.J., Antunes P.J., Viana J.C., Fernandes L.C., Fernandez E., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Proceedings of 2019 ESA Workshop on Aerospace EMC, Aerospace EMC 2019, 8788964, (2019)
Magnetic reversal and thermal stability of CoFeB perpendicular magnetic tunnel junction arrays patterned by block copolymer lithography
Tu K.-H., Fernandez E., Almasi H., Wang W., Otero D.N., Ntetsikas K., Moschovas D., Avgeropoulos A., Ross C.A.
Nanotechnology, 29, 27, 275302, (2018)
Thermal stability of L10-FePt nanodots patterned by self-assembled block copolymer lithography
Fernandez E., Tu K.-H., Ho P., Ross C.A.
Nanotechnology, 29, 46, 465301, (2018)
Magnetoimpedance in samples with patterned surfaces for the detection of ferrofluids
García-Arribas A., Goiriena-Goikoetxea M., Fernández E., Barandiaran J.
2017 IEEE International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG 2017, 8007789, (2017)
Magnetoimpedance in Samples with Patterned Surfaces for the Detection of Magnetic Particles and Ferrofluids
Garcia-Arribas A., Goiriena-Goikoetxea M., Fernandez E., Barandiaran J.M.
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 53, 11, 7931619, (2017)
Thin-Film Magnetoimpedance Structures onto Flexible Substrates as Deformation Sensors
Garcia-Arribas A., Combarro L., Goiriena-Goikoetxea M., Kurlyandskaya G.V., Svalov A.V., Fernandez E., Orue I., Feuchtwanger J.
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 53, 4, 7745884, (2017)
Cu-coated cellulose nanopaper for green and low-cost electronics
Lizundia E., Delgado-Aguilar M., Mutjé P., Fernández E., Robles-Hernandez B., de la Fuente M.R., Vilas J.L., León L.M.
Cellulose, 23, 3, 1997, 2010, (2016)
Comparative study of magnetic, microwave properties and giant magnetoimpedance of FeNi-based multilayers with different structure
Kurlyandskaya G.V., Fernández E., García-Arribas A., Lepalovsij V.N., Volchkov S.O.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 615, S1, S296, S299, (2015)
Equivalent Magnetic Noise of Micro-Patterned Multilayer Thin Films Based GMI Microsensor
Fernández E., García-Arribas A., Barandiarán J.M., Svalov A.V., Kurlyandskaya G.V., Dolabdjian C.P.
IEEE Sensors Journal, 15, 11, 7174467, 6707, 6714, (2015)
Equivalent magnetic noise of thin film based giant magneto-impedance microsensors
Fernández E., García-Arribas A., Barandiaran J.M., Svalov A.V., Kurlyandskaya G.V., Dolabdjian C.
Proceedings of IEEE Sensors, 2014-December, December, 6985098, 710, 713, (2014)
Sensor applications of soft magnetic materials based on magneto-impedance, magneto-elastic resonance and magneto-electricity
García-Arribas A., Gutiérrez J., Kurlyandskaya G.V., Barandiarán J.M., Svalov A., Fernández E., Lasheras A., de Cos D., Bravo-Imaz I.
Sensors (Switzerland), 14, 5, 7602, 7624, (2014)
Lizundia Fernández, Erlantz UPV/EHU Research Associate
Email:Research line: Active and smart materialsExpertise:Polymer synthesis and processing technologies: hydrothermal and microwave-assisted reactions, ring opening polymerization, extrusion, injection, melt compounding…
Renewable (nano)materials, specially cellulose, chitin, chitosan, lignin.
Thermal characterization (DSC, TGA), mechanical characterization (tensile testing, DMA), optical characterization (UV-Vis, photoluminescence, CD spectroscopy). ç
Structural determination: X-ray diffraction, FTIR, XPS, SEM, TEM, AFM.
Electrochemistry and battery applications.Bio:Erlantz Lizundia is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Engineering in Bilbao, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). He received his PhD in advanced materials engineering in 2011 at the UPV/EHU. Erlantz joined the University of British Columbia (Canada) and ETH Zurich (Switzerland) in 2016 and 2018 as a visiting scientist. Erlantz teaches the Bachelor courses of “Engineering Graphics” and “Extended Engineering Graphics” and the Master´s course of “Ecodesign and Circular Economy”. He has published works in international peer reviewed journals in the fields of materials science, applied chemistry, nanomaterials, green chemistry and biomedicine. To date, Erlantz has co-authored over 100 scientific publications (h-index=32), and has supervised more than 15 Master´s theses and 3 PhD theses.Interests and Objectives:His work aims to develop environmentally sustainable materials and technologies based on renewable materials using green chemistry, biomimetic, bioeconomy, and circular economy approaches. Erlantz devotes part of his work to sustainable batteries based on biopolymers. Erlantz also works on the ecodesign of batteries and their recycling, polymer upcycling, or biopolymer valorization through life cycle assessment (LCA).
More info:Publications:Bottom-Up Design of a Green and Transient Zinc-Ion Battery with Ultralong Lifespan
Mittal N.; Ojanguren A.; Kundu D.; Lizundia E.; Niederberger M.
Small, 19, 7, 2206249, (2023)
Lignin-Chitosan Gel Polymer Electrolytes for Stable Zn Electrodeposition
Almenara N.; Gueret R.; Huertas-Alonso A.J.; Veettil U.T.; Sipponen M.H.; Lizundia E.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 11, 6, 2283, 2294, 11, (2023)
3D printing to enable the reuse of marine plastic waste with reduced environmental impacts
Cañado N., Lizundia E., Akizu-Gardoki O., Minguez R., Lekube B., Arrillaga A., Iturrondobeitia M.
Journal of Industrial Ecology, 26, 6, 2092, 2107, (2022)
Advances, challenges, and environmental impacts in metal–air battery electrolytes
Salado M., Lizundia E.
Materials Today Energy, 28, 101064, (2022)
Core-Shell Fe3O4@Au Nanorod-Loaded Gels for Tunable and Anisotropic Magneto- and Photothermia
Rincón-Iglesias M., Rodrigo I., Berganza L.B., Serea E.S.A., Plazaola F., Lanceros-Méndez S., Lizundia E., Reguera J.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 14, 5, 7130, 7140, (2022)
Ecodesign coupled with Life Cycle Assessment to reduce the environmental impacts of an industrial enzymatic cleaner
de Lapuente Díaz de Otazu R.L., Akizu-Gardoki O., de Ulibarri B., Iturrondobeitia M., Minguez R., Lizundia E.
Sustainable Production and Consumption, 29, 718, 729, (2022)
Environmental Impact Assessment of Chitin Nanofibril and Nanocrystal Isolation from Fungi, Shrimp Shells, and Crab Shells
Berroci M., Vallejo C., Lizundia E.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 10, 43, 14280, 14293, (2022)
Environmental Impact Assessment of LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2Hydrometallurgical Cathode Recycling from Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries
Iturrondobeitia M., Vallejo C., Berroci M., Akizu-Gardoki O., Minguez R., Lizundia E.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 10, 30, 9798, 9810, (2022)
Environmental Impacts of Aqueous Zinc Ion Batteries Based on Life Cycle Assessment
Iturrondobeitia M., Akizu-Gardoki O., Amondarain O., Minguez R., Lizundia E.
Advanced Sustainable Systems, 6, 1, 2100308, (2022)
Hierarchical Nanocellulose-Based Gel Polymer Electrolytes for Stable Na Electrodeposition in Sodium Ion Batteries
Mittal N., Tien S., Lizundia E., Niederberger M.
Small, 18, 43, 2107183, (2022)
Magnetically active nanocomposites based on biodegradable polylactide, polycaprolactone, polybutylene succinate and polybutylene adipate terephthalate
Rincón-Iglesias M., Salado M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Lizundia E.
Polymer, 249, 124804, (2022)
Multicomponent magnetic nanoparticle engineering: the role of structure-property relationship in advanced applications
Díez A.G., Rincón-Iglesias M., Lanceros-Méndez S., Reguera J., Lizundia E.
Materials Today Chemistry, 26, 101220, (2022)
Optimum operational lifespan of household appliances considering manufacturing and use stage improvements via life cycle assessment
Alejandre C., Akizu-Gardoki O., Lizundia E.
Sustainable Production and Consumption, 32, 52, 65, (2022)
Organic waste valorisation towards circular and sustainable biocomposites
Lizundia E., Luzi F., Puglia D.
Green Chemistry, 24, 14, 5429, 5459, (2022)
The Role of Critical Raw Materials for Novel Strategies in Sustainable Secondary Batteries
Salado M., Lizundia E., Oyarzabal I., Salazar D.
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science, 219, 15, 2100710, (2022)
Upcycling discarded cellulosic surgical masks into catalytically active freestanding materials
Reguera J., Zheng F., Shalan A.E., Lizundia E.
Cellulose, 29, 4, 2223, 2240, (2022)
Advances in Natural Biopolymer-Based Electrolytes and Separators for Battery Applications
Lizundia E., Kundu D.
Advanced Functional Materials, 31, 3, 2005646, (2021)
Biomimetic photonic materials derived from chitin and chitosan
Lizundia E., Nguyen T.-D., Winnick R.J., MacLachlan M.J.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 9, 3, 796, 817, (2021)
Biomimetic Wood-Inspired Batteries: Fabrication, Electrochemical Performance, and Sustainability within a Circular Perspective
Gomez I., Lizundia E.
Advanced Sustainable Systems, 5, 12, 2100236, (2021)
Chiral nematic cellulose nanocrystal/Germania and Carbon/Germania composite aerogels as supercapacitor materials
Walters C.M., Matharu G.K., Hamad W.Y., Lizundia E., MacLachlan M.J.
Chemistry of Materials, 33, 13, 5197, 5209, (2021)
Comparative life cycle assessment of high performance lithium-sulfur battery cathodes
Lopez S., Akizu-Gardoki O., Lizundia E.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 282, 124528, (2021)
Degradation Behavior, Biocompatibility, Electrochemical Performance, and Circularity Potential of Transient Batteries
Mittal N., Ojanguren A., Niederberger M., Lizundia E.
Advanced Science, 8, 12, 2004814, (2021)
Effect of metal-oxide nanoparticle presence and alginate cross-linking on cellulose nanocrystal-based aerogels
Goikuria U., Larrañaga A., Lizundia E., Vilas J.L.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 138, 27, 50639, (2021)
Environmental Impact Analysis of Aprotic Li-O2Batteries Based on Life Cycle Assessment
Iturrondobeitia M., Akizu-Gardoki O., Minguez R., Lizundia E.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 9, 20, 7139, 7153, (2021)
Erratum to “Free-standing intrinsically conducting polymer membranes based on cellulose and poly(vinylidene fluoride) for energy storage applications” [Eur. Polym. J. 144 (2021) 110240] (European Polymer Journal (2021) 144, (S0014305720319571), (10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2020.110240))
Salado M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Lizundia E.
European Polymer Journal, 146, 110290, (2021)
Free-standing intrinsically conducting polymer membranes based on cellulose and poly(vinylidene fluoride) for energy storage applications
Salado M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Lizundia E.
European Polymer Journal, 144, 110240, (2021)
Influence of cellulose nanocrystal surface functionalization on the bending response of cellulose nanocrystal/ionic liquid soft actuators
Correia D.M., Lizundia E., Fernandes L.C., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23, 11, 6710, 6716, (2021)
Multifunctional lignin-based nanocomposites and nanohybrids
Lizundia E., Sipponen M.H., Greca L.G., Balakshin M., Tardy B.L., Rojas O.J., Puglia D.
Green Chemistry, 23, 18, 6698, 6760, (2021)
Stable Na Electrodeposition Enabled by Agarose-Based Water-Soluble Sodium Ion Battery Separators
Ojanguren A., Mittal N., Lizundia E., Niederberger M.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13, 18, 21250, 21260, (2021)
Transient Rechargeable Battery with a High Lithium Transport Number Cellulosic Separator
Mittal N., Ojanguren A., Cavasin N., Lizundia E., Niederberger M.
Advanced Functional Materials, 31, 33, 2101827, (2021)
Sierra-Uria E., Lizundia E., Barrenetxea L.
Dyna (Spain), 96, 6, (2021)
A Sodium-Ion Battery Separator with Reversible Voltage Response Based on Water-Soluble Cellulose Derivatives
Casas X., Niederberger M., Lizundia E.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12, 26, 29264, 29274, (2020)
Biomimetic Mesoporous Cobalt Ferrite/Carbon Nanoflake Helices for Freestanding Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes
Thi Thanh Dang N., Nguyen T.-D., Lizundia E., Quoc Le T., MacLachlan M.J.
ChemistrySelect, 5, 27, 8207, 8217, (2020)
Cellulose and its derivatives for lithium ion battery separators: A review on the processing methods and properties
Lizundia E., Costa C.M., Alves R., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications, 1, 100001, (2020)
Cellulose nanocrystal and water-soluble cellulose derivative based electromechanical bending actuators
Correia D.M., Lizundia E., Meira R.M., Rincón-Iglesias M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Materials, 13, 10, 2294, (2020)
Cellulose nanocrystal based multifunctional nanohybrids
Lizundia E., Puglia D., Nguyen T.-D., Armentano I.
Progress in Materials Science, 112, 100668, (2020)
Combining cobalt ferrite and graphite with cellulose nanocrystals for magnetically active and electrically conducting mesoporous nanohybrids
Lizundia E., Rincón-Iglesias M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 236, 116001, (2020)
Effect of SWCNT Content and Water Vapor Adsorption on the Electrical Properties of Cellulose Nanocrystal-Based Nanohybrids
Dehesa A.A., Luzi F., Puglia D., Lizundia E., Armentano I., Torre L.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124, 27, 14901, 14910, (2020)
Electroactive γ-phase, enhanced thermal and mechanical properties and high ionic conductivity response of poly (vinylidene fluoride)/cellulose nanocrystal hybrid nanocomposites
Lizundia E., Reizabal A., Costa C.M., Maceiras A., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Materials, 13, 3, 743, (2020)
Luminescent carbon dots obtained from polymeric waste
Lauria A., Lizundia E.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 262, 121288, (2020)
Polymers for advanced lithium-ion batteries: State of the art and future needs on polymers for the different battery components
Costa C.M., Lizundia E., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 79, 100846, (2020)
Synergic Effect of Nanolignin and Metal Oxide Nanoparticles into Poly(l-lactide) Bionanocomposites: Material Properties, Antioxidant Activity, and Antibacterial Performance
Lizundia E., Armentano I., Luzi F., Bertoglio F., Restivo E., Visai L., Torre L., Puglia D.
ACS Applied Bio Materials, 3, 8, 5263, 5274, (2020)
Tailoring Electrical and Mechanical Properties of All-Natural Polymer Composites for Environmentally Friendlier Electronics
Rincón-Iglesias M., Lizundia E., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2, 4, 1448, 1457, (2020)
The role of CNC surface modification on the structural, thermal and electrical properties of poly(vinylidene fluoride) nanocomposites
Rincón-Iglesias M., Lizundia E., Correia D.M., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Cellulose, 27, 7, 3821, 3834, (2020)
Water-based 2D printing of magnetically active cellulose derivative nanocomposites
Rincón-Iglesias M., Delgado A., Peřinka N., Lizundia E., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 233, 115855, (2020)
A new method to measure the accuracy of intraoral scanners along the complete dental arch: A pilot study
Iturrate M., Lizundia E., Amezua X., Solaberrieta E.
Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics, 11, 6, 331, 340, (2019)
A review on the thermomechanical properties and biodegradation behaviour of polyesters
Larrañaga A., Lizundia E.
European Polymer Journal, 121, 109296, (2019)
A simple approach to understand the physical aging in polymers
Minguez R., Barrenetxea L., Solaberrieta E., Lizundia E.
European Journal of Physics, 40, 1, 015502, (2019)
An Organic Cathode Based Dual-Ion Aqueous Zinc Battery Enabled by a Cellulose Membrane
Glatz H., Lizundia E., Pacifico F., Kundu D.
ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2, 2, 1288, 1294, (2019)
Black Titania with Nanoscale Helicity
Nguyen T.-D., Li J., Lizundia E., Niederberger M., Hamad W.Y., MacLachlan M.J.
Advanced Functional Materials, 29, 40, 1904639, (2019)
Ceramic nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes reinforced thermoplastic materials for piezocapacitive sensing applications
Marinho T., Costa P., Lizundia E., Costa C.M., Corona-Galván S., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Composites Science and Technology, 183, 107804, (2019)
Effect of template type on the preparation of the emeraldine salt form of polyaniline (PANI-ES) with horseradish peroxidase isoenzyme C (HRPC) and hydrogen peroxide
Fujisaki T., Kashima K., Serrano-Luginbühl S., Kissner R., Bajuk-Bogdanović D., Milojević-Rakić M., Ćirić-Marjanović G., Busato S., Lizundia E., Walde P.
RSC Advances, 9, 57, 33080, 33095, (2019)
Electroless plating of platinum nanoparticles onto mesoporous cellulose films for catalytically active free-standing materials
Lizundia E., Jimenez M., Altorfer C., Niederberger M., Caseri W.
Cellulose, 26, 9, 5513, 5527, (2019)
Hydrolysis of poly(l-lactide)/ZnO nanocomposites with antimicrobial activity
Pérez-Álvarez L., Lizundia E., Ruiz-Rubio L., Benito V., Moreno I., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 136, 28, 47786, (2019)
Impact of ZnO nanoparticle morphology on relaxation and transport properties of PLA nanocomposites
Lizundia E., Penayo M.C., Guinault A., Vilas J.L., Domenek S.
Polymer Testing, 75, 175, 184, (2019)
Influence of Cation and Anion Type on the Formation of the Electroactive β-Phase and Thermal and Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Poly(vinylidene fluoride)/Ionic Liquids Blends
Correia D.M., Costa C.M., Lizundia E., Sabater I Serra R., Gómez-Tejedor J.A., Biosca L.T., Meseguer-Dueñas J.M., Gomez Ribelles J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, (2019)
Kinetic, thermal, structural and degradation studies on the effect of meta-substituted aromatic-aliphatic polyesters built through ring-opening polymerisation
Makwana V.A., Larrañaga A., Vilas J.L., Lizundia E.
Polymer Degradation and Stability, 169, 108984, (2019)
Mesoporous Cellulose Nanocrystal Membranes as Battery Separators for Environmentally Safer Lithium-Ion Batteries
Goncąlves R., Lizundia E., Silva M.M., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2, 5, 3749, 3761, (2019)
Self-Assembly Route to TiO2 and TiC with a Liquid Crystalline Order
Nguyen T.-D., Lizundia E., Niederberger M., Hamad W.Y., Maclachlan M.J.
Chemistry of Materials, 31, 6, 2174, 2181, (2019)
Water-Soluble Cellulose Derivatives as Suitable Matrices for Multifunctional Materials
Rincón-Iglesias M., Lizundia E., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Biomacromolecules, 20, 7, 2786, 2795, (2019)
Iridescent cellulose nanocrystal films: The link between structural colour and Bragg's law
Nguyen T.-D., Sierra E., Eguiraun H., Lizundia E.
European Journal of Physics, 39, 4, 045803, (2018)
Metal Nanoparticles Embedded in Cellulose Nanocrystal Based Films: Material Properties and Post-use Analysis
Lizundia E., Goikuria U., Vilas J.L., Cristofaro F., Bruni G., Fortunati E., Armentano I., Visai L., Torre L.
Biomacromolecules, 19, 7, 2618, 2628, (2018)
Teflon tape for laboratory teaching of three-dimensional x-ray crystallography
Larrañaga A., Goikoetxea N., Iturrate M., Lizundia E.
European Journal of Physics, 39, 5, 055502, (2018)
Thermal, optical and structural properties of blocks and blends of PLA and P2HEB
Makwana V.A., Lizundia E., Larrañaga A., Vilas J.L., Shaver M.P.
Green Materials, 6, 3, 85, 96, (2018)
Titania-Cellulose Hybrid Monolith for In-Flow Purification of Water under Solar Illumination
Lucchini M.A., Lizundia E., Moser S., Niederberger M., Nyström G.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 10, 35, 29599, 29607, (2018)
Free-volume effects on the thermomechanical performance of epoxy–SiO2 nanocomposites
Lizundia E., Serna I., Axpe E., Vilas J.L.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 134, 34, 45216, (2017)
Light and gas barrier properties of PLLA/metallic nanoparticles composite films
Lizundia E., Vilas J.L., Sangroniz A., Etxeberria A.
European Polymer Journal, 91, 10, 20, (2017)
Magnetic cellulose nanocrystal nanocomposites for the development of green functional materials
Lizundia E., Maceiras A., Vilas J.L., Martins P., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 175, 425, 432, (2017)
Thermal stability increase in metallic nanoparticles-loaded cellulose nanocrystal nanocomposites
Goikuria U., Larrañaga A., Vilas J.L., Lizundia E.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 171, 193, 201, (2017)
Thermal, structural and degradation properties of an aromatic-aliphatic polyester built through ring-opening polymerisation
Lizundia E., Makwana V.A., Larrañaga A., Vilas J.L., Shaver M.P.
Polymer Chemistry, 8, 22, 3530, 3538, (2017)
Construction of antibacterial poly(ethylene terephthalate) films via layer by layer assembly of chitosan and hyaluronic acid
Del Hoyo-Gallego S., Pérez-Álvarez L., Gómez-Galván F., Lizundia E., Kuritka I., Sedlarik V., Laza J.M., Vila-Vilela J.L.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 143, 35, 43, (2016)
Cu-coated cellulose nanopaper for green and low-cost electronics
Lizundia E., Delgado-Aguilar M., Mutjé P., Fernández E., Robles-Hernandez B., de la Fuente M.R., Vilas J.L., León L.M.
Cellulose, 23, 3, 1997, 2010, (2016)
Grafting of Cellulose Nanocrystals
Lizundia E., Meaurio E., Vilas J.L.
Multifunctional Polymeric Nanocomposites Based on Cellulosic Reinforcements, 61, 113, (2016)
Increased functional properties and thermal stability of flexible cellulose nanocrystal/ZnO films
Lizundia E., Urruchi A., Vilas J.L., León L.M.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 136, 250, 258, (2016)
Physical aging and mechanical performance of poly(l-lactide)/ZnO nanocomposites
Lizundia E., Pérez-Álvarez L., Sáenz-Pérez M., Patrocinio D., Vilas J.L., León L.M.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 133, 45, 43619, (2016)
PLLA-grafted cellulose nanocrystals: Role of the CNC content and grafting on the PLA bionanocomposite film properties
Lizundia E., Fortunati E., Dominici F., Vilas J.L., León L.M., Armentano I., Torre L., Kenny J.M.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 142, 105, 113, (2016)
PLLA/ZnO nanocomposites: Dynamic surfaces to harness cell differentiation
Trujillo S., Lizundia E., Vilas J.L., Salmeron-Sanchez M.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 144, 152, 160, (2016)
Poly(l -lactide)/zno nanocomposites as efficient UV-shielding coatings for packaging applications
Lizundia E., Ruiz-Rubio L., Vilas J.L., León L.M.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 133, 2, 42426, (2016)
Poly(L-lactide)/branched β-cyclodextrin blends: Thermal, morphological and mechanical properties
Lizundia E., Gómez-Galván F., Pérez-Álvarez L., León L.M., Vilas J.L.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 144, 25, 32, (2016)
Three-dimensional orientation of poly(l-lactide) crystals under uniaxial drawing
Lizundia E., Larrañaga A., Vilas J.L., León L.M.
RSC Advances, 6, 15, 11943, 11951, (2016)
Towards the development of eco-friendly disposable polymers: ZnO-initiated thermal and hydrolytic degradation in poly(l-lactide)/ZnO nanocomposites
Lizundia E., Ruiz-Rubio L., Vilas J.L., León L.M.
RSC Advances, 6, 19, 15660, 15669, (2016)
Crystallization, structural relaxation and thermal degradation in Poly(l-lactide)/cellulose nanocrystal renewable nanocomposites
Lizundia E., Vilas J.L., León L.M.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 123, 256, 265, (2015)
Influence of N-alkyl and α-substitutions on the thermal behaviour of H-bonded interpolymer complexes based on polymers with acrylamide or lactame groups and poly(4-vinylphenol)
Ruiz-Rubio L., Lizundia E., Vilas J.L., León L.M., Rodríguez M.
Thermochimica Acta, 614, 191, 198, (2015)
Influence of α-methyl substitutions on interpolymer complexes formation between poly(meth)acrylic acids and poly(N-isopropyl(meth)acrylamide)s
Ruiz-Rubio L., Álvarez V., Lizundia E., Vilas J.L., Rodríguez M., León L.M.
Colloid and Polymer Science, 293, 5, 1447, 1455, (2015)
Study of the chain microstructure effects on the resulting thermal properties of poly(l-lactide)/poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) biomedical materials
Lizundia E., Meaurio E., Laza J.M., Vilas J.L., León Isidro L.M.
Materials Science and Engineering C, 50, 97, 106, (2015)
Barandika Argoitia, Gotzone UPV/EHU Research Associate
Email:Research line: Micro and nanostructured materialsBio:Expertise
Coordination chemistry, X-ray diffraction, crystal structure, microstructure, electronic microscopy (SEM and TEM), magnetic properties, DFT calculations, topology, synthesis methods, pulvimetallurgy, catalysis, mechanical properties, management models, innovation in education
Dr. Gotzone Barandika was graduated in Chemistry (UPV/EHU, 1989), and received her PhD in Physics in 1995 (Universidad de Navarra). Since 1996 she works for UPV/EHU as a lecturer and researcher at the Inorganic Chemistry deparment. She has been working in Materials Science focusing her work on machine tools materials, magnetic compounds, biomaterials, and metal organic frameworks. She has published over 80 articles receiving more than 20 cites per article. She is the author of an international patent, and has supervised 5 PhD theses. She has been the director of the UPV/EHU postgrade “Orthopaedics”, and since 2011 is an executive board member of the Spanish Association of Bioinorganics. She is also a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Computational Methods in Molecular Design.
Interests and objetives
I am involved in several research projects focused on the development of MOF-type porous materials for the storage and transport of mass and energy. Additionally, I intend to go on the development of surface coatings for orthopaedic biomaterials. I am interested in management models applied to research groups, and I have published several articles on the matter. Additionally, I spend some of my time on divulgation activities directed to the local society, focusing special attention on young people.
Curriculum Vitae -- ResearcherID -- ResearchGatePublications:High-Performance Room Temperature Lithium-Ion Battery Solid Polymer Electrolytes Based on Poly(vinylidene fluoride- co-hexafluoropropylene) Combining Ionic Liquid and Zeolite
Barbosa J.C., Correia D.M., Fernández E.M., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Barandika G., Gonçalves R., Ferdov S., De Zea Bermudez V., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13, 41, 48889, 48900, (2021)
Multifunctionality of weak ferromagnetic porphyrin-based MOFs: selective adsorption in the liquid and gas phase
Amayuelas E., Iacomi P., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.K., Barandika G., Lezama L., Llewellyn P.L., Arriortua M.I.
CrystEngComm, 23, 23, 4205, 4213, (2021)
Encapsulation of β-alanine model amino-acid in zirconium(IV) metal organic frameworks: Defect engineering to improve host guest interactions
Muguruza A.R., de Luis R.F., Iglesias N., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.-K., Larrea E.S., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Barandika G.
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 205, 110977, (2020)
Ionothermal synthesis of cadmium coordination polymers: Ionic liquid effects on the synthesis, structural, and thermal characterization
PerezF I., Larrea E.S., Bazán B., Barandika G., Urtiaga M.K., Arriortua M.I.
Molecules, 24, 22, molecules24224059, (2019)
Double role of metalloporphyrins in catalytic bioinspired supramolecular metal-organic frameworks (SMOFs)
Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Amayuelas E., Barandika G., Larrea E.S., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.K., Iglesias M., Arriortua M.I.
IUCrJ, 5, 559, 568, (2018)
Aluminum alkali metalate derivatives: Factors driving the final nuclearity in the crystal form
Muñoz M.T., Barandika G., Bazán B., Cuenca T., Mosquera M.E.G.
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2017, 13, 1994, 2001, (2017)
Cationic Mn2+/H+ exchange leading a slow solid-state transformation of a 2D porphyrinic network at ambient conditions
Amayuelas E., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.K., Barandika G., Lezama L., Arriortua M.I.
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 247, 161, 167, (2017)
Highly thermally stable heterogeneous catalysts: Study of 0D and 3D porphyrinic MOFs
Amayuelas E., Fidalgo-Marijuán A., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.K., Barandika G., Arriortua M.I.
CrystEngComm, 19, 48, 7244, 7252, (2017)
CuII-based metal-organic nanoballs for very rapid adsorption of dyes and iodine
Amayuelas E., Fidalgo-Marijuán A., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.-K., Barandika G., Arriortua M.-I.
CrystEngComm, 18, 10, 1709, 1712, (2016)
Thermal and Magnetic Diversity in the Behaviour of the CuII-bdc-bpa System: 1D, 2D and Interpenetrated 3D Frameworks
Bravo-García L., Barandika G., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Bazan B., Urtiaga M.K., Lezama L., Arriortua M.I.
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2016, 29, 4783, 4791, (2016)
Coordination and crystallization molecules: Their interactions affecting the dimensionality of metalloporphyrinic SCFs
Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Amayuelas E., Barandika G., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.K., Arriortua M.I.
Molecules, 20, 4, 6683, 6699, (2015)
Cu-PDC-bpa solid coordination frameworks (PDC=2,5-pyrindinedicarboxylate; bpa=1,2-DI(4-pyridil)ethane)): 2D and 3D structural flexibility producing a 3-c herringbone array next to ideal
Llano-Tomé F., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.-K., Barandika G., Antonia Señarís-Rodríguez M., Sánchez-Andújar M., Arriortua M.-I.
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 230, 18967, 191, 198, (2015)
Heterogeneous catalytic properties of unprecedented μ-O-[FeTCPP]2 dimers (H2TCPP = meso-tetra(4-carboxyphenyl)porphyrin): An unusual superhyperfine EPR structure
Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Barandika G., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.K., Larrea E.S., Iglesias M., Lezama L., Arriortua M.I.
Dalton Transactions, 44, 1, 213, 222, (2015)
Mother structures related to the hexagonal and cubic close packing in Cu24 clusters: Solvent-influenced derivatives
Amayuelas E., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Barandika G., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.-K., Arriortua M.I.
CrystEngComm, 17, 17, 3297, 3304, (2015)
Thermal stability of ionic nets with CuII ions coordinated to di-2-pyridyl ketone: Reversible crystal-to-crystal phase transformation
Bravo-García L., Barandika G., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.K., Arriortua M.I.
Polyhedron, 92, 117, 123, (2015)
Water-induced phase transformation of a CuII coordination framework with pyridine-2,5-dicarboxylate and di-2-pyridyl ketone: synchrotron radiation analysis
Llano-Tomé F., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.K., Barandika G., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Fernández De Luis R., Arriortua M.I.
CrystEngComm, 17, 33, 6346, 6354, (2015)
CuII-PDC-bpe frameworks (PDC = 2,5-pyridinedicarboxylate, bpe = 1,2-di(4-pyridyl)ethylene): Mapping of herringbone-type structures
Llano-Tomé F., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.-K., Barandika G., Lezama L., Arriortua M.-I.
CrystEngComm, 16, 37, 8726, 8735, (2014)
Serna Rubio, Iñaki General Manager
PhD in Science and Technology by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
Master in Business Administration (MBA) by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
More than 10 years of experience as a general manager in plastics processing companies and automotive
Interests and objetives
Financial Management
Financial accounting, formulation of annual accounts, preparation of bookkeeping, account or financial audit, budget control, day to day accountancy.
Administrative Management
Customer billing, human resources management, preparation of payslip and social security, procedures with public administrations
Gil de Muro Zabala, Izaskun UPV/EHU Research Associate
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesBio:Expertise
Transmission Electronic Microscopy
Izaskun Gil de Muro received the diploma and the doctor degree in Chemistry from the University of the Basque Country in 1993 and 2001, respectively. In 1993, she joined the Inorganic Chemistry Department where she has carried out most of her research career. Her thesis project was about characterization and study of magnetic properties of coordination compounds and metallic oxides. Now, her labour is focused in characterization by Transmission Electronic Microscopy (TEM) of nanostructured materials with interesting technological and biomedical applications. Dr. Gil de Muro has published about 35 scientific papers. She is teacher in the Inorganic Chemistry Department of the University of the Basque Country from 1999.
Interests and objetives
Today, I am mainly implicated in the characterization by Transmission Electronic Microscopy of Nanostructured Materials of Energetic and Biomedical Interest.
Curriculum Vitae -- ResearchGatePublications:Getting insight into how iron(III) oleate precursors affect the features of magnetite nanoparticles
Nader K., Castellanos-Rubio I., Orue I., Iglesias-Rojas D., Barón A., Gil de Muro I., Lezama L., Insausti M.
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 316, 123619, (2022)
Towards the design of contrast-enhanced agents: Systematic Ga3+doping on magnetite nanoparticles
Galarreta-Rodriguez I., Marcano L., Castellanos-Rubio I., Gil De Muro I., García I., Olivi L., Fernández-Gubieda M.L., Castellanos-Rubio A., Lezama L., De Larramendi I.R., Insausti M.
Dalton Transactions, 51, 6, 2517, 2530, (2022)
Aspects concerning the fabrication of magnetorheological fluids containing high magnetization FeCo nanoparticles
Gutiérrez J., Vadillo V., Gómez A., Berasategi J., Insausti M., Gil de Muro I., Bou-Ali M.M.
Fluids, 6, 3, 132, (2021)
High magnetization FeCo nanoparticles for magnetorheological fluids with enhanced response
Vadillo V., Gómez A., Berasategi J., Gutiérrez J., Insausti M., Gil de Muro I., Garitaonandia J.S., Arbe A., Iturrospe A., Bou-Ali M.M., Barandiarán J.M.
Soft Matter, 17, 4, 840, 852, (2021)
Highly Reproducible Hyperthermia Response in Water, Agar, and Cellular Environment by Discretely PEGylated Magnetite Nanoparticles
Castellanos-Rubio I., Rodrigo I., Olazagoitia-Garmendia A., Arriortua O., Gil De Muro I., Garitaonandia J.S., Bilbao J.R., Fdez-Gubieda M.L., Plazaola F., Orue I., Castellanos-Rubio A., Insausti M.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12, 25, 27917, 27929, (2020)
Mn-Doping level dependence on the magnetic response of MnxFe3- xO4 ferrite nanoparticles
Lasheras X., Insausti M., De La Fuente J.M., Gil De Muro I., Castellanos-Rubio I., Marcano L., Fernández-Gubieda M.L., Serrano A., Martín-Rodríguez R., Garaio E., García J.A., Lezama L.
Dalton Transactions, 48, 30, 11480, 11491, (2019)
Synthesis and Characterization of Fe–Co–V High-Magnetization Nanoparticles Obtained by Physical Routes
Vadillo V.; Gutiérrez J.; Insausti M.; Garitaonandia J.S.; de Muro I.G.; Quintana I.; Barandiarán J.M.
IEEE Magnetics Letters, 10, 6104805, (2019)
Exploring reaction conditions to improve the magnetic response of cobalt-doped ferrite nanoparticles
Galarreta I., Insausti M., de Muro I.G., de Larramendi I.R., Lezama L.
Nanomaterials, 8, 2, 63, (2018)
RGD-Functionalized Fe3O4 nanoparticles for magnetic hyperthermia
Arriortua O.K., Insausti M., Lezama L., Gil de Muro I., Garaio E., de la Fuente J.M., Fratila R.M., Morales M.P., Costa R., Eceiza M., Sagartzazu-Aizpurua M., Aizpurua J.M.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 165, 315, 324, (2018)
Intra-particle chemical homogeneity determining the exchange coupling in palladium-iron nanoparticles
Castellanos-Rubio I., Insausti M., De Muro I.G., Arias-Duque D.C., Hernández-Garrido J.C., Lezama L.
Journal of Applied Physics, 121, 8, 084302, (2017)
Na2.5Fe1.75(SO4)3/Ketjen/rGO: An advanced cathode composite for sodium ion batteries
Goñi A., Iturrondobeitia A., Gil de Muro I., Lezama L., Rojo T.
Journal of Power Sources, 369, 95, 102, (2017)
Physico-chemical and electrochemical properties of nanoparticulate NiO/C composites for high performance lithium and sodium ion battery anodes
Iturrondobeitia A., Goñi A., De Muro I.G., Lezama L., Rojo T.
Nanomaterials, 7, 12, 423, (2017)
Synthesis, physical and microwave absorption properties of Barium ferrite - P(VDF-TrFE) nanocomposites
Gutiérrez J., Miren Gutiérrez Muto A., Pena A., San Sebastián M., Catarina Lopes A., Lezama L., De Muro I.G., Larranaga A., Orue I.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 939, 1, 012022, (2017)
Chemical Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Monodisperse Nickel Ferrite Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications
Lasheras X., Insausti M., Gil De Muro I., Garaio E., Plazaola F., Moros M., De Matteis L., M. De La Fuente J., Lezama L.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120, 6, 3492, 3500, (2016)
Tuning the size of palladium nanoparticles in organic and aqueous solutions: Influence of aminated and thiolated ligands
Castellanos-Rubio I., Insausti M., Gil De Muro I., Rojo T., Lezama L.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 16, 4, 4071, 4079, (2016)
Effect of carbon coating on the physicochemical and electrochemical properties of Fe2O3 nanoparticles for anode application in high performance lithium ion batteries
Iturrondobeitia A., Gon A., Orue I., Gil De Muro I., Lezama L., Doeff M.M., Rojo T.
Inorganic Chemistry, 54, 11, 5239, 5248, (2015)
High-voltage cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries: Freeze-dried LiMn0.8Fe0.1M0.1PO4/C (M = Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) nanocomposites
Iturrondobeitia A., Goñi A., Gil De Muro I., Lezama L., Kim C., Doeff M., Cabana J., Rojo T.
Inorganic Chemistry, 54, 6, 2671, 2678, (2015)
The impact of the chemical synthesis on the magnetic properties of intermetallic PdFe nanoparticles
Castellanos-Rubio I., Insausti M., de Muro I.G., Arias-Duque D.C., Hernández-Garrido J.C., Rojo T., Lezama L.
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 17, 5, 229, 13, (2015)
Fe3O4 nanoparticles prepared by the seeded-growth route for hyperthermia: Electron magnetic resonance as a key tool to evaluate size distribution in magnetic nanoparticles
Castellanos-Rubio I., Insausti M., Garaio E., Gil De Muro I., Plazaola F., Rojo T., Lezama L.
Nanoscale, 6, 13, 7542, 7552, (2014)
Gutiérrez, Jon UPV/EHU Research Associate
Email:Research line: Active and smart materialsBio:Expertise- Magnetic materials characterization at the macro- and micro-scale
- Applications of magnetic materials
Jon Gutiérrez received the diploma and the doctor degree, both in physics, from the Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU in 1985 and 1992, respectively. He is one of the seed members of the Group of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials founded and led by Prof. J.M. Barandiarán at this university. His areas of interest cover from the study of the structure and the fundamental magnetic properties of magnetic materials to the analysis and development of possible technical applications to be implemented in sensor-like devices. One of the main focus of his research is the use of magnetoelastic amorphous ribbons for sensing purposes, and any other related device or phenomenon, like nowadays magnetoelectric laminates or functionalized magnetoelastic labels for biosensing. Dr. J. Gutiérrez has published about 100 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals and has supervised 4 PhD Thesis. He is member of the Technical Committee of the European Magnetic Sensors & Actuators (EMSA) and Materials and Applications for Sensors and Transducers (IC-MAST) Conferences.
Interests and objetives
Current main research lines:- Magnetic properties of ferromagnetic shape memory alloys.
- Magnetoelectric hybrid laminated composites.
- Radiation damage in permanent magnets for particle accelerators
Curriculum Vitae -- ResearchGatePublications:FexCo1-x alloy nanoparticles: Synthesis, structure, magnetic characterization and magnetorheological application
Vadillo V., Insausti M., Gutiérrez J.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 563, 169975, (2022)
Magnetoelastic Resonance Detection of Calcium Oxalate Precipitation in Low Concentration Solutions
Sisniega B., Gutierrez J., Garcia-Arribas A.
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 58, 2, (2022)
Aspects concerning the fabrication of magnetorheological fluids containing high magnetization FeCo nanoparticles
Gutiérrez J., Vadillo V., Gómez A., Berasategi J., Insausti M., Gil de Muro I., Bou-Ali M.M.
Fluids, 6, 3, 132, (2021)
High magnetization FeCo nanoparticles for magnetorheological fluids with enhanced response
Vadillo V., Gómez A., Berasategi J., Gutiérrez J., Insausti M., Gil de Muro I., Garitaonandia J.S., Arbe A., Iturrospe A., Bou-Ali M.M., Barandiarán J.M.
Soft Matter, 17, 4, 840, 852, (2021)
Anisotropic behaviour analysis of silicone/carbonyl iron particles magnetorheological elastomers
Berasategi J., Salazar D., Gomez A., Gutierrez J., Sebastián M.S., Bou-Ali M., Barandiaran J.M.
Rheologica Acta, 59, 7, 469, 476, (2020)
Development of novel piezo-ionic/magnetostrictive composites for energy generation systems
Lasheras A., G.saiz P., Gutiérrez J., Lopes A.C.
Smart Materials and Structures, 29, 8, 085041, (2020)
Improved determination of q quality factor and resonance frequency in sensors based on the magnetoelastic resonance through the fitting to analytical expressions
Sisniega B., Gutiérrez J., Muto V., García-Arribas A.
Materials, 13, 21, 4708, 1, 15, (2020)
Magnetic, magnetoelastic and corrosion resistant properties of (Fe-Ni)-based metallic glasses for structural health monitoring applications
Sagasti A., Palomares V., Porro J.M., Orúe I., Sánchez-Ilárduya M.B., Lopes A.C., Gutiérrez J.
Materials, 13, 1, 57, (2020)
Real time monitoring of calcium oxalate precipitation reaction by using corrosion resistant magnetoelastic resonance sensors
Sisniega B., Sedano A.S., Gutiérrez J., García-Arribas A.
Sensors (Switzerland), 20, 10, 2802, (2020)
Rhombic-magnetoelastic/metal-organic framework functionalized resonators for highly sensitive toluene detection
Saiz P.G., De Luis R.F., Bartolome L., Gutiérrez J., Arriortua M.I., Lopes A.C.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8, 39, 13743, 13753, (2020)
Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Novel Rhombus Shaped Magnetoelastic Sensors with Enhanced Mass Sensitivity
Saiz P.G., Gutiérrez J., Arriortua M.I., Lopes A.C.
IEEE Sensors Journal, 20, 22, 9130734, 13332, 13340, (2020)
Enhanced mass sensitivity in novel magnetoelastic resonators geometries for advanced detection systems
G. Saiz P., Gandia D., Lasheras A., Sagasti A., Quintana I., Fdez-Gubieda M.L., Gutiérrez J., Arriortua M.I., Lopes A.C.
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 296, 126612, (2019)
Size dependence of the magnetoelastic properties of metallic glasses for actuation applications
Sagasti A., Gutiérrez J., Lasheras A., Barandiarán J.M.
Sensors (Switzerland), 19, 19, 4296, (2019)
Corrosion resistant metallic glasses for biosensing applications
Sagasti A., Lopes A.C., Lasheras A., Palomares V., Carrizo J., Gutierrez J., Barandiaran J.M.
AIP Advances, 8, 4, 047702, (2018)
Direct fabrication of a 3D-shape film of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) in the piezoelectric β-phase for sensor and actuator applications
Lopes A.C., Gutiérrez J., Barandiarán J.M.
European Polymer Journal, 99, 111, 116, (2018)
Electrospun poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) based flexible magnetoelectric nanofibers
Hernández N., González-González V.A., Dzul-Bautista I.B., Ornelas-Soto N., Barandiarán J.M., Gutierrez J.
European Polymer Journal, 109, 336, 340, (2018)
Fe nanoparticles produced by electric explosion of wire for new generation of magneto-rheological fluids
Berasategi J., Gomez A., Bou-Ali M.M., Gutiérrez J., Barandiarán J.M., Beketov I.V., Safronov A.P., Kurlyandskaya G.V.
Smart Materials and Structures, 27, 4, 045011, (2018)
Metallic glass/PVDF magnetoelectric laminates for resonant sensors and actuators: A review
Gutiérrez J., Lasheras A., Martins P., Pereira N., Barandiarán J.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Sensors (Switzerland), 17, 6, 1251, (2017)
Nanostructured ZnO in a Metglas/ZnO/hemoglobin modified electrode to detect the oxidation of the hemoglobin simultaneously by cyclic voltammetry and magnetoelastic resonance
Sagasti A., Bouropoulos N., Kouzoudis D., Panagiotopoulos A., Topoglidis E., Gutiérrez J.
Materials, 10, 8, 849, (2017)
Synthesis, physical and microwave absorption properties of Barium ferrite - P(VDF-TrFE) nanocomposites
Gutiérrez J., Miren Gutiérrez Muto A., Pena A., San Sebastián M., Catarina Lopes A., Lezama L., De Muro I.G., Larranaga A., Orue I.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 939, 1, 012022, (2017)
Nd and Sc co-doped BiFeO3 nanopowders displaying enhanced ferromagnetism at room temperature
Hernández N., González-González V.A., Dzul-Bautista I.B., Gutiérrez J., Barandiarán J.M., Ruiz De Larramendi I., Cienfuegos-Pelaes R.F., Ortiz-Méndez U.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 638, 33713, 282, 288, (2015)
Effect of filler dispersion and dispersion method on the piezoelectric and magnetoelectric response of CoFe 2 O 4 /P(VDF-TrFE) nanocomposites
Martins P., Gonçalves R., Lanceros-Mendez S., Lasheras A., Gutiérrez J., Barandiarán J.M.
Applied Surface Science, 313, 215, 219, (2014)
Sensor applications of soft magnetic materials based on magneto-impedance, magneto-elastic resonance and magneto-electricity
García-Arribas A., Gutiérrez J., Kurlyandskaya G.V., Barandiarán J.M., Svalov A., Fernández E., Lasheras A., de Cos D., Bravo-Imaz I.
Sensors (Switzerland), 14, 5, 7602, 7624, (2014)
Synthesis and characterization of novel piezoelectric nitrile copolyimide films for high temperature sensor applications
Maceiras A., Martins P., San Sebastián M., Lasheras A., Silva M., Laza J.M., Vilas J.L., Gutierrez J., Lanceros-Mendez S., Barandiarán J.M., León L.M.
Smart Materials and Structures, 23, 10, 105015, (2014)
Vilas Vilela, José Luis UPV/EHU Research Associate
Email:Research line: Active and smart materialsBio:Expertise
J.L. Vilas is currently an Associate Professor in Physical Chemistry at the Physical Chemistry Department of the University of the Basque Country. He is the head of the Macromolecular Chemistry Group. His current research interests include synthesis and characterization of polymeric materials, focusing in polymeric materials and composites with smart properties, like shape memory properties, electric properties and so on, and the synthesis of biocompatible polymers and polymers from renewable sources. He received his PhD in Chemistry in 1999 from the University of Basque Country. After working in different companies related with the synthesis and processing of polymeric materials he moved back to the university. He is member of several international associations, and he holds 100 publications and 3 patents.
Information not supplied
Interests and objetives
Information not supplied
-- ResearchGate
Gutiérrez-Zorrilla, Juan M. UPV/EHU Research Associate
Email:Research line: Active and smart materialsBio:Expertise
Inorganic synthesis, single crystal x-ray diffaction
Juan M. Gutiérrez-Zorrilla received his B.S. degree from the University of Bilbao in 1979 and a Ph.D. in Chemistry from University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in 1984 (Profs. P. Román, M. Martínez Ripoll). After two short stays at the Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination (Toulouse), he was promoted to Associated Professor in 1988. He was a visiting scientist at Tokyo Institute of Technology (Prof. Yamase’s laboratory) in 1988, and 1992-93. Since 1999 he has been Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the Faculty of Science and Technology (UPV/EHU). In 2009 he received the Euskoiker Research Award. His current research field is focused on Chemistry of polyoxometalates and their applications in catalysis and as anticancer agents. He has published over 80 articles in scientific peer-reviewed journals and has supervised 8 PhD Thesis.
Interests and objetives
His research interests are focused on Polyoxometalate Chemistry and the applications of POMs in sensing and as antitumoral agents.
Curriculum Vitae -- ResearchGatePublications:Slow Magnetic Relaxation and Luminescent Properties of Mononuclear Lanthanide-Substituted Keggin-Type Polyoxotungstates with Compartmental Organic Ligands
Ruiz-Bilbao E., Pardo-Almanza M., Oyarzabal I., Artetxe B., Felices L.S., García J.A., Seco J.M., Colacio E., Lezama L., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M.
Inorganic Chemistry, 61, 5, 2428, 2443, (2022)
Isolation of the Elusive Heptavanadate Anion with Trisalkoxide Ligands
Fernández-Navarro L., Nunes-Collado A., Artetxe B., Ruiz-Bilbao E., San Felices L., Reinoso S., San José Wéry A., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M.
Inorganic Chemistry, 60, 8, 5442, 5445, (2021)
Single-Crystal-to-Single-Crystal Cluster Transformation in a Microporous Molybdoarsenate(V)-Metalorganic Framework
Dissem N., Artetxe B., San Felices L., Beobide G., Castillo O., Ruiz-Bilbao E., Lezama L., Vivanco M.D., Haddad A., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M.
Inorganic Chemistry, 60, 19, 14913, 14923, (2021)
Thermally Induced Structural Transitions between Single-Crystalline States in the First Hybrid Compound Combining Keggin-Type Clusters with Metal-Cyclam Complexes: From Two-Dimensional Covalent Assemblies to Discrete Molecular Species
Fernández-Navarro L., Iturrospe A., Reinoso S., Artetxe B., Ruiz-Bilbao E., San Felices L., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M.
Crystal Growth and Design, 20, 5, 3499, 3509, (2020)
Chitosan nanogels as nanocarriers of polyoxometalates for breast cancer therapies
Pérez-Álvarez L., Ruiz-Rubio L., Artetxe B., Vivanco M.D., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 213, 159, 167, (2019)
Structural transformations in the thermal dehydration of [Cu2 (bpa)(btec)(H2O) 4]n coordination polymer
Bravo-García L., Larrea E.S., Artetxe B., Lezama L., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M., Arriortua M.I.
Molecules, 24, 9, 1840, (2019)
Thermostructural Behavior in a Series of Lanthanide-Containing Polyoxotungstate Hybrids with Copper(II) Complexes of the Tetraazamacrocycle Cyclam: A Single-Crystal-to-Single-Crystal Transformation Study
Martín-Caballero J., Artetxe B., Reinoso S., San Felices L., Vitoria P., Larrañaga A., Vilas J.L., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M.
Inorganic Chemistry, 58, 7, 4365, 4375, (2019)
Toward advanced functional systems: Honeycomb-like polymeric surfaces incorporating polyoxovanadates with surface-appended copper-cyclam complexes
Ruiz-Rubio L., Artetxe B., Pérez-Álvarez L., Martín-Caballero J., Ishihara T., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Molecules, 24, 12, 2313, (2019)
A charge-transfer salt based on ferrocene/ferrocenium pairs and Keggin-type polyoxometalates
Artetxe B., Iturrospe A., Vitoria P., Ruiz-Bilbao E., Garitaonandia J.S., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M.
Molecules, 23, 12, 3150, (2018)
Immobilization of polyoxometalates on tailored polymeric surfaces
Aguado-Ureta S., Rodríguez-Hernández J., del Campo A., Perez-Álvarez L., Ruiz-Rubio L., Vilas J.L., Artetxe B., Reinoso S., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M.
Nanomaterials, 8, 3, 142, (2018)
Thermally-Triggered Crystal Dynamics and Permanent Porosity in the First Heptatungstate-Metalorganic Three-Dimensional Hybrid Framework
Martín-Caballero J., Artetxe B., Reinoso S., San Felices L., Castillo O., Beobide G., Vilas J.L., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M.
Chemistry - A European Journal, 23, 59, 14962, 14974, (2017)
A Robust Open Framework Formed by Decavanadate Clusters and Copper(II) Complexes of Macrocyclic Polyamines: Permanent Microporosity and Catalytic Oxidation of Cycloalkanes
Martín-Caballero J., San José Wéry A., Reinoso S., Artetxe B., San Felices L., El Bakkali B., Trautwein G., Alcañiz-Monge J., Vilas J.L., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M.
Inorganic Chemistry, 55, 10, 4970, 4979, (2016)
Effect of Directional Hydrogen Bonding on the Self-Assembly of Anisotropically-Shaped Macroions
Haso F., Luo J., Bassil B.S., Artetxe B., Zhou J., Yin P., Reinoso S., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M., Kortz U., Liu T.
ChemistrySelect, 1, 14, 4345, 4349, (2016)
Naphthyl-containing organophosphonate derivatives of Keggin-type polyoxotungstates
Andino N., Artetxe B., Reinoso S., Vitoria P., Felices L.S., Martínez J.I., Arbeloa F.L., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M.
Inorganics, 4, 2, 14, (2016)
New Perspectives for Old Clusters: Anderson-Evans Anions as Building Blocks of Large Polyoxometalate Frameworks in a Series of Heterometallic 3 d-4 f Species
Artetxe B., Reinoso S., San Felices L., Lezama L., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M., Vicent C., Haso F., Liu T.
Chemistry - A European Journal, 22, 13, 4616, 4625, (2016)
Crown-shaped tungstogermanates as solvent-controlled dual systems in the formation of vesicle-like assemblies
Artetxe B., Reinoso S., San Felices L., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M., García J.A., Haso F., Liu T., Vicent C.
Chemistry - A European Journal, 21, 21, 7736, 7745, (2015)
Dimeric assemblies of lanthanide-stabilised dilacunary Keggin tungstogermanates: A new class of catalysts for the selective oxidation of aniline
Trautwein G., El Bakkali B., Alcañiz-Monge J., Artetxe B., Reinoso S., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M.
Journal of Catalysis, 331, 110, 117, (2015)
Functionalization of Krebs -type polyoxometalates with N,O-chelating ligands: A systematic study
Artetxe B., Reinoso S., San Felices L., Vitoria P., Pache A., Martín-Caballero J., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M.
Inorganic Chemistry, 54, 1, 241, 252, (2015)
Rearrangement of a krebs-type polyoxometalate upon coordination of N,O-bis(bidentate) ligands
Artetxe B., Reinoso S., San Felices L., Lezama L., Pache A., Vicent C., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M.
Inorganic Chemistry, 54, 2, 409, 411, (2015)
Sequential single-crystal-to-single-crystal transformations promoted by gradual thermal dehydration in a porous metavanadate hybrid
Martín-Caballero J., Wéry A.S.J., Artetxe B., Reinoso S., Felices L.S., Vilas J.L., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M.
CrystEngComm, 17, 46, 8915, 8925, (2015)
Single-crystal to single-crystal reversible transformations induced by thermal dehydration in Keggin-type polyoxometalates decorated with copper(II)-picolinate complexes: The structure directing role of guanidinium
Pache A., Reinoso S., Felices L.S., Iturrospe A., Lezama L., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M.
Inorganics, 3, 2, 194, 218, (2015)
Cation-directed dimeric versus tetrameric assemblies of lanthanide-stabilized dilacunary keggin tungstogermanates
Artetxe B., Reinoso S., San Felices L., Lezama L., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M., García J.A., Galán-Mascarõs J.R., Haider A., Kortz U., Vicent C.
Chemistry - A European Journal, 20, 38, 12144, 12156, (2014)
Reversible dehydration in polyoxometalate-based hybrid compounds: A study of single-crystal to single-crystal transformations in keggin-type germanotungstates decorated with copper(ii) complexes of tetradentate N-donor ligands
Iturrospe A., San Felices L., Reinoso S., Artetxe B., Lezama L., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M.
Crystal Growth and Design, 14, 5, 2318, 2328, (2014)
Ruíz Rubio, Leire UPV/EHU Research Associate
Email:Research line: Active and smart materialsBio:Expertise
Synthesis and characterization of polymeric materials. (NMR, FTIR, UV-VIS...)
Thermal properties and degradation (DSC, TGA, DMTA..)
Surface modification and characterization ( XPS, SEM, AC, TEM..)
Dr. Leire Ruiz Rubio is Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Chemistry at UPV/EHU since 2015. She is part of the Macromolecular Chemistry Group of Physical Chemistry Dept. since 2004. Her research has focused on the synthesis and characterization of polymeric materials, and the development of nanostruturated surfaces and stimuli responsive materials. She made two short stays of two weeks at Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques at Bordeaux I University (France) and at ICTP-CSIC, in which she has the opportunity of working with Dr. Juan Rodriguez Hernandez and achieve an important knowledge about surface modification. Also, she made a 3 month stay as Invited Reseacher at Reading University (UK) focused in the development of new drug delivery formulations and the characterization of the mucoadhesive properties under the supervision of Prof. Vitaliy Khutoryanskiy. The most relevant results of her research are reflected both in her Ph. D. thesis and in several articles, 22 articles with 120 citations and h-index of 7.
Interests and objetives
She has focused her research in surface modification techniques, the develop novel optical biosensors, antibacterial hydrogels, self-healable hydrogels based on organic-inorganic interactions, nano/microstuctured polymer thin films and layer-by-layer assemblies.
Curriculum Vitae -- Google Scholar -- ResearcherID -- ResearchGatePublications:Covalent Cross-Linking as a Strategy to Prepare Water-Dispersible Chitosan Nanogels
Muñana-González S., Veloso-Fernández A., Ruiz-Rubio L., Pérez-Álvarez L., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Polymers, 15, 2, 434, (2023)
Design and 3D printing of an electrochemical sensor for Listeria monocytogenes detection based on loop mediated isothermal amplification
Rivas-Macho A., Eletxigerra U., Diez-Ahedo R., Merino S., Sanjuan A., Bou-Ali M.M., Ruiz-Rubio L., del Campo J., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Goñi-de-Cerio F., Olabarria G.
Heliyon, 9, 1, e12637, (2023)
Crystallization behaviour analysis of norbornene based semicrystalline cyclic olefin copolymer (c-COC) for Point-of-care (PoC) device manufacturing
Etxeberria L., Anakabe J., Fernández L., Larrañaga-Varga A., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Ruiz-Rubio L., Zaldua A.M.
European Polymer Journal, 177, 111422, (2022)
Hybrid Organic–Inorganic Membranes for Photocatalytic Water Remediation
Mendes-Felipe C., Veloso-Fernández A., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Ruiz-Rubio L.
Catalysts, 12, 2, 180, (2022)
Polyoxometalate-polymer hybrid materials
Ruiz-Rubio L., Moreno I., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Polyoxometalates: Advances, Properties, and Applications, 157, 188, (2022)
Spontaneous Gelation of Adhesive Catechol Modified Hyaluronic Acid and Chitosan
Conejo-Cuevas G., Ruiz-Rubio L., Sáez-Martínez V., Pérez-González R., Gartziandia O., Huguet-Casquero A., Pérez-Álvarez L.
Polymers, 14, 6, 1209, (2022)
State of the art and current trends on layered inorganic-polymer nanocomposite coatings for anticorrosion and multi-functional applications
Teijido R., Ruiz-Rubio L., Echaide A.G., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S., Zhang Q.
Progress in Organic Coatings, 163, 106684, (2022)
Towards a new generation of non-cytotoxic shape memory thermoplastic polyurethanes for biomedical applications
Veloso-Fernández A., Laza J.M., Ruiz-Rubio L., Martín A., Taguado M., Benito-Vicente A., Martín C., Vilas J.L.
Materials Today Communications, 33, 104730, (2022)
Understanding electrogenerated chemiluminescence at graphite screen-printed electrodes
Alba A.F., Fernández-de Luis R., Totoricaguena-Gorriño J., Ruiz-Rubio L., Sánchez J., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S., del Campo F.J.
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 914, 116331, (2022)
Wound healing and antibacterial chitosan-genipin hydrogels with controlled drug delivery for synergistic anti-inflammatory activity
Andrade del Olmo J., Pérez-Álvarez L., Sáez-Martínez V., Benito-Cid S., Ruiz-Rubio L., Pérez-González R., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Alonso J.M.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 203, 679, 694, (2022)
Antibacterial catechol-based hyaluronic acid, chitosan and poly (N-vinyl pyrrolidone) coatings onto Ti6Al4V surfaces for application as biomedical implant
del Olmo J.A., Pérez-Álvarez L., Pacha-Olivenza M.Á., Ruiz-Rubio L., Gartziandia O., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Alonso J.M.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 183, 1222, 1235, (2021)
Biocompatible hyaluronic acid-divinyl sulfone injectable hydrogels for sustained drug release with enhanced antibacterial properties against Staphylococcus aureus
Andrade del Olmo J., Alonso J.M., Sáez Martínez V., Ruiz-Rubio L., Pérez González R., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Pérez-Álvarez L.
Materials Science and Engineering C, 125, 112102, (2021)
Hydrogel-core microstructured polymer optical fibers for selective fiber enhanced raman spectroscopy
Azkune M., Ayesta I., Ruiz-Rubio L., Arrospide E., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Zubia J.
Sensors, 21, 5, 1845, 1, 11, (2021)
Laser-activated screen-printed carbon electrodes for enhanced dopamine determination in the presence of ascorbic and uric acid
Alba A.F., Totoricaguena-Gorriño J., Sánchez-Ilárduya M.B., Ruiz-Rubio L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S., del Campo F.J.
Electrochimica Acta, 399, 139374, (2021)
Laser-induced highly oriented pyrolytic graphite for high-performance screen-printed electrodes
Alba A.F., Totoricaguena-Gorrino J., Campos-Arias L., Peřinka N., Ruiz-Rubio L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S., Del Campo F.J.
Materials Advances, 2, 18, 5912, 5921, (2021)
Nanobioremediation for soil remediation: An introduction
Galdames A., Ruiz-Rubio L., Brettes P., Etxebarria J., Vilela J.L.V.
Nano-Bioremediation: Fundamentals and Applications, 479, 500, (2021)
Non-immersion ultrasonic cleaning: An efficient green process for large surfaces with low water consumption
Sarasua Miranda J.A., Ruiz-Rubio L., Basterrechea E.A., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Processes, 9, 4, 585, (2021)
Photocurable temperature activated humidity hybrid sensing materials for multifunctional coatings
Mendes-Felipe C., Salado M., Fernandes L.C., Correia D.M., Ruiz-Rubio L., Tariq M., Esperança J.M.S.S., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Polymer, 221, 123635, (2021)
Poly(L-lactide)-based anti-inflammatory responsive surfaces for surgical implants
Sánchez-Bodón J., Ruiz-Rubio L., Hernáez-Laviña E., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Moreno-Benítez M.I.
Polymers, 13, 1, 34, 1, 15, (2021)
Study of the capacity of poly(N-vinylcarbazole) derivatives to form honeycomb-like patterns
Bekkar F., Bettahar F., Meghabar R., Hamadouche M., Moreno-Benitez I., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Ruiz-Rubio L.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 138, 38, 50975, (2021)
Tough hydrogels based on maleic anhydride, bulk properties study and microfiber formation by electrospinning
Bettahar F., Bekkar F., Pérez-Álvarez L., Ferahi M.I., Meghabar R., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Ruiz-Rubio L.
Polymers, 13, 6, 972, (2021)
Antibacterial chitosan electrostatic/covalent coating onto biodegradable poly (L-lactic acid)
Andrade-Del Olmo J., Pérez-Álvarez L., Ruiz-Rubio L., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Food Hydrocolloids, 105, 105835, (2020)
Antibacterial coatings for improving the performance of biomaterials
Olmo J.A.D., Ruiz-Rubio L., Pérez-Alvarez L., Sáez-Martínez V., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Coatings, 10, 2, 139, (2020)
Biodegradable shape-memory polymers
Ruiz-Rubio L., Pérez-Álvarez L., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Advanced Structured Materials, 115, 219, 236, (2020)
Biomaterials obtained by photopolymerization: from UV to two photon
Felipe-Mendes C., Ruiz-Rubio L., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Emergent Materials, 3, 4, 453, 468, (2020)
Lignin-based hydrogels: Synthesis and applications
Rico-García D., Ruiz-Rubio L., Pérez-Alvarez L., Hernández-Olmos S.L., Guerrero-Ramírez G.L., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Polymers, 12, 1, 81, (2020)
Polycarbazole and its derivatives: Synthesis and applications. a review of the last 10 years
Bekkar F., Bettahar F., Moreno I., Meghabar R., Hamadouche M., Hernáez E., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Ruiz-Rubio L.
Polymers, 12, 10, 2227, 1, 33, (2020)
Polyester-based biodegradable polymers for commodities
Ruiz-Rubio L., Sánchez-Bodón J., Moreno I., Pérez-Álvarez L., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Sustainability of Polymeric Materials, 135, 172, (2020)
Polysaccharide-based in situ self-healing hydrogels for tissue engineering applications
Maiz-Fernández S., Pérez-álvarez L., Ruiz-Rubio L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Polymers, 12, 10, 2261, 1, 33, (2020)
Zero-valent iron nanoparticles for soil and groundwater remediation
Galdames A., Ruiz-Rubio L., Orueta M., Sánchez-Arzalluz M., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 16, 5817, 1, 23, (2020)
β-Glycerol phosphate/genipin chitosan hydrogels: A comparative study of their properties and diclofenac delivery
Maiz-Fernández S., Guaresti O., Pérez-Álvarez L., Ruiz-Rubio L., Gabilondo N., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 248, 116811, (2020)
Antibacterial hyaluronic acid/chitosan multilayers onto smooth and micropatterned titanium surfaces
Valverde A., Pérez-Álvarez L., Ruiz-Rubio L., Pacha Olivenza M.A., García Blanco M.B., Díaz-Fuentes M., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 207, 824, 833, (2019)
Antibacterial multilayer of chitosan and (2-carboxyethyl)- β-cyclodextrin onto polylactic acid (PLLA)
Andrade-Del Olmo J., Pérez-Álvarez L., Hernáez E., Ruiz-Rubio L., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Food Hydrocolloids, 88, 228, 236, (2019)
Characterization and optimization of the alkaline hydrolysis of polyacrylonitrile membranes
Pérez-Álvarez L., Ruiz-Rubio L., Moreno I., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Polymers, 11, 11, 1843, (2019)
Chitosan nanogels as nanocarriers of polyoxometalates for breast cancer therapies
Pérez-Álvarez L., Ruiz-Rubio L., Artetxe B., Vivanco M.D., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 213, 159, 167, (2019)
Development of multiactive antibacterial multilayers of hyaluronic acid and chitosan onto poly(ethylene terephthalate)
Pérez-Álvarez L., Ruiz-Rubio L., Azua I., Benito V., Bilbao A., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
European Polymer Journal, 112, 31, 37, (2019)
Hydrolysis of poly(l-lactide)/ZnO nanocomposites with antimicrobial activity
Pérez-Álvarez L., Lizundia E., Ruiz-Rubio L., Benito V., Moreno I., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 136, 28, 47786, (2019)
Self-healable hyaluronic acid/chitosan polyelectrolyte complex hydrogels and multilayers
Barroso N., Guaresti O., Pérez-Álvarez L., Ruiz-Rubio L., Gabilondo N., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
European Polymer Journal, 120, 109268, (2019)
Stimuli responsive UV cured polyurethane acrylated/carbon nanotube composites for piezoresistive sensing
Mendes-Felipe C., Oliveira J., Costa P., Ruiz-Rubio L., Iregui A., González A., Vilas J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
European Polymer Journal, 120, 109226, (2019)
Synthesis and characterization of covalently crosslinked pH-responsive hyaluronic acid nanogels: Effect of synthesis parameters
Maiz-Fernández S., Pérez-álvarez L., Ruiz-Rubio L., González R.P., Sáez-Martínez V., Pérez J.R., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Polymers, 11, 4, 742, (2019)
The effect of the isomeric chlorine substitutions on the honeycomb-patterned films of poly(x-chlorostyrene)s/polystyrene blends and copolymers via static breath figure technique
Ruiz-Rubio L., Pérez-álvarez L., Sanchez-Bodón J., Arrighi V., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Materials, 12, 1, 167, (2019)
TiO2-doped electrospun nanofibrous membrane for photocatalytic water treatment
Blanco M., Monteserín C., Angulo A., Pérez-Márquez A., Maudes J., Murillo N., Aranzabe E., Ruiz-Rubio L., Vilas J.L.
Polymers, 11, 5, 747, (2019)
Toward advanced functional systems: Honeycomb-like polymeric surfaces incorporating polyoxovanadates with surface-appended copper-cyclam complexes
Ruiz-Rubio L., Artetxe B., Pérez-Álvarez L., Martín-Caballero J., Ishihara T., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Molecules, 24, 12, 2313, (2019)
Evaluation of postcuring process on the thermal and mechanical properties of the Clear02™ resin used in stereolithography
Mendes-Felipe C., Patrocinio D., Laza J.M., Ruiz-Rubio L., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Polymer Testing, 72, 115, 121, (2018)
Immobilization of polyoxometalates on tailored polymeric surfaces
Aguado-Ureta S., Rodríguez-Hernández J., del Campo A., Perez-Álvarez L., Ruiz-Rubio L., Vilas J.L., Artetxe B., Reinoso S., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M.
Nanomaterials, 8, 3, 142, (2018)
Branched and ionic β-Cyclodextrins multilayer assembling onto polyacrylonitrile membranes for removal and controlled release of triclosan
Pérez-Álvarez L., Matas J., Gómez-Galván F., Ruiz-Rubio L., León L.M., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 156, 143, 151, (2017)
Poly(l -lactide)/zno nanocomposites as efficient UV-shielding coatings for packaging applications
Lizundia E., Ruiz-Rubio L., Vilas J.L., León L.M.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 133, 2, 42426, (2016)
Preparation and characterization of soluble branched ionic β-cyclodextrins and their inclusion complexes with triclosan
Gómez-Galván F., Pérez-Álvarez L., Matas J., Álvarez-Bautista A., Poejo J., Duarte C.M., Ruiz-Rubio L., Vila-Vilela J.L., León L.M.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 142, 149, 157, (2016)
Solvent and relative humidity effect on highly ordered polystyrene honeycomb patterns analyzed by Voronoi tesselation
Ruiz-Rubio L., Azpitarte I., García-Huete N., Laza J.M., Vilas J.L., León L.M.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 133, 39, APP44004, 9, (2016)
Synthesis and characterization of near-infrared fluorescent and magnetic iron zero-valent nanoparticles
Pérez N., Ruiz-Rubio L., Vilas J.L., Rodríguez M., Martinez-Martinez V., León L.M.
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 315, 1, 7, (2016)
Towards the development of eco-friendly disposable polymers: ZnO-initiated thermal and hydrolytic degradation in poly(l-lactide)/ZnO nanocomposites
Lizundia E., Ruiz-Rubio L., Vilas J.L., León L.M.
RSC Advances, 6, 19, 15660, 15669, (2016)
Influence of N-alkyl and α-substitutions on the thermal behaviour of H-bonded interpolymer complexes based on polymers with acrylamide or lactame groups and poly(4-vinylphenol)
Ruiz-Rubio L., Lizundia E., Vilas J.L., León L.M., Rodríguez M.
Thermochimica Acta, 614, 191, 198, (2015)
Influence of α-methyl substitutions on interpolymer complexes formation between poly(meth)acrylic acids and poly(N-isopropyl(meth)acrylamide)s
Ruiz-Rubio L., Álvarez V., Lizundia E., Vilas J.L., Rodríguez M., León L.M.
Colloid and Polymer Science, 293, 5, 1447, 1455, (2015)
Thermal behaviour of H-bonded interpolymer complexes based on polymers with acrylamide or lactame groups and poly(acrylic acid): Influence of N-alkyl and α-methyl substitutions
Ruiz-Rubio L., Vilas J.L., Rodríguez M., León L.M.
Polymer Degradation and Stability, 109, 147, 153, (2014)
Pérez Álvarez, Leyre UPV/EHU Research Associate
Email:Research line: Active and smart materialsBio:Expertise
Polymeric multilayers; polymers modification; stimuli responsive polymers; coordinating work teams and research.
Leyre Pérez Álvarez works at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) as associate professor. Leyre received her Ph.D. in 2007 and was formally trained in polymer science investigating about polymeric nanogels for anticancer therapies. She joined the Research Group of "Macromolecular Chemistry" of the University of the Basque Country where she is currently working in polymeric multilayers, polymer surface modification and stimuli responsive polymers. She has reported over 14 paper in peer-reviewed international journals in the field of macromolecular science and scientific divulgation.
Interests and objetives
Currently, I participate in the multidisciplinary project funded by MINECO titled "Polymer/Polyoxometalate smart coatings for chemical and biological applications" POCHBA (2014-2017).
I am a member of the Research Group of "Macromolecular Chemistry" of the University of the Basque Country (A Groups 2013-2018).
Curriculum Vitae -- ResearchGatePublications:Covalent Cross-Linking as a Strategy to Prepare Water-Dispersible Chitosan Nanogels
Muñana-González S., Veloso-Fernández A., Ruiz-Rubio L., Pérez-Álvarez L., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Polymers, 15, 2, 434, (2023)
Hyaluronic acid-based hydrogel coatings on Ti6Al4V implantable biomaterial with multifunctional antibacterial activity
Andrade del Olmo J., Alonso J.M., Sáez-Martínez V., Benito-Cid S., Pérez-González R., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Pérez-Álvarez L.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 301, 120366, (2023)
Silk Fibroin as Sustainable Advanced Material: Material Properties and Characteristics, Processing, and Applications
Reizabal A., Costa C.M., Pérez-Álvarez L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Advanced Functional Materials, 33, 3, 2210764, (2023)
Bioactive Coatings on Titanium: A Review on Hydroxylation, Self-Assembled Monolayers (SAMs) and Surface Modification Strategies
Sánchez-Bodón J., Del Olmo J.A., Alonso J.M., Moreno-Benítez I., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Pérez-Álvarez L.
Polymers, 14, 1, 165, (2022)
Drug Delivery from Hyaluronic Acid–BDDE Injectable Hydrogels for Antibacterial and Anti-Inflammatory Applications
Del Olmo J.A., Pérez-álvarez L., Martínez V.S., Cid S.B., González R.P., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Alonso J.M.
Gels, 8, 4, 223, (2022)
Dynamic and Self-Healable Chitosan/Hyaluronic Acid-Based In Situ-Forming Hydrogels
Maiz-Fernández S., Pérez-Álvarez L., Silván U., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Gels, 8, 8, 477, (2022)
Effectiveness of physicochemical techniques on the activation of Ti6Al4V surface with improved biocompatibility and antibacterial properties
Andrade del Olmo J., Alonso J.M., Ronco-Campaña A., Sáez-Martínez V., Pérez-González R., Rothnie A.J., Tighe B.J., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Pérez-Álvarez L.
Surface and Coatings Technology, 447, 128821, (2022)
Electro and magnetoactive printed bi-functional actuators based on alginate hybrid hydrogels
Maiz-Fernández S., Pérez-Álvarez L., de Munain-Arroniz I.L., Zoco A., Lopes A.C., Silván U., Salazar D., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 219, 374, 383, (2022)
Ionic liquid modified electroactive polymer-based microenvironments for tissue engineering
Hermenegildo B., Meira R.M., Díez A.G., Correia D.M., Ribeiro S., Serra J.P., Ribeiro C., Pérez-Álvarez L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Polymer, 246, 124731, (2022)
pH-Induced 3D Printable Chitosan Hydrogels for Soft Actuation
Maiz-Fernández S., Pérez-álvarez L., Silván U., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Polymers, 14, 3, 650, (2022)
Photocrosslinkable and self-healable hydrogels of chitosan and hyaluronic acid
Maiz-Fernández S., Pérez-Álvarez L., Silván U., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 216, 291, 302, (2022)
Poly(lactic-co-glycolide) based biodegradable electrically and magnetically active microenvironments for tissue regeneration applications
Hermenegildo B., Meira R.M., Correia D.M., Díez A.G., Ribeiro S., Serra J.P., Ribeiro C., Pérez-Álvarez L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
European Polymer Journal, 171, 111197, (2022)
Self-healing, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory chitosan-PEG hydrogels for ulcerated skin wound healing and drug delivery
Andrade del Olmo J., Alonso J.M., Sáez-Martínez V., Benito-Cid S., Moreno-Benítez I., Bengoa-Larrauri M., Pérez-González R., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Pérez-Álvarez L.
Biomaterials Advances, 139, 212992, (2022)
Silk fibroin and sericin polymer blends for sustainable battery separators
Reizabal A., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Gonçalves R., Gutiérrez-Pardo A., Aguesse F., Pérez-Álvarez L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 611, 366, 376, (2022)
Spontaneous Gelation of Adhesive Catechol Modified Hyaluronic Acid and Chitosan
Conejo-Cuevas G., Ruiz-Rubio L., Sáez-Martínez V., Pérez-González R., Gartziandia O., Huguet-Casquero A., Pérez-Álvarez L.
Polymers, 14, 6, 1209, (2022)
Wound healing and antibacterial chitosan-genipin hydrogels with controlled drug delivery for synergistic anti-inflammatory activity
Andrade del Olmo J., Pérez-Álvarez L., Sáez-Martínez V., Benito-Cid S., Ruiz-Rubio L., Pérez-González R., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Alonso J.M.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 203, 679, 694, (2022)
3D printable self-healing hyaluronic acid/chitosan polycomplex hydrogels with drug release capability
Maiz-Fernández S., Barroso N., Pérez-Álvarez L., Silván U., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 188, 820, 832, (2021)
Antibacterial catechol-based hyaluronic acid, chitosan and poly (N-vinyl pyrrolidone) coatings onto Ti6Al4V surfaces for application as biomedical implant
del Olmo J.A., Pérez-Álvarez L., Pacha-Olivenza M.Á., Ruiz-Rubio L., Gartziandia O., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Alonso J.M.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 183, 1222, 1235, (2021)
Biocompatible hyaluronic acid-divinyl sulfone injectable hydrogels for sustained drug release with enhanced antibacterial properties against Staphylococcus aureus
Andrade del Olmo J., Alonso J.M., Sáez Martínez V., Ruiz-Rubio L., Pérez González R., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Pérez-Álvarez L.
Materials Science and Engineering C, 125, 112102, (2021)
Broadband dielectric response of silk Fibroin/BaTiO3 composites: Influence of nanoparticle size and concentration
Costa C.M., Reizabal A., Sabater i Serra R., Balado A.A., Pérez-Álvarez L., Gómez Ribelles J.L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Composites Science and Technology, 213, 108927, (2021)
Green alternative cosolvents toN-methyl-2-pyrrolidone in water polyurethane dispersions
Germán L., Cuevas J.M., Cobos R., Pérez-Alvarez L., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
RSC Advances, 11, 31, 19070, 19075, (2021)
Processing Strategies to Obtain Highly Porous Silk Fibroin Structures with Tailored Microstructure and Molecular Characteristics and Their Applicability in Water Remediation
Reizabal A., Costa C.M., Saiz P.G., Gonzalez B., Pérez-Álvarez L., Fernández de Luis R., Garcia A., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 403, 123675, (2021)
Tough hydrogels based on maleic anhydride, bulk properties study and microfiber formation by electrospinning
Bettahar F., Bekkar F., Pérez-Álvarez L., Ferahi M.I., Meghabar R., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Ruiz-Rubio L.
Polymers, 13, 6, 972, (2021)
Antibacterial chitosan electrostatic/covalent coating onto biodegradable poly (L-lactic acid)
Andrade-Del Olmo J., Pérez-Álvarez L., Ruiz-Rubio L., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Food Hydrocolloids, 105, 105835, (2020)
Antibacterial coatings for improving the performance of biomaterials
Olmo J.A.D., Ruiz-Rubio L., Pérez-Alvarez L., Sáez-Martínez V., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Coatings, 10, 2, 139, (2020)
Biodegradable shape-memory polymers
Ruiz-Rubio L., Pérez-Álvarez L., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Advanced Structured Materials, 115, 219, 236, (2020)
Dual charged folate labelled chitosan nanogels with enhanced mucoadhesion capacity for targeted drug delivery
Guaresti O., Maiz–Fernández S., Palomares T., Alonso–Varona A., Eceiza A., Pérez–Álvarez L., Gabilondo N.
European Polymer Journal, 134, 109847, (2020)
Lignin-based hydrogels: Synthesis and applications
Rico-García D., Ruiz-Rubio L., Pérez-Alvarez L., Hernández-Olmos S.L., Guerrero-Ramírez G.L., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Polymers, 12, 1, 81, (2020)
Optically transparent silk fibroin/silver nanowire composites for piezoresistive sensing and object recognitions
Reizabal A., Gonçalves S., Pereira N., Costa C.M., Pérez L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8, 37, 13053, 13062, (2020)
Polyester-based biodegradable polymers for commodities
Ruiz-Rubio L., Sánchez-Bodón J., Moreno I., Pérez-Álvarez L., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Sustainability of Polymeric Materials, 135, 172, (2020)
Polysaccharide-based in situ self-healing hydrogels for tissue engineering applications
Maiz-Fernández S., Pérez-álvarez L., Ruiz-Rubio L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Polymers, 12, 10, 2261, 1, 33, (2020)
Silk Fibroin Based Magnetic Nanocomposites for Actuator Applications
Reizabal A., Costa C.M., Pereira N., Pérez-Álvarez L., Vilas-Vilela J.-L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Advanced Engineering Materials, 22, 6, 2000111, (2020)
Silk fibroin magnetoactive nanocomposite films and membranes for dynamic bone tissue engineering strategies
Reizabal A., Brito-Pereira R., Fernandes M.M., Castro N., Correia V., Ribeiro C., Costa C.M., Perez L., Vilas J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Materialia, 12, 100709, (2020)
Tailoring silk fibroin separator membranes pore size for improving performance of lithium ion batteries
Reizabal A., Gonçalves R., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Costa C.M., Pérez L., Vilas J.-L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Journal of Membrane Science, 598, 117678, (2020)
β-Glycerol phosphate/genipin chitosan hydrogels: A comparative study of their properties and diclofenac delivery
Maiz-Fernández S., Guaresti O., Pérez-Álvarez L., Ruiz-Rubio L., Gabilondo N., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 248, 116811, (2020)
Antibacterial hyaluronic acid/chitosan multilayers onto smooth and micropatterned titanium surfaces
Valverde A., Pérez-Álvarez L., Ruiz-Rubio L., Pacha Olivenza M.A., García Blanco M.B., Díaz-Fuentes M., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 207, 824, 833, (2019)
Antibacterial multilayer of chitosan and (2-carboxyethyl)- β-cyclodextrin onto polylactic acid (PLLA)
Andrade-Del Olmo J., Pérez-Álvarez L., Hernáez E., Ruiz-Rubio L., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Food Hydrocolloids, 88, 228, 236, (2019)
Characterization and optimization of the alkaline hydrolysis of polyacrylonitrile membranes
Pérez-Álvarez L., Ruiz-Rubio L., Moreno I., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Polymers, 11, 11, 1843, (2019)
Chitosan nanogels as nanocarriers of polyoxometalates for breast cancer therapies
Pérez-Álvarez L., Ruiz-Rubio L., Artetxe B., Vivanco M.D., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 213, 159, 167, (2019)
Development of multiactive antibacterial multilayers of hyaluronic acid and chitosan onto poly(ethylene terephthalate)
Pérez-Álvarez L., Ruiz-Rubio L., Azua I., Benito V., Bilbao A., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
European Polymer Journal, 112, 31, 37, (2019)
Hydrogel-based magnetoelectric microenvironments for tissue stimulation
Hermenegildo B., Ribeiro C., Pérez-Álvarez L., Vilas J.L., Learmonth D.A., Sousa R.A., Martins P., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 181, 1041, 1047, (2019)
Hydrolysis of poly(l-lactide)/ZnO nanocomposites with antimicrobial activity
Pérez-Álvarez L., Lizundia E., Ruiz-Rubio L., Benito V., Moreno I., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 136, 28, 47786, (2019)
Optimized silk fibroin piezoresistive nanocomposites for pressure sensing applications based on natural polymers
Reizabal A., Gonçalves S., Brito-Pereira R., Costa P., Costa C.M., Pérez-Álvarez L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Nanoscale Advances, 1, 6, 2284, 2292, (2019)
Self-healable hyaluronic acid/chitosan polyelectrolyte complex hydrogels and multilayers
Barroso N., Guaresti O., Pérez-Álvarez L., Ruiz-Rubio L., Gabilondo N., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
European Polymer Journal, 120, 109268, (2019)
Silk Fibroin Bending Actuators as an Approach Toward Natural Polymer Based Active Materials
Reizabal A., Correia D.M., Costa C.M., Perez-Alvarez L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 11, 33, 30197, 30206, (2019)
Synthesis and characterization of covalently crosslinked pH-responsive hyaluronic acid nanogels: Effect of synthesis parameters
Maiz-Fernández S., Pérez-álvarez L., Ruiz-Rubio L., González R.P., Sáez-Martínez V., Pérez J.R., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Polymers, 11, 4, 742, (2019)
The effect of the isomeric chlorine substitutions on the honeycomb-patterned films of poly(x-chlorostyrene)s/polystyrene blends and copolymers via static breath figure technique
Ruiz-Rubio L., Pérez-álvarez L., Sanchez-Bodón J., Arrighi V., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Materials, 12, 1, 167, (2019)
Toward advanced functional systems: Honeycomb-like polymeric surfaces incorporating polyoxovanadates with surface-appended copper-cyclam complexes
Ruiz-Rubio L., Artetxe B., Pérez-Álvarez L., Martín-Caballero J., Ishihara T., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Molecules, 24, 12, 2313, (2019)
Immobilization of polyoxometalates on tailored polymeric surfaces
Aguado-Ureta S., Rodríguez-Hernández J., del Campo A., Perez-Álvarez L., Ruiz-Rubio L., Vilas J.L., Artetxe B., Reinoso S., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M.
Nanomaterials, 8, 3, 142, (2018)
Silk fibroin-magnetic hybrid composite electrospun fibers for tissue engineering applications
Brito-Pereira R., Correia D.M., Ribeiro C., Francesko A., Etxebarria I., Pérez-Álvarez L., Vilas J.L., Martins P., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Composites Part B: Engineering, 141, 70, 75, (2018)
Tailored biodegradable and electroactive poly(Hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) based morphologies for tissue engineering applications
Amaro L., Correia D.M., Marques-Almeida T., Martins P.M., Pérez L., Vilas J.L., Botelho G., Lanceros-Mendez S., Ribeiro C.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19, 8, 2149, (2018)
Branched and ionic β-Cyclodextrins multilayer assembling onto polyacrylonitrile membranes for removal and controlled release of triclosan
Pérez-Álvarez L., Matas J., Gómez-Galván F., Ruiz-Rubio L., León L.M., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 156, 143, 151, (2017)
Construction of antibacterial poly(ethylene terephthalate) films via layer by layer assembly of chitosan and hyaluronic acid
Del Hoyo-Gallego S., Pérez-Álvarez L., Gómez-Galván F., Lizundia E., Kuritka I., Sedlarik V., Laza J.M., Vila-Vilela J.L.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 143, 35, 43, (2016)
Covalently and ionically crosslinked chitosan nanogels for drug delivery
Pérez-Álvarez L., Laza J.M., Álvarez-Bautista A.
Current Pharmaceutical Design, 22, 22, 3380, 3398, (2016)
Physical aging and mechanical performance of poly(l-lactide)/ZnO nanocomposites
Lizundia E., Pérez-Álvarez L., Sáenz-Pérez M., Patrocinio D., Vilas J.L., León L.M.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 133, 45, 43619, (2016)
Poly(L-lactide)/branched β-cyclodextrin blends: Thermal, morphological and mechanical properties
Lizundia E., Gómez-Galván F., Pérez-Álvarez L., León L.M., Vilas J.L.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 144, 25, 32, (2016)
Preparation and characterization of soluble branched ionic β-cyclodextrins and their inclusion complexes with triclosan
Gómez-Galván F., Pérez-Álvarez L., Matas J., Álvarez-Bautista A., Poejo J., Duarte C.M., Ruiz-Rubio L., Vila-Vilela J.L., León L.M.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 142, 149, 157, (2016)
Insausti Peña, María Teresa UPV/EHU Research Associate
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesBio:Expertise
Soft chemistry routes for preparation of inorganic materials.
Thermogravimetry. X ray diffraction. Electronic Microscopy.
Maite Insausti received the doctor degree in chemistry in 1994 from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and from 1996 she is professor of Inorganic Chemistry in the Faculty of Science and Technology. She has been involved in the development of solid state chemistry laboratory in the research group of Prof. Teófilo Rojo, being working in the preparation of superconducting oxides and magnetoresistive manganites by soft chemistry methods. She has been secretary of the Spanish Group of Solid State Chemistry from 2000 to 2010. From 2005 until now her research is focused on the preparation and characterization of metallic nanoparticles as Au, Cu, Ag or FePd and magnetic oxide nanoparticles as Fe3O4 or Fe1-xNixO4 with controlled sizes. This research is aimed at the proper functionalization and recovering of the nanoparticles in order to obtain biocompatible nanostructures, which are being tested ‘in vitro’ and ‘in vivo’ experiments for hyperthermia applications and drug delivery. Dr. Insausti has published over 70 articles and 1 patent and has supervised 5 PhD Thesis.
Interests and objetives
"Magnetic nanoparticles for biological applications". Mainly I am involved in the preparation and characterization of magnetic metals and oxides, properly functionalized with biomolecules, and with controlled sizes which yield high magnetization values for hyperthermia applications.
Actually I am also interested in the preparation of core-shell nanostructures to deposit on a photovoltaic material in order to increase the absorbed light and to study the efficiency of photovoltaic cells.
Curriculum Vitae -- ResearchGatePublications:Efficient Magneto-Luminescent Nanosystems based on Rhodamine-Loaded Magnetite Nanoparticles with Optimized Heating Power and Ideal Thermosensitive Fluorescence
Castellanos-Rubio I.; Barón A.; Luis-Lizarraga O.; Rodrigo I.; de Muro I.G.; Orue I.; Martínez-Martínez V.; Castellanos-Rubio A.; López-Arbeloa F.; Insausti M.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 14, 44, 50033, 50044, 11, (2022)
FexCo1-x alloy nanoparticles: Synthesis, structure, magnetic characterization and magnetorheological application
Vadillo V., Insausti M., Gutiérrez J.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 563, 169975, (2022)
Getting insight into how iron(III) oleate precursors affect the features of magnetite nanoparticles
Nader K., Castellanos-Rubio I., Orue I., Iglesias-Rojas D., Barón A., Gil de Muro I., Lezama L., Insausti M.
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 316, 123619, (2022)
Towards the design of contrast-enhanced agents: Systematic Ga3+doping on magnetite nanoparticles
Galarreta-Rodriguez I., Marcano L., Castellanos-Rubio I., Gil De Muro I., García I., Olivi L., Fernández-Gubieda M.L., Castellanos-Rubio A., Lezama L., De Larramendi I.R., Insausti M.
Dalton Transactions, 51, 6, 2517, 2530, (2022)
A Milestone in the Chemical Synthesis of Fe3O4Nanoparticles: Unreported Bulklike Properties Lead to a Remarkable Magnetic Hyperthermia
Castellanos-Rubio I., Arriortua O., Iglesias-Rojas D., Barón A., Rodrigo I., Marcano L., Garitaonandia J.S., Orue I., Fdez-Gubieda M.L., Insausti M.
Chemistry of Materials, 33, 22, 8693, 8704, (2021)
Aspects concerning the fabrication of magnetorheological fluids containing high magnetization FeCo nanoparticles
Gutiérrez J., Vadillo V., Gómez A., Berasategi J., Insausti M., Gil de Muro I., Bou-Ali M.M.
Fluids, 6, 3, 132, (2021)
High magnetization FeCo nanoparticles for magnetorheological fluids with enhanced response
Vadillo V., Gómez A., Berasategi J., Gutiérrez J., Insausti M., Gil de Muro I., Garitaonandia J.S., Arbe A., Iturrospe A., Bou-Ali M.M., Barandiarán J.M.
Soft Matter, 17, 4, 840, 852, (2021)
Shaping up Zn-Doped Magnetite Nanoparticles from Mono- And Bimetallic Oleates- And Impact of Zn Content, Fe Vacancies, and Morphology on Magnetic Hyperthermia Performance
Castellanos-Rubio I., Arriortua O., Marcano L., Rodrigo I., Iglesias-Rojas D., Barón A., Olazagoitia-Garmendia A., Olivi L., Plazaola F., Fdez-Gubieda M.L., Castellanos-Rubio A., Garitaonandia J.S., Orue I., Insausti M.
Chemistry of Materials, 33, 9, 3139, 3154, (2021)
Exploring the potential of the dynamic hysteresis loops via high field, high frequency and temperature adjustable AC magnetometer for magnetic hyperthermia characterization
Rodrigo I., Castellanos-Rubio I., Garaio E., Arriortua O.K., Insausti M., Orue I., García J.Á., Plazaola F.
International Journal of Hyperthermia, 37, 1, 976, 991, (2020)
Highly Reproducible Hyperthermia Response in Water, Agar, and Cellular Environment by Discretely PEGylated Magnetite Nanoparticles
Castellanos-Rubio I., Rodrigo I., Olazagoitia-Garmendia A., Arriortua O., Gil De Muro I., Garitaonandia J.S., Bilbao J.R., Fdez-Gubieda M.L., Plazaola F., Orue I., Castellanos-Rubio A., Insausti M.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12, 25, 27917, 27929, (2020)
Mn-Doping level dependence on the magnetic response of MnxFe3- xO4 ferrite nanoparticles
Lasheras X., Insausti M., De La Fuente J.M., Gil De Muro I., Castellanos-Rubio I., Marcano L., Fernández-Gubieda M.L., Serrano A., Martín-Rodríguez R., Garaio E., García J.A., Lezama L.
Dalton Transactions, 48, 30, 11480, 11491, (2019)
Outstanding heat loss via nano-octahedra above 20 nm in size: From wustite-rich nanoparticles to magnetite single-crystals
Castellanos-Rubio I., Rodrigo I., Munshi R., Arriortua O., Garitaonandia J.S., Martinez-Amesti A., Plazaola F., Orue I., Pralle A., Insausti M.
Nanoscale, 11, 35, 16635, 16649, (2019)
Synthesis and Characterization of Fe–Co–V High-Magnetization Nanoparticles Obtained by Physical Routes
Vadillo V.; Gutiérrez J.; Insausti M.; Garitaonandia J.S.; de Muro I.G.; Quintana I.; Barandiarán J.M.
IEEE Magnetics Letters, 10, 6104805, (2019)
Exploring reaction conditions to improve the magnetic response of cobalt-doped ferrite nanoparticles
Galarreta I., Insausti M., de Muro I.G., de Larramendi I.R., Lezama L.
Nanomaterials, 8, 2, 63, (2018)
Multilayered inorganic-organic microdisks as ideal carriers for high magnetothermal actuation: Assembling ferrimagnetic nanoparticles devoid of dipolar interactions
Castellanos-Rubio I., Munshi R., Qin Y., Eason D.B., Orue I., Insausti M., Pralle A.
Nanoscale, 10, 46, 21879, 21892, (2018)
RGD-Functionalized Fe3O4 nanoparticles for magnetic hyperthermia
Arriortua O.K., Insausti M., Lezama L., Gil de Muro I., Garaio E., de la Fuente J.M., Fratila R.M., Morales M.P., Costa R., Eceiza M., Sagartzazu-Aizpurua M., Aizpurua J.M.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 165, 315, 324, (2018)
Intra-particle chemical homogeneity determining the exchange coupling in palladium-iron nanoparticles
Castellanos-Rubio I., Insausti M., De Muro I.G., Arias-Duque D.C., Hernández-Garrido J.C., Lezama L.
Journal of Applied Physics, 121, 8, 084302, (2017)
Antitumor magnetic hyperthermia induced by RGD-functionalized Fe3O4 nanoparticles, in an experimental model of colorectal liver metastases
Arriortua O.K., Garaio E., de la Parte B.H., Insausti M., Lezama L., Plazaola F., García J.A., Aizpurua J.M., Sagartzazu M., Irazola M., Etxebarria N., García-Alonso I., Saiz-López A., Echevarria-Uraga J.J.
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 7, 1, 1532, 1542, (2016)
Chemical Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Monodisperse Nickel Ferrite Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications
Lasheras X., Insausti M., Gil De Muro I., Garaio E., Plazaola F., Moros M., De Matteis L., M. De La Fuente J., Lezama L.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120, 6, 3492, 3500, (2016)
Tuning the size of palladium nanoparticles in organic and aqueous solutions: Influence of aminated and thiolated ligands
Castellanos-Rubio I., Insausti M., Gil De Muro I., Rojo T., Lezama L.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 16, 4, 4071, 4079, (2016)
The impact of the chemical synthesis on the magnetic properties of intermetallic PdFe nanoparticles
Castellanos-Rubio I., Insausti M., de Muro I.G., Arias-Duque D.C., Hernández-Garrido J.C., Rojo T., Lezama L.
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 17, 5, 229, 13, (2015)
Fe3O4 nanoparticles prepared by the seeded-growth route for hyperthermia: Electron magnetic resonance as a key tool to evaluate size distribution in magnetic nanoparticles
Castellanos-Rubio I., Insausti M., Garaio E., Gil De Muro I., Plazaola F., Rojo T., Lezama L.
Nanoscale, 6, 13, 7542, 7552, (2014)
Salado Manzorro, Manuel Research Fellow
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesExpertise:I felt challenged by the interrelation of different disciplines very early on my career. I acquired competences in subjects as diverse as engineering with the design of a pilot-plant to obtain bioethanol (BSc Chemical engineering), nanomaterials with the use of graphene for gas separation membranes (MSc in Nanostructured materials) and lately physics and energy production with the study of interfaces for efficient perovskite solar cells (PhD).
Atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-Ray difractogram (XRD), Optical measurements (J-V curves, Quantum efficiency (QE), Impedance Spectroscopy (IS), Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), fabrication of solar pervoskite-based cell devices. Solid-state electrolytes for energy storage based on Li and Na. Polymer chemistry. Ionic liquids.
Manuel Salado Manzorro received his International and Industrial PhD in Material Science in 2017, from Abengoa Research along with Pablo de Olavide University. His background as a Chemical Engineer and his subsequent Master degree in Nanomaterials and nanostructures were beneficial to assess and develop of hybrid perovskite for photovoltaics applications. He was awarded with a “Juan de la Cierva“ post-doctoral grant (2018 and 2021) and a Marie Curie Global Fellowship (2021) to develop novel solid-electrolyte materials for energy storage at Deakin University. He has written over 40 papers in peer-reviewed journals (h-index:21), 5 Book chapters and he is also co-inventor of 2 patents in the field of perovskite solar cells.
Curriculum Vitae -- ResearchGateInterests and Objectives:As an eager learner, the execution of ROCHE project (Marie Curie GF), will advance not only my professional career but also contribute to my personal development as I will be working in a multidisciplinary environment in both, host institution, BCM, and partner organization, DU. My long-term objective is the formation and development of my own research group. For that, a strong knowledge of physics and engineering will help me identify the optimal interface structure to favoured ionic transport and design new configurations; which will provide a fundamental knowledge in this technology. During the execution of this fellowship, not only will I acquire technical capabilities and knowledge in the fields of the research, but also the necessary skills in order to increment my profile as a researcher. These skills are the following: management, both of research projects and people (young scientists at early research career stages); teamwork, as a member of an interacting scientific community and with the project collaborators; communication and dissemination of science, in conferences, papers and to a broad audience in general; and project leadership, needed when taking a project to a good end. The unique framework described above puts me in a perfect situation to broaden my expertise in the fields of study in ROCHE project, paving the road to reach professional maturity and helping me in my long-run science career aspirations, which are to become a group leader at a leading research institution. For that, I will be suitable to apply for national fellowships such as “Ramon y Cajal” and “Ikerbasque” and EU grants as ERC Stg.
Publications:Lithium-ion batteries: Electrodes, separators, and solid polymer electrolytes
Salado M.; Gonçalves R.; Costa C.M.; Lanceros-Méndez S.
Sustainable Energy Storage in the Scope of Circular Economy: Advanced Materials and Device Design, 43, 68, 25, (2023)
Next generation 2D materials for anodes in battery applications
Kumar M.R., Singh S., Fahmy H.M., Jaiswal N.K., Akin S., Shalan A.E., Lanceros-Mendez S., Salado M.
Journal of Power Sources, 556, 232256, (2023)
Three-Component Solid Polymer Electrolytes Based on Li-Ion Exchanged Microporous Silicates and an Ionic Liquid for Solid-State Batteries
Barbosa J.C., Correia D.M., Salado M., Gonçalves R., Ferdov S., de Zea Bermudez V., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Advanced Engineering Materials, 25, 2, 2200849, (2023)
Advanced Neutron and Synchrotron Characterization Techniques for Nanocomposite Perovskite Materials Toward Solar Cells Applications
Porro J.M., Shalan A.E., Salado M.
Engineering Materials, 613, 661, (2022)
Advances, challenges, and environmental impacts in metal–air battery electrolytes
Salado M., Lizundia E.
Materials Today Energy, 28, 101064, (2022)
Enhancing operational stability in perovskite solar cells by solvent-free encapsulation method
Salado M., Payno D., Ahmad S.
Sustainable Energy and Fuels, 6, 9, 2264, 2275, (2022)
Magnetically active nanocomposites based on biodegradable polylactide, polycaprolactone, polybutylene succinate and polybutylene adipate terephthalate
Rincón-Iglesias M., Salado M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Lizundia E.
Polymer, 249, 124804, (2022)
Substituents interplay in piperidinyl-perylenediimide as dopant-free hole-selective layer for perovskite solar cells fabrication
Payno D., Salado M., Andresini M., Gutiérrez-Moreno D., Huang P., Ciriaco F., Kazim S., Sastre-Santos Á., Fernández-Lázaro F., Ahmad S.
Emergent Materials, 5, 4, 977, 985, (2022)
The Role of Critical Raw Materials for Novel Strategies in Sustainable Secondary Batteries
Salado M., Lizundia E., Oyarzabal I., Salazar D.
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science, 219, 15, 2100710, (2022)
Erratum to “Free-standing intrinsically conducting polymer membranes based on cellulose and poly(vinylidene fluoride) for energy storage applications” [Eur. Polym. J. 144 (2021) 110240] (European Polymer Journal (2021) 144, (S0014305720319571), (10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2020.110240))
Salado M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Lizundia E.
European Polymer Journal, 146, 110290, (2021)
Free-standing intrinsically conducting polymer membranes based on cellulose and poly(vinylidene fluoride) for energy storage applications
Salado M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Lizundia E.
European Polymer Journal, 144, 110240, (2021)
Photocurable temperature activated humidity hybrid sensing materials for multifunctional coatings
Mendes-Felipe C., Salado M., Fernandes L.C., Correia D.M., Ruiz-Rubio L., Tariq M., Esperança J.M.S.S., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Polymer, 221, 123635, (2021)
Raman spectra and vibrational analysis of CsPbI3: A fast and reliable technique to identify lead halide perovskite polymorphs
Satta J., Melis C., Carbonaro C.M., Pinna A., Salado M., Salazar D., Ricci P.C.
Journal of Materiomics, 7, 1, 127, 135, (2021)
Sulfurization temperature effects on crystallization and performance of superstrate CZTS solar cells
Payno D., Kazim S., Salado M., Ahmad S.
Solar Energy, 224, 1136, 1143, (2021)
Toward commercialization of stable devices: An overview on encapsulation of hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite solar cells
Aranda C.A., Caliò L., Salado M.
Crystals, 11, 5, 519, (2021)
Elucidating the Doping Mechanism in Fluorene-Dithiophene-Based Hole Selective Layer Employing Ultrahydrophobic Ionic Liquid Dopant
Harindu Hemasiri N., Kazim S., Calio L., Paek S., Salado M., Pozzi G., Lezama L., Nazeeruddin M.K., Ahmad S.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12, 8, 9395, 9403, (2020)
Interface Engineering by Thiazolium Iodide Passivation Towards Reduced Thermal Diffusion and Performance Improvement in Perovskite Solar Cells
Salado M., Andresini M., Huang P., Khan M.T., Ciriaco F., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
Advanced Functional Materials, 30, 14, 1910561, (2020)
Partial substitution of the CdS buffer layer with interplay of fullerenes in kesterite solar cells
Payno D., Sánchez Y., Blázquez O., Giraldo S., Salado M., Kazim S., Saucedo E., Ahmad S.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8, 36, 12533, 12542, (2020)
Polymer Amplification to Improve Performance and Stability toward Semitransparent Perovskite Solar Cells Fabrication
Nikbakht H., Shalan A.E., Salado M., Assadi A., Boroojerdian P., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
Energy Technology, 8, 4, 1900728, (2020)
Pyridine Bridging Diphenylamine-Carbazole with Linking Topology as Rational Hole Transporter for Perovskite Solar Cells Fabrication
Huang P., Manju, Kazim S., Sivakumar G., Salado M., Misra R., Ahmad S.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12, 20, 22881, 22890, (2020)
Appraisement of Crystal Expansion in CH3NH3PbI3 on Doping: Improved Photovoltaic Properties
Salado M., Kazim S., Nazeeruddin M.K., Ahmad S.
ChemSusChem, 12, 11, 2329, (2019)
Appraisement of Crystal Expansion in CH3NH3PbI3 on Doping: Improved Photovoltaic Properties
Salado M., Kazim S., Nazeeruddin M.K., Ahmad S.
ChemSusChem, 12, 11, 2329, (2019)
Elucidating the Impact of Charge Selective Contact in Halide Perovskite through Impedance Spectroscopy
Khan M.T., Salado M., Almohammedi A., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
Advanced Materials Interfaces, 6, 21, 1901193, (2019)
A Generic Route of Hydrophobic Doping in Hole Transporting Material to Increase Longevity of Perovskite Solar Cells
Caliò L., Salado M., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
Joule, 2, 9, 1800, 1815, (2018)
Design of cyclopentadithiophene-based small organic molecules as hole selective layers for perovskite solar cells
Caliò L., Kazim S., Salado M., Zimmermann I., Nazeeruddin M.K., Ahmad S.
Sustainable Energy and Fuels, 2, 10, 2179, 2186, (2018)
Oxazolium Iodide Modified Perovskites for Solar Cell Fabrication
Salado M., Shirzadi E., Kazim S., Fei Z., Nazeeruddin M.K., Dyson P.J., Ahmad S.
ChemPlusChem, 83, 4, 279, 284, (2018)
Surface passivation of perovskite layers using heterocyclic halides: Improved photovoltaic properties and intrinsic stability
Salado M., Jodlowski A.D., Roldan-Carmona C., de Miguel G., Kazim S., Nazeeruddin M.K., Ahmad S.
Nano Energy, 50, 220, 228, (2018)
The role of Cs+ inclusion in formamidinium lead triiodide-based perovskite solar cell
Salado M., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
Chemical Papers, 72, 7, 1645, 1650, (2018)
Understanding the influence of interface morphology on the performance of perovskite solar cells
Salado M., Calió L., Contreras-Bernal L., Idígoras J., Anta J.A., Ahmad S., Kazim S.
Materials, 11, 7, 1073, (2018)
Fernández-Gubieda, María Luisa UPV/EHU Research Associate
Email:Research line: Micro and nanostructured materialsBio:Expertise
Magnetic characterization; X-ray absorption spectroscopies; Magnetic nanoparticles;
Magnetotactic bacteria; biomedical application of magnetosomes
Prof. Dr. Mª Luisa Fernández-Gubieda is an expert in the field of magnetism and magnetic materials. In the last 10 years, she has been mainly involved in the study on nanogranular thin films and nanoparticle systems. Recently, she has developed a new research line on magnetotactic bacteria, with the aim to study the biomineralization process of magnetite nanoparticles and the viability of these nanoparticles for biomedical applications. One of her main activities is the use of Large Scale Facilities specially Synchrotron radiation, being one of the promoters of the beamline “Core level absorption and Emission Spectroscopies” at the Spanish synchrotron ALBA. At present, she is the head of the group of Magnetism and Magnetic materials in the University of Basque Country. She has published over 90 articles in scientific journals, receiving more than 700 citations (h-index=15). She has supervised 4 PhD Thesis.
Interests and objetives
Currently, she is Professor of Applied Physics at the University of the Basque Country ascribed to BCMaterials and the leader of the Group of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials of the Basque Country.
At present, she is involved in a rearch line on magnetotactic bacteria with two main topics. First, to understand the biomineralization process of the magnetite nanoparticle synthesize by the bacteria and second, to study the viability of these nanoparticles for biomedical application.
Curriculum Vitae -- Google Scholar -- ResearchGate
Rincón Iglesias, Mikel Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Active and smart materialsBio:Mikel Rincón Iglesias obtained his bachelor Degree in Chemistry with a final project about “Evaluation of the migration of benzophenone types photoinitiators into several food simulants in cardboard packaging” in June 2017 at the Analytical Chemistry Group of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Afterwards, he continued his Master studies in Energies and Fuels for the future at Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), which he finished in June 2018. Furthermore, he did an internship at Institute of Materials Science of Madrid (ICMM-CSIC), where concluded his Master Thesis about “Influence of the presence of graphene sheets in the hydrothermal synthesis of carbon spheres” in the Photonic Crystals Group.
Nowadays, Mikel is performing his PhD studies developing multifunctional inks for printed flexible devices.
Interests and objetives
Currently he is working on the project “Development of printed sensors and actuators based on multifunctional inks”. The principal objective of this project is to process and characterize inks for applications on magntetic, magnetoresistive, magnetostrictive and magneto-electric devices (and therefore also piezoelectric). The inks will be developed both for screen printing and for inkjet printing technologies.Publications:Core-Shell Fe3O4@Au Nanorod-Loaded Gels for Tunable and Anisotropic Magneto- and Photothermia
Rincón-Iglesias M., Rodrigo I., Berganza L.B., Serea E.S.A., Plazaola F., Lanceros-Méndez S., Lizundia E., Reguera J.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 14, 5, 7130, 7140, (2022)
Magnetically active nanocomposites based on biodegradable polylactide, polycaprolactone, polybutylene succinate and polybutylene adipate terephthalate
Rincón-Iglesias M., Salado M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Lizundia E.
Polymer, 249, 124804, (2022)
Multicomponent magnetic nanoparticle engineering: the role of structure-property relationship in advanced applications
Díez A.G., Rincón-Iglesias M., Lanceros-Méndez S., Reguera J., Lizundia E.
Materials Today Chemistry, 26, 101220, (2022)
Magnetic materials: A journey from finding north to an exciting printed future
Merazzo K.J., Lima A.C., Rincón-Iglesias M., Fernandes L.C., Pereira N., Lanceros-Mendez S., Martins P.
Materials Horizons, 8, 10, 2654, 2684, (2021)
Cellulose nanocrystal and water-soluble cellulose derivative based electromechanical bending actuators
Correia D.M., Lizundia E., Meira R.M., Rincón-Iglesias M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Materials, 13, 10, 2294, (2020)
Combining cobalt ferrite and graphite with cellulose nanocrystals for magnetically active and electrically conducting mesoporous nanohybrids
Lizundia E., Rincón-Iglesias M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 236, 116001, (2020)
Tailoring Electrical and Mechanical Properties of All-Natural Polymer Composites for Environmentally Friendlier Electronics
Rincón-Iglesias M., Lizundia E., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2, 4, 1448, 1457, (2020)
The role of CNC surface modification on the structural, thermal and electrical properties of poly(vinylidene fluoride) nanocomposites
Rincón-Iglesias M., Lizundia E., Correia D.M., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Cellulose, 27, 7, 3821, 3834, (2020)
Water-based 2D printing of magnetically active cellulose derivative nanocomposites
Rincón-Iglesias M., Delgado A., Peřinka N., Lizundia E., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 233, 115855, (2020)
Water-Soluble Cellulose Derivatives as Suitable Matrices for Multifunctional Materials
Rincón-Iglesias M., Lizundia E., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Biomacromolecules, 20, 7, 2786, 2795, (2019)
Perinka, Nikola Research Fellow
Email:Research line: Active and smart materialsBio:Dr. Nikola Perinka received his M.Sc. in printing engineering and Ph.D. in chemistry and technology of materials, both from University of Pardubice. His main research objective has been focused on formulation and printing of functional materials, as well as device fabrication. He possesses extensive experience in printing process and organic and flexible electronics (such as organic photovoltaics, organic light emitting diodes or sensors). Dr. Perinka has been participating in several national projects and has published several peer-reviewed papers in the field of chemistry and material science. During his Ph.D. he realized several internships in France (École Polytechnique) and Germany (TU-Chemnitz). After his Ph.D. joined Cetemmsa Technological Centre (Mataró-Barcelona, later Eurecat Technology Centre of Catalonia in Spain), where he worked mainly on the CIEN project HyPrint focused on the development of printed hybrid light emitting diodes.
Currently, Dr. Perinka has joined BCMaterials with main research focus on organic and printed electronics. He will participate in several national and international projects with the focus on flexible electronics.
“Printed Electronics, Flexible and Organic Electronics, Conducting Polymers, Printing Technologies, Photophysics and Photonics, Ink Formulation, Functional Materials”
Author ID: 55945204900 Novel Screen-Printed Textile Interface for High-Density Electromyography Recording
Murciego L.P., Komolafe A., Peřinka N., Nunes-Matos H., Junker K., Díez A.G., Lanceros-Méndez S., Torah R., Spaich E.G., Dosen S.
Sensors, 23, 3, 1113, (2023)
Influence of polymer matrix on the luminescence of phosphor based printable electroluminescent materials and devices
Polícia R., Correia D.M., Peřinka N., Tubio C.R., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Polymer, 268, 125700, (2023)
PEDOT:PSS-based screen-printable inks for H2O2 electrochemical detection
Campos-Arias L., del Olmo R., Peřinka N., Casado N., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Mecerreyes D., del Campo F.J., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Electrochimica Acta, 439, 141615, (2023)
Printable lightweight polymer-based energy harvesting systems: materials, processes, and applications
Rodrigues-Marinho T., Perinka N., Costa P., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Materials Today Sustainability, 21, 100292, (2023)
Design and Fabrication of Printed Human Skin Model Equivalent Circuit: A Tool for Testing Biomedical Electrodes without Human Trials
Peřinka N., Štrbac M., Kostić M., Malešević J., Castro N., Correia V., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Advanced Engineering Materials, 24, 2, 2100684, (2022)
Electroactive poly(vinylidene fluoride) electrospun fiber mats coated with polyaniline and polypyrrole for tissue regeneration applications
Hermenegildo B., Ribeiro C., Peřinka N., Martins P., Trchová M., Hajná M., Stejskal J., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Reactive and Functional Polymers, 170, 105118, (2022)
Environmentally Friendly Conductive Screen-Printable Inks Based on N-Doped Graphene and Polyvinylpyrrolidone
Franco M., Motealleh A., Costa C.M., Hilliou L., Perinka N., Ribeiro C., Viana J.C., Costa P., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Advanced Engineering Materials, 24, 6, 2101258, (2022)
Printed 3D Gesture Recognition Thermoformed Half Sphere Compatible with In-Mold Electronic Applications
Gomes Correia V.M., Pereira N., Perinka N., Costa P., del Campo J., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Advanced Engineering Materials, 24, 12, 2200730, (2022)
Silver Nanoparticles for Conductive Inks: From Synthesis and Ink Formulation to Their Use in Printing Technologies
Zhang J., Ahmadi M., Fargas G., Perinka N., Reguera J., Lanceros-Méndez S., Llanes L., Jiménez-Piqué E.
Metals, 12, 2, 234, (2022)
Toward Next-Generation Mobile Diagnostics: Near-Field Communication-Powered Electrochemiluminescent Detection
Totoricaguena-Gorriño J., Dei M., Alba A.F., Peřinka N., Rubio L.-R., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Del Campo F.J.
ACS Sensors, 7, 5, 1544, 1554, (2022)
All-Printed Smart Label with Integrated Humidity Sensors and Power Supply
Pereira N., Correia V., Peřinka N., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Advanced Engineering Materials, 23, 3, 2001229, (2021)
Capacitive and illumination systems based on printed and hybrid electronics
Peřinka N., Pozo B., Fernández De Gorostiza E., Mendes-Felipe C., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Flexible and Printed Electronics, 6, 1, 015004, (2021)
Laser-induced highly oriented pyrolytic graphite for high-performance screen-printed electrodes
Alba A.F., Totoricaguena-Gorrino J., Campos-Arias L., Peřinka N., Ruiz-Rubio L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S., Del Campo F.J.
Materials Advances, 2, 18, 5912, 5921, (2021)
Printed Capacitive Sensors Based on Ionic Liquid/Metal-Organic Framework Composites for Volatile Organic Compounds Detection
Fernandez E., G. Saiz P., Peřinka N., Wuttke S., Fernández de Luis R.
Advanced Functional Materials, 31, 25, 2010703, (2021)
Advances in thermochromic and thermoelectric materials
Shalan A.E., Perinka N., Serea E.S.A., Sanad M.F.
Advanced Lightweight Multifunctional Materials, 153, 186, (2020)
All-printed piezoresistive sensor matrix with organic thin-film transistors as a switch for crosstalk reduction
Correia V., Oliveira J., Perinka N., Costa P., Sowade E., Mitra K.Y., Baumann R.R., Lanceros-Mendez S.
ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2, 5, 1470, 1477, (2020)
Magnetic proximity sensor based on magnetoelectric composites and printed coils
Pereira N., Lima A.C., Correia V., Perinka N., Lanceros-Mendez S., Martins P.
Materials, 13, 7, 1729, (2020)
Reconfigurable 3D-printable magnets with improved maximum energy product
Brito-Pereira R., Ribeiro C., Peřinka N., Lanceros-Mendez S., Martins P.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8, 3, 952, 958, (2020)
Spray-printed magnetoelectric multifunctional composites
Martins P., Nunes J.S., Oliveira J., Peřinka N., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Composites Part B: Engineering, 187, 107829, (2020)
Water-based 2D printing of magnetically active cellulose derivative nanocomposites
Rincón-Iglesias M., Delgado A., Peřinka N., Lizundia E., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 233, 115855, (2020)
Water-Based Graphene Inks for All-Printed Temperature and Deformation Sensors
Franco M., Alves R., Perinka N., Tubio C., Costa P., Lanceros-Mendéz S.
ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2, 9, 2857, 2867, (2020)
Lázpita Arizmendiarreta, Patricia UPV/EHU Research Associate
Email:Research line: Micro and nanostructured materialsBio:Expertise
Ferromagnetic shape memory alloys; neutron and x-ray scattering; magnetic properties and electrical transport
Patricia Lázpita graduated in physics and received her doctor degree in applied physics from the Basque Country University (UPV/EHU) in 2003 and 2008, respectively. Since 2004, she is a member of the Group of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials at UPV/EHU. Her research work is mainly focused on the characterization and analysis of fundamental properties of magnetic shape memory alloys. She has over 40 published works in international peer reviewed journals in the fields of materials science, applied physics.
Interests and objetives
Currently, I am involved in FUNSAFE (Functional properties and non-equilibrium processes in shape memory alloys and ferroic materials) project, funded under the MINECO.
Curriculum VitaePublications:Mastering a 1.2 K hysteresis for martensitic para-ferromagnetic partial transformation in Ni-Mn(Cu)-Ga magnetocaloric material via binder jet 3D printing
Stevens E., Kimes K., Salazar D., Mostafaei A., Rodriguez R., Acierno A., Lázpita P., Chernenko V., Chmielus M.
Additive Manufacturing, 37, 101560, (2021)
Neutron scattering as a powerful tool to investigate magnetic shape memory alloys: A review
Río‐lópez N.A., Lázpita P., Salazar D., Petrenko V.I., Plazaola F., Chernenko V., Porro J.M.
Metals, 11, 5, 829, (2021)
Suppression of martensitic transformation in Ni-Mn-In metamagnetic shape memory alloy under very strong magnetic field
Lázpita P., Pérez-Checa A., Barandiarán J.M., Ammerlaan A., Zeitler U., Chernenko V.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 874, 159814, (2021)
Temperature dependent stress–strain behavior and martensite stabilization in magnetic shape memory ni51.1 fe16.4 ga26.3 co6.2 single crystal
Lázpita P., Villa E., Villa F., Chernenko V.
Metals, 11, 6, 920, (2021)
Combinatorial synthesis of Ni–Mn–Ga-(Fe,Co,Cu) high temperature ferromagnetic shape memory alloys thin films
Alexandrakis V., Barandiaran J.M., Pérez-Checa A., Lázpita P., Decker P., Salomon S., Feuchtwanger J., Ludwig A., Chernenko V.
Scripta Materialia, 178, 104, 107, (2020)
Combined effect of magnetic field and hydrostatic pressure on the phase transitions exhibited by Ni-Mn-In metamagnetic shape memory alloy
Lázpita P., L'vov V.A., Fernández J.R., Barandiarán J.M., Chernenko V.A.
Acta Materialia, 193, 1, 9, (2020)
Martensitic transformation and structural states in Ni44.0Mn43.5Sn12.5-xAlx (x = 1, 2, 3 at.%) magnetic shape memory alloys prepared by vacuum hot pressing
Villa E., Maziarz W., Wójcik A., Nespoli A., Lázpita P., Hosoda H., Chernenko V.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 847, 156315, (2020)
Role of Fe addition in Ni–Mn–Ga–Co–Cu–Fe ferromagnetic shape memory alloys for high-temperature magnetic actuation
Pérez-Checa A., Porro J.M., Feuchtwanger J., Lázpita P., Hansen T.C., Mondelli C., Sozinov A., Barandiarán J.M., Ullakko K., Chernenko V.
Acta Materialia, 196, 549, 555, (2020)
Effect of Fe doping and magnetic field on martensitic transformation of Mn-Ni(Fe)-Sn metamagnetic shape memory alloys
Lázpita P., Sasmaz M., Barandiarán J.M., Chernenko V.A.
Acta Materialia, 155, 95, 103, (2018)
Magnetocaloric Effect in Specially Designed Materials
Salazar-Jaramillo D., Álvarez-Alonso P., Lázpita P., Sánchez Llamazares J.L., Gorría P., Blanco J.A., Chernenko V.A.
Magnetic Nanostructured Materials: From Lab to Fab, 199, 244, (2018)
Magnetovolume coupling in transformation behaviour of Mn-Ni-Sn metamagnetic shape memory alloys
L'Vov V.A., Lazpita P., Barandiaran J.M., Chernenko V.A.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51, 35, 355001, (2018)
Probing Structural and Magnetic Instabilities and Hysteresis in Heuslers by Density Functional Theory Calculations
Entel P., Gruner M.E., Fähler S., Acet M., Çahır A., Arróyave R., Sahoo S., Duong T.C., Talapatra A., Sandratskii L., Mankowsky S., Gottschall T., Gutfleisch O., Lázpita P., Chernenko V.A., Barandiaran J.M., Sokolovskiy V.V., Buchelnikov V.D.
Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research, 255, 2, 1700296, (2018)
Polarized Neutron Study of Ni-Mn-Ga Alloys: Site-Specific Spin Density Affected by Martensitic Transformation
Lázpita P., Barandiarán J.M., Gutiérrez J., Mondelli C., Sozinov A., Chernenko V.A.
Physical Review Letters, 119, 15, 155701, (2017)
Magnetic and conventional shape memory behavior of Mn-Ni-Sn and Mn-Ni-Sn(Fe) alloys
Turabi A.S., Lázpita P., Sasmaz M., Karaca H.E., Chernenko V.A.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 49, 20, 205002, (2016)
Martensitic transformation and magnetic field induced effects in Ni42Co8Mn39Sn11 metamagnetic shape memory alloy
Lázpita P., Sasmaz M., Cesari E., Barandiarán J.M., Gutiérrez J., Chernenko V.A.
Acta Materialia, 109, 170, 176, (2016)
Magnetic analysis of martensitic and austenitic phases in metamagnetic NiMn(In, Sn) alloys
Lázpita P., Escolar J., Chernenko V.A., Barandiarán J.M.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 644, 883, 887, (2015)
Simple set-up for adiabatic measurements of magnetocaloric effect
Álvarez-Alonso P., López-García J., Daniel-Perez G., Salazar D., Lázpita P., Camarillo J.P., Flores-Zuñiga H., Rios-Jara D., Sánchez-Llamazares J.L., Chernenko V.A.
Key Engineering Materials, 644, 215, 218, (2015)
Morales Arboleya, Rafael Ikerbasque & UPV/EHU Research Associate
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesBio:Expertise
Nanopatterning (electron beam and interference lithography), thin film deposition, magnetic nanostructure characterization.
Rafael Morales received his Ph. D degree in Physics from the University of Oviedo, Spain, in 2002. He was awarded with a Fulbright and a Marie Curie fellowship to work at the University of California, San Diego. He joined University of Oviedo and Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Research Center, CINN, Spain, in 2007. Since 2010, he works at the University of the Basque Country as Ikerbasque Research Professor. He has experience in the fabrication of magnetic heterostructures by physical vapour deposition techniques, magnetic analysis by magnetometry and magneto-optical methods and nanopatterning lithography procedures. His research interests are focused on dimensionality effects in nanoscale magnetic structures, exchange coupled systems with in-plane and out-of-plane anisotropy and the potential of magnetic nanostructures in biomedical applications.
Interests and objetives
Research on magnetic properties of magnetically coupled heterostructures: thin films and nanostructures.
Biomedical application of magnetic nanostructures.
Curriculum VitaePublications:Competition of Magnetic Anisotropies in Permalloy Antidot Lattices
Porro J.M., Villar A., Redondo C., Río-López N.A., Lasheras A., Salazar D., Morales R., Fernández-Martín E.
Magnetochemistry, 8, 5, 55, (2022)
Magneto Twister: Magneto Deformation of the Water-Air Interface by a Superhydrophobic Magnetic Nanoparticle Layer
Gunatilake U.B., Morales R., Basabe-Desmonts L., Benito-Lopez F.
Langmuir, 38, 11, 3360, 3369, (2022)
Role of the antiferromagnetic bulk spins in exchange bias
Schuller I.K., Morales R., Batlle X., Nowak U., Güntherodt G.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 416, 2, 9, (2016)
González Teresa, Raquel Projects and Technology Transfer Manager
Email:Bio:Raquel Gonzalez Teresa PhD received her doctor degree in Physics of Advanced Materials and Nanostructures in 2014 from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). She was working during 2014 as a postdoctoral researcher in the industrial sector in an Irish SME dedicated to microfluidics and water treatment. She worked in different EU founded projects and industrial /product development projects. In 2015 she moved to the University of Vanderbilt in USA for a postdoctoral position participating in different projects founded by American Nuclear Society (ANS) and National Science Foundation (NSF). She focused on the study of the interaction mechanisms between radioactive isotopes and cementitious matrix and dedicated to the development of a fundamental understanding of the interfacial molecular structure and dynamics at reinforcing structure-solid matrix phase-liquid phase interfaces that control the reinforcement mechanism in Calcium based materials. In 2016 she moved to the industrial sector again as the R&D Director of a SME dedicated to graphene production. Her responsibilities among opening new research lines and being on charge of the outreach and communication of the company were to manage different European and national projects and to participate in proposal writing.
Currently she is on charge of the project management of BCMaterials. She is responsible of developing project scope, budgets, and timelines, and project status reports, managing projects to strategies, budgets and timelines.
She is also the responsible of the organization and coordination of events related to the activities of communication and outreach (workshops, meetings, seminars, courses, visits, among others) and elaboration of communications and outreach material.
She is external reviewer for different EU founding programs.
Fernández de Luis, Roberto Research Fellow
Email:Research line: Micro and nanostructured materialsBio:Expertise
Single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction. Crystal structure solution and refinement. Crystallographic databases. Hydrothermal synthesis. IR and Raman spectroscopies. Thermal properties of materials.
Roberto Fernández de Luis got his PhD (Material science, 2009) from the University of the Basque Country. His research is focused on crystal structure determination and thermal stability of the crystal frameworks after the loss and uptake of guest and coordinated species. For these studies, he has specialized on single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction at non-ambient temperature. He is currently working in collaboration with the Crystallography group in UPV/EHU on the room temperature and hydrothermal synthesis of nano-structured hydrogels of silver vanadium oxides for sensing and battery applications.
Interests and objetives
Design of porous materials as sensor for alcohols detectors.
Development of electrode materials for battery applications.
Curriculum Vitae -- ResearcherIDPublications:A State-of-the-Art of Metal-Organic Frameworks for Chromium Photoreduction vs. Photocatalytic Water Remediation
García A., Rodríguez B., Rosales M., Quintero Y.M., G. Saiz P., Reizabal A., Wuttke S., Celaya-Azcoaga L., Valverde A., Fernández de Luis R.
Nanomaterials, 12, 23, 4263, (2022)
Designing Metal-Chelator-like Traps by Encoding Amino Acids in Zirconium-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks
Valverde A., Tovar G.I., Rio-López N.A., Torres D., Rosales M., Wuttke S., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Porro J.M., Jiménez-Ruiz M., García Sakai V., García A., Laza J.M., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lezama L., Arriortua M.I., Copello G.J., Fernández De Luis R.
Chemistry of Materials, 34, 21, 9666, 9684, (2022)
Editorial: Design of Functional Nanostructured Polymer Materials: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications
Álvarez V.A., Copello G.J., Fernández de Luis R., Molina A.I., Lázaro-Martínez J.M.
Frontiers in Chemistry, 10, 923054, (2022)
Exploring ionic liquid-laden metal-organic framework composite materials as hybrid electrolytes in metal (ion) batteries
Urgoiti-Rodriguez M., Vaquero-Vílchez S., Mirandona-Olaeta A., Fernández de Luis R., Goikolea E., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Ruiz de Larramendi I.
Frontiers in Chemistry, 10, 995063, (2022)
Magnetoelastic Resonance Sensors: Principles, Applications, and Perspectives
Saiz P.G., Fernández De Luis R., Lasheras A., Arriortua M.I., Lopes A.C.
ACS Sensors, 7, 5, 1248, 1268, (2022)
Metal organic framework modified poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) separator membranes to improve lithium-ion battery capacity fading
Barbosa J.C., Gonçalves R., Valverde A., Martins P.M., Petrenko V.I., Márton M., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Fernández de Luis R., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Chemical Engineering Journal, 443, 136329, (2022)
Multivariate Functionalization of UiO-66 for Photocatalytic Water Remediation
Valverde A., Payno D., Lezama L., Laza J.M., Wuttke S., Fernández de Luis R.
Advanced Sustainable Systems, 6, 7, 2200024, (2022)
Reusable composite membranes for highly efficient chromium removal from real water matrixes
Queirós J.M., Salazar H., Valverde A., Botelho G., Fernández de Luis R., Teixeira J., Martins P.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Chemosphere, 307, 135922, (2022)
Reusable Nanocomposite Membranes for Highly Efficient Arsenite and Arsenate Dual Removal from Water
Salazar H., Martins P.M., Valverde A., Fernández de Luis R., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Ferdov S., Botelho G., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Advanced Materials Interfaces, 9, 10, 2101419, (2022)
Understanding electrogenerated chemiluminescence at graphite screen-printed electrodes
Alba A.F., Fernández-de Luis R., Totoricaguena-Gorriño J., Ruiz-Rubio L., Sánchez J., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S., del Campo F.J.
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 914, 116331, (2022)
Chitin/Metal-Organic Framework Composites as Wide-Range Adsorbent
Tovar Jimenez G.I., Valverde A., Mendes-Felipe C., Wuttke S., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Larrea E.S., Lezama L., Zheng F., Reguera J., Lanceros-Méndez S., Arriortua M.I., Copello G., de Luis R.F.
ChemSusChem, 14, 14, 2892, 2901, (2021)
Evaluating the bi-functional capacity for arsenic photo-oxidation and adsorption on anatase TiO2 nanostructures with tunable morphology
Rosales M., Orive J., Espinoza-González R., Fernández de Luis R., Gauvin R., Brodusch N., Rodríguez B., Gracia F., García A.
Chemical Engineering Journal, 415, 128906, (2021)
Influence of the magnetic domain structure in the mass sensitivity of magnetoelastic sensors with different geometries
Saiz P.G., Porro J.M., Lasheras A., Fernández de Luis R., Quintana I., Arriortua M.I., Lopes A.C.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 863, 158555, (2021)
Modulation of the bifunctional CrVI to CrIII photoreduction and adsorption capacity in ZrIV and TiIV benchmark metal-organic frameworks
Saiz P.G., Valverde A., Gonzalez-Navarrete B., Rosales M., Quintero Y.M., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Orive J., Reizabal A., Larrea E.S., Arriortua M.I., Lanceros-Méndez S., García A., de Luis R.F.
Catalysts, 11, 1, 51, 1, 14, (2021)
Printed Capacitive Sensors Based on Ionic Liquid/Metal-Organic Framework Composites for Volatile Organic Compounds Detection
Fernandez E., G. Saiz P., Peřinka N., Wuttke S., Fernández de Luis R.
Advanced Functional Materials, 31, 25, 2010703, (2021)
Processing Strategies to Obtain Highly Porous Silk Fibroin Structures with Tailored Microstructure and Molecular Characteristics and Their Applicability in Water Remediation
Reizabal A., Costa C.M., Saiz P.G., Gonzalez B., Pérez-Álvarez L., Fernández de Luis R., Garcia A., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 403, 123675, (2021)
Chromium Speciation in Zirconium-Based Metal–Organic Frameworks for Environmental Remediation
Saiz P.G., Iglesias N., González Navarrete B., Rosales M., Quintero Y.M., Reizabal A., Orive J., Fidalgo Marijuan A., Larrea E.S., Lopes A.C., Lezama L., García A., Lanceros-Mendez S., Arriortua M.I., Fernández de Luis R.
Chemistry - A European Journal, 26, 61, 13861, 13872, (2020)
Encapsulation of β-alanine model amino-acid in zirconium(IV) metal organic frameworks: Defect engineering to improve host guest interactions
Muguruza A.R., de Luis R.F., Iglesias N., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.-K., Larrea E.S., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Barandika G.
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 205, 110977, (2020)
Enhanced chitin gel with magnetic nanofiller for lysozyme purification
Tovar G.I., Fernández de Luis R., Arriortua M.I., Wolman F.J., Copello G.J.
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 88, 90, 98, (2020)
Exploring new hydrated delta type vanadium oxides for lithium intercalation
Orive J., Fernández De Luis R., Larrea E.S., Martínez-Amesti A., Altomare A., Rizzi R., Lezama L., Arriortua M.I., Gómez-Cámer J.L., Jauregui M., Casas-Cabanas M., Lisoni J.
Dalton Transactions, 49, 12, 3856, 3868, (2020)
Metal-Organic Framework Based PVDF Separators for High Rate Cycling Lithium-Ion Batteries
Valverde A., Gonçalves R., Silva M.M., Wuttke S., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Costa C.M., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Laza J.M., Arriortua M.I., Lanceros-Méndez S., Fernández De Luis R.
ACS Applied Energy Materials, 3, 12, 11907, 11919, (2020)
Rhombic-magnetoelastic/metal-organic framework functionalized resonators for highly sensitive toluene detection
Saiz P.G., De Luis R.F., Bartolome L., Gutiérrez J., Arriortua M.I., Lopes A.C.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8, 39, 13743, 13753, (2020)
Study of the versatility of CuBTC@IL-derived materials for heterogeneous catalysis
Larrea E.S., Fernández de Luis R., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Maya E.M., Iglesias M., Arriortua M.I.
CrystEngComm, 22, 17, 2904, 2913, (2020)
pH and ion-selective swelling behaviour of keratin and keratose 3D hydrogels
Galaburri G., Peralta Ramos M.L., Lázaro-Martínez J.M., Fernández de Luis R., Arriortua M.I., Villanueva M.E., Copello G.J.
European Polymer Journal, 118, 1, 9, (2019)
Thermal activation of charge carriers in ionic and electronic semiconductor β-AgIVVO3 and β-AgIVVO3@VV1.6VIV0.4O4.8 composite xerogels
Fernández De Luis R., Larrea E.S., Orive J., Lezama L., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S., Arriortua M.I.
RSC Advances, 9, 72, 42439, 42449, (2019)
Ionic liquids for the control of the morphology in poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) membranes
GSaiz P., Lopes A.C., Eizagirre Barker S., Fernández de Luis R., Arriortua M.I.
Materials and Design, 155, 325, 333, (2018)
Open and closed forms of the interpenetrated [Cu2(Tae)(Bpa)2](NO3)2·: N H2O: Magnetic properties and high pressure CO2/CH4 gas sorption
Fernández De Luis R., Larrea E.S., Orive J., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Lezama L., Arriortua M.I.
Dalton Transactions, 47, 3, 958, 970, (2018)
Ax(H3O)2-xMn5(HPO3)6 (A = Li, Na, K and NH4): Open-framework manganese(II) phosphites templated by mixed cationic species
Orive J., Fernández De Luis R., Fernández J.R., Lezama L., Arriortua M.I.
Dalton Transactions, 45, 30, 12188, 12199, (2016)
Catalytic performance of a new 1D Cu(II) coordination polymer {Cu(NO3)(H2O)}(HTae)(4,4'-Bpy) for Knoevenagel condensation
Larrea E.S., De Luis R.F., Arriortua M.I.
Molecules, 21, 12, 21121651, (2016)
Commensurate superstructure of the {Cu(NO3)(H2O)}(HTae)(Bpy) coordination polymer: An example of 2D hydrogen-bonding networks as magnetic exchange pathway
Fernández De Luis R., Larrea E.S., Orive J., Lezama L., Arriortua M.I.
Inorganic Chemistry, 55, 22, 11662, 11675, (2016)
On the mineral core of ferritin-like proteins: Structural and magnetic characterization
García-Prieto A., Alonso J., Muñoz D., Marcano L., Abad Díaz De Cerio A., Fernández De Luis R., Orue I., Mathon O., Muela A., Fdez-Gubieda M.L.
Nanoscale, 8, 2, 1088, 1099, (2016)
Composite β-AgVO3@V1.65+V0.44+O4.8 hydrogels and xerogels for iodide capture
Fernández De Luis R., Martínez-Amesti A., Larrea E.S., Lezama L., Aguayo A.T., Arriortua M.I.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3, 39, 19996, 20012, (2015)
Mixed Metal-Organic Framework as a Heterogeneous Catalyst
Larrea E.S., Fernández De Luis R., Orive J., Iglesias M., Arriortua M.I.
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2015, 28, 4699, 4707, (2015)
Water-induced phase transformation of a CuII coordination framework with pyridine-2,5-dicarboxylate and di-2-pyridyl ketone: synchrotron radiation analysis
Llano-Tomé F., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.K., Barandika G., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Fernández De Luis R., Arriortua M.I.
CrystEngComm, 17, 33, 6346, 6354, (2015)
Hybrid vanadates constructed from extended metal-organic arrays: Crystal architectures and properties
De Luis R.F., Orive J., Larrea E.S., Karmele Urtiaga M., Arriortua M.I.
CrystEngComm, 16, 45, 10332, 10366, (2014)
Lanceros Méndez, Senén Director
Email:Research line: Active and smart materialsBio:Expertise
Smart and functional materials and devices for sensors and actuators, energy and biomedical applications
S. Lanceros-Mendez graduated in physics at the University of the Basque Country, Leioa, Spain. He obtained his Ph.D. degree at the Institute of Physics of the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany. He was Research Scholar at Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, USA and visiting scientist at the Pennsylvania State University, USA and University of Potsdam, among others. He is principal investigator at the BCMaterials –Basque Center for Materials, Applicatons and Nanostructures, Spain and Associated Professor at the Physics Department of the University of Minho, Portugal and. From 2012 to 2014 he was also Associate Researcher at the INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory. His work is focused in the area of polymer based smart and functional materials for sensors and actuators, energy and biomedical applications.
Interests and objetives
Further information of the research activities:
Curriculum Vitae -- Google Scholar -- ResearcherID -- ResearchGatePublications:A Novel Screen-Printed Textile Interface for High-Density Electromyography Recording
Murciego L.P., Komolafe A., Peřinka N., Nunes-Matos H., Junker K., Díez A.G., Lanceros-Méndez S., Torah R., Spaich E.G., Dosen S.
Sensors, 23, 3, 1113, (2023)
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene-Based Composites with Permalloy with Tailored Magnetic Response
Merazzo K.J., Díez A.G., Tubio C.R., Manchado J.C., Malet R., Pérez M., Costa P., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Polymers, 15, 3, 626, (2023)
Beeswax multifunctional composites with thermal-healing capability and recyclability
Brito-Pereira R., Ribeiro C., Tubio C.R., Castro N., Costa P., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Chemical Engineering Journal, 453, 139840, (2023)
Electrohydrodynamic 3D Printing of Aqueous Solutions
Reizabal A.; Tandon B.; Lanceros-Méndez S.; Dalton P.D.
Small, 19, 7, 2205255, (2023)
Enhanced neuronal differentiation by dynamic piezoelectric stimulation
Pinho T.S., Silva D., Ribeiro J.C., Marote A., Lima R., Batista S.J., Melo R., Ribeiro C., Cunha C.B., Moreira I.S., Lanceros-Mendez S., Salgado A.J.
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A, 111, 1, 35, 44, (2023)
Humidity Sensors Based on Magnetic Ionic Liquids Blended in Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene)
Serra J.P.; Fernandes L.C.; Pereira N.; Fidalgo-Marijuan A.; Porro J.M.; Costa C.M.; Correia D.M.; Lanceros-Mendez S.
ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 5, 1, 109, 119, 10, (2023)
Hybrid TiO2:Au nanostars based polymeric membranes for photocatalytic degradation of ciprofloxacin in water samples
Zheng F., Martins P.M., Queirós J.M., Tavares C.J., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S., Reguera J.
Chemosphere, 313, 137630, (2023)
Influence of polymer matrix on the luminescence of phosphor based printable electroluminescent materials and devices
Polícia R., Correia D.M., Peřinka N., Tubio C.R., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Polymer, 268, 125700, (2023)
Magnetically responsive chitosan-pectin films incorporating Fe3O4 nanoparticles with enhanced antimicrobial activity
Zarandona I., Correia D.M., Moreira J., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Guerrero P., de la Caba K.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 227, 1070, 1077, (2023)
Next generation 2D materials for anodes in battery applications
Kumar M.R., Singh S., Fahmy H.M., Jaiswal N.K., Akin S., Shalan A.E., Lanceros-Mendez S., Salado M.
Journal of Power Sources, 556, 232256, (2023)
PEDOT:PSS-based screen-printable inks for H2O2 electrochemical detection
Campos-Arias L., del Olmo R., Peřinka N., Casado N., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Mecerreyes D., del Campo F.J., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Electrochimica Acta, 439, 141615, (2023)
Printable lightweight polymer-based energy harvesting systems: materials, processes, and applications
Rodrigues-Marinho T., Perinka N., Costa P., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Materials Today Sustainability, 21, 100292, (2023)
Silk Fibroin as Sustainable Advanced Material: Material Properties and Characteristics, Processing, and Applications
Reizabal A., Costa C.M., Pérez-Álvarez L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Advanced Functional Materials, 33, 3, 2210764, (2023)
Synthesis and characterization of cellulose, β-cyclodextrin, silk fibroin-based hydrogel containing copper-doped cobalt ferrite nanospheres and exploration of its biocompatibility
Eivazzadeh-Keihan R., Ganjali F., Aliabadi H.A.M., Maleki A., Pouri S., Mahdavi M., Shalan A.E., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry, 13, 1, 103, 113, (2023)
Three-Component Solid Polymer Electrolytes Based on Li-Ion Exchanged Microporous Silicates and an Ionic Liquid for Solid-State Batteries
Barbosa J.C., Correia D.M., Salado M., Gonçalves R., Ferdov S., de Zea Bermudez V., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Advanced Engineering Materials, 25, 2, 2200849, (2023)
3D-printed carrageenan-based nanocomposites for sustainable resistive sensing devices
Macedo V.M., Pereira N., Tubio C.R., Martins P., Lanceros-Mendez S., Costa C.M.
Polymer, 262, 125456, (2022)
A review on 2D-ZnO nanostructure based biosensors: from materials to devices
Krishna M.S., Singh S., Batool M., Fahmy H.M., Seku K., Shalan A.E., Lanceros-Mendez S., Zafar M.N.
Materials Advances, 4, 2, 320, 354, (2022)
Bio-Based Piezo- and Thermoresistive Photocurable Sensing Materials from Acrylated Epoxidized Soybean Oil
Mendes-Felipe C., Costa P., Roppolo I., Sangermano M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 307, 7, 2100934, (2022)
Biodegradable polymer-based microfluidic membranes for sustainable point-of-care devices
Brito-Pereira R., Ribeiro C., Lanceros-Méndez S., Fernandes Cardoso V.
Chemical Engineering Journal, 448, 137639, (2022)
Carrageenan based printable magnetic nanocomposites for actuator applications
Macedo V.M., Pereira N., Tubio C.R., Martins P., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Composites Science and Technology, 224, 109485, (2022)
Carrageenan-Based Hybrid Materials with Ionic Liquids for Sustainable and Recyclable Printable Pressure Sensors
Serra J.P., Pereira N., Correia D.M., Tubio C.R., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 10, 26, 8631, 8640, (2022)
Comparative performance and ecotoxicity assessment of Y2(CO3)3, ZnO/TiO2, and Fe3O4 nanoparticles for arsenic removal from water
Salazar H., Martins P.M., Batista D., Shejale K.P., Sharma R.K., Krishnapriya R., Ferdov S., Botelho G., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Cássio F., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology, 8, 8, 1719, 1730, (2022)
Core-Shell Fe3O4@Au Nanorod-Loaded Gels for Tunable and Anisotropic Magneto- and Photothermia
Rincón-Iglesias M., Rodrigo I., Berganza L.B., Serea E.S.A., Plazaola F., Lanceros-Méndez S., Lizundia E., Reguera J.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 14, 5, 7130, 7140, (2022)
Design and Fabrication of Printed Human Skin Model Equivalent Circuit: A Tool for Testing Biomedical Electrodes without Human Trials
Peřinka N., Štrbac M., Kostić M., Malešević J., Castro N., Correia V., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Advanced Engineering Materials, 24, 2, 2100684, (2022)
Development and evaluation of different electroactive poly(vinylidene fluoride) architectures for endothelial cell culture
Durán-Rey D., Brito-Pereira R., Ribeiro C., Ribeiro S., Sánchez-Margallo J.A., Crisóstomo V., Irastorza I., Silván U., Lanceros-Méndez S., Sánchez-Margallo F.M.
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 10, 1044667, (2022)
Development and magnetocaloric properties of Ni(Co)-Mn-Sn printing ink
Rodríguez-Crespo B., Salazar D., Lanceros-Méndez S., Chernenko V.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 917, 165521, (2022)
Dynamic and Self-Healable Chitosan/Hyaluronic Acid-Based In Situ-Forming Hydrogels
Maiz-Fernández S., Pérez-Álvarez L., Silván U., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Gels, 8, 8, 477, (2022)
Electro and magnetoactive printed bi-functional actuators based on alginate hybrid hydrogels
Maiz-Fernández S., Pérez-Álvarez L., de Munain-Arroniz I.L., Zoco A., Lopes A.C., Silván U., Salazar D., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 219, 374, 383, (2022)
Electroactive functional microenvironments from bioactive polymers: A new strategy to address cancer
Ribeiro S., Soares M., Hermenegildo B., Correia V., Díez A.G., Lanceros-Mendez S., Ribeiro C.
Biomaterials Advances, 137, 212849, (2022)
Electroactive poly(vinylidene fluoride) electrospun fiber mats coated with polyaniline and polypyrrole for tissue regeneration applications
Hermenegildo B., Ribeiro C., Peřinka N., Martins P., Trchová M., Hajná M., Stejskal J., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Reactive and Functional Polymers, 170, 105118, (2022)
Electrode fabrication process and its influence in lithium-ion battery performance: State of the art and future trends
Gonçalves R., Lanceros-Méndez S., Costa C.M.
Electrochemistry Communications, 135, 107210, (2022)
Electrospun Magnetic Ionic Liquid Based Electroactive Materials for Tissue Engineering Applications
Fernandes L.C., Meira R.M., Correia D.M., Ribeiro C., Fernandez E., Tubio C.R., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Nanomaterials, 12, 17, 3072, (2022)
Enhancement of Magnetic Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Detection by Tailoring Fe3O4@Au Nanorod Shell Thickness and Its Application in the On-site Detection of Antibiotics in Water
Berganza L.B., Litti L., Meneghetti M., Lanceros-Méndez S., Reguera J.
ACS Omega, 7, 49, 45493, 45503, (2022)
Environmentally friendly carrageenan-based ionic-liquid driven soft actuators
Serra J.P., Fernandes L.C., Correia D.M., Tubio C.R., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Tariq M., Esperança J.M.S.S., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Materials Advances, 3, 2, 937, 945, (2022)
Environmentally Friendly Conductive Screen-Printable Inks Based on N-Doped Graphene and Polyvinylpyrrolidone
Franco M., Motealleh A., Costa C.M., Hilliou L., Perinka N., Ribeiro C., Viana J.C., Costa P., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Advanced Engineering Materials, 24, 6, 2101258, (2022)
Exploring electroactive microenvironments in polymer-based nanocomposites to sensitize bacterial cells to low-dose embedded silver nanoparticles
Moreira J., Fernandes M.M., Carvalho E.O., Nicolau A., Lazic V., Nedeljković J.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Acta Biomaterialia, 139, 237, 248, (2022)
Exploring ionic liquid-laden metal-organic framework composite materials as hybrid electrolytes in metal (ion) batteries
Urgoiti-Rodriguez M., Vaquero-Vílchez S., Mirandona-Olaeta A., Fernández de Luis R., Goikolea E., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Ruiz de Larramendi I.
Frontiers in Chemistry, 10, 995063, (2022)
Fiber-Reinforced Polyester Composites with Photoluminescence Sensing Capabilities for UV Degradation Monitoring
Tubio C.R., Seoane-Rivero R., Neira S., Benito V., Zubieta K.G., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Polymers, 14, 17, 3666, (2022)
Flexible 3D Printed Acrylic Composites based on Polyaniline/Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes for Piezoresistive Pressure Sensors
Arias-Ferreiro G., Lasagabáster-Latorre A., Ares-Pernas A., Dopico-García M.S., Pereira N., Costa P., Lanceros-Mendez S., Abad M.-J.
Advanced Electronic Materials, 8, 12, 2200590, (2022)
Flexible multifunctional hard coatings based on chromium oxynitride for pressure-sensing applications
Ferreira A., Correa M.A., Lanceros-Mendez S., Vaz F.
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films, 40, 6, 063101, (2022)
Flexible TiCuxThin Films with Dual Antimicrobial and Piezoresistive Characteristics
Ferreira A., Fernandes M.M., Souza A.L.R., Correa M.A., Lanceros-Mendez S., Vaz F.
ACS Applied Bio Materials, 5, 3, 1267, 1272, (2022)
Green synthesis of molybdenum-based nanoparticles and their applications in energy conversion and storage: A review
Awan A., Baig A., Zubair M., Rahdar A., Nazar M.F., Farooqi A.S., Shalan A.E., Lanceros-Méndez S., Zafar M.N.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47, 72, 31014, 31057, (2022)
Greener Solvent-Based Processing of Magnetoelectric Nanocomposites
Lima A.C., Pereira N., Ribeiro C., Lanceros-Mendez S., Martins P.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 10, 13, 4122, 4132, (2022)
How fullerenes inhibit the amyloid fibril formation of hen lysozyme
Lee O.-S., Petrenko V.I., Šipošová K., Musatov A., Park H., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 106, 168, 176, (2022)
Immunomodulatory and regenerative effects of the full and fractioned adipose tissue derived stem cells secretome in spinal cord injury
Pinho A.G., Cibrão J.R., Lima R., Gomes E.D., Serra S.C., Lentilhas-Graça J., Ribeiro C., Lanceros-Mendez S., Teixeira F.G., Monteiro S., Silva N.A., Salgado A.J.
Experimental Neurology, 351, 113989, (2022)
Improved performance of polyimide Cirlex-based dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators for flow control
Nunes-Pereira J., Rodrigues F.F., Abdollahzadehsangroudi M., Páscoa J.C., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 33, 4, 1278, 1290, (2022)
In a search for effective giant magnetoelectric coupling: Magnetically induced elastic resonance in Ni-Mn-Ga/P(VDF-TrFE) composites
Martins P., Lima A.C., L'vov V.A., Pereira N., Sratong-on P., Hosoda H., Chernenko V., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Applied Materials Today, 29, 101682, (2022)
Influence of glucose, sucrose, and dextran coatings on the stability and toxicity of silver nanoparticles
Vukoje I., Lazić V., Sredojević D., Fernandes M.M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Ahrenkiel S.P., Nedeljković J.M.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 194, 461, 469, (2022)
Influence of rGO on the Crystallization Kinetics, Cytoxicity, and Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Poly (L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) Scaffolds
Díaz E., León J., Murillo-Marrodán A., Ribeiro S., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Materials, 15, 21, 7436, (2022)
Ionic liquid modified electroactive polymer-based microenvironments for tissue engineering
Hermenegildo B., Meira R.M., Díez A.G., Correia D.M., Ribeiro S., Serra J.P., Ribeiro C., Pérez-Álvarez L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Polymer, 246, 124731, (2022)
Ionic liquid-based electroactive materials: a novel approach for cardiac tissue engineering strategies
Meira R.M., Correia D.M., García Díez A., Lanceros-Mendez S., Ribeiro C.
Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 10, 34, 6472, 6482, (2022)
Ionic Liquids as Biocompatible Antibacterial Agents: A Case Study on Structure-Related Bioactivity on Escherichia coli
Fernandes M.M., Carvalho E.O., Correia D.M., Esperança J.M.S.S., Padrão J., Ivanova K., Hoyo J., Tzanov T., Lanceros-Mendez S.
ACS Applied Bio Materials, 5, 11, 5181, 5189, (2022)
Ionic-triggered magnetoelectric coupling for magnetic sensing applications
Fernandes L.C., Correia D.M., Pereira N., Ribeiro C., Tubio C.R., Martins P., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Applied Materials Today, 29, 101590, (2022)
Lattice Microstructure Design for Cathode Electrodes for High-Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries
Miranda D., Gonçalves R., Veloso F., Miranda F., Vilaça J., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2425, 200006, (2022)
Lithium-Ion Battery Solid Electrolytes Based on Poly(vinylidene Fluoride)-Metal Thiocyanate Ionic Liquid Blends
Serra J.P., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Barbosa J.C., Correia D.M., Gonçalves R., Porro J.M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Costa C.M.
ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 4, 8, 5909, 5919, (2022)
Long- and short-range magnetic interactions in nanocrystalline lightly Cr‑doped manganites
Khammassi F., Chérif W., Mendoza A., Salazar-Jaramillo D., Lanceros-Méndez S., Dammak M.
Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 128, 8, 718, (2022)
Magnetic graphene oxide-lignin nanobiocomposite: A novel, eco-friendly and stable nanostructure suitable for hyperthermia in cancer therapy
Eivazzadeh-Keihan R., Asgharnasl S., Moghim Aliabadi H.A., Tahmasebi B., Radinekiyan F., Maleki A., Bahreinizad H., Mahdavi M., Alavijeh M.S., Saber R., Lanceros-Méndez S., Shalan A.E.
RSC Advances, 12, 6, 3593, 3601, (2022)
Magnetically Activated Piezoelectric 3D Platform Based on Poly(Vinylidene) Fluoride Microspheres for Osteogenic Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Guillot-Ferriols M., García-Briega M.I., Tolosa L., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S., Gómez Ribelles J.L., Gallego Ferrer G.
Gels, 8, 10, 680, (2022)
Magnetically active nanocomposites based on biodegradable polylactide, polycaprolactone, polybutylene succinate and polybutylene adipate terephthalate
Rincón-Iglesias M., Salado M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Lizundia E.
Polymer, 249, 124804, (2022)
Merging solution processing and printing for sustainable fabrication of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 photovoltaics
Gonçalves B.F., Sadewasser S., Salonen L.M., Lanceros-Méndez S., Kolen'ko Y.V.
Chemical Engineering Journal, 442, 136188, (2022)
Metal organic framework modified poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) separator membranes to improve lithium-ion battery capacity fading
Barbosa J.C., Gonçalves R., Valverde A., Martins P.M., Petrenko V.I., Márton M., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Fernández de Luis R., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Chemical Engineering Journal, 443, 136329, (2022)
Microfluidic Processing of Piezoelectric and Magnetic Responsive Electroactive Microspheres
Martins L.A., Ródenas-Rochina J., Salazar D., Cardoso V.F., Gómez Ribelles J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 4, 8, 5368, 5379, (2022)
Multicomponent magnetic nanoparticle engineering: the role of structure-property relationship in advanced applications
Díez A.G., Rincón-Iglesias M., Lanceros-Méndez S., Reguera J., Lizundia E.
Materials Today Chemistry, 26, 101220, (2022)
Multifunctional hybrid membranes for photocatalytic and adsorptive removal of water contaminants of emerging concern
Martins P.M., Santos B., Salazar H., Carabineiro S.A.C., Botelho G., Tavares C.J., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Chemosphere, 293, 133548, (2022)
Multifunctional Ternary Composites with Silver Nanowires and Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles for Capacitive Sensing and Photocatalytic Self-Cleaning Applications
Tubio C.R., Pereira N., Campos-Arias L., Martins P.M., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 4, 8, 3815, 3824, (2022)
Nanocomposites for Energy Storage Applications
Barbosa J., Gonçalves R., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Engineering Materials, 533, 565, (2022)
Nanocomposites Materials and Their Applications: Current and Future Trends
Shalan A.E., Makhlouf A.S.H., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Engineering Materials, 3, 14, (2022)
Natural based reusable materials for microfluidic substrates: The silk road towards sustainable portable analytical systems
Brito-Pereira R., Macedo A.S., Ribeiro C., Cardoso V.F., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Applied Materials Today, 28, 101507, (2022)
Origin of the ultra-wide temperature dielectric stability and dynamic behavior of nanoregions in 0.6Bi(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O3-0.4Ba0.8Ca0.2(Ti0.875Zr0.125)O3
Chen K., Yan T., Liu J., Lei X., Fang L., Peng B., Lanceros-Méndez S., Wang D., Liu L., Zhang Q.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 17, 4, (2022)
pH-Induced 3D Printable Chitosan Hydrogels for Soft Actuation
Maiz-Fernández S., Pérez-álvarez L., Silván U., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Polymers, 14, 3, 650, (2022)
Photocrosslinkable and self-healable hydrogels of chitosan and hyaluronic acid
Maiz-Fernández S., Pérez-Álvarez L., Silván U., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 216, 291, 302, (2022)
Photocurable Printed Piezocapacitive Pressure Sensor Based on an Acrylic Resin Modified with Polyaniline and Lignin
Arias-Ferreiro G., Ares-Pernas A., Lasagabáster-Latorre A., Dopico-García M.S., Ligero P., Pereira N., Costa P., Lanceros-Mendez S., Abad M.-J.
Advanced Materials Technologies, 7, 8, 2101503, (2022)
Piezoelectric biodegradable poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) based electrospun fiber mats with tailored porosity
Marques-Almeida T., Fernandes L.C., Correia D.M., Tubio C.R., Lanceros-Mendez S., Ribeiro C.
Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 33, 4, 1092, 1099, (2022)
Poly(lactic-co-glycolide) based biodegradable electrically and magnetically active microenvironments for tissue regeneration applications
Hermenegildo B., Meira R.M., Correia D.M., Díez A.G., Ribeiro S., Serra J.P., Ribeiro C., Pérez-Álvarez L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
European Polymer Journal, 171, 111197, (2022)
Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) based tri-composites with zeolite and ionic liquid for electromechanical actuator and lithium-ion battery applications
Barbosa J.C., Pinto R.S., Correia D.M., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Gonçalves R., Ferdov S., Lanceros-Mendez S., Costa C.M.
Electrochimica Acta, 431, 141186, (2022)
Polyethylene/ poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate /carbon nanotube composites for eco-friendly electronic applications
Fernández Armada D., González Rodríguez V., Costa P., Lanceros-Mendez S., Arias-Ferreiro G., Abad M.-J., Ares-Pernas A.
Polymer Testing, 112, 107642, (2022)
Shalan A.E., Makhlouf A.S.H., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Engineering Materials, vii, x, (2022)
Printed 3D Gesture Recognition Thermoformed Half Sphere Compatible with In-Mold Electronic Applications
Gomes Correia V.M., Pereira N., Perinka N., Costa P., del Campo J., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Advanced Engineering Materials, 24, 12, 2200730, (2022)
Printed multifunctional magnetically activated energy harvester with sensing capabilities
Brito-Pereira R., Ribeiro C., Pereira N., Lanceros-Mendez S., Martins P.
Nano Energy, 94, 106885, (2022)
Recent Progress in Graphene- and Related Carbon-Nanomaterial-based Electrochemical Biosensors for Early Disease Detection
Fahmy H.M., Abu Serea E.S., Salah-Eldin R.E., Al-Hafiry S.A., Ali M.K., Shalan A.E., Lanceros-Méndez S.
ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering, 8, 3, 964, 1000, (2022)
Recycling methods for different cathode chemistries – A critical review
Wang Y., Goikolea E., de Larramendi I.R., Lanceros-Méndez S., Zhang Q.
Journal of Energy Storage, 56, 106053, (2022)
Reusable composite membranes for highly efficient chromium removal from real water matrixes
Queirós J.M., Salazar H., Valverde A., Botelho G., Fernández de Luis R., Teixeira J., Martins P.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Chemosphere, 307, 135922, (2022)
Reusable Nanocomposite Membranes for Highly Efficient Arsenite and Arsenate Dual Removal from Water
Salazar H., Martins P.M., Valverde A., Fernández de Luis R., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Ferdov S., Botelho G., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Advanced Materials Interfaces, 9, 10, 2101419, (2022)
Reusable nanocomposite-filters for arsenite and arsenate dual real effluents remediation in an up-scaled membrane reactor
Salazar H., Martins P.M., Fernandes M.M., Costa P., Ferdov S., Botelho G., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 440, 129756, (2022)
Self-sensing fluorescence polymer composites for chemical degradation protection and monitoring
Tubio C.R., Seoane-Rivero R., Garcia A., Gallardo A., Salaverria L.D., Amondarian A.L.A., Zubieta K.G., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Progress in Organic Coatings, 168, 106879, (2022)
Silk fibroin and sericin polymer blends for sustainable battery separators
Reizabal A., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Gonçalves R., Gutiérrez-Pardo A., Aguesse F., Pérez-Álvarez L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 611, 366, 376, (2022)
Silk Fibroin Nanocomposites with Indium Tin Oxide toward Sustainable Capacitive Touch Sensing Applications
Reizabal A., Castro N., Pereira N., Costa C.M., Pérez L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 4, 4, 1901, 1909, (2022)
Silver Nanoparticles for Conductive Inks: From Synthesis and Ink Formulation to Their Use in Printing Technologies
Zhang J., Ahmadi M., Fargas G., Perinka N., Reguera J., Lanceros-Méndez S., Llanes L., Jiménez-Piqué E.
Metals, 12, 2, 234, (2022)
Size Effect in Hybrid TiO2:Au Nanostars for Photocatalytic Water Remediation Applications
Zheng F., Martins P.M., Queirós J.M., Tavares C.J., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S., Reguera J.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23, 22, 13741, (2022)
Solar Photocatalytic Membranes: An Experimental and Artificial Neural Network Modeling Approach for Niflumic Acid Degradation
Aoudjit L., Salazar H., Zioui D., Sebti A., Martins P.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Membranes, 12, 9, 849, (2022)
Solid Magnetoliposomes as Multi-Stimuli-Responsive Systems for Controlled Release of Doxorubicin: Assessment of Lipid Formulations
Cardoso B.D., Cardoso V.F., Lanceros-Méndez S., Castanheira E.M.S.
Biomedicines, 10, 5, 1207, (2022)
Solid Polymer Electrolytes Based on Gellan Gum and Ionic Liquid for Sustainable Electrochromic Devices
Alves R., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Campos-Arias L., Gonçalves R., Silva M.M., Del Campo F.J., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 14, 13, 15494, 15503, (2022)
Stability of Biomimetically Functionalised Alginate Microspheres as 3D Support in Cell Cultures
García-Briega M.I., Ródenas-Rochina J., Martins L.A., Lanceros-Méndez S., Gallego Ferrer G., Sempere A., Gómez Ribelles J.L.
Polymers, 14, 20, 4282, (2022)
State of the art and current trends on layered inorganic-polymer nanocomposite coatings for anticorrosion and multi-functional applications
Teijido R., Ruiz-Rubio L., Echaide A.G., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S., Zhang Q.
Progress in Organic Coatings, 163, 106684, (2022)
Structural organization of ionic liquids embedded in fluorinated polymers
Petrenko V.I., Fernandes L.C., Ivankov O.I., Tubio C.R., Tariq M., Esperança J.M.S.S., Correia D.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 360, 119385, (2022)
Sustainable Lithium-Ion Battery Separator Membranes Based on Carrageenan Biopolymer
Serra J.P., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Teixeira J., Hilliou L., Gonçalves R., Urtiaga K., Gutiérrez-Pardo A., Aguesse F., Lanceros-Mendez S., Costa C.M.
Advanced Sustainable Systems, 6, 12, 2200279, (2022)
Sustainable Lithium-Ion Battery Separators Based on Poly(3-Hydroxybutyrate-Co-Hydroxyvalerate) Pristine and Composite Electrospun Membranes
Barbosa J.C., Correia D.M., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Gonçalves R., Fernandes M., de Zea Bermudez V., Silva M.M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Costa C.M.
Energy Technology, 10, 2, 2100761, (2022)
Tailoring physicochemical properties of collagen-based composites with ionic liquids and wool for advanced applications
Andonegi M., Correia D.M., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Caba K.D.L., Guerrero P.
Polymer, 252, 124943, (2022)
Template-free hydrothermal synthesis of lithium iron tavorite with complex morphologies driven by phase transformation
Ferdov S., Gonçalves R., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Nano-Structures and Nano-Objects, 30, 100870, (2022)
Three-Dimensional Printing for Solid-State Batteries
Pinto R.S., Gonçalves R., Lanceros-Méndez S., Costa C.M.
ACS Symposium Series, 1414, 331, 350, (2022)
Toward Sustainable Solid Polymer Electrolytes for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Barbosa J.C., Gonçalves R., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
ACS Omega, 7, 17, 14457, 14464, (2022)
Transparent Piezoelectric Polymer-Based Materials for Energy Harvesting and Multitouch Detection Devices
Rodrigues-Marinho T., Pereira N., Correia V., Miranda D., Lanceros-Méndez S., Costa P.
ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 4, 1, 287, 296, (2022)
Tuning magnetic response and ionic conductivity of electrospun hybrid membranes for tissue regeneration strategies
Hermenegildo B., Correia D.M., Ribeiro C., Serra J.P., Pérez L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 33, 4, 1233, 1243, (2022)
Tuning magnetorheological functional response of thermoplastic elastomers by varying soft-magnetic nanofillers
Díez A.G., Tubio C.R., Gómez A., Berastegi J., Bou-Ali M.M., Etxebarria J.G., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 33, 8, 2610, 2619, (2022)
Two- and three-dimensional piezoelectric scaffolds for bone tissue engineering
Silva C.A., Fernandes M.M., Ribeiro C., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 218, 112708, (2022)
Understanding electrogenerated chemiluminescence at graphite screen-printed electrodes
Alba A.F., Fernández-de Luis R., Totoricaguena-Gorriño J., Ruiz-Rubio L., Sánchez J., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S., del Campo F.J.
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 914, 116331, (2022)
Understanding Myoblast Differentiation Pathways When Cultured on Electroactive Scaffolds through Proteomic Analysis
Ribeiro S., Ribeiro C., Martins V.M., Honoré B., Neves-Petersen M.T., Gomes A.C., Lanceros-Mendez S.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 14, 22, 26180, 26193, (2022)
3D printable self-healing hyaluronic acid/chitosan polycomplex hydrogels with drug release capability
Maiz-Fernández S., Barroso N., Pérez-Álvarez L., Silván U., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 188, 820, 832, (2021)
A Facile Nanoimpregnation Method for Preparing Paper-Based Sensors and Actuators
Brito-Pereira R., Tubio C.R., Lanceros-Mendez S., Martins P.
Advanced Materials Technologies, 6, 9, 2100476, (2021)
All printed soft actuators based on ionic liquid/polymer hybrid materials
Correia D.M., Fernandes L.C., Pereira N., Barbosa J.C., Serra J.P., Pinto R.S., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Applied Materials Today, 22, 100928, (2021)
All-Printed Smart Label with Integrated Humidity Sensors and Power Supply
Pereira N., Correia V., Peřinka N., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Advanced Engineering Materials, 23, 3, 2001229, (2021)
Biomimetic 3d environment based on microgels as a model for the generation of drug resistance in multiple myeloma
Marín-Payá J.C., Díaz-Benito B., Martins L.A., Trujillo S.C., Cordón L., Lanceros-Méndez S., Ferrer G.G., Sempere A., Ribelles J.L.G.
Materials, 14, 23, 7121, (2021)
Bismuth-based heterojunction nanocomposites for photocatalysis and heavy metal detection applications
Batool M., Nazar M.F., Awan A., Tahir M.B., Rahdar A., Shalan A.E., Lanceros-Méndez S., Zafar M.N.
Nano-Structures and Nano-Objects, 27, 100762, (2021)
Broadband dielectric response of silk Fibroin/BaTiO3 composites: Influence of nanoparticle size and concentration
Costa C.M., Reizabal A., Sabater i Serra R., Balado A.A., Pérez-Álvarez L., Gómez Ribelles J.L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Composites Science and Technology, 213, 108927, (2021)
Can photocatalytic and magnetic nanoparticles be a threat to aquatic detrital food webs?
Pradhan A., Fernandes M., Martins P.M., Pascoal C., Lanceros-Méndez S., Cássio F.
Science of the Total Environment, 769, 144576, (2021)
Capacitive and illumination systems based on printed and hybrid electronics
Peřinka N., Pozo B., Fernández De Gorostiza E., Mendes-Felipe C., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Flexible and Printed Electronics, 6, 1, 015004, (2021)
Chitin/Metal-Organic Framework Composites as Wide-Range Adsorbent
Tovar Jimenez G.I., Valverde A., Mendes-Felipe C., Wuttke S., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Larrea E.S., Lezama L., Zheng F., Reguera J., Lanceros-Méndez S., Arriortua M.I., Copello G., de Luis R.F.
ChemSusChem, 14, 14, 2892, 2901, (2021)
Comparative Assessment of Ionic Liquid-Based Soft Actuators Prepared by Film Casting Versus Direct Ink Writing
Correia D.M., Barbosa J.C., Serra J.P., Pinto R.S., Fernandes L.C., Tubio C.R., Lanceros-Mendez S., Costa C.M.
Advanced Engineering Materials, 23, 10, 2100411, (2021)
Crystal morphology control of synthetic giniite for enhanced photo-Fenton activity against the emerging pollutant metronidazole
Martins P.M., Salazar H., Aoudjit L., Gonçalves R., Zioui D., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Costa C.M., Ferdov S., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Chemosphere, 262, 128300, (2021)
Crystallization Monitoring of Semicrystalline Poly(vinylidene fluoride)/1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Hexafluorophosphate [Emim][PF6] Ionic Liquid Blends
Correia D.M., Costa C.M., Rodríguez Hernández J.C., Tort-Ausina I., Biosca L.T., Torregrosa Cabanilles C., Meseguer-Dueñas J., Krakovsky I., Lanceros-Méndez S., Gómez Ribelles J.L.
Crystal Growth and Design, 21, 8, 4406, 4416, (2021)
Cytocompatible scaffolds of poly(L-lactide)/reduced graphene oxide for tissue engineering
Díaz E., Iglesias N., Ribeiro S., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition, 32, 11, 1406, 1419, (2021)
Deposition of Ti-Zr-O-N films by reactive magnetron sputtering of Zr target with Ti ribbons
da Silva Oliveira C.I., Martínez-Martínez D., Cunha L., Lanceros-Mendez S., Martins P., Alves E., Barradas N.P., Apreutesei M.
Surface and Coatings Technology, 409, 126737, (2021)
Direct-Ink-Writing of Electroactive Polymers for Sensing and Energy Storage Applications
Pinto R.S., Serra J.P., Barbosa J.C., Gonçalves R., Silva M.M., Lanceros-Méndez S., Costa C.M.
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 306, 11, 2100372, (2021)
Eco-friendly and cost-efficient inks for screen-printed fabrication of copper indium gallium diselenide photoabsorber thin films
Gonçalves B.F., Botelho G., Lanceros-Méndez S., Kolen'ko Y.V.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 598, 388, 397, (2021)
Effect of polymer dissolution temperature and conditioning time on the morphological and physicochemical characteristics of poly(Vinylidene fluoride) membranes prepared by non-solvent induced phase separation
Teixeira J., Cardoso V.F., Botelho G., Morão A.M., Nunes-Pereira J., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Polymers, 13, 23, 4062, (2021)
Effective elastin-like recombinamers coating on poly(vinylidene) fluoride membranes for mesenchymal stem cell culture
Guillot-Ferriols M., del Barrio A., Costa C.M., Lanceros Méndez S., Rodríguez-Cabello J.C., Gómez Ribelles J.L., Santos M., Gallego Ferrer G.
European Polymer Journal, 146, 110269, (2021)
Electric vehicles: To what extent are environmentally friendly and cost effective? – Comparative study by european countries
Costa C.M., Barbosa J.C., Castro H., Gonçalves R., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 151, 111548, (2021)
Electroactive Smart Materials for Neural Tissue Regeneration
Pinho T.S.; Cunha C.B.; Lanceros-Méndez S.; Salgado A.J.
ACS Applied Bio Materials, 4, 9, 6604, 6618, 14, (2021)
Enhanced ionic conductivity in poly(vinylidene fluoride) electrospun separator membranes blended with different ionic liquids for lithium ion batteries
Barbosa J.C., Correia D.M., Gonçalves R., de Zea Bermudez V., Silva M.M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Costa C.M.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 582, 376, 386, (2021)
Environmentally Friendly Graphene-Based Conductive Inks for Multitouch Capacitive Sensing Surfaces
Franco M., Correia V., Marques P., Sousa F., Silva R., Figueiredo B.R., Bernardes A., Silva R.P., Lanceros-Mendez S., Costa P.
Advanced Materials Interfaces, 8, 18, 2100578, (2021)
Erratum to “Free-standing intrinsically conducting polymer membranes based on cellulose and poly(vinylidene fluoride) for energy storage applications” [Eur. Polym. J. 144 (2021) 110240] (European Polymer Journal (2021) 144, (S0014305720319571), (10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2020.110240))
Salado M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Lizundia E.
European Polymer Journal, 146, 110290, (2021)
Fluorinated Polymer Membranes as Advanced Substrates for Portable Analytical Systems and Their Proof of Concept for Colorimetric Bioassays
Brito-Pereira R., Macedo A.S., Tubio C.R., Lanceros-Méndez S., Cardoso V.F.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13, 15, 18065, 18076, (2021)
Fractionating stem cells secretome for Parkinson's disease modeling: Is it the whole better than the sum of its parts?
Vilaça-Faria H., Marote A., Lages I., Ribeiro C., Mendes-Pinheiro B., Domingues A.V., Campos J., Lanceros-Mendez S., Salgado A.J., Teixeira F.G.
Biochimie, 189, 87, 98, (2021)
Free-standing intrinsically conducting polymer membranes based on cellulose and poly(vinylidene fluoride) for energy storage applications
Salado M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Lizundia E.
European Polymer Journal, 144, 110240, (2021)
High dielectric constant poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene-chlorofluoroethylene) for capacitive pressure and bending sensors
Pereira N., Gonçalves S., Barbosa J.C., Gonçalves R., Tubio C.R., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Polymer, 214, 123349, (2021)
High-dielectric mouldable and printable wax reinforced with ceramic nanofillers and its suitability for capacitive sensing
Brito-Pereira R., Rodrigues-Marinho T., Tubio C.R., Costa P., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Flexible and Printed Electronics, 6, 3, 035005, (2021)
High-Performance Room Temperature Lithium-Ion Battery Solid Polymer Electrolytes Based on Poly(vinylidene fluoride- co-hexafluoropropylene) Combining Ionic Liquid and Zeolite
Barbosa J.C., Correia D.M., Fernández E.M., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Barandika G., Gonçalves R., Ferdov S., De Zea Bermudez V., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13, 41, 48889, 48900, (2021)
Highly sensitive transparent piezoionic materials and their applicability as printable pressure sensors
Fernandes L.C., Correia D.M., Pereira N., Tubio C.R., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Composites Science and Technology, 214, 108976, (2021)
Hybrid Bionanocomposite Containing Magnesium Hydroxide Nanoparticles Embedded in a Carboxymethyl Cellulose Hydrogel plus Silk Fibroin as a Scaffold for Wound Dressing Applications
Eivazzadeh-Keihan R., Khalili F., Khosropour N., Aliabadi H.A.M., Radinekiyan F., Sukhtezari S., Maleki A., Madanchi H., Hamblin M.R., Mahdavi M., Haramshahi S.M.A., Shalan A.E., Lanceros-Méndez S.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13, 29, 33840, 33849, (2021)
Improved electrochemical performance of LiMn1.5M0.5O4 (M=Ni, Co, Cu) based cathodes for lithium-ion batteries
Gonçalves R., Sharma P., Ram P., Ferdov S., Silva M.M., Costa C.M., Singhal R., Sharma R.K., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 853, 157208, (2021)
Influence of cellulose nanocrystal surface functionalization on the bending response of cellulose nanocrystal/ionic liquid soft actuators
Correia D.M., Lizundia E., Fernandes L.C., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23, 11, 6710, 6716, (2021)
Ionic liquid-based materials for biomedical applications
Correia D.M., Fernandes L.C., Fernandes M.M., Hermenegildo B., Meira R.M., Ribeiro C., Ribeiro S., Reguera J., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Nanomaterials, 11, 9, 2401, (2021)
Kit “energy, environment and sustainability”: An educational strategy for a sustainable future. a case study for guinea-bissau
Oliveira J., Neves L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Education Sciences, 11, 12, 787, (2021)
Large-scale aqueous synthesis of Cu(In,Ga)Se2nanoparticles for photocatalytic degradation of ciprofloxacin
Gonçalves B.F., Martins P.M., Lagrow A.P., Botelho G., Salonen L.M., Lanceros-Méndez S., Kolen'Ko Y.V.
Dalton Transactions, 50, 45, 16819, 16828, (2021)
Large-scale synthesis of semiconducting cu(In,ga)se2 nanoparticles for screen printing application
Gonçalves B.F., Lagrow A.P., Pyrlin S., Owens-Baird B., Botelho G., Marques L.S.A., Ramos M.M.D., Kovnir K., Lanceros-Mendez S., Kolen’ko Y.V.
Nanomaterials, 11, 5, 1148, (2021)
Laser-activated screen-printed carbon electrodes for enhanced dopamine determination in the presence of ascorbic and uric acid
Alba A.F., Totoricaguena-Gorriño J., Sánchez-Ilárduya M.B., Ruiz-Rubio L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S., del Campo F.J.
Electrochimica Acta, 399, 139374, (2021)
Laser-induced highly oriented pyrolytic graphite for high-performance screen-printed electrodes
Alba A.F., Totoricaguena-Gorrino J., Campos-Arias L., Peřinka N., Ruiz-Rubio L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S., Del Campo F.J.
Materials Advances, 2, 18, 5912, 5921, (2021)
Lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide blended in polyurethane acrylate photocurable solid polymer electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries
Mendes-Felipe C., Barbosa J.C., Gonçalves R., Miranda D., Costa C.M., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Journal of Energy Chemistry, 62, 485, 496, (2021)
Magnesium aminoclays as plasmid delivery agents for non-competent Escherichia coli JM109 transformation
Mendes G.P., Kluskens L.D., Lanceros-Méndez S., Mota M.
Applied Clay Science, 204, 106010, (2021)
Magnetic Copper Ferrite Nanoparticles Functionalized by Aromatic Polyamide Chains for Hyperthermia Applications
Eivazzadeh-Keihan R., Asgharnasl S., Bani M.S., Radinekiyan F., Maleki A., Mahdavi M., Babaniamansour P., Bahreinizad H., Shalan A.E., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Langmuir, 37, 29, 8847, 8854, (2021)
Magnetic materials: A journey from finding north to an exciting printed future
Merazzo K.J., Lima A.C., Rincón-Iglesias M., Fernandes L.C., Pereira N., Lanceros-Mendez S., Martins P.
Materials Horizons, 8, 10, 2654, 2684, (2021)
Magnetically active lithium-ion batteries towards battery performance improvement
Costa C.M., Merazzo K.J., Gonçalves R., Amos C., Lanceros-Méndez S.
iScience, 24, 6, 102691, (2021)
Magnetoelectric Polymer-Based Nanocomposites with Magnetically Controlled Antimicrobial Activity
Fernandes M.M., Martins P., Correia D.M., Carvalho E.O., Gama F.M., Vazquez M., Bran C., Lanceros-Mendez S.
ACS Applied Bio Materials, 4, 1, 559, 570, (2021)
Magnetorheological Elastomer-Based Materials and Devices: State of the Art and Future Perspectives
Díez A.G., Tubio C.R., Etxebarria J.G., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Advanced Engineering Materials, 23, 6, 2100240, (2021)
Metal-organic frameworks and zeolite materials as active fillers for lithium-ion battery solid polymer electrolytes
Barbosa J.C., Gonçalves R., Costa C.M., De Zea Bermudez V., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Zhang Q., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Materials Advances, 2, 12, 3790, 3805, (2021)
Modulation of the bifunctional CrVI to CrIII photoreduction and adsorption capacity in ZrIV and TiIV benchmark metal-organic frameworks
Saiz P.G., Valverde A., Gonzalez-Navarrete B., Rosales M., Quintero Y.M., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Orive J., Reizabal A., Larrea E.S., Arriortua M.I., Lanceros-Méndez S., García A., de Luis R.F.
Catalysts, 11, 1, 51, 1, 14, (2021)
Multifunctional hard coatings based on CrNx for temperature sensing applications
Ferreira A., Correa M.A., Silva J.P., Correia D., Lanceros-Mendez S., Vaz F.
Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 329, 112794, (2021)
Multifunctional wax based conductive and piezoresistive nanocomposites for sensing applications
Brito-Pereira R., Tubio C.R., Costa P., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Composites Science and Technology, 213, 108892, (2021)
Nanostructured Cr(N,O) based thin films for relative humidity sensing
Ferreira A., Silva J.P., Correia D.M., Pereira N., Correa M.A., Lanceros-Mendez S., Vaz F.
Vacuum, 191, 110333, (2021)
Optimized Printed Cathode Electrodes for High Performance Batteries
Gonçalves R., Dias P., Hilliou L., Costa P., Silva M.M., Costa C.M., Corona-Galván S., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Energy Technology, 9, 1, 2000805, (2021)
Patterned separator membranes with pillar surface microstructures for improved battery performance
Gonçalves R., Miranda D., Marques-Almeida T., Silva M.M., Cardoso V.F., Almeida A.M., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 596, 158, 172, (2021)
Pectin-cellulose hydrogel, silk fibroin and magnesium hydroxide nanoparticles hybrid nanocomposites for biomedical applications
Eivazzadeh-Keihan R., Ahmadpour F., Aliabadi H.A.M., Radinekiyan F., Maleki A., Madanchi H., Mahdavi M., Shalan A.E., Lanceros-Méndez S.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 192, 7, 15, (2021)
Photocurable magnetic materials with tailored functional properties
Mendes-Felipe C., Garcia A., Salazar D., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Composites Part C: Open Access, 5, 100143, (2021)
Photocurable temperature activated humidity hybrid sensing materials for multifunctional coatings
Mendes-Felipe C., Salado M., Fernandes L.C., Correia D.M., Ruiz-Rubio L., Tariq M., Esperança J.M.S.S., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Polymer, 221, 123635, (2021)
Piezoelectric Polymer Composites for Sensors and Actuators
Carvalho E., Fernandes L., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Encyclopedia of Materials: Composites, 2, 473, 486, (2021)
Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene-chlorofluoroethylene): A New Binder for Conventional and Printable Lithium-Ion Batteries
Barbosa J.C., Pinto R.S., Hilliou L., Silva M.M., Costa C.M., Gonçalves R., Lanceros-Méndez S.
ACS Applied Energy Materials, 4, 12, 14129, 14140, (2021)
Polycarbonate based multifunctional self-sensing 2D and 3D printed structures for aeronautic applications
Costa P., Dios J.R., Cardoso J., Campo J.J., Tubio C.R., Gon alves B.F., Castro N., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Smart Materials and Structures, 30, 8, 085032, (2021)
Processing Strategies to Obtain Highly Porous Silk Fibroin Structures with Tailored Microstructure and Molecular Characteristics and Their Applicability in Water Remediation
Reizabal A., Costa C.M., Saiz P.G., Gonzalez B., Pérez-Álvarez L., Fernández de Luis R., Garcia A., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 403, 123675, (2021)
Recent advances on battery separators based on poly(vinylidene fluoride) and its copolymers for lithium-ion battery applications
Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 29, 100752, (2021)
Recent advances on materials for lithium-ion batteries
Barbosa J.C., Gonçalves R., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Energies, 14, 11, 3145, (2021)
Recycling and environmental issues of lithium-ion batteries: Advances, challenges and opportunities
Costa C.M., Barbosa J.C., Gonçalves R., Castro H., Campo F.J.D., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Energy Storage Materials, 37, 433, 465, (2021)
Reusable ag@tio2-based photocatalytic nanocomposite membranes for solar degradation of contaminants of emerging concern
Aoudjit L., Salazar H., Zioui D., Sebti A., Martins P.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Polymers, 13, 21, 3718, (2021)
Roadmap on Magnetoelectric Materials and Devices
Liang X., Matyushov A., Hayes P., Schell V., Dong C., Chen H., He Y., Will-Cole A., Quandt E., Martins P., McCord J., Medarde M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Van Dijken S., Sun N.X., Sort J.
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 57, 8, 9446997, (2021)
Short-range magnetic behavior in manganites La0.93K0.07Mn1-xCu xO3(0.0 ≤ x ≤ 0.09) above the Curie temperature
Khammassi F., López J.F., Chérif W., Mendoza A., Lanceros-Mendez S., Dammak M., Salazar D.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54, 17, 175001, (2021)
Silver-Doped Cadmium Selenide/Graphene Oxide-Filled Cellulose Acetate Nanocomposites for Photocatalytic Degradation of Malachite Green toward Wastewater Treatment
Ahmed M.K., Shalan A.E., Afifi M., El-Desoky M.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
ACS Omega, 6, 36, (2021)
Smart and functional materials for lithium-ion battery
Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Energies, 14, 22, 7713, (2021)
Spherical and needle shaped magnetic nanoparticles for friction and magnetic stimulated transformation of microorganisms
Mendes G.P., Kluskens L.D., Mota M., Lanceros-Méndez S., Hatton T.A.
Nano-Structures and Nano-Objects, 26, 100732, (2021)
Theoretical optimization of magnetoelectric multilayer laminates
Martins P., Fernandez C.S.L., Silva D., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Composites Science and Technology, 204, 108642, (2021)
Thermal degradation behavior of ionic liquid/ fluorinated polymer composites: Effect of polymer type and ionic liquid anion and cation
Dias J.C., Correia D.M., Costa C.M., Botelho G., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Polymer, 229, 123995, (2021)
Unraveling the role of magnetic anisotropy on the thermoelectric response: A theoretical and experimental approach
Correa M.A., Gamino M., De Melo A.S., Lopes M.V.P., Santos J.G.S., Souza A.L.R., Frana Junior S.A.N., Ferreira A., Lanceros-Méndez S., Vaz F., Bohn F.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 55, 2, 025001, (2021)
Advanced Lightweight Multifunctional Materials: A volume in Woodhead Publishing in Materials
Costa P., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Advanced Lightweight Multifunctional Materials, 1, 532, (2020)
All-printed piezoresistive sensor matrix with organic thin-film transistors as a switch for crosstalk reduction
Correia V., Oliveira J., Perinka N., Costa P., Sowade E., Mitra K.Y., Baumann R.R., Lanceros-Mendez S.
ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2, 5, 1470, 1477, (2020)
Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Properties of Fluorinated Polymers with Embedded Functionalized Nanodiamonds
Nunes-Pereira J., Costa P., Fernandes L., Carvalho E.O., Fernandes M.M., Carabineiro S.A.C., Buijnsters J.G., Tubio C.R., Lanceros-Mendez S.
ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2, 11, 5014, 5024, (2020)
Biodegradable hydrogels loaded with magnetically responsive microspheres as 2d and 3d scaffolds
Carvalho E.O., Ribeiro C., Correia D.M., Botelho G., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Nanomaterials, 10, 12, 2421, 1, 12, (2020)
Cellulose and its derivatives for lithium ion battery separators: A review on the processing methods and properties
Lizundia E., Costa C.M., Alves R., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications, 1, 100001, (2020)
Cellulose nanocrystal and water-soluble cellulose derivative based electromechanical bending actuators
Correia D.M., Lizundia E., Meira R.M., Rincón-Iglesias M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Materials, 13, 10, 2294, (2020)
Chromium Speciation in Zirconium-Based Metal–Organic Frameworks for Environmental Remediation
Saiz P.G., Iglesias N., González Navarrete B., Rosales M., Quintero Y.M., Reizabal A., Orive J., Fidalgo Marijuan A., Larrea E.S., Lopes A.C., Lezama L., García A., Lanceros-Mendez S., Arriortua M.I., Fernández de Luis R.
Chemistry - A European Journal, 26, 61, 13861, 13872, (2020)
Combining cobalt ferrite and graphite with cellulose nanocrystals for magnetically active and electrically conducting mesoporous nanohybrids
Lizundia E., Rincón-Iglesias M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 236, 116001, (2020)
Cone geometry optimization and thermal behavior for lithium-ion battery separators
Miranda D., Goncalves R., Miranda F., Vilhena E., Lanceros-Mendez S., Costa C.M.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2293, 260006, (2020)
Design of Ionic-Liquid-Based Hybrid Polymer Materials with a Magnetoactive and Electroactive Multifunctional Response
Fernandes L.C., Correia D.M., Fernández E., Tariq M., Esperança J.M.S.S., Lanceros-Méndez S.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12, 37, 42089, 42098, (2020)
Development of poly(l-lactic acid)-based bending actuators
Correia D.M., Fernandes L.C., Cruz B.D.D., Botelho G., de Zea Bermudez V., Lanceros-Ménde S.
Polymers, 12, 5, 1187, (2020)
Dielectric relaxation dynamics in poly(vinylidene fluoride)/Pb(Zr0·53Ti0.47)O3 composites
Costa C.M., Sabater i Serra R., Andrio Balado A., Gómez Ribelles J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Polymer, 204, 122811, (2020)
Effect of bacterial nanocellulose binding on the bactericidal activity of bovine lactoferrin
Padrão J., Ribeiro S., Lanceros-Méndez S., Rodrigues L.R., Dourado F.
Heliyon, 6, 7, e04372, (2020)
Effect of Ionic Liquid Content on the Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology of Semicrystalline Poly(vinylidene Fluoride)/Ionic Liquid Blends
Correia D.M., Costa C.M., Rodríguez-Hernández J.C., Tort Ausina I., Biosca L.T., Torregrosa Cabanilles C., Meseguer-Duenãs J.M., Lanceros-Méndez S., Gomez Ribelles J.L.
Crystal Growth and Design, 20, 8, 4967, 4979, (2020)
Electroactive poly(vinylidene fluoride)-based materials: Recent progress, challenges, and opportunities
Costa C.M., Cardoso V.F., Brito-Pereira R., Martins P., Correia D.M., Correia V., Ribeiro C., Martins P.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Fascinating Fluoropolymers and Their Applications, 1, 43, (2020)
Electroactive γ-phase, enhanced thermal and mechanical properties and high ionic conductivity response of poly (vinylidene fluoride)/cellulose nanocrystal hybrid nanocomposites
Lizundia E., Reizabal A., Costa C.M., Maceiras A., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Materials, 13, 3, 743, (2020)
Enhanced photocatalytic activity of au/TiO2 nanoparticles against ciprofloxacin
Martins P., Kappert S., Le H.N., Sebastian V., Kühn K., Alves M., Pereira L., Cuniberti G., Melle-Franco M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Catalysts, 10, 2, 234, (2020)
Erratum: Development of poly(l-lactic acid)-based bending actuators (Polymers, (2020) 12, 1187, 10.3390/polym12051187)
Correia D.M., Fernandes L.C., Cruz B.D.D., Botelho G., Bermudez V.Z., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Polymers, 12, 11, 2463, 1, (2020)
Fabrication, characterization and implementation of thermo resistive ticu(N, O) thin films in a polymer injection mold
Oliveira E., Silva J.P., Laranjeira J., Macedo F., Lanceros-Mendez S., Vaz F., Ferreira A.
Materials, 13, 6, 1423, (2020)
Functional Piezoresistive Polymer-Composites Based on Polycarbonate and Polylactic Acid for Deformation Sensing Applications
Dios J.R., Gonzalo B., Tubio C.R., Cardoso J., Gonçalves S., Miranda D., Correia V., Viana J.C., Costa P., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 305, 12, 2000379, (2020)
Functional, lightweight materials: Outlook, future trends, and challenges
Costa P., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Advanced Lightweight Multifunctional Materials, 503, 507, (2020)
High deformation multifunctional composites: Materials, processes, and applications
Costa P., Nunes-Pereira J., Tubio C.R., Dios J.R., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Advanced Lightweight Multifunctional Materials, 317, 350, (2020)
High dielectric constant UV curable polyurethane acrylate/indium tin oxide composites for capacitive sensing
Mendes-Felipe C., Barbosa J.C., Gonçalves S., Pereira N., Costa C.M., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Composites Science and Technology, 199, 108363, (2020)
Hydrolytic degradation and cytotoxicity of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)/multiwalled carbon nanotubes for bone regeneration
Díaz E., Puerto I., Sandonis I., Ribeiro S., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 137, 10, 48439, (2020)
Hydrophobic modification of bacterial cellulose using oxygen plasma treatment and chemical vapor deposition
Leal S., Cristelo C., Silvestre S., Fortunato E., Sousa A., Alves A., Correia D.M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Gama M.
Cellulose, 27, 18, 10733, 10746, (2020)
Ionic liquid based Fluoropolymer solid electrolytes for Lithium-ion batteries
Serra J.P., Pinto R.S., Barbosa J.C., Correia D.M., Gonçalves R., Silva M.M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Costa C.M.
Sustainable Materials and Technologies, 25, e00176, (2020)
Ionic Liquid–Polymer Composites: A New Platform for Multifunctional Applications
Correia D.M., Fernandes L.C., Martins P.M., García-Astrain C., Costa C.M., Reguera J., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Advanced Functional Materials, 30, 24, 1909736, (2020)
Lithium-ion battery separator membranes based on poly(L-lactic acid) biopolymer
Barbosa J.C., Reizabal A., Correia D.M., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Gonçalves R., Silva M.M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Costa C.M.
Materials Today Energy, 18, 100494, (2020)
Magnetic and high-dielectric-constant nanoparticle polymer tri-composites for sensor applications
Mooti A., Costa C.M., Maceiras A., Pereira N., Tubio C.R., Vilas J.L., Besbes-Hentati S., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Journal of Materials Science, 55, 34, 16234, 16246, (2020)
Magnetic bioreactor for magneto-, mechano-and electroactive tissue engineering strategies
Castro N., Fernandes M.M., Ribeiro C., Correia V., Minguez R., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Sensors (Switzerland), 20, 12, 3340, 1, 13, (2020)
Magnetic field into multifunctional materials: Magnetorheological, magnetostrictive, and magnetocaloric
Martins P., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Advanced Lightweight Multifunctional Materials, 391, 405, (2020)
Magnetic materials for magnetoelectric coupling: An unexpected journey
Lima A.C., Pereira N., Martins P., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Handbook of Magnetic Materials, 29, 57, 110, (2020)
Magnetic proximity sensor based on magnetoelectric composites and printed coils
Pereira N., Lima A.C., Correia V., Perinka N., Lanceros-Mendez S., Martins P.
Materials, 13, 7, 1729, (2020)
Magnetic response dependence of ZNO based thin films on Ag doping and processing architecture
Santos J.G.S., Correa M.A., Ferreira A., Carvalho B.R., da Silva R.B., Bohn F., Lanceiros-Méndez S., Vaz F.
Materials, 13, 13, 2907, 1, 12, (2020)
Magnetically Activated Electroactive Microenvironments for Skeletal Muscle Tissue Regeneration
Ribeiro S., Ribeiro C., Carvalho E.O., Tubio C.R., Castro N., Pereira N., Correia V., Gomes A.C., Lanceros-Méndez S.
ACS Applied Bio Materials, 3, 7, 4239, 4252, (2020)
Magnetoelectrics: Three centuries of research heading towards the 4.0 industrial revolution
Pereira N., Lima A.C., Lanceros-Mendez S., Martins P.
Materials, 13, 18, 4033, (2020)
Metal-Organic Framework Based PVDF Separators for High Rate Cycling Lithium-Ion Batteries
Valverde A., Gonçalves R., Silva M.M., Wuttke S., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Costa C.M., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Laza J.M., Arriortua M.I., Lanceros-Méndez S., Fernández De Luis R.
ACS Applied Energy Materials, 3, 12, 11907, 11919, (2020)
Modulation of the magnetoimpedance effect of ZnO:Ag/NiFe heterostructures by thermal annealing
Ferreira A., Correa M.A., Lanceros-Méndez S., Bohn F., Vaz F.
Journal of Materials Science, 55, 14, 5961, 5968, (2020)
Morphology dependence degradation of electro-and magnetoactive poly(3-hydroxybutyrateco-hydroxyvalerate) for tissue engineering applications
Amaro L., Correia D.M., Martins P.M., Botelho G., Carabineiro S.A.C., Ribeiro C., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Polymers, 12, 4, 953, (2020)
Multilayer passive radiative selective cooling coating based on Al/SiO2/SiNx/SiO2/TiO2/SiO2 prepared by dc magnetron sputtering
Cunha N.F., AL-Rjoub A., Rebouta L., Vieira L.G., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Thin Solid Films, 694, 137736, (2020)
Optically transparent silk fibroin/silver nanowire composites for piezoresistive sensing and object recognitions
Reizabal A., Gonçalves S., Pereira N., Costa C.M., Pérez L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8, 37, 13053, 13062, (2020)
Overview on lightweight, multifunctional materials
Costa P., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Advanced Lightweight Multifunctional Materials, 1, 24, (2020)
Patterned piezoelectric scaffolds for osteogenic differentiation
Marques-Almeida T., Cardoso V.F., Gama M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Ribeiro C.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21, 21, 8352, 1, 8, (2020)
Photocatalytic and antimicrobial multifunctional nanocomposite membranes for emerging pollutants water treatment applications
Salazar H., Martins P.M., Santos B., Fernandes M.M., Reizabal A., Sebastián V., Botelho G., Tavares C.J., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Chemosphere, 250, 126299, (2020)
Physically Active Bioreactors for Tissue Engineering Applications
Castro N., Ribeiro S., Fernandes M.M., Ribeiro C., Cardoso V., Correia V., Minguez R., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Advanced Biosystems, 4, 10, 2000125, (2020)
Plasma-treated Bombyx mori cocoon separators for high-performance and sustainable lithium-ion batteries
Pereira R.F.P., Gonçalves R., Gonçalves H.M.R., Correia D.M., Costa C.M., Silva M.M., Lanceros-Méndez S., de Zea Bermudez V.
Materials Today Sustainability, 9, 100041, (2020)
Poly(vinylidene) fluoride membranes coated by heparin/collagen layer-by-layer, smart biomimetic approaches for mesenchymal stem cell culture
Guillot-Ferriols M., Rodríguez-Hernández J.C., Correia D.M., Carabineiro S.A.C., Lanceros-Méndez S., Gómez Ribelles J.L., Gallego Ferrer G.
Materials Science and Engineering C, 117, 111281, (2020)
Polymer-based actuators: back to the future
Martins P., Correia D.M., Correia V., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22, 27, 15163, 15182, (2020)
Polymer-based membranes for oily wastewater remediation
Zioui D., Salazar H., Aoudjit L., Martins P.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Polymers, 12, 1, 42, (2020)
Polymers for advanced lithium-ion batteries: State of the art and future needs on polymers for the different battery components
Costa C.M., Lizundia E., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 79, 100846, (2020)
Polysaccharide-based in situ self-healing hydrogels for tissue engineering applications
Maiz-Fernández S., Pérez-álvarez L., Ruiz-Rubio L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Polymers, 12, 10, 2261, 1, 33, (2020)
Preface and Acknowledgments
Costa P., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Advanced Lightweight Multifunctional Materials, xv, xvii, (2020)
Recent advances and future challenges in printed batteries
Costa C.M., Gonçalves R., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Energy Storage Materials, 28, 216, 234, (2020)
Reconfigurable 3D-printable magnets with improved maximum energy product
Brito-Pereira R., Ribeiro C., Peřinka N., Lanceros-Mendez S., Martins P.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8, 3, 952, 958, (2020)
Selective Antimicrobial Performance of Biosynthesized Silver Nanoparticles by Horsetail Extract Against E. coli
Miljković M., Lazić V., Davidović S., Milivojević A., Papan J., Fernandes M.M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Ahrenkiel S.P., Nedeljković J.M.
Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 30, 7, 2598, 2607, (2020)
Silica nanoparticles surface charge modulation of the electroactive phase content and physical-chemical properties of poly(vinylidene fluoride) nanocomposites
Ribeiro S., Meira R.M., Correia D.M., Tubio C.R., Ribeiro C., Baleizão C., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Composites Part B: Engineering, 185, 107786, (2020)
Silk Fibroin Based Magnetic Nanocomposites for Actuator Applications
Reizabal A., Costa C.M., Pereira N., Pérez-Álvarez L., Vilas-Vilela J.-L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Advanced Engineering Materials, 22, 6, 2000111, (2020)
Silk fibroin magnetoactive nanocomposite films and membranes for dynamic bone tissue engineering strategies
Reizabal A., Brito-Pereira R., Fernandes M.M., Castro N., Correia V., Ribeiro C., Costa C.M., Perez L., Vilas J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Materialia, 12, 100709, (2020)
Spray-printed magnetoelectric multifunctional composites
Martins P., Nunes J.S., Oliveira J., Peřinka N., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Composites Part B: Engineering, 187, 107829, (2020)
Surface Charge-Mediated Cell-Surface Interaction on Piezoelectric Materials
Ribeiro S., Puckert C., Ribeiro C., Gomes A.C., Higgins M.J., Lanceros-Méndez S.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12, 1, 191, 199, (2020)
Synthetic polymer-based membranes for lithium-ion batteries
Martins P.M., Nunes-Pereira J., Lanceros-Méndez S., Costa C.M.
Synthetic Polymeric Membranes for Advanced Water Treatment, Gas Separation, and Energy Sustainability, 383, 415, (2020)
Tailoring Electrical and Mechanical Properties of All-Natural Polymer Composites for Environmentally Friendlier Electronics
Rincón-Iglesias M., Lizundia E., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2, 4, 1448, 1457, (2020)
Tailoring electroactive poly(vinylidene fluoride‐co-trifluoroethylene) microspheres by a nanoprecipitation method
Macedo A.S., Carvalho E.O., Cardoso V.F., Correia D.M., Tubio C.R., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Botelho G., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Materials Letters, 261, 127018, (2020)
Tailoring Electrospun Poly(l -lactic acid) Nanofibers as Substrates for Microfluidic Applications
Pimentel E.S., Brito-Pereira R., Marques-Almeida T., Ribeiro C., Vaz F., Lanceros-Mendez S., Cardoso V.F.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12, 1, 60, 69, (2020)
Tailoring silk fibroin separator membranes pore size for improving performance of lithium ion batteries
Reizabal A., Gonçalves R., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Costa C.M., Pérez L., Vilas J.-L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Journal of Membrane Science, 598, 117678, (2020)
The role of CNC surface modification on the structural, thermal and electrical properties of poly(vinylidene fluoride) nanocomposites
Rincón-Iglesias M., Lizundia E., Correia D.M., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Cellulose, 27, 7, 3821, 3834, (2020)
Theoretical simulation of different 3D separator geometries for lithium-ion batteries
Miranda D., Gonçalves R., Miranda F., Almeida A.M., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2293, 260005, (2020)
Triboelectric energy harvesting response of different polymer‐based materials
Rodrigues‐marinho T., Castro N., Correia V., Costa P., Lanceros‐méndez S.
Materials, 13, 21, 4980, 1, 12, (2020)
Tuning properties of cerium dioxide nanoparticles by surface modification with catecholate-type of ligands
Lazić V., Živković L.S., Sredojević D., Fernandes M.M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Ahrenkiel S.P., Nedeljković J.M.
Langmuir, 36, 33, 9738, 9746, (2020)
UV curable nanocomposites with tailored dielectric response
Mendes-Felipe C., Rodrigues-Marinho T., Vilas J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Polymer, 196, 122498, (2020)
Vineyard calcium sprays induce changes in grape berry skin, firmness, cell wall composition and expression of cell wall-related genes
Martins V., Garcia A., Alhinho A.T., Costa P., Lanceros-Méndez S., Costa M.M.R., Gerós H.
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 150, 49, 55, (2020)
Water-based 2D printing of magnetically active cellulose derivative nanocomposites
Rincón-Iglesias M., Delgado A., Peřinka N., Lizundia E., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 233, 115855, (2020)
Water-Based Graphene Inks for All-Printed Temperature and Deformation Sensors
Franco M., Alves R., Perinka N., Tubio C., Costa P., Lanceros-Mendéz S.
ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2, 9, 2857, 2867, (2020)
β-Glycerol phosphate/genipin chitosan hydrogels: A comparative study of their properties and diclofenac delivery
Maiz-Fernández S., Guaresti O., Pérez-Álvarez L., Ruiz-Rubio L., Gabilondo N., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 248, 116811, (2020)
3D cytocompatible composites of PCL/magnetite
Díaz E., Valle M.B., Ribeiro S., Lanceros-Mendez S., Barandiarán J.M.
Materials, 12, 23, 3843, (2019)
A new approach for the fabrication of cytocompatible PLLA-magnetite nanoparticle composite scaffolds
Díaz E., Valle M.B., Ribeiro S., Lanceros-Mendez S., Barandiarán J.M.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20, 19, 4664, (2019)
All-printed multilayer materials with improved magnetoelectric response
Lima A.C., Pereira N., Policia R., Ribeiro C., Correia V., Lanceros-Mendez S., Martins P.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 7, 18, 5394, 5400, (2019)
Binary polyamide hybrid composites containing carbon allotropes and metal particles with radiofrequency shielding effect
Oliveira F., Dencheva N., Lanceros-Méndez S., Nunes T., Denchev Z.
Polymer Composites, 40, S2, E1338, E1352, (2019)
Bioinspired Three-Dimensional Magnetoactive Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering
Fernandes M.M., Correia D.M., Ribeiro C., Castro N., Correia V., Lanceros-Mendez S.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 11, 48, 45265, 45275, (2019)
Carbonaceous filler type and content dependence of the physical-chemical and electromechanical properties of thermoplastic elastomer polymer composites
Dios J.R., García-Astrain C., Costa P., Viana J.C., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Materials, 12, 9, 1405, (2019)
Ceramic nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes reinforced thermoplastic materials for piezocapacitive sensing applications
Marinho T., Costa P., Lizundia E., Costa C.M., Corona-Galván S., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Composites Science and Technology, 183, 107804, (2019)
Compositional, optical and electrical characteristics of SiOx thin films deposited by reactive pulsed DC magnetron sputtering
Carneiro J.O., Machado F., Rebouta L., Vasilevskiy M.I., Lanceros-Méndez S., Teixeira V., Costa M.F., Samantilleke A.P.
Coatings, 9, 8, 468, (2019)
Development of bio-hybrid piezoresistive nanocomposites using silk-elastin protein copolymers
Correia D.M., Ribeiro S., da Costa A., Ribeiro C., Casal M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Machado R.
Composites Science and Technology, 172, 134, 142, (2019)
Effect of the active material type and battery geometry on the thermal behavior of lithium-ion batteries
Miranda D., Almeida A.M., Lanceros-Méndez S., Costa C.M.
Energy, 185, 1250, 1262, (2019)
Electroactive Smart Materials: Novel Tools for Tailoring Bacteria Behavior and Fight Antimicrobial Resistance
Fernandes M.M., Carvalho E.O., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 7, 277, (2019)
Electromechanical properties of PVDF-based polymers reinforced with nanocarbonaceous fillers for pressure sensing applications
Vicente J., Costa P., Lanceros-Mendez S., Abete J.M., Iturrospe A.
Materials, 12, 21, 3545, (2019)
Enhanced performance of fluorinated separator membranes for lithium ion batteries through surface micropatterning
Gonçalves R., Marques-Almeida T., Miranda D., Silva M.M., Cardoso V.F., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Energy Storage Materials, 21, 124, 135, (2019)
Environmentally Friendly Printable Piezoelectric Inks and Their Application in the Development of All-Printed Touch Screens
Gonçalves S., Serrado-Nunes J., Oliveira J., Pereira N., Hilliou L., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 1, 8, 1678, 1687, (2019)
High performance piezoresistive response of nanostructured ZnO/Ag thin films for pressure sensing applications
Ferreira A., Silva J.P., Rodrigues R., Martin N., Lanceros-Méndez S., Vaz F.
Thin Solid Films, 691, 137587, (2019)
Highly Sensitive Humidity Sensor Based on Ionic Liquid-Polymer Composites
Fernandes L.C., Correia D.M., Pereira N., Tubio C.R., Lanceros-Méndez S.
ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 1, 10, 2723, 2730, (2019)
Highly Sensitive Piezoresistive Graphene-Based Stretchable Composites for Sensing Applications
Costa P., Gonçalves S., Mora H., Carabineiro S.A.C., Viana J.C., Lanceros-Mendez S.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 11, 49, 46286, 46295, (2019)
Hydrogel-based magnetoelectric microenvironments for tissue stimulation
Hermenegildo B., Ribeiro C., Pérez-Álvarez L., Vilas J.L., Learmonth D.A., Sousa R.A., Martins P., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 181, 1041, 1047, (2019)
Improved response of ionic liquid-based bending actuators by tailored interaction with the polar fluorinated polymer matrix
Dias J.C., Correia D.M., Costa C.M., Ribeiro C., Maceiras A., Vilas J.L., Botelho G., de Zea Bermudez V., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Electrochimica Acta, 296, 598, 607, (2019)
Influence of Cation and Anion Type on the Formation of the Electroactive β-Phase and Thermal and Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Poly(vinylidene fluoride)/Ionic Liquids Blends
Correia D.M., Costa C.M., Lizundia E., Sabater I Serra R., Gómez-Tejedor J.A., Biosca L.T., Meseguer-Dueñas J.M., Gomez Ribelles J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, (2019)
Ionic Liquid Cation Size-Dependent Electromechanical Response of Ionic Liquid/Poly(vinylidene fluoride)-Based Soft Actuators
Correia D.M., Barbosa J.C., Costa C.M., Reis P.M., Esperança J.M.S.S., De Zea Bermudez V., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123, 20, 12744, 12752, (2019)
Ionic-Liquid-Based Electroactive Polymer Composites for Muscle Tissue Engineering
Meira R.M., Correia D.M., Ribeiro S., Costa P., Gomes A.C., Gama F.M., Lanceros-Méndez S., Ribeiro C.
ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 1, 10, 2649, 2658, (2019)
Ionic-Liquid-Based Printable Materials for Thermochromic and Thermoresistive Applications
Fernandes L.C., Correia D.M., García-Astrain C., Pereira N., Tariq M., Esperança J.M.S.S., Lanceros-Méndez S.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 11, 22, 20316, 20324, (2019)
Magnetic Field Perturbations by Thermoelectric Effects
Ferreira N.J., Antunes P.J., Viana J.C., Fernandes L.C., Fernandez E., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Proceedings of 2019 ESA Workshop on Aerospace EMC, Aerospace EMC 2019, 8788964, (2019)
Magnetic ionic liquid/polymer composites: Tailoring physico-chemical properties by ionic liquid content and solvent evaporation temperature
Correia D.M., Fernandes L.C., García-Astrain C., Tariq M., Esperança J.M.S.S., de Zea Bermudez V., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Composites Part B: Engineering, 178, 107516, (2019)
Mesoporous Cellulose Nanocrystal Membranes as Battery Separators for Environmentally Safer Lithium-Ion Batteries
Goncąlves R., Lizundia E., Silva M.M., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2, 5, 3749, 3761, (2019)
Mesoporous poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene) membranes for lithium-ion battery separators
Costa C.M., Kundu M., Dias J.C., Nunes-Pereira J., Botelho G., Silva M.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Electrochimica Acta, 301, 97, 106, (2019)
Micro- and nanostructured piezoelectric polymers: Fundamentals and application
Castro N., Pereira N., Cardoso V.F., Ribeiro C., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Frontiers of Nanoscience, 14, 35, 65, (2019)
Molecular relaxation and ionic conductivity of ionic liquids confined in a poly(vinylidene fluoride) polymer matrix: Influence of anion and cation type
Correia D.M., Costa C.M., Sabater i Serra R., Gómez Tejedor J.A., Teruel Biosca L., de Zea Bermudez V., Esperança J.M.S.S., Reis P.M., Andrio Balado A., Meseguer-Dueñas J.M., Lanceros-Méndez S., Gomez Ribelles J.L.
Polymer, 171, 58, 69, (2019)
Multidimensional biomechanics approaches though electrically and magnetically active microenvironments
Ribeiro S., Garcia-Astrain C., Fernandes M.M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Ribeiro C.
Advances in Biomechanics and Tissue Regeneration, 253, 267, (2019)
Nanostructured Ti 1-x Cu x thin films with tailored electrical and morphological anisotropy
Ferreira A., Pedrosa P., Martin N., Yazdi M.A.P., Billard A., Lanceros-Méndez S., Vaz F.
Thin Solid Films, 672, 47, 54, (2019)
Optimized silk fibroin piezoresistive nanocomposites for pressure sensing applications based on natural polymers
Reizabal A., Gonçalves S., Brito-Pereira R., Costa P., Costa C.M., Pérez-Álvarez L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Nanoscale Advances, 1, 6, 2284, 2292, (2019)
Photocatalytic microporous membrane against the increasing problem of water emerging pollutants
Martins P.M., Ribeiro J.M., Teixeira S., Petrovykh D.Y., Cuniberti G., Pereira L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Materials, 12, 10, 1649, (2019)
Piezoresistive performance of polymer-based materials as a function of the matrix and nanofiller content to walking detection application
Dios J.R., Garcia-Astrain C., Gonçalves S., Costa P., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Composites Science and Technology, 181, 107678, (2019)
Polymer-based magnetoelectric materials: To be or not to be
Martins P., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Applied Materials Today, 15, 558, 561, (2019)
Polymer-based separators for lithium-ion batteries
Barbosa J.C., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Nanomaterials for Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices, 429, 465, (2019)
Polymeric Electrospun Fibrous Dressings for Topical Co-delivery of Acyclovir and Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Costa T., Ribeiro A., Machado R., Ribeiro C., Lanceros-Mendez S., Cavaco-Paulo A., Almeida A., das Neves J., Lúcio M., Viseu T.
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 7, 390, (2019)
Recent advances on separator membranes for lithium-ion battery applications: From porous membranes to solid electrolytes
Costa C.M., Lee Y.-H., Kim J.-H., Lee S.-Y., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Energy Storage Materials, 22, 346, 375, (2019)
Recent developments on printed photodetectors for large area and flexible applications
Oliveira J., Brito-Pereira R., Gonçalves B.F., Etxebarria I., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Organic Electronics, 66, 216, 226, (2019)
Recent Progress on Piezoelectric, Pyroelectric, and Magnetoelectric Polymer-Based Energy-Harvesting Devices
Costa P., Nunes-Pereira J., Pereira N., Castro N., Gonçalves S., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Energy Technology, 7, 7, 1800852, (2019)
Silk Fibroin Bending Actuators as an Approach Toward Natural Polymer Based Active Materials
Reizabal A., Correia D.M., Costa C.M., Perez-Alvarez L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 11, 33, 30197, 30206, (2019)
Solid polymer electrolytes based on lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide/poly(vinylidene fluoride -co-hexafluoropropylene) for safer rechargeable lithium-ion batteries
Gonçalves R., Miranda D., Almeida A.M., Silva M.M., Meseguer-Dueñas J.M., Ribelles J.L.G., Lanceros-Méndez S., Costa C.M.
Sustainable Materials and Technologies, 21, e00104, (2019)
State-of-the-Art and Future Challenges of UV Curable Polymer-Based Smart Materials for Printing Technologies
Mendes-Felipe C., Oliveira J., Etxebarria I., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Advanced Materials Technologies, 4, 3, 1800618, (2019)
Stimuli responsive UV cured polyurethane acrylated/carbon nanotube composites for piezoresistive sensing
Mendes-Felipe C., Oliveira J., Costa P., Ruiz-Rubio L., Iregui A., González A., Vilas J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
European Polymer Journal, 120, 109226, (2019)
Surface wettability modification of poly(vinylidene fluoride) and copolymer films and membranes by plasma treatment
Correia D.M., Nunes-Pereira J., Alikin D., Kholkin A.L., Carabineiro S.A.C., Rebouta L., Rodrigues M.S., Vaz F., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Polymer, 169, 138, 147, (2019)
Tailoring Bacteria Response by Piezoelectric Stimulation
Carvalho E.O., Fernandes M.M., Padrao J., Nicolau A., Marqués-Marchán J., Asenjo A., Gama F.M., Ribeiro C., Lanceros-Mendez S.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 11, 30, 27297, 27305, (2019)
The effect of increasing Si content in the absorber layers (CrAlSiN x /CrAlSiO y N x ) of solar selective absorbers upon their selectivity and thermal stability
AL-Rjoub A., Rebouta L., Costa P., Cunha N.F., Lanceros-Mendez S., Barradas N.P., Alves E.
Applied Surface Science, 481, 1096, 1102, (2019)
Theoretical simulation of the influence of cathode formulation on lithium-ion battery performance
Miranda D., Miranda F., Almeida A.M., Lanceros-Méndez S., Costa C.M.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2116, 250008, (2019)
Theoretical simulation of the optimal relation between active material, binder and conductive additive for lithium-ion battery cathodes
Miranda D., Gören A., Costa C.M., Silva M.M., Almeida A.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Energy, 172, 68, 78, (2019)
Thermal activation of charge carriers in ionic and electronic semiconductor β-AgIVVO3 and β-AgIVVO3@VV1.6VIV0.4O4.8 composite xerogels
Fernández De Luis R., Larrea E.S., Orive J., Lezama L., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S., Arriortua M.I.
RSC Advances, 9, 72, 42439, 42449, (2019)
Transparent Magnetoelectric Materials for Advanced Invisible Electronic Applications
Polícia R., Lima A.C., Pereira N., Calle E., Vázquez M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Martins P.
Advanced Electronic Materials, 5, 12, 1900280, (2019)
Tuning Myoblast and Preosteoblast Cell Adhesion Site, Orientation, and Elongation through Electroactive Micropatterned Scaffolds
Marques-Almeida T., Cardoso V.F., Ribeiro S., Gama F.M., Ribeiro C., Lanceros-Mendez S.
ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2, 4, 1591, 1602, (2019)
Water-Soluble Cellulose Derivatives as Suitable Matrices for Multifunctional Materials
Rincón-Iglesias M., Lizundia E., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Biomacromolecules, 20, 7, 2786, 2795, (2019)
A new approach for preparation of metal-containing polyamide/carbon textile laminate composites with tunable electrical conductivity
Oliveira F., Dencheva N., Martins P., Lanceros-Méndez S., Denchev Z.
Journal of Materials Science, 53, 16, 11444, 11459, (2018)
Advances in Magnetic Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications
Cardoso V.F., Francesko A., Ribeiro C., Bañobre-López M., Martins P., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Advanced Healthcare Materials, 7, 5, 1700845, (2018)
Bombyx mori Silkworm Cocoon Separators for Lithium-Ion Batteries with Superior Safety and Sustainability
Pereira R.F.P., Gonçalves R., Fernandes M., Costa C.M., Silva M.M., de Zea Bermudez V., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Advanced Sustainable Systems, 2, 12, 1800098, (2018)
Computer simulation of the influence of thermal conditions on the performance of conventional and unconventional lithium-ion battery geometries
Miranda D., Costa C.M., Almeida A.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Energy, 149, 262, 278, (2018)
Crystallization kinetics of poly(ethylene oxide) confined in semicrystalline poly(vinylidene) fluoride
Tamaño-Machiavello M.N., Costa C.M., Romero-Colomer F.J., María Meseguer Dueñas J., Lanceros-Mendez S., Luis Gómez Ribelles J.
Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 56, 7, 588, 597, (2018)
Design and fabrication of multilayer inkjet-printed passive components for printed electronics circuit development
Correia V., Mitra K.Y., Castro H., Rocha J.G., Sowade E., Baumann R.R., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 31, 364, 371, (2018)
Development of a contactless DC current sensor with high linearity and sensitivity based on the magnetoelectric effect
Castro N., Reis S., Silva M.P., Correia V., Lanceros-Mendez S., Martins P.
Smart Materials and Structures, 27, 6, 065012, (2018)
Development of magnetically active scaffolds for bone regeneration
Díaz E., Valle M.B., Ribeiro S., Lanceros-Mendez S., Barandiarán J.M.
Nanomaterials, 8, 9, 678, (2018)
Electroactive biomaterial surface engineering effects on muscle cells differentiation
Ribeiro S., Gomes A.C., Etxebarria I., Lanceros-Méndez S., Ribeiro C.
Materials Science and Engineering C, 92, 868, 874, (2018)
Electroactive poly(vinylidene fluoride)-based structures for advanced applications
Ribeiro C., Costa C.M., Correia D.M., Nunes-Pereira J., Oliveira J., Martins P., Gonçalves R., Cardoso V.F., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Nature Protocols, 13, 4, 681, 704, (2018)
Evaluation of the Physicochemical Properties and Active Response of Piezoelectric Poly(vinylidene fluoride- co-trifluoroethylene) as a Function of Its Microstructure
Gonçalves R., Cardoso V.F., Pereira N., Oliveira J., Nunes-Pereira J., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122, 21, 11433, 11441, (2018)
Fluorinated polymers as smart materials for advanced biomedical applications
Cardoso V.F., Correia D.M., Ribeiro C., Fernandes M.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Polymers, 10, 2, 161, (2018)
Highly effective clean-up of magnetic nanoparticles using microfluidic technology
Cardoso V.F., Miranda D., Botelho G., Minas G., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 255, 2384, 2391, (2018)
Highly efficient removal of fluoride from aqueous media through polymer composite membranes
Nunes-Pereira J., Lima R., Choudhary G., Sharma P.R., Ferdov S., Botelho G., Sharma R.K., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Separation and Purification Technology, 205, 1, 10, (2018)
Improved electrochemical performance of rare earth doped LiMn1.5-xNi0.5RExO4 based composite cathodes for lithium-ion batteries
Ram P., Gören A., Gonçalves R., Choudhary G., Ferdov S., Silva M.M., Singhal R., Costa C.M., Sharma R.K., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Composites Part B: Engineering, 139, 55, 63, (2018)
Improving Magnetoelectric Contactless Sensing and Actuation through Anisotropic Nanostructures
Fernandes M.M., Mora H., Barriga-Castro E.D., Luna C., Mendoza-Reséndez R., Ribeiro C., Lanceros-Mendez S., Martins P.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122, 33, 19189, 19196, (2018)
Indirect X-ray Detectors Based on Inkjet-Printed Photodetectors with a Screen-Printed Scintillator Layer
Oliveira J., Correia V., Sowade E., Etxebarria I., Rodriguez R.D., Mitra K.Y., Baumann R.R., Lanceros-Mendez S.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 10, 15, 12904, 12912, (2018)
Ionic and conformational mobility in poly(vinylidene fluoride)/ionic liquid blends: Dielectric and electrical conductivity behavior
Correia D.M., Sabater i Serra R., Gómez Tejedor J.A., de Zea Bermudez V., Andrio Balado A., Meseguer-Dueñas J.M., Gomez Ribelles J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S., Costa C.M.
Polymer, 143, 164, 172, (2018)
Layer-by-layer fabrication of highly transparent polymer based piezoelectric transducers
Cardoso V.F., Marques-Almeida T., Rodrigues-Marinho T., Minas G., Rebouta L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Materials Research Express, 5, 6, 065313, (2018)
Low-field giant magneto-ionic response in polymer-based nanocomposites
Correia D.M., Martins P., Tariq M., Esperança J.M.S.S., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Nanoscale, 10, 33, 15747, 15754, (2018)
Magnetoelectric coupling in nanoscale 0-1 connectivity
Zong Y., Yue Z., Martins P., Zhuang J., Du Y., Lanceros-Mendez S., Higgins M.J.
Nanoscale, 10, 36, 17370, 17377, (2018)
Multifunctional electromechanical and thermoelectric polyaniline-poly(vinyl acetate) latex composites for wearable devices
Horta Romarís L., González Rodríguez M.V., Huang B., Costa P., Lasagabáster Latorre A., Lanceros-Mendez S., Abad López M.J.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 6, 31, 8502, 8512, (2018)
Multifunctional magnetically responsive biocomposites based on genetically engineered silk-elastin-like protein
Fernandes M.M., Correia D.M., da Costa A., Ribeiro S., Casal M., Lanceros-Méndez S., Machado R.
Composites Part B: Engineering, 153, 413, 419, (2018)
Multifunctional platform based on electroactive polymers and silica nanoparticles for tissue engineering applications
Ribeiro S., Ribeiro T., Ribeiro C., Correia D.M., Farinha J.P.S., Gomes A.C., Baleizão C., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Nanomaterials, 8, 11, 933, (2018)
Nano-sculptured Janus-like TiAg thin films obliquely deposited by GLAD co-sputtering for temperature sensing
Pedrosa P., Ferreira A., Martin N., Arab Pour Yazdi M., Billard A., Lanceros-Méndez S., Vaz F.
Nanotechnology, 29, 35, 355706, (2018)
On the use of surfactants for improving nanofiller dispersion and piezoresistive response in stretchable polymer composites
Costa P., Maceiras A., San Sebastián M., García-Astrain C., Vilas J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 6, 39, 10580, 10588, (2018)
Optimized Magnetodielectric Coupling on High-Temperature Polymer-Based Nanocomposites
Maceiras A., Marinho T., Vilas J.L., Carbó-Argibay E., Kolen'Ko Y.V., Martins P., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122, 3, 1821, 1827, (2018)
Photocatalytic reusable membranes for the effective degradation of tartrazine with a solar photoreactor
Aoudjit L., Martins P.M., Madjene F., Petrovykh D.Y., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 344, 408, 416, (2018)
Piezo-and Magnetoelectric Polymers as Biomaterials for Novel Tissue Engineering Strategies
Ribeiro C., Correia D.M., Ribeiro S., Fernandes M.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
MRS Advances, 3, 30, 1671, 1676, (2018)
Piezoresistive polymer blends for electromechanical sensor applications
Costa P., Oliveira J., Horta-Romarís L., Abad M.-J., Moreira J.A., Zapiráin I., Aguado M., Galván S., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Composites Science and Technology, 168, 353, 362, (2018)
Piezoresistive response of extruded polyaniline/(styrene-butadiene-styrene) polymer blends for force and deformation sensors
Teixeira J., Horta-Romarís L., Abad M.-J., Costa P., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Materials and Design, 141, 1, 8, (2018)
Poly(styrene-butene/ethylene-styrene): A New Polymer Binder for High-Performance Printable Lithium-Ion Battery Electrodes
Gonçalves R., Oliveira J., Silva M.P., Costa P., Hilliou L., Silva M.M., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
ACS Applied Energy Materials, 1, 7, 3331, 3341, (2018)
Poly(vinylidene fluoride) composites with carbon nanotubes decorated with metal nanoparticles
Nunes-Pereira J., Sharma P., Fernandes L.C., Oliveira J., Moreira J.A., Sharma R.K., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Composites Part B: Engineering, 142, 1, 8, (2018)
Polymer Nanocomposite-Based Strain Sensors with Tailored Processability and Improved Device Integration
Costa P., Carvalho M.F., Correia V., Viana J.C., Lanceros-Mendez S.
ACS Applied Nano Materials, 1, 6, 3015, 3025, (2018)
Polymer-based smart materials by printing technologies: Improving application and integration
Oliveira J., Correia V., Castro H., Martins P., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Additive Manufacturing, 21, 269, 283, (2018)
Printed Wheatstone bridge with embedded polymer based piezoresistive sensors for strain sensing applications
Castro H.F., Correia V., Pereira N., Costab P., Oliveiraa J., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Additive Manufacturing, 20, 119, 125, (2018)
Recent advances in poly(Vinylidene fluoride) and its copolymers for lithium-ion battery separators
Barbosa J.C., Dias J.P., Lanceros-Méndez S., Costa C.M.
Membranes, 8, 3, 45, (2018)
Relation between fiber orientation and mechanical properties of nano-engineered poly(vinylidene fluoride) electrospun composite fiber mats
Maciel M.M., Ribeiro S., Ribeiro C., Francesko A., Maceiras A., Vilas J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Composites Part B: Engineering, 139, 146, 154, (2018)
Silica/poly(vinylidene fluoride) porous composite membranes for lithium-ion battery separators
Costa C.M., Kundu M., Cardoso V.F., Machado A.V., Silva M.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Journal of Membrane Science, 564, 842, 851, (2018)
Silk Fibroin Separators: A Step Toward Lithium-Ion Batteries with Enhanced Sustainability
Pereira R.F.P., Brito-Pereira R., Gonçalves R., Silva M.P., Costa C.M., Silva M.M., De Zea Bermudez V., Lanceros-Méndez S.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 10, 6, 5385, 5394, (2018)
Silk fibroin-magnetic hybrid composite electrospun fibers for tissue engineering applications
Brito-Pereira R., Correia D.M., Ribeiro C., Francesko A., Etxebarria I., Pérez-Álvarez L., Vilas J.L., Martins P., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Composites Part B: Engineering, 141, 70, 75, (2018)
Stretchable scintillator composites for indirect X-ray detectors
Oliveira J., Correia V., Costa P., Francesko A., Rocha G., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Composites Part B: Engineering, 133, 226, 231, (2018)
Tailored biodegradable and electroactive poly(Hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) based morphologies for tissue engineering applications
Amaro L., Correia D.M., Marques-Almeida T., Martins P.M., Pérez L., Vilas J.L., Botelho G., Lanceros-Mendez S., Ribeiro C.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19, 8, 2149, (2018)
Theoretical design of high-performance polymer-based magnetoelectric of fibrilar structures
Lehmann Fernández C.S., Pereira N., Martins P., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Composites Science and Technology, 155, 126, 136, (2018)
TiO2/graphene and TiO2/graphene oxide nanocomposites for photocatalytic applications: A computer modeling and experimental study
Martins P.M., Ferreira C.G., Silva A.R., Magalhães B., Alves M.M., Pereira L., Marques P.A.A.P., Melle-Franco M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Composites Part B: Engineering, 145, 39, 46, (2018)
Tuning electrical resistivity anisotropy of ZnO thin films for resistive sensor applications
Ferreira A., Martin N., Lanceros-Méndez S., Vaz F.
Thin Solid Films, 654, 93, 99, (2018)
Water based scintillator ink for printed X-ray radiation detectors
Oliveira J., Martins P.M., Correia V., Hilliou L., Petrovykh D., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Polymer Testing, 69, 26, 31, (2018)
Capture and separation of L-histidine through optimized zinc-decorated magnetic silica spheres
Cardoso V.F., Sebastián V., Silva C.J.R., Botelho G., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 157, 48, 55, (2017)
Cellulose-based magnetoelectric composites
Zong Y., Zheng T., Martins P., Lanceros-Mendez S., Yue Z., Higgins M.J.
Nature Communications, 8, 1, 38, (2017)
Crystal Morphology Control of Synthetic Giniite by Alkaline Cations and pH Variations
Gonçalves R., Martins R., Costa C.M., Ferdov S., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Crystal Growth and Design, 17, 9, 4710, 4714, (2017)
Cyclic temperature dependence of electrical conductivity in polyanilines as a function of the dopant and synthesis method
Horta-Romarís L., Abad M.-J., González-Rodríguez M.V., Lasagabáster A., Costa P., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Materials and Design, 114, 288, 296, (2017)
Development of water-based printable piezoresistive sensors for large strain applications
Gonçalves B.F., Oliveira J., Costa P., Correia V., Martins P., Botelho G., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Composites Part B: Engineering, 112, 344, 352, (2017)
Evaluation and optimization of the magnetoelectric response of CoFe2O4/poly(vinylidene fluoride) composite spheres by computer simulation
Lehmann Fernández C.S., Pereira N., Lanceros-Méndez S., Martins P.
Composites Science and Technology, 146, 119, 130, (2017)
Fabrication and characterization of high-performance polymer-based magnetoelectric DC magnetic field sensors devices
Reis S., Castro N., Silva M.P., Correia V., Rocha J.G., Martins P., Lanceros-Mendez S.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 64, 6, 2668989, 4928, 4934, (2017)
High-performance graphene-based carbon nanofiller/polymer composites for piezoresistive sensor applications
Costa P., Nunes-Pereira J., Oliveira J., Silva J., Moreira J.A., Carabineiro S.A.C., Buijnsters J.G., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Composites Science and Technology, 153, 241, 252, (2017)
Human mesenchymal stem cells growth and osteogenic differentiation on piezoelectric poly(Vinylidene fluoride) microsphere substrates
Sobreiro-Almeida R., Tamaño-Machiavello M.N., Carvalho E.O., Cordón L., Doria S., Senent L., Correia D.M., Ribeiro C., Lanceros-Méndez S., Sabater I Serra R., Gomez Ribelles J.L., Sempere A.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18, 11, 2391, (2017)
In vivo demonstration of the suitability of piezoelectric stimuli for bone reparation
Ribeiro C., Correia D.M., Rodrigues I., Guardão L., Guimarães S., Soares R., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Materials Letters, 209, 118, 121, (2017)
Influence of the sputtering pressure on the morphological features and electrical resistivity anisotropy of nanostructured titanium films
Pedrosa P., Ferreira A., Cote J.-M., Martin N., Yazdi M.A.P., Billard A., Lanceros-Mendez S., Vaz F.
Applied Surface Science, 420, 681, 690, (2017)
Kinetic study of thermal degradation of chitosan as a function of deacetylation degree
Gámiz-González M.A., Correia D.M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Sencadas V., Gómez Ribelles J.L., Vidaurre A.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 167, 52, 58, (2017)
Local probing of magnetoelectric properties of PVDF/Fe3O4 electrospun nanofibers by piezoresponse force microscopy
Zheng T., Yue Z., Wallace G.G., Du Y., Martins P., Lanceros-Mendez S., Higgins M.J.
Nanotechnology, 28, 6, 065707, (2017)
Magnetic cellulose nanocrystal nanocomposites for the development of green functional materials
Lizundia E., Maceiras A., Vilas J.L., Martins P., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 175, 425, 432, (2017)
Magnetoelectric response on Terfenol-D/ P(VDF-TrFE) two-phase composites
Brito-Pereira R., Ribeiro C., Lanceros-Mendez S., Martins P.
Composites Part B: Engineering, 120, 97, 102, (2017)
Marked object recognition multitouch screen printed touchpad for interactive applications
Nunes J.S., Castro N., Gonçalves S., Pereira N., Correia V., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Sensors (Switzerland), 17, 12, 2786, (2017)
Membranes based on polymer miscibility for selective transport and separation of metallic ions
Zioui D., Arous O., Mameri N., Kerdjoudj H., Sebastian M.S., Vilas J.L., Nunes-Pereira J., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 336, 188, 194, (2017)
Metallic glass/PVDF magnetoelectric laminates for resonant sensors and actuators: A review
Gutiérrez J., Lasheras A., Martins P., Pereira N., Barandiarán J.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Sensors (Switzerland), 17, 6, 1251, (2017)
Metamorphic biomaterials
Cardoso V.F., Ribeiro C., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Bioinspired Materials for Medical Applications, 69, 99, (2017)
Mild hydrothermal synthesis and crystal morphology control of LiFePO4 by lithium nitrate
Martins R., Gonçalves R., Costa C.M., Ferdov S., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Nano-Structures and Nano-Objects, 11, 82, 87, (2017)
Nanodiamonds/poly(vinylidene fluoride) composites for tissue engineering applications
Nunes-Pereira J., Silva A.R., Ribeiro C., Carabineiro S.A.C., Buijnsters J.G., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Composites Part B: Engineering, 111, 37, 44, (2017)
On the Relevance of the Polar β-Phase of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) for High Performance Lithium-Ion Battery Separators
Kundu M., Costa C.M., Dias J., Maceiras A., Vilas J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121, 47, 26216, 26225, (2017)
Photocatalytic degradation of recalcitrant micropollutants by reusable Fe3O4/SiO2/TiO2 particles
Teixeira S., Mora H., Blasse L.-M., Martins P.M., Carabineiro S.A.C., Lanceros-Méndez S., Kühn K., Cuniberti G.
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 345, 27, 35, (2017)
Piezoresistive Polymer-Based Materials for Real-Time Assessment of the Stump/Socket Interface Pressure in Lower Limb Amputees
Ferreira A., Correia V., Mendes E., Lopes C., Vaz J.F.V., Lanceros-Mendez S.
IEEE Sensors Journal, 17, 7, 7850965, 2182, 2190, (2017)
Preparation of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Lithium-Ion Battery Separators and Their Compatibilization with Ionic Liquid – A Green Solvent Approach
Costa C.M., Rodrigues H.M., Gören A., Machado A.V., Silva M.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
ChemistrySelect, 2, 19, 5394, 5402, (2017)
Relationship between nano-architectured Ti1−xCux thin film and electrical resistivity for resistance temperature detectors
Ferreira A., Borges J., Lopes C., Rodrigues M.S., Lanceros-Mendez S., Vaz F.
Journal of Materials Science, 52, 9, 4878, 4885, (2017)
Synthesis and improved electrochemical performance of LiMn2 – xGdxO4 based cathodes
Ram P., Gören A., Ferdov S., Silva M.M., Choudhary G., Singhal R., Costa C.M., Sharma R.K., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Solid State Ionics, 300, 18, 25, (2017)
Temperature and frequency dependence of the dielectric and piezoelectric response of P(VDF-TrFE)/CoFe2O4 magnetoelectric composites [Dielektrinio ir pjezoelektrinio atsako temperatŪrinĖs ir daŽninĖs priklausomybĖs magnetoelektriniuose P(VDF-TrFE)/CoFe2o4 kompozituose]
Svirskas Š., Belovickis J., Šemeliovas D., Martins P., Lanceros-Méndez S., Banys J.
Lithuanian Journal of Physics, 57, 2, 103, 111, (2017)
The influence of copolymer composition on PLGA/nHA scaffolds’ cytotoxicity and in vitro degradation
Díaz E., Puerto I., Ribeiro S., Lanceros-Mendez S., Barandiarán J.M.
Nanomaterials, 7, 7, 173, (2017)
Thermal analysis of lithium-ion batteries with square frame geometries by theoretical simulations
Miranda D., Miranda F., Costa C.M., Almeida A.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1863, 440005, (2017)
Wide-range magnetoelectric response on hybrid polymer composites based on filler type and content
Martins P., Silva M., Reis S., Pereira N., Amorín H., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Polymers, 9, 2, 62, (2017)
A green solvent strategy for the development of piezoelectric poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) films for sensors and actuators applications
Nunes-Pereira J., Martins P., Cardoso V.F., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Materials and Design, 104, 183, 189, (2016)
All-inkjet-printed low-pass filters with adjustable cutoff frequency consisting of resistors, inductors and transistors for sensor applications
Castro H.F., Correia V., Sowade E., Mitra K.Y., Rocha J.G., Baumann R.R., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Organic Electronics, 38, 205, 212, (2016)
Characterization of Metglas/poly(vinylidene fluoride)/Metglas magnetoelectric laminates for AC/DC magnetic sensor applications
Reis S., Silva M.P., Castro N., Correia V., Martins P., Lasheras A., Gutierrez J., Barandiarán J.M., Rocha J.G., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Materials and Design, 92, 906, 910, (2016)
Ciprofloxacin wastewater treated by UVA photocatalysis: Contribution of irradiated TiO2 and ZnO nanoparticles on the final toxicity as assessed by Vibrio fischeri
Silva A.R., Martins P.M., Teixeira S., Carabineiro S.A.C., Kuehn K., Cuniberti G., Alves M.M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Pereira L.
RSC Advances, 6, 98, 95494, 95503, (2016)
Comparative efficiency of TiO2 nanoparticles in suspension vs. immobilization into P(VDF-TrFE) porous membranes
Martins P.M., Miranda R., Marques J., Tavares C.J., Botelho G., Lanceros-Mendez S.
RSC Advances, 6, 15, 12708, 12716, (2016)
Comparative study of sol-gel methods for the facile synthesis of tailored magnetic silica spheres
Cardoso V.F., Irusta S., Navascues N., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Materials Research Express, 3, 7, 075402, (2016)
Computer simulation evaluation of the geometrical parameters affecting the performance of two dimensional interdigitated batteries
Miranda D., Costa C.M., Almeida A.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 780, 1, 11, (2016)
Computer simulations of the influence of geometry in the performance of conventional and unconventional lithium-ion batteries
Miranda D., Costa C.M., Almeida A.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Applied Energy, 165, 318, 328, (2016)
Development of poly(vinylidene fluoride)/ionic liquid electrospun fibers for tissue engineering applications
Dias J.C., Correia D.C., Lopes A.C., Ribeiro S., Ribeiro C., Sencadas V., Botelho G., Esperança J.M.S.S., Laza J.M., Vilas J.L., León L.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Journal of Materials Science, 51, 9, 4442, 4450, (2016)
Differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells for cartilage tissue engineering: Individual and synergetic effects of three-dimensional environment and mechanical loading
Panadero J.A., Lanceros-Mendez S., Ribelles J.L.G.
Acta Biomaterialia, 33, 1, 12, (2016)
Effect of anion type in the performance of ionic liquid/poly(vinylidene fluoride) electromechanical actuators
Mejri R., Dias J.C., Hentati S.B., Martins M.S., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 453, 8, 15, (2016)
Effect of cyano dipolar groups on the performance of lithium-ion battery electrospun polyimide gel electrolyte membranes
Maceiras A., Gören A., Sencadas V., Costa C.M., Vilas J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S., León L.M.
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 778, 57, 65, (2016)
Electromechanical actuators based on poly(vinylidene fluoride) with [N1 1 1 2(OH)][NTf2] and [C2mim] [C2SO4]
Dias J.C., Martins M.S., Ribeiro S., Silva M.M., Esperança J.M.S.S., Ribeiro C., Botelho G., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Journal of Materials Science, 51, 20, 9490, 9503, (2016)
Electronic optimization for an energy harvesting system based on magnetoelectric Metglas/poly(vinylidene fluoride)/Metglas composites
Reis S., Silva M.P., Castro N., Correia V., Rocha J.G., Martins P., Lasheras A., Gutierrez J., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Smart Materials and Structures, 25, 8, 085028, (2016)
Finite-Size Effects in the Absorption Spectra of a Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube
Silva J., Oliveira M.J.T., Lanceros-Mendez S., Nogueira F.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120, 32, 18268, 18274, (2016)
From superhydrophobic- to superhydrophilic-patterned poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-chlorotrifluoroethylene) architectures as a novel platform for biotechnological applications
Cardoso V.F., Machado A.R., Pinto V.C., Sousa P.J., Botelho G., Minas G., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 54, 18, 1802, 1810, (2016)
Giant Electric-Field-Induced Strain in PVDF-Based Battery Separator Membranes Probed by Electrochemical Strain Microscopy
Romanyuk K., Costa C.M., Luchkin S.Y., Kholkin A.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Langmuir, 32, 21, 5267, 5276, (2016)
Green solvent approach for printable large deformation thermoplastic elastomer based piezoresistive sensors and their suitability for biomedical applications
Gonçalves B.F., Costa P., Oliveira J., Ribeiro S., Correia V., Botelho G., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 54, 20, 2092, 2103, (2016)
High performance screen printable lithium-ion battery cathode ink based on C-LiFePO4
Sousa R.E., Oliveira J., Gören A., Miranda D., Silva M.M., Hilliou L., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Electrochimica Acta, 196, 92, 100, (2016)
High performance screen-printed electrodes prepared by a green solvent approach for lithium-ion batteries
Gören A., Mendes J., Rodrigues H.M., Sousa R.E., Oliveira J., Hilliou L., Costa C.M., Silva M.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Journal of Power Sources, 334, 65, 77, (2016)
Imidazolium-based ionic liquid type dependence of the bending response of polymer actuators
Mejri R., Dias J.C., Besbes Hentati S., Botelho G., Esperança J.M.S.S., Costa C.M., Lanceros- Mendez S.
European Polymer Journal, 85, 445, 451, (2016)
Improved magnetodielectric coefficient on polymer based composites through enhanced indirect magnetoelectric coupling
Martins P., Silva D., Silva M.P., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Applied Physics Letters, 109, 11, 112905, (2016)
Improved performance of rare earth doped LiMn2O4 cathodes for lithium-ion battery applications
Ram P., Gören A., Ferdov S., Silva M.M., Singhal R., Costa C.M., Sharma R.K., Lanceros-Méndez S.
New Journal of Chemistry, 40, 7, 6244, 6252, (2016)
Increasing X-ray to visible transduction performance of Gd2O3:Eu3+PVDF composites by PPO/POPOP addition
Oliveira J., Martins P.M., Martins P., Correia V., Rocha J.G., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Composites Part B: Engineering, 91, 610, 614, (2016)
Influence of fluoropolymer binders on the electrochemical performance of C-LiFePO4 based cathodes
Gören A., Costa C.M., Silva M.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Solid State Ionics, 295, 57, 64, (2016)
Magnetically Controlled Drug Release System through Magnetomechanical Actuation
Barbosa J., Correia D.M., Gonçalves R., Ribeiro C., Botelho G., Martins P., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Advanced Healthcare Materials, 5, 23, 3027, 3034, (2016)
MC3T3-E1 Cell Response to Ti1-xAgx and Ag-TiNx Electrodes Deposited on Piezoelectric Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Substrates for Sensor Applications
Marques S.M., Rico P., Carvalho I., Gómez Ribelles J.L., Fialho L., Lanceros-Méndez S., Henriques M., Carvalho S.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 8, 6, 4199, 4207, (2016)
Optimization of filler type within poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene) composite separator membranes for improved lithium-ion battery performance
Nunes-Pereira J., Kundu M., Gören A., Silva M.M., Costa C.M., Liu L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Composites Part B: Engineering, 96, 94, 102, (2016)
Optimized anisotropic magnetoelectric response of Fe61.6Co16.4Si10.8B11.2/PVDF/Fe61.6Co16.4Si10.8B11.2 laminates for AC/DC magnetic field sensing
Reis S., Silva M.P., Castro N., Correia V., Gutierrez J., Lasheras A., Lanceros-Mendez S., Martins P.
Smart Materials and Structures, 25, 5, 055050, (2016)
Piezoresistive response of nano-architectured TixCuy thin films for sensor applications
Ferreira A., Borges J., Lopes C., Martin N., Lanceros-Mendez S., Vaz F.
Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 247, 105, 114, (2016)
Piezoresistive response of spray-printed carbon nanotube/poly(vinylidene fluoride) composites
Ferreira A., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Composites Part B: Engineering, 96, 242, 247, (2016)
Poly(vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene)/bayerite composite membranes for efficient arsenic removal from water
Salazar H., Nunes-Pereira J., Correia D.M., Cardoso V.F., Gonçalves R., Martins P.M., Ferdov S., Martins M.D., Botelho G., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 183, 430, 438, (2016)
Preparation and properties of metal-containing polyamide hybrid composites via reactive microencapsulation
Brêda C., Dencheva N., Lanceros-Méndez S., Denchev Z.
Journal of Materials Science, 51, 23, 10534, 10554, (2016)
Processing and size range separation of pristine and magnetic poly(l-lactic acid) based microspheres for biomedical applications
Correia D.M., Sencadas V., Ribeiro C., Martins P.M., Martins P., Gama F.M., Botelho G., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 476, 79, 86, (2016)
Proving the suitability of magnetoelectric stimuli for tissue engineering applications
Ribeiro C., Correia V., Martins P., Gama F.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 140, 430, 436, (2016)
Reusability of photocatalytic TiO 2 and ZnO nanoparticles immobilized in poly(vinylidene difluoride)-co-trifluoroethylene
Teixeira S., Martins P.M., Lanceros-Méndez S., Kühn K., Cuniberti G.
Applied Surface Science, 384, 497, 504, (2016)
Strain analysis on Ti1 - XAgx and Ag-TiNx electrodes deposited on polymer based sensors
Marques S.M., Costa P., Lanceros-Mendez S., Carvalho S.
Thin Solid Films, 604, 55, 62, (2016)
Strong increase of the dielectric response of carbon nanotube/poly(vinylidene fluoride) composites induced by carbon nanotube type and pre-treatment
Costa P., Silva J., Lanceros Mendez S.
Composites Part B: Engineering, 93, 310, 316, (2016)
Superhydrophilic poly(l-lactic acid) electrospun membranes for biomedical applications obtained by argon and oxygen plasma treatment
Correia D.M., Ribeiro C., Botelho G., Borges J., Lopes C., Vaz F., Carabineiro S.A.C., MacHado A.V., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Applied Surface Science, 371, 74, 82, (2016)
Synthesis and size dependent magnetostrictive response of ferrite nanoparticles and their application in magnetoelectric polymer-based multiferroic sensors
Gonçalves R., Larrea A., Sebastian M.S., Sebastian V., Martins P., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 4, 45, 10701, 10706, (2016)
Synthesis of highly magnetostrictive nanostructures and their application in a polymer-based magnetoelectric sensing device
Gonçalves R., Larrea A., Zheng T., Higgins M.J., Sebastian V., Lanceros-Mendez S., Martins P.
European Polymer Journal, 84, 685, 692, (2016)
TiO2/graphene oxide immobilized in P(VDF-TrFE) electrospun membranes with enhanced visible-light-induced photocatalytic performance
Almeida N.A., Martins P.M., Teixeira S., Lopes da Silva J.A., Sencadas V., Kühn K., Cuniberti G., Lanceros-Mendez S., Marques P.A.A.P.
Journal of Materials Science, 51, 14, 6974, 6986, (2016)
Understanding nucleation of the electroactive β-phase of poly(vinylidene fluoride) by nanostructures
Sebastian M.S., Larrea A., Gonçalves R., Alejo T., Vilas J.L., Sebastian V., Martins P., Lanceros-Mendez S.
RSC Advances, 6, 114, 113007, 113015, (2016)
Connecting free volume with shape memory properties in noncytotoxic gamma-irradiated polycyclooctene
Axpe E., García-Huete N., Cuevas J.M., Ribeiro C., Mérida D., Laza J.M., García J.Á., Vilas J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S., Plazaola F., Leõn L.M.
Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 53, 15, 1080, 1088, (2015)
Development of magnetoelectric CoFe2O4 /poly(vinylidene fluoride) microspheres
Gonçalves R., Martins P., Correia D.M., Sencadas V., Vilas J.L., León L.M., Botelho G., Lanceros-Méndez S.
RSC Advances, 5, 45, 35852, 35857, (2015)
Dielectric relaxation dynamics of high-temperature piezoelectric polyimide copolymers
Maceiras A., Costa C.M., Lopes A.C., San Sebastián M., Laza J.M., Vilas J.L., Ribelles J.L.G., Sabater i Serra R., Andrio Balado A., Lanceros-Méndez S., León L.M.
Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 120, 2, 731, 743, (2015)
Effect of ionic liquid anion and cation on the physico-chemical properties of poly(vinylidene fluoride)/ionic liquid blends
Mejri R., Dias J.C., Lopes A.C., Bebes Hentati S., Silva M.M., Botelho G., Mão De Ferro A., Esperança J.M.S.S., Maceiras A., Laza J.M., Vilas J.L., León L.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
European Polymer Journal, 71, 304, 313, (2015)
High-temperature polymer based magnetoelectric nanocomposites
Maceiras A., Martins P., Gonҫalves R., Botelho G., Venkata Ramana E., Mendiratta S.K., San Sebastián M., Vilas J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S., León L.M.
European Polymer Journal, 64, 224, 228, (2015)
Effect of filler dispersion and dispersion method on the piezoelectric and magnetoelectric response of CoFe 2 O 4 /P(VDF-TrFE) nanocomposites
Martins P., Gonçalves R., Lanceros-Mendez S., Lasheras A., Gutiérrez J., Barandiarán J.M.
Applied Surface Science, 313, 215, 219, (2014)
Synthesis and characterization of novel piezoelectric nitrile copolyimide films for high temperature sensor applications
Maceiras A., Martins P., San Sebastián M., Lasheras A., Silva M., Laza J.M., Vilas J.L., Gutierrez J., Lanceros-Mendez S., Barandiarán J.M., León L.M.
Smart Materials and Structures, 23, 10, 105015, (2014)
Ahmad, Shahzada Ikerbasque Research Professor
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesBio:BioBorn and brought up in India, studied Materials Chemistry at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi (India) and finished his Ph.D. (2006) from National Physical laboratory in the field of Materials chemistry. Subsequently he moved to the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, as Alexander von Humboldt Fellow to work on surface and interface studies of electrodeposited layers in ionic liquids by scanning probe microscopy. He was a regular visitor at École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, where he developed nanoporous films for metal-free electro-catalysis and new redox shuttle. In 2011 he accepted the offer as program head of new concept in photovoltaics and advanced materials and was the strategic hire for the Abengoa Research, a corporate research center of multinational energy based conglomerate Abengoa. He is the recipient of numerous awards and fellowships, and recently his work was endorsed by European research council consolidator grant (2016). He is the inventor of 7 patents, his work has been summarized in >100 articles, along with many popular science artilces, and the publications list reflects his diverse field of interest in the domain of physical chemistry, nanotechnology and materials science. In summer 2017, he accepted the call from Ikerbasque to work as senior professor at Basque center for materials, applications and Nanostructures.
Interests and objetives
His research targets are advanced materials development for energy conversion, conservation and storage materials application.
-- Google Scholar -- ResearcherIDPublications:Amplifying the Performance and Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells Using Fluorinated Salt as the Surface Passivator
Ghaderian A., Hemasiri N.H., Ahmad S., Kazim S.
Energy Technology, 11, 1, 2200211, (2023)
Dimers of diethynyl-conjugated zinc-phthalocyanine as hole selective layers for perovskite solar cell fabrication
Pegu M., Molina D., Álvaro-Martins M.J., Castillo M., Ferrer L., Huang P., Kazim S., Sastre-Santos I., Ahmad S.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 10, 33, 11975, 11982, (2022)
Enhancing operational stability in perovskite solar cells by solvent-free encapsulation method
Salado M., Payno D., Ahmad S.
Sustainable Energy and Fuels, 6, 9, 2264, 2275, (2022)
Erratum: The impact of fluorine atoms on a triphenylamine-based dopant-free hole-selective layer for perovskite solar cells (J. Mater. Chem. C (2022) 10 (476–484) DOI: 10.1039/D1TC04972K)
Ghaderian A., Pegu M., Hemasiri N.H., Huang P., Ahmad S., Kazim S.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 10, 8, 3259, (2022)
Evaluating the Capacitive Response in Metal Halide Perovskite Solar Cells
Taukeer Khan M., Khan F., Al-Ahmed A., Ahmad S., Al-Sulaiman F.
Chemical Record, 22, 7, e202100330, (2022)
Impact of Polymeric Hole-Selective Layers on Chemical Inductance in Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells
Dhifaoui H., Hemasiri N.H., Mehdi H., Bouazizi A., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
Energy Technology, 10, 11, 2200624, (2022)
Leverage of Pyridine Isomer on Phenothiazine Core: Organic Semiconductors as Selective Layers in Perovskite Solar Cells
Huang P., Manju, Kazim S., Lezama L., Misra R., Ahmad S.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 14, 4, 5729, 5739, (2022)
Microstrain and Urbach Energy Relaxation in FAPbI3-Based Solar Cells through Powder Engineering and Perfluoroalkyl Phosphate Ionic Liquid Additives
Haris M.P.U., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 14, 21, 24546, 24556, (2022)
Molecular Interface Engineering via Triazatruxene-Based Moieties/NiOx as Hole-Selective Bilayers in Perovskite Solar Cells for Reliability
Hemasiri N.H., Caliò L., Pegu M., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
Solar RRL, 6, 4, 2100793, (2022)
Predicting Perovskite Bandgap and Solar Cell Performance with Machine Learning
Gok E.C., Yildirim M.O., Haris M.P.U., Eren E., Pegu M., Hemasiri N.H., Huang P., Kazim S., Uygun Oksuz A., Ahmad S.
Solar RRL, 6, 2, 2100927, (2022)
Reducing the Trap Density in MAPbI3 Based Perovskite Solar Cells via Bromide Substitution
Pegu M., Ghaderian A., Ahmad S., Kazim S.
ChemPlusChem, 87, 4, e202200021, (2022)
Review of degradation and failure phenomena in photovoltaic modules
Aghaei M., Fairbrother A., Gok A., Ahmad S., Kazim S., Lobato K., Oreski G., Reinders A., Schmitz J., Theelen M., Yilmaz P., Kettle J.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 159, 112160, (2022)
Review of technology specific degradation in crystalline silicon, cadmium telluride, copper indium gallium selenide, dye sensitised, organic and perovskite solar cells in photovoltaic modules: Understanding how reliability improvements in mature technologies can enhance emerging technologies
Kettle J., Aghaei M., Ahmad S., Fairbrother A., Irvine S., Jacobsson J.J., Kazim S., Kazukauskas V., Lamb D., Lobato K., Mousdis G.A., Oreski G., Reinders A., Schmitz J., Yilmaz P., Theelen M.J.
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 30, 12, 1365, 1392, (2022)
Strategic factors to design the next generation of molecular water oxidation catalysts: Lesson learned from ruthenium complexes
Ghaderian A., Kazim S., Khaja Nazeeruddin M., Ahmad S.
Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 450, 214256, (2022)
Structural and photophysical investigation of single-source evaporation of CsFAPbI3 and FAPbI3 perovskite thin films
Klipfel N., Haris M.P.U., Kazim S., Sutanto A.A., Shibayama N., Kanda H., Asiri A.M., Momblona C., Ahmad S., Nazeeruddin M.K.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 10, 27, 10075, 10082, (2022)
Substituents interplay in piperidinyl-perylenediimide as dopant-free hole-selective layer for perovskite solar cells fabrication
Payno D., Salado M., Andresini M., Gutiérrez-Moreno D., Huang P., Ciriaco F., Kazim S., Sastre-Santos Á., Fernández-Lázaro F., Ahmad S.
Emergent Materials, 5, 4, 977, 985, (2022)
The impact of fluorine atoms on a triphenylamine-based dopant-free hole-selective layer for perovskite solar cells
Ghaderian A., Pegu M., Hemasiri N.H., Huang P., Ahmad S., Kazim S.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 10, 2, 476, 484, (2022)
The versatility of polymers in perovskite solar cells
Ghaderian A., Heiran R., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 4, (2022)
1T-Rich 2D-WS2as an interfacial agent to escalate photo-induced charge transfer dynamics in dopant-free perovskite solar cells
Harindu Hemasiri N., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 9, 31, 9865, 9873, (2021)
A Machine Learning Approach for Metal Oxide Based Polymer Composites as Charge Selective Layers in Perovskite Solar Cells
Yildirim M.O., Gok E.C., Hemasiri N.H., Eren E., Kazim S., Oksuz A.U., Ahmad S.
ChemPlusChem, 86, 5, 785, 793, (2021)
Advanced research trends in dye-sensitized solar cells
Kokkonen M., Talebi P., Zhou J., Asgari S., Soomro S.A., Elsehrawy F., Halme J., Ahmad S., Hagfeldt A., Hashmi S.G.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 9, 17, 10527, 10545, (2021)
An Approach to Quantify the Negative Capacitance Features in a Triple-Cation based Perovskite Solar Cells
Dhifaoui H., Hemasiri N.H., Aloui W., Bouazizi A., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
Advanced Materials Interfaces, 8, 22, 2101002, (2021)
Asymmetrically Substituted Phthalocyanines as Dopant-Free Hole Selective Layers for Reliability in Perovskite Solar Cells
Huang P., Hernández A., Kazim S., Follana-Berná J., Ortiz J., Lezama L., Sastre-Santos Á., Ahmad S.
ACS Applied Energy Materials, 4, 9, 10124, 10135, (2021)
Deciphering the Orientation of the Aromatic Spacer Cation in Bilayer Perovskite Solar Cells through Spectroscopic Techniques
Pegu M., Kazim S., Buffeteau T., Bassani D.M., Ahmad S.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13, 40, 48219, 48227, (2021)
Decoding the charge carrier dynamics in triple cation-based perovskite solar cells
Khan M.T., Hemasiri N.H., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
Sustainable Energy and Fuels, 5, 24, 6352, 6360, (2021)
Energy level engineering of charge selective contact and halide perovskite by modulating band offset: Mechanistic insights
Raoui Y., Ez-Zahraouy H., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
Journal of Energy Chemistry, 54, 822, 829, (2021)
Harnessing the potential of lead-free Sn-Ge based perovskite solar cells by unlocking the recombination channels
Raoui Y., Kazim S., Galagan Y., Ez-Zahraouy H., Ahmad S.
Sustainable Energy and Fuels, 5, 18, 4661, 4667, (2021)
Impact of cation substitution in all solution-processed Cu2(Cd, Zn)SnS4superstrate solar cells
Payno D., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 9, 48, 17392, 17400, (2021)
Interfacial modification of perovskite solar cells via Cs2CO3: Computational and experimental approach
Raoui Y., Pegu M., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
Solar Energy, 228, 700, 705, (2021)
Low-Temperature-Processed Perovskite Solar Cells Fabricated from Presynthesized CsFAPbI3Powder
Haris M.P.U., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
ACS Applied Energy Materials, 4, 3, 2600, 2606, (2021)
Mechanistic origin and unlocking of negative capacitance in perovskites solar cells
Khan M.T., Huang P., Almohammedi A., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
iScience, 24, 2, 102024, (2021)
N-Bromosuccinimide as an Interfacial Alleviator for Br/I Exchange in Perovskite for Solar Cell Fabrication
Pegu M., Kazim S., Buffeteau T., Bassani D.M., Ahmad S.
ACS Applied Energy Materials, 4, 4, 3130, 3140, (2021)
Perovskite Solar Cells: Materials, Processes, and Devices
Ahmad S.; Kazim S.; Grätzel M.
Perovskite Solar Cells: Materials, Processes, and Devices, 1, 559, 558, (2021)
Protocol for deciphering the electrical parameters of perovskite solar cells using immittance spectroscopy
Khan M.T., Huang P., Almohammedi A., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
STAR Protocols, 2, 2, 100510, (2021)
Substance and shadow of formamidinium lead triiodide based solar cells
Haris M.P.U., Kazim S., Pegu M., Deepa M., Ahmad S.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23, 15, 9049, 9060, (2021)
Sulfurization temperature effects on crystallization and performance of superstrate CZTS solar cells
Payno D., Kazim S., Salado M., Ahmad S.
Solar Energy, 224, 1136, 1143, (2021)
Tailoring of a Phenothiazine Core for Electrical Conductivity and Thermal Stability: Hole-Selective Layers in Perovskite Solar Cells
Huang P., Manju, Kazim S., Lezama L., Misra R., Ahmad S.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13, 28, 33311, 33320, (2021)
Tetra-indole core as a dual agent: A hole selective layer that passivates defects in perovskite solar cells
Pegu M., Kazim S., Huang P., Lezama L., Ahmad S.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 9, 22, 7074, 7082, (2021)
Unravelling the theoretical window to fabricate high performance inorganic perovskite solar cells
Raoui Y., Ez-Zahraouy H., Ahmad S., Kazim S.
Sustainable Energy and Fuels, 5, 1, 219, 229, (2021)
Advances in design engineering and merits of electron transporting layers in perovskite solar cells
Pan H., Zhao X., Gong X., Li H., Ladi N.H., Zhang X.L., Huang W., Ahmad S., Ding L., Shen Y., Wang M., Fu Y.
Materials Horizons, 7, 9, 2276, 2291, (2020)
Dibenzo-tetraphenyl diindeno perylene as hole transport layer for high-bandgap perovskite solar cells
Pegu M., Caliò L., Ahmadpour M., Rubahn H.-G., Kazim S., Madsen M., Ahmad S.
Emergent Materials, 3, 2, 109, 116, (2020)
Electrical Methods to Elucidate Charge Transport in Hybrid Perovskites Thin Films and Devices
Taukeer Khan M., Almohammedi A., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
Chemical Record, 20, 5, 452, 465, (2020)
Elucidating the Doping Mechanism in Fluorene-Dithiophene-Based Hole Selective Layer Employing Ultrahydrophobic Ionic Liquid Dopant
Harindu Hemasiri N., Kazim S., Calio L., Paek S., Salado M., Pozzi G., Lezama L., Nazeeruddin M.K., Ahmad S.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12, 8, 9395, 9403, (2020)
Interface Engineering by Thiazolium Iodide Passivation Towards Reduced Thermal Diffusion and Performance Improvement in Perovskite Solar Cells
Salado M., Andresini M., Huang P., Khan M.T., Ciriaco F., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
Advanced Functional Materials, 30, 14, 1910561, (2020)
Molecularly engineered thienyl-triphenylamine substituted zinc phthalocyanine as dopant free hole transporting materials in perovskite solar cells
Huang P., Hernández A., Kazim S., Ortiz J., Sastre-Santos Á., Ahmad S.
Sustainable Energy and Fuels, 4, 12, 6188, 6195, (2020)
Partial substitution of the CdS buffer layer with interplay of fullerenes in kesterite solar cells
Payno D., Sánchez Y., Blázquez O., Giraldo S., Salado M., Kazim S., Saucedo E., Ahmad S.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8, 36, 12533, 12542, (2020)
Polymer Amplification to Improve Performance and Stability toward Semitransparent Perovskite Solar Cells Fabrication
Nikbakht H., Shalan A.E., Salado M., Assadi A., Boroojerdian P., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
Energy Technology, 8, 4, 1900728, (2020)
Pyridine Bridging Diphenylamine-Carbazole with Linking Topology as Rational Hole Transporter for Perovskite Solar Cells Fabrication
Huang P., Manju, Kazim S., Sivakumar G., Salado M., Misra R., Ahmad S.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12, 20, 22881, 22890, (2020)
Reduced trap density and mitigating the interfacial losses by placing 2D dichalcogenide material at perovskite/HTM interface in a dopant free perovskite solar cells
Hemasiri N.H., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
Nano Energy, 77, 105292, (2020)
Tuning of MEH-PPV electro-optical properties by incorporation of benzylidene-malononitrile-based small organic molecules
Dhifaoui H., Pegu M., Aloui W., Bouazizi A., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
Emergent Materials, 3, 5, 687, 692, (2020)
Understanding and harnessing the potential of layered perovskite-based absorbers for solar cells
Pegu M., Haris M.P.U., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
Emergent Materials, 3, 6, 751, 778, (2020)
Appraisement of Crystal Expansion in CH3NH3PbI3 on Doping: Improved Photovoltaic Properties
Salado M., Kazim S., Nazeeruddin M.K., Ahmad S.
ChemSusChem, 12, 11, 2329, (2019)
Appraisement of Crystal Expansion in CH3NH3PbI3 on Doping: Improved Photovoltaic Properties
Salado M., Kazim S., Nazeeruddin M.K., Ahmad S.
ChemSusChem, 12, 11, 2329, (2019)
Dye sensitized photoelectrolysis cells
Yun S., Vlachopoulos N., Qurashi A., Ahmad S., Hagfeldt A.
Chemical Society Reviews, 48, 14, 3705, 3722, (2019)
Elucidating the Impact of Charge Selective Contact in Halide Perovskite through Impedance Spectroscopy
Khan M.T., Salado M., Almohammedi A., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
Advanced Materials Interfaces, 6, 21, 1901193, (2019)
Layered Ruddlesden–Popper Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells with Controlled Quantum and Dielectric Confinement Introduced via Doping
Li H., Wang X., Zhang T., Gong X., Sun Q., Pan H., Shen Y., Ahmad S., Wang M.
Advanced Functional Materials, 29, 30, 1903293, (2019)
Lead-Free Perovskites: Metals Substitution towards Environmentally Benign Solar Cell Fabrication
Shalan A.E., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
ChemSusChem, 12, 18, 4116, 4139, (2019)
Performance analysis of MAPbI3 based perovskite solar cells employing diverse charge selective contacts: Simulation study
Raoui Y., Ez-Zahraouy H., Tahiri N., El Bounagui O., Ahmad S., Kazim S.
Solar Energy, 193, 948, 955, (2019)
Toward Phase Stability: Dion-Jacobson Layered Perovskite for Solar Cells
Huang P., Kazim S., Wang M., Ahmad S.
ACS Energy Letters, 4, 12, 2960, 2974, (2019)
A Generic Route of Hydrophobic Doping in Hole Transporting Material to Increase Longevity of Perovskite Solar Cells
Caliò L., Salado M., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
Joule, 2, 9, 1800, 1815, (2018)
Benzothiadiazole-triphenylamine as an efficient exciton blocking layer in small molecule based organic solar cells
Caliò L., Patil B.R., Benduhn J., Vandewal K., Rubahn H.-G., Madsen M., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
Sustainable Energy and Fuels, 2, 10, 2296, 2302, (2018)
Design of cyclopentadithiophene-based small organic molecules as hole selective layers for perovskite solar cells
Caliò L., Kazim S., Salado M., Zimmermann I., Nazeeruddin M.K., Ahmad S.
Sustainable Energy and Fuels, 2, 10, 2179, 2186, (2018)
Oxazolium Iodide Modified Perovskites for Solar Cell Fabrication
Salado M., Shirzadi E., Kazim S., Fei Z., Nazeeruddin M.K., Dyson P.J., Ahmad S.
ChemPlusChem, 83, 4, 279, 284, (2018)
Surface passivation of perovskite layers using heterocyclic halides: Improved photovoltaic properties and intrinsic stability
Salado M., Jodlowski A.D., Roldan-Carmona C., de Miguel G., Kazim S., Nazeeruddin M.K., Ahmad S.
Nano Energy, 50, 220, 228, (2018)
The role of Cs+ inclusion in formamidinium lead triiodide-based perovskite solar cell
Salado M., Kazim S., Ahmad S.
Chemical Papers, 72, 7, 1645, 1650, (2018)
Understanding the influence of interface morphology on the performance of perovskite solar cells
Salado M., Calió L., Contreras-Bernal L., Idígoras J., Anta J.A., Ahmad S., Kazim S.
Materials, 11, 7, 1073, (2018)
Cu(ii) and Zn(ii) based phthalocyanines as hole selective layers for perovskite solar cells
Caliò L., Follana-Berná J., Kazim S., Madsen M., Rubahn H.-G., Sastre-Santos Á., Ahmad S.
Sustainable Energy and Fuels, 1, 10, 2071, 2077, (2017)
Palomares Durán, Verónica UPV/EHU Research Associate
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesBio:Expertise
Synthesis of new materials, solid state chemistry, X-ray diffraction, electrode preparation, electrochemistry, battery testing
Verónica Palomares (1981, Bilbao) received her Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in 2009. During her Ph.D. She worked on nanostructured cathodes for Li-ion batteries in collaboration with Cidetec-IK4. Her postdoc activity at UPV/EHU focused on new electrode materials for sodium ion batteries. She works now as associate professor at the UPV/EHU with special research interest on producing new environmentally friendly electroactive materials.
Interests and objetives
To contribute to develop Na-ion technology closer to commercial batteries. To prepare new well-performing battery electrodes based on low cost, environmentally friendly materials by "greener" preparative methods.
Curriculum Vitae -- ResearchGatePublications:Negative electrode materials for high-energy density Li- and Na-ion batteries
Palomares V., Nieto N., Rojo T.
Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 31, 100840, (2022)
On the Road to Sustainable Energy Storage Technologies: Synthesis of Anodes for Na-Ion Batteries from Biowaste
Nieto N., Noya O., Iturrondobeitia A., Sanchez-Fontecoba P., Pérez-López U., Palomares V., Lopez-Urionabarrenechea A., Rojo T.
Batteries, 8, 4, 28, (2022)
Magnetic, magnetoelastic and corrosion resistant properties of (Fe-Ni)-based metallic glasses for structural health monitoring applications
Sagasti A., Palomares V., Porro J.M., Orúe I., Sánchez-Ilárduya M.B., Lopes A.C., Gutiérrez J.
Materials, 13, 1, 57, (2020)
Corrosion resistant metallic glasses for biosensing applications
Sagasti A., Lopes A.C., Lasheras A., Palomares V., Carrizo J., Gutierrez J., Barandiaran J.M.
AIP Advances, 8, 4, 047702, (2018)
Investigating low-valent compositions in the Na3V2O2: X(PO4)2F3-2 x family: Structural transitions and their consequences
Palomares V., Blas M., Setien S., Lezama L., Pramudita J.C., Quadir Z., Sharma N.
Dalton Transactions, 47, 8, 2610, 2618, (2018)
Waste Biomass as in Situ Carbon Source for Sodium Vanadium Fluorophosphate/C Cathodes for Na-Ion Batteries
Palomares V., Blas M., Serras P., Iturrondobeitia A., Peña A., Lopez-Urionabarrenechea A., Lezama L., Rojo T.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 6, 12, 16386, 16398, (2018)
Structural evolution of mixed valent (V3+/V4+) and V4+ sodium vanadium fluorophosphates as cathodes in sodium-ion batteries: Comparisons, overcharging and mid-term cycling
Palomares V., Serras P., Brand H.E.A., Rojo T., Sharma N.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3, 45, 23017, 23027, (2015)
Sodium distribution and reaction mechanisms of a Na3V 2O2(PO4)2F electrode during use in a sodium-ion battery
Sharma N., Serras P., Palomares V., Brand H.E.A., Alonso J., Kubiak P., Luisa Fdez-Gubieda M., Rojo T.
Chemistry of Materials, 26, 11, 3391, 3402, (2014)
Electrochemical Na extraction/insertion of Na3V 2O2x(PO4)2F3-2 x
Serras P., Palomares V., Alonso J., Sharma N., López Del Amo J.M., Kubiak P., Fdez-Gubieda M.L., Rojo T.
Chemistry of Materials, 25, 24, 4917, 4925, (2013)
Chernenko, Volodymyr Ikerbasque & UPV/EHU Research Associate
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesBio:Expertise
Responsible for research line of BCMaterials: Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys as Active (smart) multifunctional materials. Preparation of national and EU projects. Supervising PhD students.
Prof. Volodymyr A. Chernenko graduated Moscow State University in 1975. He has got his PhD degree in Chemical Physics from the same University in 1980. He has 35 years of research experience in centres in Ukraine, Germany, Japan, Italy, United States, France, Switzerland, Australia, Spain, Hong Kong and Russia. He is currently holding a permanent position as Ikerbasque Research Professor at BCMaterials & University of Basque Country. Professional interest is in solid state physics, physics of phase transitions in solids, magnetism, high pressure physics, functional materials, metallurgy and, in particular, focused on research and development of the multifunctional magnetic shape memory materials, magnetomechanics of martensites, thin films and nanotechnologies of the ferromagnetic martensites.
Author and co-author of 260 original papers in ISI scientific journals and book chapters with about 6000 citations and h-index equal to 37. He is author of 14 patents. He is International Fellow Awardee of the Helmholtz Association (Germany) in 2014. He is world-wide known as one of the founders of the new research area “Ferromagnetic shape memory alloys” being organizer and/or invited speaker of many International conferences and symposia on this subject.
Interests and objetives
Currently Ikerbasque Research Professor ascribed to BCMaterials.
Professional interest includes research and development of the ferromagnetic shape memory materials, magnetomechanics of martensites, thin films and nanotechnologies of the ferromagnetic martensites.
Curriculum Vitae -- Google Scholar -- ResearcherID -- ResearchGatePublications:Structure-property control of polycrystalline Ni-Mn-Ga by moderate Co-doping
Namvari M., Chernenko V., Saren A., Porro J.M., Ullakko K.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 944, 169184, (2023)
Cd-doping effects in Ni-Mn-Sn: Experiment and ab-initio study
Ghazinezhad Z., Kameli P., Ghotbi Varzaneh A., Sarsari I.A., Norouzi-Inallu M., Amiri T., Salazar D., Rodríguez-Crespo B., Vashaee D., Etsell T.H., Chernenko V.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 55, 25, 255001, (2022)
Development and magnetocaloric properties of Ni(Co)-Mn-Sn printing ink
Rodríguez-Crespo B., Salazar D., Lanceros-Méndez S., Chernenko V.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 917, 165521, (2022)
In a search for effective giant magnetoelectric coupling: Magnetically induced elastic resonance in Ni-Mn-Ga/P(VDF-TrFE) composites
Martins P., Lima A.C., L'vov V.A., Pereira N., Sratong-on P., Hosoda H., Chernenko V., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Applied Materials Today, 29, 101682, (2022)
Influence of W doping on the structure, magnetism and exchange bias in Ni47Mn40Sn13 - XWxHeusler alloys
Norouzi-Inallu M., Kameli P., Ghotbi Varzaneh A., Abdolhosseini Sarsari I., Abbasi Eskandari M., Orue I., Rodríguez-Crespo B., Chernenko V.
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 34, 22, 225803, (2022)
Tuning magnetic and table-like magnetocaloric effect of La0.6−xErxSr0.4MnO3(x = 0.0125, 0.05, 0.1) manganites
Raoufi T., Varzaneh A.G., Ehsani M.H., Liu E., Chernenko V.
Materials Research Bulletin, 156, 111997, (2022)
Elaboration of magnetostrain-active NiMnGa particles/polymer layered composites
Hosoda H., Lazarczyk J., Sratong-on P., Tahara M., Chernenko V.
Materials Letters, 289, 129427, (2021)
Magnetostrictive Ni-Mn-Based Heusler Alloys
Chernenko V.
Encyclopedia of Smart Materials, 160, 176, (2021)
Mastering a 1.2 K hysteresis for martensitic para-ferromagnetic partial transformation in Ni-Mn(Cu)-Ga magnetocaloric material via binder jet 3D printing
Stevens E., Kimes K., Salazar D., Mostafaei A., Rodriguez R., Acierno A., Lázpita P., Chernenko V., Chmielus M.
Additive Manufacturing, 37, 101560, (2021)
Neutron scattering as a powerful tool to investigate magnetic shape memory alloys: A review
Río‐lópez N.A., Lázpita P., Salazar D., Petrenko V.I., Plazaola F., Chernenko V., Porro J.M.
Metals, 11, 5, 829, (2021)
Spontaneous zero-field cooling exchange bias in ni–co–mn– sn metamagnetic heusler sputtered film
Alexandrakis V., Rodríguez-Aseguinolaza I., Anastasakos-Paraskevopoulos D., Barandiarán J.M., Chernenko V., Porro J.M.
Nanomaterials, 11, 9, 2188, (2021)
Suppression of martensitic transformation in Ni-Mn-In metamagnetic shape memory alloy under very strong magnetic field
Lázpita P., Pérez-Checa A., Barandiarán J.M., Ammerlaan A., Zeitler U., Chernenko V.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 874, 159814, (2021)
Temperature dependent stress–strain behavior and martensite stabilization in magnetic shape memory ni51.1 fe16.4 ga26.3 co6.2 single crystal
Lázpita P., Villa E., Villa F., Chernenko V.
Metals, 11, 6, 920, (2021)
Thickness dependences of structural and magnetic properties of Ni(Co)MnSn/MgO(001) thin films
Golub V., Aseguinolaza I.R., Salyuk O., Popadiuk D., Sharay I., Fernández R., Alexandrakis V., Bunyaev S.A., Kakazei G.N., Barandiarán J.M., Chernenko V.A.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 862, 158474, (2021)
Anomalous Hall effect in Ni47.3Mn30.6Ga22.1/Mg O(001) thin films
Blinov M.I., Chernenko V., Prudnikov V.N., Aseguinolaza I.R., Barandiaran J.M., Lahderanta E., Granovsky A.B.
Physical Review B, 102, 6, 064413, (2020)
Combinatorial synthesis of Ni–Mn–Ga-(Fe,Co,Cu) high temperature ferromagnetic shape memory alloys thin films
Alexandrakis V., Barandiaran J.M., Pérez-Checa A., Lázpita P., Decker P., Salomon S., Feuchtwanger J., Ludwig A., Chernenko V.
Scripta Materialia, 178, 104, 107, (2020)
Combined effect of magnetic field and hydrostatic pressure on the phase transitions exhibited by Ni-Mn-In metamagnetic shape memory alloy
Lázpita P., L'vov V.A., Fernández J.R., Barandiarán J.M., Chernenko V.A.
Acta Materialia, 193, 1, 9, (2020)
Effect of Aging on the Structure and Transformation Behavior of Cu–12Al–3.5Ni–0.7Ti–0.05RE High Temperature Shape Memory Alloy
Dalvand P., Raygan S., López G.A., Meléndez M.B., Chernenko V.A.
Metals and Materials International, 26, 9, 1354, 1365, (2020)
Lightweight, multifunctional materials based on magnetic shape memory alloys
Salazar-Jaramillo D., Barandiaran J.M., Kohl M., Cong D., Hosoda H., Llamazares J.L.S., Chernenko V.A.
Advanced Lightweight Multifunctional Materials, 187, 237, (2020)
Magnetism of nanotwinned martensite in magnetic shape memory alloys
Golub V., L'vov V.A., Salyuk O., Barandiaran J.M., Chernenko V.A.
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 32, 31, 313001, (2020)
Martensitic transformation and structural states in Ni44.0Mn43.5Sn12.5-xAlx (x = 1, 2, 3 at.%) magnetic shape memory alloys prepared by vacuum hot pressing
Villa E., Maziarz W., Wójcik A., Nespoli A., Lázpita P., Hosoda H., Chernenko V.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 847, 156315, (2020)
Role of Fe addition in Ni–Mn–Ga–Co–Cu–Fe ferromagnetic shape memory alloys for high-temperature magnetic actuation
Pérez-Checa A., Porro J.M., Feuchtwanger J., Lázpita P., Hansen T.C., Mondelli C., Sozinov A., Barandiarán J.M., Ullakko K., Chernenko V.
Acta Materialia, 196, 549, 555, (2020)
The Effect of Particle Shape on Magnetic Field-Induced Rubber-Like Behavior of Ni-Mn-Ga/Silicone Composites
Sratong-On P., Chernenko V.A., Hosoda H.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 886, 1, 012055, (2020)
Effect of adding Ti and rare earth elements on properties of Cu-14Al-4Ni shape memory alloy
Dalvand P., Raygan S., López G.A., Chernenko V.A.
Materials Research Express, 6, 11, 116512, (2019)
Fundamentals of magnetocaloric effect in magnetic shape memory alloys
Chernenko V.A., L'vov V.A., Cesari E., Barandiaran J.M.
Handbook of Magnetic Materials, 28, 1, 45, (2019)
Influence of internal stress on magnetostrain effect in Ni–Mn–Ga/polymer composite
Sratong-on P., Chernenko V., Hosoda H.
Results in Materials, 2, 100037, (2019)
Magnetic field-induced rubber-like behavior in Ni-Mn-Ga particles/polymer composite
Sratong-on P., Chernenko V.A., Feuchtwanger J., Hosoda H.
Scientific Reports, 9, 1, 3443, (2019)
Magnetocaloric effect in W-doped Ni-Mn-Sn alloy probed by direct and indirect measurements
Inallu M.N., Kameli P., Varzaneh A.G., Sarsari I.A., Salazar D., Orue I., Chernenko V.A.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 52, 23, 235001, (2019)
Properties of rare earth added Cu–12wt%Al–3wt%Ni–0.6wt%Ti high temperature shape memory alloy
Dalvand P., Raygan S., López G.A., Meléndez M.B., Chernenko V.A.
Materials Science and Engineering A, 754, 370, 381, (2019)
Study of the critical parameters for magnetic field-induced strain in high temperature Ni-Mn-Ga-Co-Cu-Fe single crystals
Pérez-Checa A., Musiienko D., Saren A., Soroka A., Feuchtwanger J., Sozinov A., Barandiaran J.M., Ullakko K., Chernenko V.A.
Scripta Materialia, 158, 16, 19, (2019)
Effect of Fe doping and magnetic field on martensitic transformation of Mn-Ni(Fe)-Sn metamagnetic shape memory alloys
Lázpita P., Sasmaz M., Barandiarán J.M., Chernenko V.A.
Acta Materialia, 155, 95, 103, (2018)
Magnetocaloric Effect in Specially Designed Materials
Salazar-Jaramillo D., Álvarez-Alonso P., Lázpita P., Sánchez Llamazares J.L., Gorría P., Blanco J.A., Chernenko V.A.
Magnetic Nanostructured Materials: From Lab to Fab, 199, 244, (2018)
Magnetovolume coupling in transformation behaviour of Mn-Ni-Sn metamagnetic shape memory alloys
L'Vov V.A., Lazpita P., Barandiaran J.M., Chernenko V.A.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51, 35, 355001, (2018)
Martensitic transformation hysteresis in Ni(Co)-Mn-Sn/MgO metamagnetic shape memory thin films
Alexandrakis V., Aseguinolaza I.R., Decker P., Salomon S., Barandiarán J.M., Ludwig A., Chernenko V.A.
Scripta Materialia, 156, 101, 104, (2018)
Negative Magnetoresistance in Nanotwinned NiMnGa Epitaxial Films
Golub V.O., Chernenko V.A., Apolinario A., Aseguinolaza I.R., Araujo J.P., Salyuk O., Barandiaran J.M., Kakazei G.N.
Scientific Reports, 8, 1, 15730, (2018)
Ni-Mn-Ga high temperature shape memory alloys: Function stability in β and β + γ regions
Pérez-Checa A., Feuchtwanger J., Barandiaran J.M., Chernenko V.A.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 741, 148, 154, (2018)
Ni-Mn-Ga-(Co, Fe, Cu) high temperature ferromagnetic shape memory alloys: Effect of Mn and Ga replacement by Cu
Pérez-Checa A., Feuchtwanger J., Barandiaran J.M., Sozinov A., Ullakko K., Chernenko V.A.
Scripta Materialia, 154, 131, 133, (2018)
Probing Structural and Magnetic Instabilities and Hysteresis in Heuslers by Density Functional Theory Calculations
Entel P., Gruner M.E., Fähler S., Acet M., Çahır A., Arróyave R., Sahoo S., Duong T.C., Talapatra A., Sandratskii L., Mankowsky S., Gottschall T., Gutfleisch O., Lázpita P., Chernenko V.A., Barandiaran J.M., Sokolovskiy V.V., Buchelnikov V.D.
Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research, 255, 2, 1700296, (2018)
Antiferromagnetic coupling between martensitic twin variants observed by magnetic resonance in Ni-Mn-Sn-Co films
Golub V.O., Lvov V.A., Aseguinolaza I., Salyuk O., Popadiuk D., Kharlan Y., Kakazei G.N., Araujo J.P., Barandiaran J.M., Chernenko V.A.
Physical Review B, 95, 2, 024422, (2017)
High temperature Ni45Co5Mn25 − xFexGa20Cu5 ferromagnetic shape memory alloys
Pérez-Checa A., Feuchtwanger J., Musiienko D., Sozinov A., Barandiaran J.M., Ullakko K., Chernenko V.A.
Scripta Materialia, 134, 119, 122, (2017)
Magnetic and nonmagnetic contributions to the heat capacity of metamagnetic shape memory alloy
Kosogor A., Barandiaran J.M., L'vov V.A., Fernandez J.R., Chernenko V.A.
Journal of Applied Physics, 121, 18, 183901, (2017)
Polarized Neutron Study of Ni-Mn-Ga Alloys: Site-Specific Spin Density Affected by Martensitic Transformation
Lázpita P., Barandiarán J.M., Gutiérrez J., Mondelli C., Sozinov A., Chernenko V.A.
Physical Review Letters, 119, 15, 155701, (2017)
Adiabatic magnetocaloric effect in Ni50Mn35In15 ribbons
Álvarez-Alonso P., Aguilar-Ortiz C.O., Camarillo J.P., Salazar D., Flores-Zúñiga H., Chernenko V.A.
Applied Physics Letters, 109, 21, 212402, (2016)
Integrated SMA-based NEMS actuator for optical switching
Lambrecht F., Aseguinolaza I., Chernenko V., Kohl M.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2016-February, 7421562, 79, 82, (2016)
Large tensile superelasticity from intermartensitic transformations in Ni49Mn28Ga23 single crystal
Chernenko V.A., Villa E., Salazar D., Barandiaran J.M.
Applied Physics Letters, 108, 7, 071903, (2016)
Magnetic and conventional shape memory behavior of Mn-Ni-Sn and Mn-Ni-Sn(Fe) alloys
Turabi A.S., Lázpita P., Sasmaz M., Karaca H.E., Chernenko V.A.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 49, 20, 205002, (2016)
Martensitic transformation and magnetic field induced effects in Ni42Co8Mn39Sn11 metamagnetic shape memory alloy
Lázpita P., Sasmaz M., Cesari E., Barandiarán J.M., Gutiérrez J., Chernenko V.A.
Acta Materialia, 109, 170, 176, (2016)
Martensitic transformation of NiMnGa shape memory alloys thin films studied by flash DSC
Barandiaran J.M., Aseguinolaza I.R., Mota-Cobián A., Chernenko V.A.
Fast Scanning Calorimetry, 775, 785, (2016)
Self-patterning of epitaxial Ni-Mn-Ga/MgO(001) thin films
Aseguinolaza I.R., Golub V., Salyuk O.Y., Muntifering B., Knowlton W.B., Müllner P., Barandiarán J.M., Chernenko V.A.
Acta Materialia, 111, 194, 201, (2016)
Magnetic analysis of martensitic and austenitic phases in metamagnetic NiMn(In, Sn) alloys
Lázpita P., Escolar J., Chernenko V.A., Barandiarán J.M.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 644, 883, 887, (2015)
Magnetic Properties of Heusler-Type NiMnGa Glass-Coated Microwires
Zhukova V., Chernenko V., Ipatov M., Zhukov A.
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 51, 11, 7112518, (2015)
Simple set-up for adiabatic measurements of magnetocaloric effect
Álvarez-Alonso P., López-García J., Daniel-Perez G., Salazar D., Lázpita P., Camarillo J.P., Flores-Zuñiga H., Rios-Jara D., Sánchez-Llamazares J.L., Chernenko V.A.
Key Engineering Materials, 644, 215, 218, (2015)
Spectroscopic evidence of band Jahn-Teller distortion upon martensitic phase transition in Heusler-type Ni-Fe(Co)-Ga ferromagnetic shape-memory alloy films
Sumida K., Shirai K., Zhu S., Taniguchi M., Ye M., Ueda S., Takeda Y., Saitoh Y., Aseguinolaza I.R., Barandiarán J.M., Chernenko V.A., Kimura A.
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 91, 13, 134417, (2015)
Castillo García, Óscar UPV/EHU Research Associate
Email:Research line: Micro and nanostructured materialsBio:Associate Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of the Basque Country since April 2010. He completed his PhD studies in September 2001, joining the University of the Basque Country in that same year as a teacher within the Department of Inorganic Chemistry. In April 2015 he received the accreditation to the academic full professor body.
He has developed several research lines all of them related to porous metal-organic materials. One of them focused on developing a sustainable production route for this type of porous materials through its solvent-free synthesis by directly heating a carefully selected reagent mixture so that some of them melt at moderate temperatures. It was also possible to demonstrate that microwave heating allows reducing reaction times to a few minutes while maintaining high yields and materials performance.
In addition, he developed another research line based on the use of nucleobases together with different metal centers for the formation of porous materials with a three-dimensional skeleton supported by coordination links between nucleobases and metal centers (Metal-Biomolecule Frameworks, MBioFs) or by complementary hydrogen bonds between the nucleobases attached to the metal centers (Supramolecular Metal-Organic Frameworks, SMOFs). In both cases, they are novel materials in which the use of the nucleobases improves the adsorption selectivity of these materials.
A third line focuses on the processing of MOFs as aerogels (Metal-Organic Aerogels, MOA). Aerogels consist of gels where the liquid present inside has been replaced by air without causing gel contraction. This is achieved by drying the gel under supercritical conditions, usually with CO2. There are few examples of these new materials in which the microporosity of MOF is combined with the meso- and macroporous characteristics of aerogels to give rise to a hierarchically ordered porous material.
Currently, these three lines are converging in the preparation of multifunctional porous metal-organic materials where a second property (conductivity, luminescence, fluorescence) is altered by the interaction of host molecules with the biomolecules integrated in the porous material to develop highly selective chemical sensors.
As a result of the aforementioned research activity, 146 contributions (h=34) have been made to scientific journals in the area of materials science, inorganic chemistry and crystalline engineering. He is also co-author of two patents in this area and co-founder of a technology-based company (PORETUNE SL) related to one of these patents. In the last 5 years, he has participated in 6 national and regional research projects, being IP in four of them. He has also directed 7 doctoral theses and 2 more will be defended shortly. I am also a cofounder, together with Drs. Garikoitz Beobide and Daniel Vallejo of the start-up company PORETUNE S.L. which is responsible for exploiting one of these patents (PCT / ES2017 / 070255).
ResearcherID - ORCIDPublications:Magnetic sustentation as an adsorption characterization technique for paramagnetic metal-organic frameworks
Barroso N., Andreo J., Beobide G., Castillo O., Luque A., Pérez-Yáñez S., Wuttke S.
Communications Chemistry, 6, 1, 4, (2023)
Copper(II) invigorated EHU-30 for continuous electroreduction of CO2 into value-added chemicals
Landaluce N., Perfecto-Irigaray M., Albo J., Beobide G., Castillo O., Irabien A., Luque A., Méndez A.S.J., Platero-Prats A.E., Pérez-Yáñez S.
Scientific Reports, 12, 1, 8505, (2022)
Innovative Microstructural Transformation upon CO2 Supercritical Conditions on Metal-Nucleobase Aerogel and Its Use as Effective Filler for HPLC Biomolecules Separation
Maldonado N., Beobide G., Reyes E., Martínez J.I., Gómez-García C.J., Castillo O., Amo-Ochoa P.
Nanomaterials, 12, 4, 675, (2022)
Low temperature curable titanium-based sols for visible light photocatalytic coatings for glass and polymeric substrates
Angulo-Ibáñez A., Luengo N., Aranzabe E., Beobide G., Castillo O., Goitandia A.M., Pérez-Yáñez S., Perfecto-Irigaray M., Villamayor A.
New Journal of Chemistry, 46, 33, 16192, 16202, (2022)
Merging the chemistry of metal-organic and polyoxometalate clusters to form enhanced photocatalytic materials
Napal J., Artetxe B., Beobide G., Castillo O., Luque A., Pascual-Colino J., Pérez-Yáñez S., Perfecto-Irigaray M.
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 9, 5, 935, 940, (2022)
Metal-organic aerogels based on titanium(IV) for visible-light conducted CO2 photoreduction to alcohols
Angulo-Ibáñez A., Perfecto-Irigaray M., Merino-Garcia I., Luengo N., Goitandia A.M., Albo J., Aranzabe E., Beobide G., Castillo O., Pérez-Yáñez S.
Materials Today Energy, 30, 101178, (2022)
The Chemistry of Zirconium/Carboxylate Clustering Process: Acidic Conditions to Promote Carboxylate-Unsaturated Octahedral Hexamers and Pentanuclear Species
Pascual-Colino J., Artetxe B., Beobide G., Castillo O., Fidalgo-Mayo M.L., Isla-López A., Luque A., Mena-Gutiérrez S., Pérez-Yáñez S.
Inorganic Chemistry, 61, 12, 4842, 4851, (2022)
Ferromagnetic supramolecular metal-organic frameworks for active capture and magnetic sensing of emerging drug pollutants
Pérez-Aguirre R., Artetxe B., Beobide G., Castillo O., de Pedro I., Luque A., Pérez-Yáñez S., Wuttke S.
Cell Reports Physical Science, 2, 5, 100421, (2021)
Metastable Zr/Hf-MOFs: The hexagonal family of EHU-30 and their water-sorption induced structural transformation
Perfecto-Irigaray M., Beobide G., Calero S., Castillo O., Da Silva I., Gutierrez Sevillano J.J., Luque A., Pérez-Yáñez S., Velasco L.F.
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 8, 22, 4767, 4779, (2021)
Single-Crystal-to-Single-Crystal Cluster Transformation in a Microporous Molybdoarsenate(V)-Metalorganic Framework
Dissem N., Artetxe B., San Felices L., Beobide G., Castillo O., Ruiz-Bilbao E., Lezama L., Vivanco M.D., Haddad A., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M.
Inorganic Chemistry, 60, 19, 14913, 14923, (2021)
Single-ion magnet and photoluminescence properties of lanthanide(Iii) coordination polymers based on pyrimidine-4,6-dicarboxylate
Pajuelo-Corral O., García J.A., Castillo O., Luque A., Rodríguez-Diéguez A., Cepeda J.
Magnetochemistry, 7, 1, 8, 1, 20, (2021)
Slot-die process of a sol–gel photocatalytic porous coating for large-area fabrication of functional architectural glass
Angulo-Ibáñez A., Aranzabe E., Beobide G., Castillo O., Goitandia A.M., Pérez-Yáñez S., Villamayor A.
Catalysts, 11, 6, 711, (2021)
Thermally-Triggered Crystal Dynamics and Permanent Porosity in the First Heptatungstate-Metalorganic Three-Dimensional Hybrid Framework
Martín-Caballero J., Artetxe B., Reinoso S., San Felices L., Castillo O., Beobide G., Vilas J.L., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M.
Chemistry - A European Journal, 23, 59, 14962, 14974, (2017)
Pérez Yáñez, Sonia UPV/EHU Research Associate
Email:Research line: Micro and nanostructured materialsBio:Sonia Pérez-Yáñez is Assistant Professor in the Department of Inorganic Chemistry at the UPV/EHU since 2016. She obtained her PhD degree (UPV/EHU) in 2012, under the supervision of Professors Antonio Luque and Oscar Castillo, and she received from the University of the Basque Country the doctorate extraordinary award related to her research results. During the postdoctoral period, she kept on researching in the development and application of metal-organic materials in the same group given that she was awarded with two different postdoctoral fellowships from the UPV/EHU. During this period, she made a stay at the University of Saint Andrews under the supervision of Paul A. Wright.
Currently, she is member of the Metal-Organic Materials research group. One of the most relevant research lines to which she is devoted deals with the development of porous metal-organic materials such as MBioFs (metal-biomolecule frameworks), SMOFs (supramolecularly assembled metal-organic frameworks) and MOAs (metal-organic aerogels). During the last years, her target research has evolved to obtaining those materials by sustainable methods (i.e. solvent-free) and to applying them for environment remediation.
As a result of her research activity, she has made 50 contributions to scientific journals (h-index: 18) and she is co-author of two international patents.
ResearcherID - ORCIDPublications:Magnetic sustentation as an adsorption characterization technique for paramagnetic metal-organic frameworks
Barroso N., Andreo J., Beobide G., Castillo O., Luque A., Pérez-Yáñez S., Wuttke S.
Communications Chemistry, 6, 1, 4, (2023)
A metal-organic framework based on Co(II) and 3-aminoisonicotinate showing specific and reversible colourimetric response to solvent exchange with variable magnet behaviour
Pajuelo-Corral O., Pérez-Yáñez S., Vitorica-Yrezabal I.J., Beobide G., Zabala-Lekuona A., Rodríguez-Diéguez A., Seco J.M., Cepeda J.
Materials Today Chemistry, 24, 100794, (2022)
Copper(II) invigorated EHU-30 for continuous electroreduction of CO2 into value-added chemicals
Landaluce N., Perfecto-Irigaray M., Albo J., Beobide G., Castillo O., Irabien A., Luque A., Méndez A.S.J., Platero-Prats A.E., Pérez-Yáñez S.
Scientific Reports, 12, 1, 8505, (2022)
Low temperature curable titanium-based sols for visible light photocatalytic coatings for glass and polymeric substrates
Angulo-Ibáñez A., Luengo N., Aranzabe E., Beobide G., Castillo O., Goitandia A.M., Pérez-Yáñez S., Perfecto-Irigaray M., Villamayor A.
New Journal of Chemistry, 46, 33, 16192, 16202, (2022)
Merging the chemistry of metal-organic and polyoxometalate clusters to form enhanced photocatalytic materials
Napal J., Artetxe B., Beobide G., Castillo O., Luque A., Pascual-Colino J., Pérez-Yáñez S., Perfecto-Irigaray M.
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 9, 5, 935, 940, (2022)
Metal-organic aerogels based on titanium(IV) for visible-light conducted CO2 photoreduction to alcohols
Angulo-Ibáñez A., Perfecto-Irigaray M., Merino-Garcia I., Luengo N., Goitandia A.M., Albo J., Aranzabe E., Beobide G., Castillo O., Pérez-Yáñez S.
Materials Today Energy, 30, 101178, (2022)
Polymeric Nanocomposite Membranes for Water Remediation: From Classic Approaches to 3D Printing
Rubio L.R., Teijido R., Veloso-Fernández A., Pérez-Yáñez S., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Engineering Materials, 191, 243, (2022)
The Chemistry of Zirconium/Carboxylate Clustering Process: Acidic Conditions to Promote Carboxylate-Unsaturated Octahedral Hexamers and Pentanuclear Species
Pascual-Colino J., Artetxe B., Beobide G., Castillo O., Fidalgo-Mayo M.L., Isla-López A., Luque A., Mena-Gutiérrez S., Pérez-Yáñez S.
Inorganic Chemistry, 61, 12, 4842, 4851, (2022)
Ferromagnetic supramolecular metal-organic frameworks for active capture and magnetic sensing of emerging drug pollutants
Pérez-Aguirre R., Artetxe B., Beobide G., Castillo O., de Pedro I., Luque A., Pérez-Yáñez S., Wuttke S.
Cell Reports Physical Science, 2, 5, 100421, (2021)
Metastable Zr/Hf-MOFs: The hexagonal family of EHU-30 and their water-sorption induced structural transformation
Perfecto-Irigaray M., Beobide G., Calero S., Castillo O., Da Silva I., Gutierrez Sevillano J.J., Luque A., Pérez-Yáñez S., Velasco L.F.
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 8, 22, 4767, 4779, (2021)
Slot-die process of a sol–gel photocatalytic porous coating for large-area fabrication of functional architectural glass
Angulo-Ibáñez A., Aranzabe E., Beobide G., Castillo O., Goitandia A.M., Pérez-Yáñez S., Villamayor A.
Catalysts, 11, 6, 711, (2021)
Towards correlating dimensionality and topology in luminescent MOFs based on terephthalato and bispyridyl-like ligands
Cepeda J., Pérez-Yáñez S., García J.Á., Rojas S., Rodríguez-Diéguez A.
Dalton Transactions, 50, 26, 9269, 9282, (2021)
Beobide Pacheco, Garikoitz UPV/EHU Research Associate
Email:Research line: Micro and nanostructured materialsBio:Garikoitz Beobide is professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the UPV/EHU since 2010. G.B. obtained his BSc in Chemistry degree (University of Strathclyde and UPV/EHU) in 2002 and PhD degree in 2007, receiving from the UPV/EHU the doctorate extraordinary award related to his research results. During the postdoctoral period (2007-2010), G.B. joined the IK4-Tekniker Technology Centre as a Senior Scientist, where his research focused in the development and application of materials and functional surfaces. Since 2010, as professor of the UPV/EHU, his research field is devoted to the design and synthesis of novel metal-organic materials, including MOF (metal-organic frameworks), MBioF (metal-biomolecule frameworks), SMOF (supramolecularly assembled metal-organic frameworks) and MOA (metal-organic aerogels). G.B. deals also with the modelling of electronic properties and adsorptive behavior of materials, through both experimental techniques and computational calculations (DFT, GCMC) that allow a deeper understanding of the surface of porous systems, interactions with adsorbed species and potential applications. As a result of his research activity, G.B. has made more than 70 contributions to scientific journals (h-index: 24). G.B. is also co-author of three international patents and co-founder of Poretune S.L. Company, a star-up devoted to the development of novel porous catalysts for electrochemical applications.
ResearcherID - ORCIDPublications:Magnetic sustentation as an adsorption characterization technique for paramagnetic metal-organic frameworks
Barroso N., Andreo J., Beobide G., Castillo O., Luque A., Pérez-Yáñez S., Wuttke S.
Communications Chemistry, 6, 1, 4, (2023)
A metal-organic framework based on Co(II) and 3-aminoisonicotinate showing specific and reversible colourimetric response to solvent exchange with variable magnet behaviour
Pajuelo-Corral O., Pérez-Yáñez S., Vitorica-Yrezabal I.J., Beobide G., Zabala-Lekuona A., Rodríguez-Diéguez A., Seco J.M., Cepeda J.
Materials Today Chemistry, 24, 100794, (2022)
Copper(II) invigorated EHU-30 for continuous electroreduction of CO2 into value-added chemicals
Landaluce N., Perfecto-Irigaray M., Albo J., Beobide G., Castillo O., Irabien A., Luque A., Méndez A.S.J., Platero-Prats A.E., Pérez-Yáñez S.
Scientific Reports, 12, 1, 8505, (2022)
Innovative Microstructural Transformation upon CO2 Supercritical Conditions on Metal-Nucleobase Aerogel and Its Use as Effective Filler for HPLC Biomolecules Separation
Maldonado N., Beobide G., Reyes E., Martínez J.I., Gómez-García C.J., Castillo O., Amo-Ochoa P.
Nanomaterials, 12, 4, 675, (2022)
Low temperature curable titanium-based sols for visible light photocatalytic coatings for glass and polymeric substrates
Angulo-Ibáñez A., Luengo N., Aranzabe E., Beobide G., Castillo O., Goitandia A.M., Pérez-Yáñez S., Perfecto-Irigaray M., Villamayor A.
New Journal of Chemistry, 46, 33, 16192, 16202, (2022)
Merging the chemistry of metal-organic and polyoxometalate clusters to form enhanced photocatalytic materials
Napal J., Artetxe B., Beobide G., Castillo O., Luque A., Pascual-Colino J., Pérez-Yáñez S., Perfecto-Irigaray M.
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 9, 5, 935, 940, (2022)
Metal-organic aerogels based on titanium(IV) for visible-light conducted CO2 photoreduction to alcohols
Angulo-Ibáñez A., Perfecto-Irigaray M., Merino-Garcia I., Luengo N., Goitandia A.M., Albo J., Aranzabe E., Beobide G., Castillo O., Pérez-Yáñez S.
Materials Today Energy, 30, 101178, (2022)
Multifunctional Lanthanide-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks Derived from 3-Amino-4-hydroxybenzoate: Single-Molecule Magnet Behavior, Luminescent Properties for Thermometry, and CO2Adsorptive Capacity
Echenique-Errandonea E., Mendes R.F., Figueira F., Choquesillo-Lazarte D., Beobide G., Cepeda J., Ananias D., Rodríguez-Diéguez A., Almeida Paz F.A., Seco J.M.
Inorganic Chemistry, 61, 33, 12977, 12990, (2022)
The Chemistry of Zirconium/Carboxylate Clustering Process: Acidic Conditions to Promote Carboxylate-Unsaturated Octahedral Hexamers and Pentanuclear Species
Pascual-Colino J., Artetxe B., Beobide G., Castillo O., Fidalgo-Mayo M.L., Isla-López A., Luque A., Mena-Gutiérrez S., Pérez-Yáñez S.
Inorganic Chemistry, 61, 12, 4842, 4851, (2022)
Ferromagnetic supramolecular metal-organic frameworks for active capture and magnetic sensing of emerging drug pollutants
Pérez-Aguirre R., Artetxe B., Beobide G., Castillo O., de Pedro I., Luque A., Pérez-Yáñez S., Wuttke S.
Cell Reports Physical Science, 2, 5, 100421, (2021)
Metastable Zr/Hf-MOFs: The hexagonal family of EHU-30 and their water-sorption induced structural transformation
Perfecto-Irigaray M., Beobide G., Calero S., Castillo O., Da Silva I., Gutierrez Sevillano J.J., Luque A., Pérez-Yáñez S., Velasco L.F.
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 8, 22, 4767, 4779, (2021)
Single-Crystal-to-Single-Crystal Cluster Transformation in a Microporous Molybdoarsenate(V)-Metalorganic Framework
Dissem N., Artetxe B., San Felices L., Beobide G., Castillo O., Ruiz-Bilbao E., Lezama L., Vivanco M.D., Haddad A., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M.
Inorganic Chemistry, 60, 19, 14913, 14923, (2021)
Slot-die process of a sol–gel photocatalytic porous coating for large-area fabrication of functional architectural glass
Angulo-Ibáñez A., Aranzabe E., Beobide G., Castillo O., Goitandia A.M., Pérez-Yáñez S., Villamayor A.
Catalysts, 11, 6, 711, (2021)
Thermally-Triggered Crystal Dynamics and Permanent Porosity in the First Heptatungstate-Metalorganic Three-Dimensional Hybrid Framework
Martín-Caballero J., Artetxe B., Reinoso S., San Felices L., Castillo O., Beobide G., Vilas J.L., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M.
Chemistry - A European Journal, 23, 59, 14962, 14974, (2017)
Luque Arrebola, Antonio UPV/EHU Research Associate
Email:Research line: Micro and nanostructured materialsBio:Dr. Antonio Luque (Male) received his M.Sc. in Chemistry 1986 and his Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences 1990 from the Basque Country University (UPV/HU) in Bilbao, Spain. Since 2002, he occupies the position of University Professor in the Inorganic Department of the above-cited university. He has published 155 articles in scientific journals, receiving more than 3900 citations (h-index = 35) focused on the chemistry of polyoxometalates, the structural and magnetic features of coordination compounds, the development of porous metal-organic materials, and the supramolecular self-assembly of discrete metal-organic entities. He is co-inventor of two patents, and he has supervised six Ph.D. Thesis and several final degree and master projects. His research lines are currently devoted to the development of solvent-free synthetic methods for producing MOF (metal-organic frameworks) at lower costs, using a scalable and environmentally friendly route. Another line of research is dedicate to the rational design and preparation of new MBioF (metal-biomolecule frameworks), SMOF (supramolecularly assembled metal-organic frameworks) and MOA (metal-organic aerogels).
ResearcherID - ORCID - Google Scholar - PublonsPublications:Copper(II) invigorated EHU-30 for continuous electroreduction of CO2 into value-added chemicals
Landaluce N., Perfecto-Irigaray M., Albo J., Beobide G., Castillo O., Irabien A., Luque A., Méndez A.S.J., Platero-Prats A.E., Pérez-Yáñez S.
Scientific Reports, 12, 1, 8505, (2022)
Merging the chemistry of metal-organic and polyoxometalate clusters to form enhanced photocatalytic materials
Napal J., Artetxe B., Beobide G., Castillo O., Luque A., Pascual-Colino J., Pérez-Yáñez S., Perfecto-Irigaray M.
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 9, 5, 935, 940, (2022)
The Chemistry of Zirconium/Carboxylate Clustering Process: Acidic Conditions to Promote Carboxylate-Unsaturated Octahedral Hexamers and Pentanuclear Species
Pascual-Colino J., Artetxe B., Beobide G., Castillo O., Fidalgo-Mayo M.L., Isla-López A., Luque A., Mena-Gutiérrez S., Pérez-Yáñez S.
Inorganic Chemistry, 61, 12, 4842, 4851, (2022)
Ferromagnetic supramolecular metal-organic frameworks for active capture and magnetic sensing of emerging drug pollutants
Pérez-Aguirre R., Artetxe B., Beobide G., Castillo O., de Pedro I., Luque A., Pérez-Yáñez S., Wuttke S.
Cell Reports Physical Science, 2, 5, 100421, (2021)
Metastable Zr/Hf-MOFs: The hexagonal family of EHU-30 and their water-sorption induced structural transformation
Perfecto-Irigaray M., Beobide G., Calero S., Castillo O., Da Silva I., Gutierrez Sevillano J.J., Luque A., Pérez-Yáñez S., Velasco L.F.
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 8, 22, 4767, 4779, (2021)
Single-ion magnet and photoluminescence properties of lanthanide(Iii) coordination polymers based on pyrimidine-4,6-dicarboxylate
Pajuelo-Corral O., García J.A., Castillo O., Luque A., Rodríguez-Diéguez A., Cepeda J.
Magnetochemistry, 7, 1, 8, 1, 20, (2021)
Petrenko, Viktor Ikerbasque Research Fellow
Email:Research line: Neutron ScienceBio:Dr. Viktor Petrenko is experienced in small-angle scattering and reflectometry techniques for structural characterization of various colloidal solutions and soft matter in bulk and at interfaces. His current interest is focused onto application of small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering as well as reflectometry techniques for development of various type colloidal solutions for different applications. The main objects of his study are ferrofluids, solutions of bio-macromolecules, surfactants&polymer solutions, colloidal solutions of fullerenes, layered nanostructures, planar and developed electrochemical interfaces etc. For the moment Dr.V.I.Petrenko has 81 publications in Scopus, h index = 12.
In 2005 he received Master Diploma with Honor at Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University (Ukraine) and then PhD in molecular physics in 2008. Doctor of science diploma in physics and mathematics was received in 2017 at Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University (Ukraine) and title of the work was “Structure and physical properties of magnetic fluids”.
During PhD study he has performed a lot of small-angle scattering experiments at IBR-2 reactor in JINR (Russia) as well as at Budapest Neutron Center (Hungary). The PhD work was devoted to small-angle neutron scattering study of magnetic fluids and surfactants which are used for its stabilization.
During postdoc researches Dr. Petrenko personally participated in scattering experiments at the Paul Scherrer Institute (Villigen, Swiss); MLZ (Garching, Germany); HZG (Geesthacht, Germany); DESY (Hamburg, Germany) etc. Also he has received several grants/fellowships for short term stay in Germany, Slovakia and Hungary.
For the last several years he was invited to international conferences with Invited talk as well as to present his works at various seminars.
During scientific career Dr. Viktor Petrenko was awarded by different diploma and prizes for the neutron scattering research works. Thus, in research team he got- First JINR prize for 2018 in Applied physics research (Russia, 2019);
- Prize of President of Ukraine for young scientists (Ukraine, 2013);
- Prizes of FLNP JINR for scientific works in condensed matter physics (Russia, 2009, 2010, 2015, 2017);
- M. Frank scholarship (Russia, 2017);
- National Scholarship Program of the Slovak Republic for PhD (Slovak Republic, 2015 and 2017);
- Letter of commendation from Presidium of Ukraine National Academy of Science for cycle of scientific works (Ukraine, 2012);
- L. Shapiro scholarship (Russia, 2011).
Publications:Electric field-induced assembly of magnetic nanoparticles from dielectric ferrofluids on planar interface
Karpets M., Rajnak M., Petrenko V., Gapon I., Avdeev M., Bulavin L., Timko M., Kopcanský P.
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 362, 119773, (2022)
How fullerenes inhibit the amyloid fibril formation of hen lysozyme
Lee O.-S., Petrenko V.I., Šipošová K., Musatov A., Park H., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 106, 168, 176, (2022)
Metal organic framework modified poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) separator membranes to improve lithium-ion battery capacity fading
Barbosa J.C., Gonçalves R., Valverde A., Martins P.M., Petrenko V.I., Márton M., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Fernández de Luis R., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Chemical Engineering Journal, 443, 136329, (2022)
Structural organization of ionic liquids embedded in fluorinated polymers
Petrenko V.I., Fernandes L.C., Ivankov O.I., Tubio C.R., Tariq M., Esperança J.M.S.S., Correia D.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 360, 119385, (2022)
Structure and Intermolecular Interactions in Aqueous Solutions of Polyethylene Glycol
Almásy L., Artykulnyi O.P., Petrenko V.I., Ivankov O.I., Bulavin L.A., Yan M., Haramus V.M.
Molecules, 27, 8, 2573, (2022)
Cotton Textile/Iron Oxide Nanozyme Composites with Peroxidase-like Activity: Preparation, Characterization, and Application
Safarik I., Prochazkova J., Schroer M.A., Garamus V.M., Kopcansky P., Timko M., Rajnak M., Karpets M., Ivankov O.I., Avdeev M.V., Petrenko V.I., Bulavin L., Pospiskova K.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13, 20, 23627, 23637, (2021)
Neutron investigation of interaction between anionic surfactant micelles and poly (Ethylene glycol) polymer brush system
Artykulnyi O.P., Avdeev M.M., Kosiachkin Ye.M., Petrenko V.I., Safarik I., Bulavin L.A.
Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy, 22, 2, 149, 156, (2021)
Neutron scattering as a powerful tool to investigate magnetic shape memory alloys: A review
Río‐lópez N.A., Lázpita P., Salazar D., Petrenko V.I., Plazaola F., Chernenko V., Porro J.M.
Metals, 11, 5, 829, (2021)
The impact of redox, hydrolysis and dehydration chemistry on the structural and magnetic properties of magnetoferritin prepared in variable thermal conditions
Balejčíková L., Saksl K., Kováč J., Martel A., Garamus V.M., Avdeev M.V., Petrenko V.I., Almásy L., Kopčanský P.
Molecules, 26, 22, 6960, (2021)
Complexes of surfactant micelles with polymers in aqueous liquid systems
Artykulnyi O.P., Petrenko V.I., Avdeev M.V., Bulavin L.A.
Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 65, 9, 778, 787, (2020)
Fullerenes as an Effective Amyloid Fibrils Disaggregating Nanomaterial
Siposova K., Petrenko V.I., Ivankov O.I., Musatov A., Bulavin L.A., Avdeev M.V., Kyzyma O.A.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12, 29, 32410, 32419, (2020)
Magnetic nanoparticle systems for nanomedicine—a materials science perspective
Socoliuc V., Peddis D., Petrenko V.I., Avdeev M.V., Susan-Resiga D., Szabó T., Turcu R., Tombácz E., Vékás L.
Magnetochemistry, 6, 1, 2, 1, 36, (2020)
Small-angle neutron scattering study of bicelles and proteobicelles with incorporated mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase
Siposova K., Petrenko V.I., Ivankov O.I., Bulavin L.A., Musatov A.
Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 65, 8, 662, 669, (2020)
Structural characterization of concentrated aqueous ferrofluids
Nagornyi A.V., Socoliuc V., Petrenko V.I., Almasy L., Ivankov O.I., Avdeev M.V., Bulavin L.A., Vekas L.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 501, 166445, (2020)
Structural investigations of poly(ethylene glycol)-dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid complexes in aqueous solutions
Artykulnyi O.P., Shibaev A.V., Avdeev M.M., Ivankov O.I., Bulavin L.A., Petrenko V.I., Philippova O.E.
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 308, 113045, (2020)
Del Campo García, Francisco Javier Ikerbasque Research Professor
Email:Research line: Micro and nano-devicesBio:F. Javier del Campo graduated in Analytical Chemistry from Stratchlyde University (1998) and the University of the Basque Country (1999). He obtained a DPhil from the University of Oxford in 2003, where he specialized in Electrochemistry. After 18 months in industry, developing Electrochemistry-based process solutions for international companies and government agencies, he joined the Spanish National Microelectronics Centre, where he further specialized in miniaturization and systems integration, covering a number of fabrication technique including microfabrication, conventional manufacturing processes and screen printing with a focus on prototype development methodologies. During this time, his research involved the miniaturization of electrochemical sensors and biosensors for environmental and health applications, particularly in the area of point of care devices.
His most recent activities have focused on the development of self-powered sensors based on electrochromic materials, as a means to avoid the need for silicon-based components, which earned him a Leonardo grant from the BBVA Foundation in 2016.
To date, Javier has co-authored over 100 scientific publications (h=29), is co-inventor in 8 patents and has supervised 7 PhD theses.
He is now Ikerbasque research professor leading the Micro- and Nano- devices line at BCMaterials.
Current research interests include: Electrochemistry, microfluidics, sensors and biosensors, miniaturization techniques, and systems integration.
Google scholar ---- Research gate ---- OrcIDPublications:In-field one-step measurement of dissolved chemical oxygen demand with an integrated screen-printed electrochemical sensor
Duan W., del Campo F.J., Gich M., Fernández-Sánchez C.
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 369, 132304, (2022)
Solid Polymer Electrolytes Based on Gellan Gum and Ionic Liquid for Sustainable Electrochromic Devices
Alves R., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Campos-Arias L., Gonçalves R., Silva M.M., Del Campo F.J., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 14, 13, 15494, 15503, (2022)
Toward Next-Generation Mobile Diagnostics: Near-Field Communication-Powered Electrochemiluminescent Detection
Totoricaguena-Gorriño J., Dei M., Alba A.F., Peřinka N., Rubio L.-R., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Del Campo F.J.
ACS Sensors, 7, 5, 1544, 1554, (2022)
Understanding electrogenerated chemiluminescence at graphite screen-printed electrodes
Alba A.F., Fernández-de Luis R., Totoricaguena-Gorriño J., Ruiz-Rubio L., Sánchez J., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S., del Campo F.J.
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 914, 116331, (2022)
A self-powered skin-patch electrochromic biosensor
Santiago-Malagón S., Río-Colín D., Azizkhani H., Aller-Pellitero M., Guirado G., del Campo F.J.
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 175, 112879, (2021)
Integrated Photonic System for Early Warning of Cyanobacterial Blooms in Aquaponics
Ezenarro J.J., Ackerman T.N., Pelissier P., Combot D., Labbé L., Muñoz-Berbel X., Mas J., Del Campo F.J., Uria N.
Analytical Chemistry, 93, 2, 722, 730, (2021)
Laser-activated screen-printed carbon electrodes for enhanced dopamine determination in the presence of ascorbic and uric acid
Alba A.F., Totoricaguena-Gorriño J., Sánchez-Ilárduya M.B., Ruiz-Rubio L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S., del Campo F.J.
Electrochimica Acta, 399, 139374, (2021)
Laser-induced highly oriented pyrolytic graphite for high-performance screen-printed electrodes
Alba A.F., Totoricaguena-Gorrino J., Campos-Arias L., Peřinka N., Ruiz-Rubio L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S., Del Campo F.J.
Materials Advances, 2, 18, 5912, 5921, (2021)
Recycling and environmental issues of lithium-ion batteries: Advances, challenges and opportunities
Costa C.M., Barbosa J.C., Gonçalves R., Castro H., Campo F.J.D., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Energy Storage Materials, 37, 433, 465, (2021)
Smartphone-enabled personalized diagnostics: Current status and future prospects
Merazzo K.J., Totoricaguena-Gorriño J., Fernández-Martín E., Javier Del Campo F., Baldrich E.
Diagnostics, 11, 6, 1067, (2021)
A 15-μW 105-dB 1.8-Vpp potentiostatic delta-sigma modulator for wearable electrochemical transducers in 65-nm CMOS technology
Aymerich J., Marquez A., Munoz-Berbel X., Campo F.J.D., Guirado G., Teres L., Serra-Graells F., Dei M.
IEEE Access, 8, 9050552, 62127, 62136, (2020)
Microfluidic-Assisted Blade Coating of Compositional Libraries for Combinatorial Applications: The Case of Organic Photovoltaics
Rodríguez-Martínez X., Sevim S., Xu X., Franco C., Pamies-Puig P., Córcoles-Guija L., Rodriguez-Trujillo R., del Campo F.J., Rodriguez San Miguel D., deMello A.J., Pané S., Amabilino D.B., Inganäs O., Puigmartí-Luis J., Campoy-Quiles M.
Advanced Energy Materials, 10, 33, 2001308, (2020)
Silván De Pedro, Unai Ikerbasque Research Associate
Email:Research line: Active and smart materialsBio:Expertise
Cell and Cancer Biology, Light Microscopy, Biomechanics, Cytoskeleton.
Dr. Unai Silvan studied Biochemistry at the University of the Basque Country and then joined the laboratory of Professor J. Aréchaga (Department of Cell Biology and Histology, UPV/EHU) as a doctoral student. In his dissertation (summa cum laude and dissertation prize) he developed a new in vivo model for the study of testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs) based on the transplantation of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) into the seminiferous tubules of mice. In addition, he completed a research stay in the laboratory of Professor M.A. Konerding at the University of Mainz (Germany) to learn the techniques to quantify the vascularization of experimentally induced tumors and participated in the analysis of the cancerous microenvironment. In 2008, Unai joined Cora-Ann Schoenenberger's group at the Müller Institute at the Biocenter of Basel (University of Basel, Switzerland) as a postdoctoral fellow and had the opportunity to contribute to the knowledge of unconventional actin configurations. He was also involved in the study of the tumorigenic effect of an actin point mutation in mammalian cells and was able to use various biochemical and imaging techniques, including TIRF and electron microscopy, to understand the importance of an unconventional actin configuration in the patterning of different supramolecular structures as well as in polymerization. In 2012, Unai was appointed senior research fellow and head of the Cancer Cell Mechanics group in Professor Jess Snedeker's laboratory at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), where he investigated the role of the cytoskeleton in the development and progression of cancer, and quantified the response of cells to different biomaterials. Unai has published over 40 research articles and book chapters, which have received over 600 citations (h-index 14), and his work has been presented at over 60 national and international conferences.
Interests and objectives
In 2020, Unai joined BCMaterials as an Ikerbasque Research Associate in order to establish a group in the field of biomaterials, in which he will investigate the influence of the biomaterial-extracellular matrix interface on immune and somatic cells.Publications:Development and evaluation of different electroactive poly(vinylidene fluoride) architectures for endothelial cell culture
Durán-Rey D., Brito-Pereira R., Ribeiro C., Ribeiro S., Sánchez-Margallo J.A., Crisóstomo V., Irastorza I., Silván U., Lanceros-Méndez S., Sánchez-Margallo F.M.
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 10, 1044667, (2022)
Dynamic and Self-Healable Chitosan/Hyaluronic Acid-Based In Situ-Forming Hydrogels
Maiz-Fernández S., Pérez-Álvarez L., Silván U., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Gels, 8, 8, 477, (2022)
Electro and magnetoactive printed bi-functional actuators based on alginate hybrid hydrogels
Maiz-Fernández S., Pérez-Álvarez L., de Munain-Arroniz I.L., Zoco A., Lopes A.C., Silván U., Salazar D., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 219, 374, 383, (2022)
pH-Induced 3D Printable Chitosan Hydrogels for Soft Actuation
Maiz-Fernández S., Pérez-álvarez L., Silván U., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Polymers, 14, 3, 650, (2022)
Photocrosslinkable and self-healable hydrogels of chitosan and hyaluronic acid
Maiz-Fernández S., Pérez-Álvarez L., Silván U., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 216, 291, 302, (2022)
3D printable self-healing hyaluronic acid/chitosan polycomplex hydrogels with drug release capability
Maiz-Fernández S., Barroso N., Pérez-Álvarez L., Silván U., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 188, 820, 832, (2021)
Focus on time: dynamic imaging reveals stretch-dependent cell relaxation and nuclear deformation
Horvath A.N., Ziegler A.A., Gerhard S., Holenstein C.N., Beyeler B., Snedeker J.G., Silvan U.
Biophysical Journal, 120, 5, 764, 772, (2021)
Zhang, Qi Ikerbasque Research Professor
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesBio:Q. Zhang graduated in physical chemistry at Wuhan University, Wuhan, China in 1982. He received his MSc in inorganic materials at Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China in 1986. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in chemistry at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia in 1995. He is now an Ikerbasque research professor in BCMaterials. Before that, he worked in Cranfield University, UK as a research fellow in 1996, a senior research fellow in 1998, a senior lecturer in 2007, and now a visiting academia. He has been a visiting professor in Wuhan University of Technology, China since 2012.
Zhang’s work is focused on the areas of functional materials for sensors, actuators and electrocaloric cooling, as well as on energy materials for electrochemical energy storage and on coatings for surface engineering. He has published more than 200 ISI papers and 4 chapters in books with a total citation of ~ 4000 and H-factor of 32. Some of his publications appeared in journals with high impact factors, such as, Science, Energy & Environ. Sci., Mater. Sci. and Eng. R: Report, Adv. Funct. Mater., Nano Energy and Nano Lett., among others. In addition, he co-edited the book entitled Electrocaloric Cooling (EC). He received Brian Mercer Feasibility Award, 2009, The Royal Society, UK.Publications:Electrocaloric effect in lead-free ferroelectric perovskites
Zhang Q.; Peng B.
The Electrocaloric Effect: Materials and Applications, 143, 173, 30, (2023)
Numerical Simulation of a Viscoelastic Thinning Process for Preparing Flexible Glasses by Redrawing Method
Liu B., Yuan J., Guo Z., Zhang Q., Han Z., Tan J., Tian P., Zheng W.
Journal Wuhan University of Technology, Materials Science Edition, 38, 1, 65, 71, (2023)
B-Site Nanoscale-Ordered Structure Enables Ultra-High Tunable Performance
Peng B., Lu Q., Wang Y.-C., Li J.-F., Zhang Q., Huang H., Liu L., Li C., Zheng L., Wang Z.L.
Research, 2022, 9764976, (2022)
Dynamic Behavior of Polar Nanoregions in Re-Entrant Relaxor 0.6Bi(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3–0.4PbTiO3
Chen K., Zhang Q., Liu J., Wang J., Lan Z., Fang L., Hu C., Luo N., Peng B., Long C., Wang D., Liu L.
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science, 219, 6, 2100579, (2022)
Facile synthesis of hierarchical MoS2/ZnS @ porous hollow carbon nanofibers for a stable Li metal anode
Wen J., Song X., Li X., Yan C., Zou J., Wu H., Zhang Q., Zeng X.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 622, 347, 356, (2022)
Giant electrocaloric effect in BiFeO3 and La codoped PbZr0.7Ti0.3O3 epitaxial thin films in a broad temperature range
Zhang M., Liu L., Yang R., Yu P., Zhang Q., Peng B.
Journal of Materiomics, 8, 1, 156, 165, (2022)
Large electrocaloric effect in two-step-SPS processed Pb(Sc0.25In0.25Nb0.25Ta0.25)O3 medium-entropy ceramics
Wei S., Chen X., Dong G., Liu L., Zhang Q., Peng B.
Ceramics International, 48, 11, 15640, 15646, (2022)
Origin of the ultra-wide temperature dielectric stability and dynamic behavior of nanoregions in 0.6Bi(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O3-0.4Ba0.8Ca0.2(Ti0.875Zr0.125)O3
Chen K., Yan T., Liu J., Lei X., Fang L., Peng B., Lanceros-Méndez S., Wang D., Liu L., Zhang Q.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 17, 4, (2022)
Recycling methods for different cathode chemistries – A critical review
Wang Y., Goikolea E., de Larramendi I.R., Lanceros-Méndez S., Zhang Q.
Journal of Energy Storage, 56, 106053, (2022)
State of the art and current trends on layered inorganic-polymer nanocomposite coatings for anticorrosion and multi-functional applications
Teijido R., Ruiz-Rubio L., Echaide A.G., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S., Zhang Q.
Progress in Organic Coatings, 163, 106684, (2022)
Study on the ion-exchange copper-loaded antibacterial glasses
Teng F., Yuan J., Tian P., Zhang Q., Du X., Li C., Wang W.
Ceramics International, 48, 22, 32798, 32803, (2022)
Adhesiveless Bonding of Wood - A Review with a Focus on Wood Welding
Gedara A.K.A., Chianella I., Endrino J.L., Zhang Q.
BioResources, 16, 3, 6448, 6470, (2021)
Alkali-treated Wheat Gluten Cross-linked with Sodium Alginate as a Bio-based Wood Adhesive for Interior Grade Particleboard
Gedara A.K.A., Chianella I., Bhattacharyya D., Endrino J.L., Zhang Q.
BioResources, 16, 4, 7916, 7934, (2021)
Batch chemical bath deposition of large-area SnO2 film with mercaptosuccinic acid decoration for homogenized and efficient perovskite solar cells
Zhang J., Bai C., Dong Y., Shen W., Zhang Q., Huang F., Cheng Y.-B., Zhong J.
Chemical Engineering Journal, 425, 131444, (2021)
Construction of Co/N-doped porous rose-like structure for efficient oxygen reduction reaction catalyst and Zn-air battery
Peng M., Liu P., Li Z., Li Z., Wen J., Yan C., Zhang Q., Zeng X., Zou J.
Applied Surface Science, 566, 150665, (2021)
Construction of hydrangea-like nickel cobalt sulfide through efficient microwave-assisted approach for remarkable supercapacitors
Zhao F., Xie D., Song X., Wu H., Zhang Q., Zou J., Zeng X.
Applied Surface Science, 539, 148260, (2021)
Formation and quantitative analysis of internal structure of Si nanoparticles developed via bead-milling
Zhao M., Zhang J., Wang W., Zhang Q.
AIP Advances, 11, 7, 075101, (2021)
High effective preparation of amorphous-like si nanoparticles using spark erosion followed by bead milling
Zhao M., Zhang J., Wang W., Zhang Q.
Nanomaterials, 11, 3, 594, 1, 15, (2021)
Metal-organic frameworks and zeolite materials as active fillers for lithium-ion battery solid polymer electrolytes
Barbosa J.C., Gonçalves R., Costa C.M., De Zea Bermudez V., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Zhang Q., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Materials Advances, 2, 12, 3790, 3805, (2021)
Microwave rapid synthesis of nickel cobalt sulfides/CNTs composites as superior cycling ability electrode materials for supercapacitors
Zou J., Xie D., Zhao F., Wu H., Niu Y., Li Z., Zou Q., Deng F., Zhang Q., Zeng X.
Journal of Materials Science, 56, 2, 1561, 1576, (2021)
Microwave-assisted synthesis of Cr3C2@C core shell structure anchored on hierarchical porous carbon foam for enhanced polysulfide adsorption in Li-S batteries
Zeng X., Tu J., Chen S., Zeng S., Zhang Q., Zou J., Li K.
Nano Research, 14, 7, 2345, 2352, (2021)
P-GaN-substrate sprouted giant pure negative electrocaloric effect in Mn-doped Pb(Zr0.3Ti0.7)O3 thin film with a super-broad operational temperature range
Peng B., Wang T., Liu L., Chen X., Li J., Zhang Q., Yang R., Sun W., Wang Z.L.
Nano Energy, 86, 106059, (2021)
The preparation of mass producible, highly-cycling stable Si/C anode materials with nano-sized silicon crystals embedded in highly amorphous silicon matrix
Zhao M., Zhang J., Wang W., Zhang Q.
Nanotechnology, 32, 48, 485404, (2021)
ZTIFs derived nitrogen-introduced high specific area and hierarchical porous carbon for oxygen reduction reaction
Zou J., Peng M., Liu P., Zhang S., Zhang Q., Deng F., Zeng X., Li X.
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 32, 13, 17094, 17104, (2021)
Defect-rich honeycomb-like nickel cobalt sulfides on graphene through rapid microwave-induced synthesis for ultrahigh rate supercapacitors
Zhao F., Xie D., Huang W., Song X., Aurang Zeb Gul Sial M., Wu H., Deng F., Zhang Q., Zou J., Zeng X.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 580, 160, 170, (2020)
Giant energy storage density in lead-free dielectric thin films deposited on Si wafers with an artificial dead-layer
Chen X., Peng B., Ding M., Zhang X., Xie B., Mo T., Zhang Q., Yu P., Wang Z.L.
Nano Energy, 78, 105390, (2020)
Low-temperature-poling awakened high dielectric breakdown strength and outstanding improvement of discharge energy density of (Pb,La)(Zr,Sn,Ti)O3 relaxor thin film
Peng B., Tang S., Lu L., Zhang Q., Huang H., Bai G., Miao L., Zou B., Liu L., Sun W., Wang Z.L.
Nano Energy, 77, 105132, (2020)
Understanding phase-transfer catalytic synthesis of fullerenol and its interference from carbon dioxide and ozone
Chokaouychai S., Zhang Q.
Research on Chemical Intermediates, 46, 12, 5391, 5415, (2020)
Andreo, Jacopo Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Micro and nanostructured materialsBio:Dr. Jacopo Andreo received his M.Sc. in Chemistry in 2016 from the University of Turin and his Ph.D. in Chemistry from The University of Parma, with a thesis on cobalt and palladium coordination complexes with zwitterionic ligands. He is currently working at the BCMaterial with Prof. Stefan Wuttke, focusing on the synthesis and characterization of conductive MOFs and hierarchical materials.Publications:Alignment of Breathing Metal-Organic Framework Particles for Enhanced Water-Driven Actuation
Andreo J.; Balsa A.D.; Tsang M.Y.; Sinelshchikova A.; Zaremba O.; Wuttke S.; Chin J.M.
Chemistry of Materials, 35, 17, 6943, 6952, 9, (2023)
Conformationally Restricted β-Sheet Breaker Peptides Incorporating Cyclic α-Methylisoserine Sulfamidates
Mazo N., Navo C.D., Peccati F., Andreo J., Airoldi C., Goldsztejn G., Çarçabal P., Usabiaga I., Sodupe M., Wuttke S., Busto J.H., Peregrina J.M., Cocinero E.J., Jiménez-Osés G.
Chemistry - A European Journal, 29, 9, e202202913, (2023)
Magnetic sustentation as an adsorption characterization technique for paramagnetic metal-organic frameworks
Barroso N., Andreo J., Beobide G., Castillo O., Luque A., Pérez-Yáñez S., Wuttke S.
Communications Chemistry, 6, 1, 4, (2023)
Crystal engineering of aurophilic supramolecular architectures and coordination polymers based on butterfly-like copper-dicyanoaurate complexes: vapochromism, P-T behaviour and multi-metallic cocrystal formation
Priola E., Curetti N., Marabello D., Andreo J., Giordana A., Andreo L., Benna P., Freire P.T.C., Benzi P., Operti L., Diana E.
CrystEngComm, 24, 12, 2336, 2348, (2022)
How Reproducible are Surface Areas Calculated from the BET Equation?
Osterrieth J.W.M., Rampersad J., Madden D., Rampal N., Skoric L., Connolly B., Allendorf M.D., Stavila V., Snider J.L., Ameloot R., Marreiros J., Ania C., Azevedo D., Vilarrasa-Garcia E., Santos B.F., Bu X.-H., Chang Z., Bunzen H., Champness N.R., Griffin S.L., Chen B., Lin R.-B., Coasne B., Cohen S., Moreton J.C., Colón Y.J., Chen L., Clowes R., Coudert F.-X., Cui Y., Hou B., D'Alessandro D.M., Doheny P.W., Dincă M., Sun C., Doonan C., Huxley M.T., Evans J.D., Falcaro P., Ricco R., Farha O., Idrees K.B., Islamoglu T., Feng P., Yang H., Forgan R.S., Bara D., Furukawa S., Sanchez E., Gascon J., Telalović S., Ghosh S.K., Mukherjee S., Hill M.R., Sadiq M.M., Horcajada P., Salcedo-Abraira P., Kaneko K., Kukobat R., Kenvin J., Keskin S., Kitagawa S., Otake K.-I., Lively R.P., DeWitt S.J.A., Llewellyn P., Lotsch B.V., Emmerling S.T., Pütz A.M., Martí-Gastaldo C., Padial N.M., García-Martínez J., Linares N., Maspoch D., Suárez del Pino J.A., Moghadam P., Oktavian R., Morris R.E., Wheatley P.S., Navarro J., Petit C., Danaci D., Rosseinsky M.J., Katsoulidis A.P., Schröder M., Han X., Yang S., Serre C., Mouchaham G., Sholl D.S., Thyagarajan R., Siderius D., Snurr R.Q., Goncalves R.B., Telfer S., Lee S.J., Ting V.P., Rowlandson J.L., Uemura T., Iiyuka T., van der Veen M.A., Rega D., Van Speybroeck V., Rogge S.M.J., Lamaire A., Walton K.S., Bingel L.W., Wuttke S., Andreo J., Yaghi O., Zhang B., Yavuz C.T., Nguyen T.S., Zamora F., Montoro C., Zhou H., Kirchon A., Fairen-Jimenez D.
Advanced Materials, 34, 27, 2201502, (2022)
Long-term whole blood DNA preservation by cost-efficient cryosilicification
Zhou L., Lei Q., Guo J., Gao Y., Shi J., Yu H., Yin W., Cao J., Xiao B., Andreo J., Ettlinger R., Jeffrey Brinker C., Wuttke S., Zhu W.
Nature Communications, 13, 1, 6265, (2022)
MOF Synthesis Prediction Enabled by Automatic Data Mining and Machine Learning**
Luo Y., Bag S., Zaremba O., Cierpka A., Andreo J., Wuttke S., Friederich P., Tsotsalas M.
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 61, 19, e202200242, (2022)
Reticular Nanoscience: Bottom-Up Assembly Nanotechnology
Andreo J., Ettlinger R., Zaremba O., Peña Q., Lächelt U., De Luis R.F., Freund R., Canossa S., Ploetz E., Zhu W., Diercks C.S., Gröger H., Wuttke S.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 144, 17, 7531, 7550, (2022)
25 Years of Reticular Chemistry
Freund R., Canossa S., Cohen S.M., Yan W., Deng H., Guillerm V., Eddaoudi M., Madden D.G., Fairen-Jimenez D., Lyu H., Macreadie L.K., Ji Z., Zhang Y., Wang B., Haase F., Wöll C., Zaremba O., Andreo J., Wuttke S., Diercks C.S.
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 60, 45, 23946, 23974, (2021)
Applications of reticular diversity in metal–organic frameworks: An ever-evolving state of the art
Ejsmont A., Andreo J., Lanza A., Galarda A., Macreadie L., Wuttke S., Canossa S., Ploetz E., Goscianska J.
Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 430, 213655, (2021)
Unprecedented [d9]Cu⋯[d10]Au coinage bonding interactions in {Cu(NH3)4[Au(CN)2]}+[Au(CN)2]−salt
Priola E., Mahmoudi G., Andreo J., Frontera A.
Chemical Communications, 57, 59, 7268, 7271, (2021)
De Barros Machado Martins Salazar, Hugo Higino Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesExpertise:Synthesis and functionalization of inorganic nanoparticles
Preparation of polymer-based nanocomposite membranes
Adsorptive and photocatalytic processes for water remediation
Sintering of ceramic materials
Cold sintering process
Advanced physical, chemical, and structural characterization
Electrochemical characterization
Bio:Hugo Salazar received his PhD in Materials Engineering in 2022 from University of Minho (Portugal), with a work based on the development multifunctional nanocomposite membranes for water remediation, comprising the synthesis and functionalization of inorganic materials, the preparation of polymer-based membranes, and the application of heavy metals and organic compounds removal from water by adsorption and photocatalytic-based processes.
In 2022 he joined BC Materials as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, in the research area of Advanced Functional Materials and Surfaces. His research is focused on the development of ceramic-based composite functional materials for energy storage applications, by using novel low temperature and energy sintering processes.
More info:Publications:Comparative performance and ecotoxicity assessment of Y2(CO3)3, ZnO/TiO2, and Fe3O4 nanoparticles for arsenic removal from water
Salazar H., Martins P.M., Batista D., Shejale K.P., Sharma R.K., Krishnapriya R., Ferdov S., Botelho G., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Cássio F., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology, 8, 8, 1719, 1730, (2022)
Multifunctional hybrid membranes for photocatalytic and adsorptive removal of water contaminants of emerging concern
Martins P.M., Santos B., Salazar H., Carabineiro S.A.C., Botelho G., Tavares C.J., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Chemosphere, 293, 133548, (2022)
Reusable composite membranes for highly efficient chromium removal from real water matrixes
Queirós J.M., Salazar H., Valverde A., Botelho G., Fernández de Luis R., Teixeira J., Martins P.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Chemosphere, 307, 135922, (2022)
Reusable Nanocomposite Membranes for Highly Efficient Arsenite and Arsenate Dual Removal from Water
Salazar H., Martins P.M., Valverde A., Fernández de Luis R., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Ferdov S., Botelho G., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Advanced Materials Interfaces, 9, 10, 2101419, (2022)
Reusable nanocomposite-filters for arsenite and arsenate dual real effluents remediation in an up-scaled membrane reactor
Salazar H., Martins P.M., Fernandes M.M., Costa P., Ferdov S., Botelho G., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 440, 129756, (2022)
Solar Photocatalytic Membranes: An Experimental and Artificial Neural Network Modeling Approach for Niflumic Acid Degradation
Aoudjit L., Salazar H., Zioui D., Sebti A., Martins P.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Membranes, 12, 9, 849, (2022)
Crystal morphology control of synthetic giniite for enhanced photo-Fenton activity against the emerging pollutant metronidazole
Martins P.M., Salazar H., Aoudjit L., Gonçalves R., Zioui D., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Costa C.M., Ferdov S., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Chemosphere, 262, 128300, (2021)
Reusable ag@tio2-based photocatalytic nanocomposite membranes for solar degradation of contaminants of emerging concern
Aoudjit L., Salazar H., Zioui D., Sebti A., Martins P.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Polymers, 13, 21, 3718, (2021)
Photocatalytic and antimicrobial multifunctional nanocomposite membranes for emerging pollutants water treatment applications
Salazar H., Martins P.M., Santos B., Fernandes M.M., Reizabal A., Sebastián V., Botelho G., Tavares C.J., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Chemosphere, 250, 126299, (2020)
Polymer-based membranes for oily wastewater remediation
Zioui D., Salazar H., Aoudjit L., Martins P.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Polymers, 12, 1, 42, (2020)
Poly(vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene)/bayerite composite membranes for efficient arsenic removal from water
Salazar H., Nunes-Pereira J., Correia D.M., Cardoso V.F., Gonçalves R., Martins P.M., Ferdov S., Martins M.D., Botelho G., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 183, 430, 438, (2016)
Shibaev, Andrey Post-Doctoral Researcher
Kumar, Vikas Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Computational Materials ScienceExpertise:Computer Aided Drug Designing, Molecular Modelling, Virtual Screening, Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Antimicrobials assays
Bio:Dr. Vikas Kumar obtained his M.Sc. in Microbiology in 2014 and M.Phil. in Biotechnology in 2019 from Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, India. In 2019, Dr. Vikas Kumar commenced his Ph.D. program at the Department of Bio and Medical Big Data, Gyeongsang National University, South Korea, under the prestigious Brain Korea Fellowship. In 2023, he accomplished the successful completion of his PhD. Throughout his doctoral research, Dr. Kumar focused on developing different types of pharmacophore models to identify novel hit drug candidates targeting anti-cancer and antiviral proteins. His innovative contributions resulted in the publication of over 25 scientific research papers in esteemed SCIE/SCOPUS indexed journals. Currently, Dr. Kumar serves as a Postdoctoral researcher at BCMaterials, Spain, where he is part of the IKUR program working alongside Prof. Ivan Colluza. His current project revolves around the ultrawide screening of anti-viral drugs. With his expertise and dedication, he aims to make significant contribution in identifying potential therapeutic agents to combat viral infections.
Interests and Objectives:My research interests encompass the integration of machine learning techniques in drug discovery, alongside computer-aided drug design. Additionally, I explore drug repurposing strategies and employ molecular dynamics simulations to expedite the development of innovative therapeutics.
More info:ORCID
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Carracedo Ahedo, Lorea Administrative Officer
Email:Bio:I am a Higher Technician in Administration and Finance. I am also Higher Technician in Tourist Guidance, Information and Assistance. I am in charge of purchases, receiving orders and the customer service by email and telephone.
Alcaine Cuervo, Jesús Matías Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Neutron ScienceBio:Jesús Matías Alcaine earned his BSc. in Physics in 2022 at the University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR). There it started his interest in quantum physics, finishing with honors his bachelor's thesis regarding multimode cavity QED. In 2023 he obtained his MSc. in Quantum Science and Technology at the Basque Country University (UPV-EHU). His master's thesis dealt with the study of symmetry-protected gates on superconducting circuits, focusing on the areas of Quantum Computing and Simulation.
He is now pursuing a PhD at BCMaterials and the UPV-EHU on quantum simulations of quantum spin ice models. His research focuses on the development of quantum lattice gauge theories towards artificial spin ices (ASIs), including the exploration of frustrated quantum systems, micromagnetic simulations of ASIs, and the study of the convergence of the micromagnetic simulations facing theoretical frustrated quantum systems.
Abideen, Zain Ul Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Computational Materials Science
Vidal Martín, Elvira Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Micro and nanostructured materialsExpertise:During her university career she has worked with diverse techniques such as X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, thermogravimetry, tandem mass spectrometry, chromatography or solid phase separation.
Bio:Elvira Vidal graduated in Chemistry in 2022 at the University of Salamanca and her degree tesis was on "Determination of melatonin in plasma" performed at Nucleus. She has Master studies in the branch of New Materials carried out at the universities of the Basque Country and Cantabria.
Interests and Objectives:Now, Elvira will carry out her PhD studies at BCMaterials under the supervision of Roberto Fernández de Luis in the development of advanced MOFs with applications in environmental science and green energy generation. The main task of the project is devoted to the chemical encoding of Metal-Organic Frameworks with natural and synthetic amino acids, peptides and bioradicals, and their posterior application as sorbents and catalysts.
Fernández Pendás, Mario Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Computational Materials ScienceBio:Mario Fernández-Pendás did his PhD in Mathematics and Statistics in the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM) in Bilbao under the supervision of Prof. Elena Akhmatskaya. He worked on the development of numerical integration methods and enhanced sampling techniques (Monte Carlo based) applied to the field of molecular dynamics. After a one year teaching position in the University of Oviedo he did a postdoc in the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) and Rutgers University (NJ, USA). In DIPC he worked under the supervision of Prof. Xabier López and David de Sancho in the field of protein simulations (more specifically intrinsically disordered proteins). On the other hand, during the stay in Rutgers in the US he worked in the development of new free energy computation techniques in the group of Prof. Darrin York.
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Ceballos Medina, Santiago Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesExpertise:Thin Films, Magnetic Properties, Electric properties
Bio:Santiago Ceballos Medina graduated in Materials Engineering in 2020 from the Universidad del Valle (Cali, Colombia). His degree thesis focused on the study of resistive switching behaviour in thin films fabricated with multifunctional oxides as BiFeO3 and YBa2Cu3O7-
. Afterwards, his master's degree in Materials Egineering (2023) was about magnetic thin films made by high vacuum thermal evaporation in Universidad del Valle. In that research the study was focused not only with the experimental approach but also with micromagnetics simulations on the MnAlC thin films.
From 2021 to 2022, he worked as "Young Researcher and Innovator" by Colombian Minister of Science scholarship. In 2022 AUIP granted to him the mobility scholarship for research stay at Universidad del País Vasco. In 2023 he worked in "IMPENANO" project at Universidad del Valle and did and Research stay at France due to ECOS-NORD mobility agreement.
Currently, he works as a pre-doctoral researcher within the MMMASINT - Advanced magnetoactive materials for new intelligent systems.
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Ramos Auzmendi, Aingeru Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Computational Materials ScienceExpertise:Quantum computing applied on optimization problems.
Bio:Aingeru Ramos Auzmendi graduated in Computer Science from Basque Country University (2022). His degree thesis was focused in the use of quantum adiabatic systems for the resolution of linear problems. Also did the master of Artificial Intelligent of the same university (2023) while working in the Intelligent System Group (ISG) for a project with the General Council of Gipuzkoa. Currently is a pre-doctoral researcher in BCMaterials.
Vicente Teixido, Javier Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Micro and nano-devicesExpertise:Multiphysics modelling and simulation, AI models, electromechanical design, characterization and validation of sensors, ultrasounds and wave propagation.
Bio:Javier Vicente graduated with a Masters' degree in Industrial Engineering from Mondragon Unibertsitatea in 2016. He subsequently earned his PhD from the same university, supported by a Basque Government predoctoral grant. His doctoral research focused on monitoring and sensing techniques, culminating in the development of a novel pressure sensing system based on nanocomposite materials for industrial applications. He worked in Mondragon Unibertsitatea as a researcher and lecturer in both Signal Theory and Applied Mechanics departments.
Javier has actively contributed to several public and industry-funded projects, specializing in creating practical sensing solutions for industry sectors such as machining, automotive, and aerospace with application in Structural Health Monitoring, Condition Monitoring and Non-Destructive Inspections. In said projects he was involved in the design, modelling, simulation and experimental validation of the developed sensing systems. His most recent activities have been related with the development of Non-Contact ultrasonic transducers and inspection techniques for industrial applications. He is now a Post-Doctoral researcher at BCMaterials.
Interests and Objectives:Javier's research interests revolve around the leverage of novel functional materials for advancing sensing, inspection, and monitoring techniques in the framework of Industry Digitalization and IoT.
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Mirandona Olaeta, Alexander Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesBio:Alexander Mirandona-Olaeta earned his Chemical Engineering degree in 2022 at UPV/EHU Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea and finished a Master Degree in New Materials at the same university in 2023. His Degree Final Project and Master´s thesis consisted on the development of materials based on porous metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) oriented to the energy challenge. The main objective was to develop MOF/Ionic Liquid (IL) composite materials for electrolytes in solid state batteries.
Interests and Objectives:Now, Alexander will work with Idoia Ruiz de Larramendi (UPV/EHU) and Arkaitz Fidalgo Marijuan in the study and development of rational design of metal-organic frameworks-based materials for next-generation rechargeable batteries as a Predoctoral Researcher. This project aims to contribute to the development of innovative technologies in electrochemical storage, targeting low-cost and environmentally friendly systems. Specifically, it focuses on the design of solid electrolytes to be implanted in lithium and sodium batteries, which is a challenging task.
García García, Ane Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Active and smart materialsBio:Ane García García finished her Chemistry degree in 2022 at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Her degree thesis was on “Biofunctionalization of PLLA via copper-free click reaction between azide and alkyne” carried out in the Research Group of "Macromolecular Chemistry (LABQUIMAC)" of the University of the Basque Country.
After that, she completed a master's in pharmacology at the University of Basque Country and she finished it in 2023. Her thesis was based on the study of the sequential bioconjugation of indomethacin and salicylic acid on PLLA surfaces. In addition to studying the antibiotic activity and their synergistic relationship.
Finishing her studies, she is currently starting her PhD on hydrogels in biomedical applications at BCMaterials together with the Macromolecular Chemistry Group (LABQUIMAC) of the UPV/EHU under the direction of Unai Silvan and Leyre Pérez.
Conejo Cuevas, Guillermo Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Micro and nano-devicesExpertise:Polymers and hydrogels, biomaterials, wearable flexible electronic systems
Bio:Guillermo Conejo-Cuevas earned his Chemistry degree at the University of Basque Country in 2021 and finished his Master Degree in New Materials in 2023. His Bachelor thesis, carried out with Labquimac group in the Physical Chemistry Deparment, was about the development and optimization of mechanical and electronic properties of hydrogels for weareable electronic devices.
Interests and Objectives:Now, Guillermo will work with F. Javier del Campo and Leire Ruiz Rubio in electrochemical sensors as a Predoctoral Researcher.
Lucarini San José, Sergio Ikerbasque Research Fellow
Email:Research line: Computational Materials ScienceBio:Dr. Lucarini is an industrial engineer who received his PhD in 2020 and has worked as a predoctoral and postdoctoral researcher in Spain, the US and the UK. He has authored over 11 international publications in computational solid mechanics and currently holds a Ikerbasque Reseach Fellowship. Dr. Lucarini's research focuses on simulating the multi-physics behavior of materials at various length scales, including composites, metals, lattice-based metamaterials, and porous materials. He is proficient in developing models and simulation techniques for computational micro-magneto-electro-mechanics and has created several open-source research codes. Dr. Lucarini has also established a research network of collaborations with teams around the world, co-supervised theses, served as a peer reviewer for prestigious international journals, and has teaching experience at two universities.
Pagalday Jiménez, Elena Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Expertise:Polymers and hydrogels, biomaterials, photopolymeritation.
Bio:Elena Pagalday Jimenez graduated in chemistry in 2022 at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), San Sebatian and finished his Master Degree in New Materials in 2023 at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Leioa. Her bachelor thesis was on "Synthesis of water-based polyurethanes with casein for their use as flame retardants" in Department of Polymers and Advanced Materials, University of Basque Country, San Sebastian. Her Master’s Final Project was on "Ink development with advanced properties for 3D printing" in Department of Physics and Chemistry, University of Basque Country, Leioa.
Abdirad, Niloufar Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Micro and nanostructured materials
Basabe Desmonts, Lourdes Ikerbasque & UPV/EHU Research Associate
Email:Research line: Micro and nano-devicesBio:Ikerbasque Research Professor since 2012, Director of the Microfluidics & BIOMICs Cluster UPV/EHU since 2019, Young Member of Jakiunde, the Academy of Science and Arts of the Basque Country since 2016.
Studied chemistry at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid until 2002. Then, she moved to the University of Twente in The Netherlands, where she completed her PhD in 2006 under the supervision of Dr. Crego Calama and Prof. David Reinhoudt at the Supramolecular Chemistry Group within the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology. In 2006 she joined the Biomedical Diagnostics Institute in Dublin, Ireland, where in 2009 she became Team Leader in Microfluidics for Platelet Biology. In 2012, she was awarded an Ikerbasque Research Professorship and she moved to CICmicroGUNE in the Basque Country, Spain. In 2014, Lourdes joined the BIOMICS research group at the University of the Basque Country, where she established her own independent research team: BIOMICS-microfluidics, focused on the development of lab-on-a-chip technologies. In June 2015 she co-founded the Microfluidics Cluster UPV/EHU with Dr. Fernando Benito-Lopez´s group and in 2019 she promoted the creation of the Microfluidics & BIOMICS Cluster UPV/EHU.
Research Interest: Development of microtecnology and Lab on a chip analytical systems. Research lines: (1) Microfluidics, (2) Smart materials for sensing and actuation, (3) Optical fibers as sensors (4) Surface engineering (5) Microsystems integration.
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ORCID: 0000-0002-6638-7370
Scopus ID: 8646759700Publications:A method for the controllable fabrication of optical fiber-based localized surface plasmon resonance sensors
Calatayud-Sanchez A., Ortega-Gomez A., Barroso J., Zubia J., Benito-Lopez F., Villatoro J., Basabe-Desmonts L.
Scientific Reports, 12, 1, 9566, (2022)
Ex situ and in situ Magnetic Phase Synthesised Magneto-Driven Alginate Beads
Bimendra Gunatilake U., Venkatesan M., Basabe-Desmonts L., Benito-Lopez F.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 610, 741, 750, (2022)
High-Resolution 3D Printing Fabrication of a Microfluidic Platform for Blood Plasma Separation
Garcia-Rey S., Nielsen J.B., Nordin G.P., Woolley A.T., Basabe-Desmonts L., Benito-Lopez F.
Polymers, 14, 13, 2537, (2022)
Magneto Twister: Magneto Deformation of the Water-Air Interface by a Superhydrophobic Magnetic Nanoparticle Layer
Gunatilake U.B., Morales R., Basabe-Desmonts L., Benito-Lopez F.
Langmuir, 38, 11, 3360, 3369, (2022)
Paper based microfluidic platform for single-step detection of mesenchymal stromal cells secreted VEGF
Azuaje-Hualde E., de Pancorbo M.M., Benito-Lopez F., Basabe-Desmonts L.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 1199, 339588, (2022)
Garcia-Rey S., Ojeda E., Gunatilake U.B., Basabe-Desmonts L., Benito-Lopez F.
MicroTAS 2021 - 25th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, 1547, 1548, (2021)
Alginate bead biosystem for the determination of lactate in sweat using image analysis
Garcia-Rey S., Ojeda E., Gunatilake U.B., Basabe-Desmonts L., Benito-Lopez F.
Biosensors, 11, 10, 379, (2021)
Azuaje-Hualde E., Rosique M., Calatayud-Sanchez A., Benito-Lopez F., de Pancorbo M.M., Basabe-Desmonts L.
MicroTAS 2021 - 25th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, 267, 268, (2021)
Continuous monitoring of cell transfection efficiency with micropatterned substrates
Azuaje-Hualde E., Rosique M., Calatayud-Sanchez A., Benito-Lopez F., M. de Pancorbo M., Basabe-Desmonts L.
Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 118, 7, 2626, 2636, (2021)
Microfluidics and materials for smart water monitoring: A review
Saez J., Catalan-Carrio R., Owens R.M., Basabe-Desmonts L., Benito-Lopez F.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 1186, 338392, (2021)
Alvarez-Braña Y., Benito-Lopez F., Basabe-Desmonts L.
MicroTAS 2021 - 25th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, 1267, 1268, (2021)
Modular micropumps fabricated by 3D printed technologies for polymeric microfluidic device applications
Alvarez-Braña Y., Etxebarria-Elezgarai J., Ruiz de Larrinaga-Vicente L., Benito-Lopez F., Basabe-Desmonts L.
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 342, 129991, (2021)
TiO2Nanotubes Alginate Hydrogel Scaffold for Rapid Sensing of Sweat Biomarkers: Lactate and Glucose
Gunatilake U.B., Garcia-Rey S., Ojeda E., Basabe-Desmonts L., Benito-Lopez F.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13, 31, 37734, 37745, (2021)
Tunable Superparamagnetic Ring (tSPRing) for Droplet Manipulation
Nasirimarekani V., Benito-Lopez F., Basabe-Desmonts L.
Advanced Functional Materials, 31, 32, 2100178, (2021)
Benito López, Fernando UPV/EHU Research Associate
Email:Research line: Micro and nano-devicesBio:Fernando Benito-Lopez studied chemistry at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and completed his master studies in the Department of Inorganic Chemistry in 2002. He obtained his PhD in Microfluidic Technology at the University of Twente, The Netherlands, in 2007. He carried out his postdoctoral research in the group of Prof. Dermot Diamond at Dublin City University, Ireland, where in 2010 became Team Leader in polymer microfluidics. In 2012, he moved to CIC microGUNE, a Research Centre working in Microtechnology in Spain. Soon later, he was awarded with the prestigious Ramón y Cajal Fellowship. In 2015, he moved to the University of the Basque Country and funded the Analytical Microsystems & Materials for Lab-on-a-Chip Team (AMMa-LOAC) and the Microfluidics Cluster UPV/EHU, Spain, to agglutinate several research groups working in microtechnology. In 2019, he became Associate Professor at the University of the Basque Country.
He has a special research interest in microtechnology, microfluidics and in the integration of smart materials within microfluidic devices for sensing and actuation.
My research lines are:- Research Line 1. Microfluidics.
- Research Line 2. Smart materials for sensing and actuation.
- Research Line 3: Optical fibers as sensors
- Research Line 4. Surface engineering.
- Research Line 5. Microsystem integration.
Scientific Highlights:- H-factor 29 (Scopus, date: 28/10/2020), 2400+ citations.
- 83 peer-reviewed journal publications (58 Q1)
- 1 book (doctoral thesis) and 5 invited book chapters.
- 56 Peer Reviewed Proceedings Articles (High International Relevance) (24 ORAL).
- 7 patent applications:3 active, 3 filed but abandoned, 1 filled but withdrawn.
- 6 cover articles.
- 85 Oral presentations (42 Invited Talks), 89 Poster Contributions.
- Cited in Press (New Scientist, L’Expansion, Sunday Times, The Irish Times, …)
- 5 PhD students doctoral thesis supervised and 11 PhD doctoral thesis in progress.
ORCID: 0000-0003-0699-5507Publications:A method for the controllable fabrication of optical fiber-based localized surface plasmon resonance sensors
Calatayud-Sanchez A., Ortega-Gomez A., Barroso J., Zubia J., Benito-Lopez F., Villatoro J., Basabe-Desmonts L.
Scientific Reports, 12, 1, 9566, (2022)
Ex situ and in situ Magnetic Phase Synthesised Magneto-Driven Alginate Beads
Bimendra Gunatilake U., Venkatesan M., Basabe-Desmonts L., Benito-Lopez F.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 610, 741, 750, (2022)
High-Resolution 3D Printing Fabrication of a Microfluidic Platform for Blood Plasma Separation
Garcia-Rey S., Nielsen J.B., Nordin G.P., Woolley A.T., Basabe-Desmonts L., Benito-Lopez F.
Polymers, 14, 13, 2537, (2022)
Magneto Twister: Magneto Deformation of the Water-Air Interface by a Superhydrophobic Magnetic Nanoparticle Layer
Gunatilake U.B., Morales R., Basabe-Desmonts L., Benito-Lopez F.
Langmuir, 38, 11, 3360, 3369, (2022)
Paper based microfluidic platform for single-step detection of mesenchymal stromal cells secreted VEGF
Azuaje-Hualde E., de Pancorbo M.M., Benito-Lopez F., Basabe-Desmonts L.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 1199, 339588, (2022)
Garcia-Rey S., Ojeda E., Gunatilake U.B., Basabe-Desmonts L., Benito-Lopez F.
MicroTAS 2021 - 25th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, 1547, 1548, (2021)
Alginate bead biosystem for the determination of lactate in sweat using image analysis
Garcia-Rey S., Ojeda E., Gunatilake U.B., Basabe-Desmonts L., Benito-Lopez F.
Biosensors, 11, 10, 379, (2021)
Azuaje-Hualde E., Rosique M., Calatayud-Sanchez A., Benito-Lopez F., de Pancorbo M.M., Basabe-Desmonts L.
MicroTAS 2021 - 25th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, 267, 268, (2021)
Continuous monitoring of cell transfection efficiency with micropatterned substrates
Azuaje-Hualde E., Rosique M., Calatayud-Sanchez A., Benito-Lopez F., M. de Pancorbo M., Basabe-Desmonts L.
Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 118, 7, 2626, 2636, (2021)
Microfluidics and materials for smart water monitoring: A review
Saez J., Catalan-Carrio R., Owens R.M., Basabe-Desmonts L., Benito-Lopez F.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 1186, 338392, (2021)
Alvarez-Braña Y., Benito-Lopez F., Basabe-Desmonts L.
MicroTAS 2021 - 25th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, 1267, 1268, (2021)
Modular micropumps fabricated by 3D printed technologies for polymeric microfluidic device applications
Alvarez-Braña Y., Etxebarria-Elezgarai J., Ruiz de Larrinaga-Vicente L., Benito-Lopez F., Basabe-Desmonts L.
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 342, 129991, (2021)
TiO2Nanotubes Alginate Hydrogel Scaffold for Rapid Sensing of Sweat Biomarkers: Lactate and Glucose
Gunatilake U.B., Garcia-Rey S., Ojeda E., Basabe-Desmonts L., Benito-Lopez F.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13, 31, 37734, 37745, (2021)
Tunable Superparamagnetic Ring (tSPRing) for Droplet Manipulation
Nasirimarekani V., Benito-Lopez F., Basabe-Desmonts L.
Advanced Functional Materials, 31, 32, 2100178, (2021)
De La Caba Ciriza, María Coro UPV/EHU Research Associate
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesBio:Prof. Koro de la Caba received a BSc in Chemistry (Macromolecules specialty) from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in 1991 and a PhD in Science (New Materials and Processes Program) at the UPV/EHU in 1998 (Extraordinary Doctorate Award). Her current position corresponds to a Full Professor at the Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department in the School of Engineering of Gipuzkoa in Donostia-San Sebastián. Currently, she is head of BIOMAT research group at the UPV/EHU. Her research focuses on various aspects of materials, especially proteins and polysaccharides, including valorization, modification, manufacture and characterization, with the aim of contributing to the development of competitive and sustainable products and processes for food (active packaging) and biomedical applications (tissue engineering).
Publications:Magnetically responsive chitosan-pectin films incorporating Fe3O4 nanoparticles with enhanced antimicrobial activity
Zarandona I., Correia D.M., Moreira J., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Guerrero P., de la Caba K.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 227, 1070, 1077, (2023)
Whey Protein Films for Sustainable Food Packaging: Effect of Incorporated Ascorbic Acid and Environmental Assessment
Etxabide A., Arregi M., Cabezudo S., Guerrero P., de la Caba K.
Polymers, 15, 2, 387, (2023)
Characteristics and seal ability of blend films based on chicken protein isolate and fish skin gelatin
Nilsuwan K., Arnold M., Benjakul S., Prodpran T., de la Caba K., Mohan C.O.
Journal of Food Science and Technology, 59, 7, 2562, 2571, (2022)
Developing active and intelligent films through the incorporation of grape skin and seed tannin extracts into gelatin
Etxabide A., Yang Y., Maté J.I., de la Caba K., Kilmartin P.A.
Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 33, 100896, (2022)
Effect of gelatin concentration, ribose and glycerol additions on the electrospinning process and physicochemical properties of gelatin nanofibers
Etxabide A., Akbarinejad A., Chan E.W.C., Guerrero P., de la Caba K., Travas-Sejdic J., Kilmartin P.A.
European Polymer Journal, 180, 111597, (2022)
Green hemostatic sponge-like scaffold composed of soy protein and chitin for the treatment of epistaxis
Jimenez-Martin J., Las Heras K., Etxabide A., Uranga J., de la Caba K., Guerrero P., Igartua M., Santos-Vizcaino E., Hernandez R.M.
Materials Today Bio, 15, 100273, (2022)
Hybrid 3D Printed and Electrospun Multi-Scale Hierarchical Polycaprolactone Scaffolds to Induce Bone Differentiation
Gonzalez-Pujana A., Carranza T., Santos-Vizcaino E., Igartua M., Guerrero P., Hernandez R.M., de la Caba K.
Pharmaceutics, 14, 12, 2843, (2022)
Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) produced from red grape pomace: Effect of purification processes on structural, thermal and antioxidant properties
Etxabide A., Kilmartin P.A., Guerrero P., de la Caba K., Hooks D., West M., Singh T.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 217, 449, 456, (2022)
Sustainable Sheep Wool/Soy Protein Biocomposites for Sound Absorption
Urdanpilleta M., Leceta I., Guerrero P., de la Caba K.
Polymers, 14, 23, 5231, (2022)
Tailoring physicochemical properties of collagen-based composites with ionic liquids and wool for advanced applications
Andonegi M., Correia D.M., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Caba K.D.L., Guerrero P.
Polymer, 252, 124943, (2022)
3D printed chitosan-pectin hydrogels: From rheological characterization to scaffold development and assessment
Zarandona I., Bengoechea C., Álvarez-Castillo E., de la Caba K., Guerrero A., Guerrero P.
Gels, 7, 4, 175, (2021)
3D-printed mucoadhesive collagen scaffolds as a local tetrahydrocurcumin delivery system
Andonegi M., Carranza T., Etxabide A., de la Caba K., Guerrero P.
Pharmaceutics, 13, 10, 1697, (2021)
Characterization of bio-inspired electro-conductive soy protein films
Guerrero P., Garrido T., Garcia-Orue I., Santos-Vizcaino E., Igartua M., Hernandez R.M., de la Caba K.
Polymers, 13, 3, 416, 1, 15, (2021)
Cytocompatibility and suitability of protein-based biomaterials as potential candidates for corneal tissue engineering
Romo-valera C., Guerrero P., Arluzea J., Etxebarria J., de la Caba K., Andollo N.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22, 7, 3648, (2021)
Evaluation of bioactive release kinetics from crosslinked chitosan films with Aloe vera
Zarandona I., Minh N.C., Trung T.S., de la Caba K., Guerrero P.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 182, 1331, 1338, (2021)
Plasma-based bioinks for extrusion bioprinting of advanced dressings
Del Amo C., Perez-Valle A., Perez-Garrastachu M., Jauregui I., Andollo N., Arluzea J., Guerrero P., de la Caba K., Andia I.
Biomedicines, 9, 8, 1023, (2021)
Properties of chicken protein isolate/fish gelatin blend film incorporated with phenolic compounds and its application as pouch for packing chicken skin oil
Nilsuwan K., Arnold M., Benjakul S., Prodpran T., de la Caba K.
Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 30, 100761, (2021)
The versatility of collagen and chitosan: From food to biomedical applications
Irastorza A., Zarandona I., Andonegi M., Guerrero P., de la Caba K.
Food Hydrocolloids, 116, 106633, (2021)
Guerrero Manso, Pedro Manuel UPV/EHU Research Associate
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesBio:Dr. Pedro Guerrero is a Chemical Engineer and PhD in Renewable Materials Engineering from the University of the Basque Country. He has developed his research in industry (1995-2009) in the area of adhesives and printed circuit boards in EUREKA projects. Since 2009 he is a researcher of BIOMAT Group in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at UPV/EHU. His work is focused on the valorization of industrial by-products or biowastes to obtain raw materials, the modification of biopolymers to improve their functional properties, the optimization of processing conditions of biomaterials, and the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of products and processes to assess their environmental impacts.
Publications:Magnetically responsive chitosan-pectin films incorporating Fe3O4 nanoparticles with enhanced antimicrobial activity
Zarandona I., Correia D.M., Moreira J., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Guerrero P., de la Caba K.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 227, 1070, 1077, (2023)
Whey Protein Films for Sustainable Food Packaging: Effect of Incorporated Ascorbic Acid and Environmental Assessment
Etxabide A., Arregi M., Cabezudo S., Guerrero P., de la Caba K.
Polymers, 15, 2, 387, (2023)
Effect of gelatin concentration, ribose and glycerol additions on the electrospinning process and physicochemical properties of gelatin nanofibers
Etxabide A., Akbarinejad A., Chan E.W.C., Guerrero P., de la Caba K., Travas-Sejdic J., Kilmartin P.A.
European Polymer Journal, 180, 111597, (2022)
Hybrid 3D Printed and Electrospun Multi-Scale Hierarchical Polycaprolactone Scaffolds to Induce Bone Differentiation
Gonzalez-Pujana A., Carranza T., Santos-Vizcaino E., Igartua M., Guerrero P., Hernandez R.M., de la Caba K.
Pharmaceutics, 14, 12, 2843, (2022)
Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) produced from red grape pomace: Effect of purification processes on structural, thermal and antioxidant properties
Etxabide A., Kilmartin P.A., Guerrero P., de la Caba K., Hooks D., West M., Singh T.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 217, 449, 456, (2022)
Sustainable Sheep Wool/Soy Protein Biocomposites for Sound Absorption
Urdanpilleta M., Leceta I., Guerrero P., de la Caba K.
Polymers, 14, 23, 5231, (2022)
Tailoring physicochemical properties of collagen-based composites with ionic liquids and wool for advanced applications
Andonegi M., Correia D.M., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Caba K.D.L., Guerrero P.
Polymer, 252, 124943, (2022)
3D printed chitosan-pectin hydrogels: From rheological characterization to scaffold development and assessment
Zarandona I., Bengoechea C., Álvarez-Castillo E., de la Caba K., Guerrero A., Guerrero P.
Gels, 7, 4, 175, (2021)
3D-printed mucoadhesive collagen scaffolds as a local tetrahydrocurcumin delivery system
Andonegi M., Carranza T., Etxabide A., de la Caba K., Guerrero P.
Pharmaceutics, 13, 10, 1697, (2021)
Characterization of bio-inspired electro-conductive soy protein films
Guerrero P., Garrido T., Garcia-Orue I., Santos-Vizcaino E., Igartua M., Hernandez R.M., de la Caba K.
Polymers, 13, 3, 416, 1, 15, (2021)
Cytocompatibility and suitability of protein-based biomaterials as potential candidates for corneal tissue engineering
Romo-valera C., Guerrero P., Arluzea J., Etxebarria J., de la Caba K., Andollo N.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22, 7, 3648, (2021)
Evaluation of bioactive release kinetics from crosslinked chitosan films with Aloe vera
Zarandona I., Minh N.C., Trung T.S., de la Caba K., Guerrero P.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 182, 1331, 1338, (2021)
Plasma-based bioinks for extrusion bioprinting of advanced dressings
Del Amo C., Perez-Valle A., Perez-Garrastachu M., Jauregui I., Andollo N., Arluzea J., Guerrero P., de la Caba K., Andia I.
Biomedicines, 9, 8, 1023, (2021)
The versatility of collagen and chitosan: From food to biomedical applications
Irastorza A., Zarandona I., Andonegi M., Guerrero P., de la Caba K.
Food Hydrocolloids, 116, 106633, (2021)
Oyarzabal Epelde, Itziar Ikerbasque Research Fellow
Email:Research line: Micro and nanostructured materialsBio:Career and achievements
Itziar Oyarzabal received her B.S. Degree in Chemical Sciences in 2011 and her M.Sc. in Applied Chemistry and Polymeric Materials in 2012, both from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU, Donostia-San Sebastián). She obtained her PhD degree (UPV/EHU) in December 2015, under the supervision of Professors José Manuel Seco Botana (UPV/EHU) and Enrique Colacio (University of Granada) and she received the extraordinary PhD award given by UPV/EHU. In 2016 she continued working in the same research group at UPV/EHU thanks to a Postdoctoral Grant from the university and in April 2017 she joined the Molecular Materials & Magnetism (M3) group at Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal (Pessac, France) led by Dr. Rodolphe Clérac. During the postdoctoral period of almost 4 years in France (first due to a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship and after to a Postdoctoral Grant from the Basque Government), she focused her research in the development of metal-organic materials with interesting magnetic properties.
She has published around 40 articles (h-index = 17) in peer-reviewed international journals and has presented her work as invited and oral speaker in several international and national conferences in the area of magnetism and material sciences. Her most important contribution to date is the development of a couple of metal-organic magnets with large coercivity and ordering temperatures up to 242°C (published in Science, 2020).
Synthesis under inert-gas atmosphere (Schlenk technique and gloveboxes) and solvothermal synthesis. Single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction. Crystal structure solution and refinement. Magnetic properties of materials.
Interests and objectives
As an Ikerbasque Research Fellow, she plans to continue her research in the area of molecular magnetism.
Links to external profiles an antiferromagnetic insulator to a strongly correlated metal in square-lattice MCl2(pyrazine)2 coordination solids
Perlepe P., Oyarzabal I., Voigt L., Kubus M., Woodruff D.N., Reyes-Lillo S.E., Aubrey M.L., Négrier P., Rouzières M., Wilhelm F., Rogalev A., Neaton J.B., Long J.R., Mathonière C., Vignolle B., Pedersen K.S., Clérac R.
Nature Communications, 13, 1, 5766, (2022)
Magneto-thermal properties and slow magnetic relaxation in Mn(ii)Ln(iii) complexes: influence of magnetic coupling on the magneto-caloric effect
Oyarzabal I., Zabala-Lekuona A., Mota A.J., Palacios M.A., Rodríguez-Diéguez A., Lorusso G., Evangelisti M., Rodríguez-Esteban C., Brechin E.K., Seco J.M., Colacio E.
Dalton Transactions, 51, 34, 12954, 12967, (2022)
Slow Magnetic Relaxation and Luminescent Properties of Mononuclear Lanthanide-Substituted Keggin-Type Polyoxotungstates with Compartmental Organic Ligands
Ruiz-Bilbao E., Pardo-Almanza M., Oyarzabal I., Artetxe B., Felices L.S., García J.A., Seco J.M., Colacio E., Lezama L., Gutiérrez-Zorrilla J.M.
Inorganic Chemistry, 61, 5, 2428, 2443, (2022)
The Role of Critical Raw Materials for Novel Strategies in Sustainable Secondary Batteries
Salado M., Lizundia E., Oyarzabal I., Salazar D.
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science, 219, 15, 2100710, (2022)
Exploring the slow magnetic relaxation of a family of photoluminescent 3d lanthanide–organic frameworks based on dicarboxylate ligands
Oyarzabal I., Rojas S., Parejo A.D., Salinas‐castillo A., García J.Á., Seco J.M., Cepeda J., Rodríguez‐diéguez A.
Magnetochemistry, 7, 3, 41, (2021)
Room-Temperature Magnetic Bistability in a Salt of Organic Radical Ions
Taponen A.I., Ayadi A., Lahtinen M.K., Oyarzabal I., Bonhommeau S., Rouzières M., Mathonière C., Tuononen H.M., Clérac R., Mailman A.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143, 39, 15912, 15917, (2021)
Salazar Jaramillo, Daniel Research Fellow
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesBio:Expertise
Single-crystal growth by floating zone method, magnetic properties and electrical transport, instrumentation design and engineering.
Daniel Salazar Jaramillo is an electronic engineer from the Universidad del Quindío (2007) who received the doctor degree in physics and mathematics from the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha in 2012. He started his research on nanostructured and granular magnetic materials, transition metal oxides, magnetic properties and electrical transport in nanocrystalline oxides, magnetic, structural and thermal properties in strongly correlated electron systems during his PhD. Since late 2013 he is joined to the BCMaterials in a postdoctoral position and currently is focused on the study of the magnetocaloric effect and their physical features on single crystals of magnetic shape memory alloys and on the coercivity enhancement of nanostructured hard magnets by grain boundary engineering.
Interests and objetives- Study of the magnetocaloric effect and their physical features on single crystals of magnetic shape memory alloys.
- Coercivity enhancement of nanostructured hard magnets by grain boundary engineering.
Curriculum Vitae -- Google Scholar -- ResearcherIDPublications:Long- and short-range magnetic interactions in nanocrystalline lightly Cr‑doped manganites
Khammassi F., Chérif W., Mendoza A., Salazar-Jaramillo D., Lanceros-Méndez S., Dammak M.
Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 128, 8, 718, (2022)
Lightweight, multifunctional materials based on magnetic shape memory alloys
Salazar-Jaramillo D., Barandiaran J.M., Kohl M., Cong D., Hosoda H., Llamazares J.L.S., Chernenko V.A.
Advanced Lightweight Multifunctional Materials, 187, 237, (2020)
Magnetocaloric Effect in Specially Designed Materials
Salazar-Jaramillo D., Álvarez-Alonso P., Lázpita P., Sánchez Llamazares J.L., Gorría P., Blanco J.A., Chernenko V.A.
Magnetic Nanostructured Materials: From Lab to Fab, 199, 244, (2018)
High coercivity in rare-earth lean nanocomposite magnets by grain boundary infiltration
Madugundo R., Salazar-Jaramillo D., Manuel Barandiaran J., Hadjipanayis G.C.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 400, 300, 303, (2016)
Tel Vega, Juan Ignacio IT & Facilities Manager
Email:Expertise:IT specialist; systems & network administration and security; purchasing of equipment & supplies; software licensing; technical support.
Bio:Juan Ignacio Tel is a Computing Engineer from the University of Deusto in 1998. Since then he has leaded and participated on a wide range of IT projects in the private sector, including main infrastructure & support, networking & security, ERP implementation, application development and technical consulting. He is Microsoft Certified Professional since 2002, Cisco CCNA since 2012, and certified on ITIL Foundation in IT Service Management since 2015.
Interests and Objectives:Currently I’m in charge of the whole IT and Facilities areas of the organization, including systems and network administration, security systems, purchasing of equipment & supplies, and also being contact with related vendors. One of my main goals is to maintain all services and infrastructures in perfect condition, thus allowing other people in BCMaterials can fulfill their tasks, facilitating their mobility and easing their workaday.
More info:
Alonso Cano, Francisco Xabier IT Technician
Wordpress websites administration. PHP, HTML, XML, CSS and Javascript development.
Francisco Xabier Alonso is Senior Technician in Web Application Development. Currently studying at the Zabalburu College in 2017. He is also a Senior Technician in Systems and Network Administration since 2016.
Interests and objetives
Currently I am in charge of the web publications
Curriculum VitaeInterests and Objectives:More info:
Sinelshchikova, Anna Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Micro and nanostructured materialsExpertise:Material characterization using XRD methods: single crystal XRD (lab diffractometer, synchrotron), PXRD; coordination and supramolecular chemistry: chemistry and crystallography of tetrapyrroles, MOFs, HOFs, single-molecule magnets, photoactive materials, intermolecular interaction; MOFs and HOFs analysis in ToposPro, Zeo++; Synthesis and characterization of MOFs, tetrapyrrole compounds.
Bio:Anna Sinelshchikova obtained her bachelor degree in Material Science and master degree in Chemistry at the Lomonosov Moscow State University. During her studies she had three internships in Australia. Afterwards she completed her PhD at the Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences (IPCE RAS) under supervision of Prof. Yu. Gorbunova. Her thesis was devoted to design and synthesis of tetrapyrrole compounds for functional materials. Furthermore, she did two internships at the Institute of Molecular Chemistry of the University of Burgundy (ICMUB), Dijon, France, where she worked on synthesis of phosphorylated porphyrins. She then worked as senior researcher at IPCE RAS in the area of coordination and supramolecular chemistry, tetrapyrrole compounds and material characterization. She focused on applications of X-ray diffraction methods including single crystal analysis to investigate such areas as porphyrin-based MOFs, non-covalent interactions, single molecule magnets based on phthalocyanine complexes and photoactive hybrid assemblies. As a result, her research has gained recognition in the form of the Struchkov Prize for the best research work based on the application of the X-ray diffraction methods.
Nowadays, Anna is a PostDoc in Stefan´s Wuttke group developing the surface functionalization of MOFs nanoparticles and their binding into superlattices, and one-pot synthesis of MOFs.
Interests and Objectives:Her scientific interests lie in the area of reticular chemistry, coordination chemistry, self-assembling, X-ray crystallography, functional properties of materials based on molecular-scale interactions.
Publications:Unexpected Supramolecular-Induced Redox Switching in Sandwich Gd Bisphthalocyaninate
Sinelshchikova A.A.; Lapkina L.A.; Larchenko V.E.; Dorovatovskii P.V.; Tsivadze A.Y.; Gorbunova Y.G.
Inorganic Chemistry, 63, 18, 8163, 8170, 7, (2024)
Esquivel Bojórquez, Juan Pablo Ikerbasque Research Associate
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesExpertise:He has authored more than 60 ISI scientific contributions, is inventor in 12 patents and has presented his work in 70+ conferences, including several invited talks. He has received numerous fellowships, international prizes and distinctions for his work, such as the Catalonia Ecodesign Prize and the TR35 award from MIT Technology Review, as one of the top 10 mexican young innovators. He is recognized as SNI level I from Conacyt, Mexico. He has obtained competitive founding at regional, national and European levels as well as from private organizations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He has mentored and supervised research work from 30+ researchers including Marie Curie fellows, postdoc, PhD, MSc and undergraduate students.Bio:Juan Pablo Esquivel is currently an Ikerbasque Research Associate at BCMaterials. He holds a BSc in Mechatronics Engineering (2005) from Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico), MSc in Micro and Nanoelectronics Engineering (2008) and a PhD in Electronics Engineering (2010) from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). He has performed research stays at the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Germany, and was a Senior Fellow at the Bioengineering Department of the University of Washington, USA, under a Marie Curie Fellowship. In 2016, he obtained a Tenured Scientist position at the Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona, IMB-CNM (CSIC). He is also co-founder and Scientific Advisor of the spin-off companies Fuelium and Sweanty.
Interests and Objectives:His work is focused on the ecodesign of sustainable power sources with a holistic vision that combines engineering, electrochemistry and materials science with sustainability principles and a product oriented approach.
Research interestsFit-to-purpose | Biodegradable batteries | Micro fuel cells | Materials engineering | Paper microfluidics | Green electronics | EcodesignMore info:Publications:Immuno-battery: A single use self-powered immunosensor for REASSURED diagnostics
Galyamin D., Liébana S., Esquivel J.P., Sabaté N.
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 220, 114868, (2023)
A plant-like battery: a biodegradable power source ecodesigned for precision agriculture
Navarro-Segarra M., Tortosa C., Ruiz-Díez C., Desmaële D., Gea T., Barrena R., Sabaté N., Esquivel J.P.
Energy and Environmental Science, 15, 7, 2900, 2915, (2022)
Microfluidics for Electrochemical Energy Conversion
Ibrahim O.A., Navarro-Segarra M., Sadeghi P., Sabaté N., Esquivel J.P., Kjeang E.
Chemical Reviews, 122, 7, 7236, 7266, (2022)
Ferreira Gonçalves, Bruna Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Active and smart materialsBio:In 2021, Bruna F. Gonçalves received her Ph.D. in Materials Engineering from University of Minho, Portugal, in a collaboration with the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, where she worked on the development of printable Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) photovoltaic systems, with special focus on the synthesis of CIGS crystals and their implementation as screen printable inks for the production of solution-based photovoltaic devices.
In 2022 she joined BC Materials as a post-doctoral researcher, under IKUR neutronics program, where she works on the development of active and smart materials based on polymer nanocomposites. Stimuli responsive metal-organic frameworks are also being synthesized for advanced nanocomposite development.
Publications:Towards All-Non-Vacuum-Processed Photovoltaic Systems: A Water-Based Screen-Printed Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Photoabsorber with a 6.6% Efficiency
Gonçalves B.F.; Sousa V.; Virtuoso J.; Modin E.; Lebedev O.I.; Botelho G.; Sadewasser S.; Salonen L.M.; Lanceros-Méndez S.; Kolen’ko Y.V.
Nanomaterials, 13, 13, 1920, (2023)
Merging solution processing and printing for sustainable fabrication of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 photovoltaics
Gonçalves B.F., Sadewasser S., Salonen L.M., Lanceros-Méndez S., Kolen'ko Y.V.
Chemical Engineering Journal, 442, 136188, (2022)
Eco-friendly and cost-efficient inks for screen-printed fabrication of copper indium gallium diselenide photoabsorber thin films
Gonçalves B.F., Botelho G., Lanceros-Méndez S., Kolen'ko Y.V.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 598, 388, 397, (2021)
Large-scale aqueous synthesis of Cu(In,Ga)Se2nanoparticles for photocatalytic degradation of ciprofloxacin
Gonçalves B.F., Martins P.M., Lagrow A.P., Botelho G., Salonen L.M., Lanceros-Méndez S., Kolen'Ko Y.V.
Dalton Transactions, 50, 45, 16819, 16828, (2021)
Large-scale synthesis of semiconducting cu(In,ga)se2 nanoparticles for screen printing application
Gonçalves B.F., Lagrow A.P., Pyrlin S., Owens-Baird B., Botelho G., Marques L.S.A., Ramos M.M.D., Kovnir K., Lanceros-Mendez S., Kolen’ko Y.V.
Nanomaterials, 11, 5, 1148, (2021)
Polycarbonate based multifunctional self-sensing 2D and 3D printed structures for aeronautic applications
Costa P., Dios J.R., Cardoso J., Campo J.J., Tubio C.R., Gon alves B.F., Castro N., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Smart Materials and Structures, 30, 8, 085032, (2021)
Recent developments on printed photodetectors for large area and flexible applications
Oliveira J., Brito-Pereira R., Gonçalves B.F., Etxebarria I., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Organic Electronics, 66, 216, 226, (2019)
Development of water-based printable piezoresistive sensors for large strain applications
Gonçalves B.F., Oliveira J., Costa P., Correia V., Martins P., Botelho G., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Composites Part B: Engineering, 112, 344, 352, (2017)
Green solvent approach for printable large deformation thermoplastic elastomer based piezoresistive sensors and their suitability for biomedical applications
Gonçalves B.F., Costa P., Oliveira J., Ribeiro S., Correia V., Botelho G., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 54, 20, 2092, 2103, (2016)
Infante, Ivan Antonio Carlo Ikerbasque Research Professor
Email:Research line: Computational Materials ScienceBio:Ivan Infante studied Chemistry at the Universitá della Basilicata in Italy. He then moved to the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) where he earned his Ph.D. (2006) in Theoretical Chemistry under the supervision of Lucas Visscher and Evert Jan Baerends, with a thesis aimed at the spectroscopic characterization of actinide molecules using highly precise ab initio computational methodologies. After a two-year postdoc experience in Laura Gagliardi's group at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, he was bestowed a Juan de la Cierva grant and moved to the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in the Theoretical Chemistry group led by Jesus Ugalde, where he could pursue his independent research career. In May 2014, he was awarded a prestigious Vidi grant (800.000 euros) from The Netherlands Organization for scientific research (NWO) that enabled him to establish his own research group as an Assistant Professor at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam (The Netherlands). In 2018, Ivan moved to the Italian Institute of Technology as a Researcher to work with Liberato Manna, head of the Nanomaterials division. Finally, in 2022 he was awarded an Ikerbasque Professor position at the Basque Center of Materials. His current research objectives aim at
elucidating surface processes of colloidal semiconductor quantum dots by combining theoretical models with experiments.Publications:Light Emission from Low-Dimensional Pb-Free Perovskite-Related Metal Halide Nanocrystals
Ray A.; De Trizio L.; Zito J.; Infante I.; Manna L.; Abdelhady A.L.
Advanced Optical Materials, 11, 4, 2202005, (2023)
Mixed Valence of Bismuth in Hexagonal Chalcohalide Nanocrystals
Quarta D.; Toso S.; Saleh G.; Caliandro R.; Moliterni A.; Griesi A.; Divitini G.; Infante I.; Gigli G.; Giannini C.; Manna L.; Giansante C.
Chemistry of Materials, 35, 3, 1029, 1036, 7, (2023)
CAT: A Compound Attachment Tool for the Construction of Composite Chemical Compounds
Van Beek B., Zito J., Visscher L., Infante I.
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 62, 22, 5525, 5535, (2022)
Classical Force-Field Parameters for CsPbBr3Perovskite Nanocrystals
Pascazio R., Zaccaria F., Van Beek B., Infante I.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126, 23, 9898, 9908, (2022)
Lequerica Mateos, Marcos Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Computational Materials Science
Martin, James Harry Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Micro and nanostructured materials
Rodríguez Lejarraga, Paula Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Active and smart materialsBio:Paula Rodríguez Lejarraga graduated in Chemistry in 2020 at the University of Salamanca (USAL). Her degree thesis was on "Theoretical study of inelastic collisions of He with OH+ in triplet and singlet state" at the physical-chemistry group of the Faculty of Science.
Subsequently, she studies a Master´s Degree in New Materials in 2021 at the University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and the University of Cantabria (UC). She development her final master work at BCMaterials with the title of "Capacitive gas sensors based on porous metal-organic frameworks and ionic liquids composites".
Currently, she is developing her PhD in BCMaterials in the field of new materials generation for tissue regeneration.
Bacigalupe Dorronsoro, Daniel Communication Manager
Email:Bio:As Communication Manager at BCMaterials I am in charge of internal communication, towards the scientific and administrative team of the center, as well as external communication directed to the different target audiences of our organization.My goal is to achieve the maximum possible dissemination of the research work carried out by the BCMaterials team, not only in the scientific field, but also for the rest of the public that our work impacts, including society as a whole through the scientific dissemination. It is very important to publicize the importance of our work in science of new materials and its applications for people’s daily lives.I am a specialist in Marketing and Communication, with a degree in Journalism from the UPV-EHU (2001). I have worked for press, radio and television media. In the last 15 years I have developed my career in Communication departments in sectors as different as retail, industry and science, such as BCMaterials. I am interested in all aspects related to communication, with special attention to new communication and online marketing tools, since they allow a direct and personalized relationship with the different audiences we address.More info:Linkedin:
Twitter: @d_bacigalupe
Llusar Camarelles, Jordi Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Computational Materials ScienceExpertise:Jordi has experience in performing theoretical simulations through continuum models such as the k·p perturbational method. Also, he has experience in quantum physical methods for interacting systems, such as the variational and configuration interaction methods.
Regarding programming software skills, he is experimented in Python, Mathematica, MATLAB, COMSOL Multiphysics and Linux.
Bio:Jordi Llusar graduated in Chemistry (2017) from the University Jaume I (UJI) in Castelló (Spain), focusing his interest mainly on quantum chemistry. His BSc thesis was based on a theoretical study which envisions how chemistry would be if we lived in a 2-dimensional world.
Later, in 2018, he obtained his Master's degree in Advanced Physics at the University of València (UV), namely, in the branch of Theoretical Physics. During his master's degree, he carried out a research stay in the Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC), where he worked under the supervision of Dr. Anselmo Cervera on calibrating temperature sensors for the giant thermometer (protoDUNE) installed at CERN to detect the different behaviour between neutrinos and antineutrinos, which is key to understanding the matter-antimatter asymmetry.
Afterwards, he became PhD from UJI in June 2022, where he specialized in Theoretical Physical Chemistry, specifically, in the field of homo- and heterostructured colloidal quantum wells, also known as nanoplatelets, based on Cd-chalcogenides. Under the supervision of Dr. Juan Ignacio Climente, he wrote his dissertation entitled 'Elastic, Electrostatic and Magnetic Properties of Colloidal Quantum Wells'. Additionally, he dealt with not only colloidal nanoplatelets but also quantum dots.
In September 2022, he joined BCMaterials as a Post-Doctoral Researcher, where he works along with Dr. Ivan Infante on elucidating surface processes of colloidal semiconductor quantum dots by combining theoretical models with experiments.
Interests and Objectives:He is currently working on functionalities of a wide gamut of NCs at atomic level using the CP2K software and visualization tools such as AMS, VESTA or Molden.
Publications:Surface Reconstructions in II-VI Quantum Dots
Llusar J.; du Fossé I.; Hens Z.; Houtepen A.; Infante I.
ACS Nano, 18, 2, 1563, 1572, 9, (2024)
Dutta, Subhajit Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Micro and nanostructured materialsExpertise:Materials science, Porous materials, Hydrothermal synthesis, Metal-organic frameworks, Nanoparticles, Adsorption, Pollutants removal, Green chemistry
Bio:Dr. Subhajit Dutta obtained his B.Sc. (Chemistry) from University of Calcutta, India in 2014 and received M.Sc. degree from University of Calcutta, India in 2016. Thereafter, he joined the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune, India in 2016 as a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Sujit K. Ghosh and received his Ph.D. in 2022. He is currently working at the BCMaterials, Spain with Prof. Stefan Wuttke under Human Frontiers Science Program (HFSP), focusing on the synthesis and characterization of functional MOFs and hierarchical porous materials for environmental applications.
Interests and Objectives:Subhajit´s current research interests embrace the development of next-generation functional porous materials that foster environmental sustainability.
More info:ORCID: 0000-0003-1440-7808
Publications:Metal–Organic Frameworks for Water Desalination
Dutta S.; de Luis R.F.; Goscianska J.; Demessence A.; Ettlinger R.; Wuttke S.
Advanced Functional Materials (In Press)
The crystallinity and processability trade-off
Dutta S.; Mukherjee S.
Nature Synthesis, 2, 9, 815, 816, 1, (2023)
Fidalgo Marijuan, Arkaitz Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesBio:Expertise
Single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction.
Crystal structure solution and refinement.
IR and Raman spectroscopies.
Thermal properties of materials.
Catalytic activity measurements.
DFT calculations.
Arkaitz Fidalgo-Marijuan is graduated in Environmental Science in 2009 and Master in New Materials in 2010. In March 2014 he obtained his PhD degree on material science and technology at the University of the Basque Country. His research is focused on the synthesis and characterization of new metalloporphyrin MOF materials as heterogeneous catalysts and gas adsorption and separation. He has specialized on single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction, thermal characterization, catalytic activity studies and DFT calculations. He is currently working in collaboration with the Crystallography group in UPV/EHU on the synthesis and characterization of MOF@LI composites for CO2 capture.
Interests and objetives
Design of metalloporphrin based MOF materials for heterogeneous catalysis and gas adsorption.
Currently, I am involved in LISOL (Soluciones basadas en líquidos iónicos para diversificar las oportunidades de la industria vasca) project, funded under the ELKARTEK program of the Basque Government for the design of new composite materials based on ionic liquids supported on MOFs for CO2 capture and separation.
Curriculum Vitae -- ResearchGatePublications:Superprotonic Conductivity in a Metalloporphyrin-Based SMOF (Supramolecular Metal–Organic Framework)
Fidalgo-Marijuan A.; Ruiz de Larramendi I.; Barandika G.
Nanomaterials, 14, 5, 398, (2024)
Humidity Sensors Based on Magnetic Ionic Liquids Blended in Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene)
Serra J.P.; Fernandes L.C.; Pereira N.; Fidalgo-Marijuan A.; Porro J.M.; Costa C.M.; Correia D.M.; Lanceros-Mendez S.
ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 5, 1, 109, 119, 10, (2023)
Comparative performance and ecotoxicity assessment of Y2(CO3)3, ZnO/TiO2, and Fe3O4 nanoparticles for arsenic removal from water
Salazar H., Martins P.M., Batista D., Shejale K.P., Sharma R.K., Krishnapriya R., Ferdov S., Botelho G., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Cássio F., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology, 8, 8, 1719, 1730, (2022)
Designing Metal-Chelator-like Traps by Encoding Amino Acids in Zirconium-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks
Valverde A., Tovar G.I., Rio-López N.A., Torres D., Rosales M., Wuttke S., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Porro J.M., Jiménez-Ruiz M., García Sakai V., García A., Laza J.M., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lezama L., Arriortua M.I., Copello G.J., Fernández De Luis R.
Chemistry of Materials, 34, 21, 9666, 9684, (2022)
Exploring ionic liquid-laden metal-organic framework composite materials as hybrid electrolytes in metal (ion) batteries
Urgoiti-Rodriguez M., Vaquero-Vílchez S., Mirandona-Olaeta A., Fernández de Luis R., Goikolea E., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Ruiz de Larramendi I.
Frontiers in Chemistry, 10, 995063, (2022)
Lithium-Ion Battery Solid Electrolytes Based on Poly(vinylidene Fluoride)-Metal Thiocyanate Ionic Liquid Blends
Serra J.P., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Barbosa J.C., Correia D.M., Gonçalves R., Porro J.M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Costa C.M.
ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 4, 8, 5909, 5919, (2022)
Metal organic framework modified poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) separator membranes to improve lithium-ion battery capacity fading
Barbosa J.C., Gonçalves R., Valverde A., Martins P.M., Petrenko V.I., Márton M., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Fernández de Luis R., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Chemical Engineering Journal, 443, 136329, (2022)
Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) based tri-composites with zeolite and ionic liquid for electromechanical actuator and lithium-ion battery applications
Barbosa J.C., Pinto R.S., Correia D.M., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Gonçalves R., Ferdov S., Lanceros-Mendez S., Costa C.M.
Electrochimica Acta, 431, 141186, (2022)
Silk fibroin and sericin polymer blends for sustainable battery separators
Reizabal A., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Gonçalves R., Gutiérrez-Pardo A., Aguesse F., Pérez-Álvarez L., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 611, 366, 376, (2022)
Solid Polymer Electrolytes Based on Gellan Gum and Ionic Liquid for Sustainable Electrochromic Devices
Alves R., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Campos-Arias L., Gonçalves R., Silva M.M., Del Campo F.J., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 14, 13, 15494, 15503, (2022)
Sustainable Lithium-Ion Battery Separator Membranes Based on Carrageenan Biopolymer
Serra J.P., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Teixeira J., Hilliou L., Gonçalves R., Urtiaga K., Gutiérrez-Pardo A., Aguesse F., Lanceros-Mendez S., Costa C.M.
Advanced Sustainable Systems, 6, 12, 2200279, (2022)
Sustainable Lithium-Ion Battery Separators Based on Poly(3-Hydroxybutyrate-Co-Hydroxyvalerate) Pristine and Composite Electrospun Membranes
Barbosa J.C., Correia D.M., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Gonçalves R., Fernandes M., de Zea Bermudez V., Silva M.M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Costa C.M.
Energy Technology, 10, 2, 2100761, (2022)
Template-free hydrothermal synthesis of lithium iron tavorite with complex morphologies driven by phase transformation
Ferdov S., Gonçalves R., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Nano-Structures and Nano-Objects, 30, 100870, (2022)
Chitin/Metal-Organic Framework Composites as Wide-Range Adsorbent
Tovar Jimenez G.I., Valverde A., Mendes-Felipe C., Wuttke S., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Larrea E.S., Lezama L., Zheng F., Reguera J., Lanceros-Méndez S., Arriortua M.I., Copello G., de Luis R.F.
ChemSusChem, 14, 14, 2892, 2901, (2021)
Crystal morphology control of synthetic giniite for enhanced photo-Fenton activity against the emerging pollutant metronidazole
Martins P.M., Salazar H., Aoudjit L., Gonçalves R., Zioui D., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Costa C.M., Ferdov S., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Chemosphere, 262, 128300, (2021)
High-Performance Room Temperature Lithium-Ion Battery Solid Polymer Electrolytes Based on Poly(vinylidene fluoride- co-hexafluoropropylene) Combining Ionic Liquid and Zeolite
Barbosa J.C., Correia D.M., Fernández E.M., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Barandika G., Gonçalves R., Ferdov S., De Zea Bermudez V., Costa C.M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13, 41, 48889, 48900, (2021)
Metal-organic frameworks and zeolite materials as active fillers for lithium-ion battery solid polymer electrolytes
Barbosa J.C., Gonçalves R., Costa C.M., De Zea Bermudez V., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Zhang Q., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Materials Advances, 2, 12, 3790, 3805, (2021)
Modulation of the bifunctional CrVI to CrIII photoreduction and adsorption capacity in ZrIV and TiIV benchmark metal-organic frameworks
Saiz P.G., Valverde A., Gonzalez-Navarrete B., Rosales M., Quintero Y.M., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Orive J., Reizabal A., Larrea E.S., Arriortua M.I., Lanceros-Méndez S., García A., de Luis R.F.
Catalysts, 11, 1, 51, 1, 14, (2021)
Multifunctionality of weak ferromagnetic porphyrin-based MOFs: selective adsorption in the liquid and gas phase
Amayuelas E., Iacomi P., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.K., Barandika G., Lezama L., Llewellyn P.L., Arriortua M.I.
CrystEngComm, 23, 23, 4205, 4213, (2021)
Chromium Speciation in Zirconium-Based Metal–Organic Frameworks for Environmental Remediation
Saiz P.G., Iglesias N., González Navarrete B., Rosales M., Quintero Y.M., Reizabal A., Orive J., Fidalgo Marijuan A., Larrea E.S., Lopes A.C., Lezama L., García A., Lanceros-Mendez S., Arriortua M.I., Fernández de Luis R.
Chemistry - A European Journal, 26, 61, 13861, 13872, (2020)
Encapsulation of β-alanine model amino-acid in zirconium(IV) metal organic frameworks: Defect engineering to improve host guest interactions
Muguruza A.R., de Luis R.F., Iglesias N., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.-K., Larrea E.S., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Barandika G.
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 205, 110977, (2020)
Lithium-ion battery separator membranes based on poly(L-lactic acid) biopolymer
Barbosa J.C., Reizabal A., Correia D.M., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Gonçalves R., Silva M.M., Lanceros-Mendez S., Costa C.M.
Materials Today Energy, 18, 100494, (2020)
Metal-Organic Framework Based PVDF Separators for High Rate Cycling Lithium-Ion Batteries
Valverde A., Gonçalves R., Silva M.M., Wuttke S., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Costa C.M., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Laza J.M., Arriortua M.I., Lanceros-Méndez S., Fernández De Luis R.
ACS Applied Energy Materials, 3, 12, 11907, 11919, (2020)
Study of the versatility of CuBTC@IL-derived materials for heterogeneous catalysis
Larrea E.S., Fernández de Luis R., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Maya E.M., Iglesias M., Arriortua M.I.
CrystEngComm, 22, 17, 2904, 2913, (2020)
Tailoring electroactive poly(vinylidene fluoride‐co-trifluoroethylene) microspheres by a nanoprecipitation method
Macedo A.S., Carvalho E.O., Cardoso V.F., Correia D.M., Tubio C.R., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Botelho G., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Materials Letters, 261, 127018, (2020)
Tailoring silk fibroin separator membranes pore size for improving performance of lithium ion batteries
Reizabal A., Gonçalves R., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Costa C.M., Pérez L., Vilas J.-L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Journal of Membrane Science, 598, 117678, (2020)
Double role of metalloporphyrins in catalytic bioinspired supramolecular metal-organic frameworks (SMOFs)
Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Amayuelas E., Barandika G., Larrea E.S., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.K., Iglesias M., Arriortua M.I.
IUCrJ, 5, 559, 568, (2018)
Open and closed forms of the interpenetrated [Cu2(Tae)(Bpa)2](NO3)2·: N H2O: Magnetic properties and high pressure CO2/CH4 gas sorption
Fernández De Luis R., Larrea E.S., Orive J., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Lezama L., Arriortua M.I.
Dalton Transactions, 47, 3, 958, 970, (2018)
Cationic Mn2+/H+ exchange leading a slow solid-state transformation of a 2D porphyrinic network at ambient conditions
Amayuelas E., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.K., Barandika G., Lezama L., Arriortua M.I.
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 247, 161, 167, (2017)
Highly thermally stable heterogeneous catalysts: Study of 0D and 3D porphyrinic MOFs
Amayuelas E., Fidalgo-Marijuán A., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.K., Barandika G., Arriortua M.I.
CrystEngComm, 19, 48, 7244, 7252, (2017)
CuII-based metal-organic nanoballs for very rapid adsorption of dyes and iodine
Amayuelas E., Fidalgo-Marijuán A., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.-K., Barandika G., Arriortua M.-I.
CrystEngComm, 18, 10, 1709, 1712, (2016)
Thermal and Magnetic Diversity in the Behaviour of the CuII-bdc-bpa System: 1D, 2D and Interpenetrated 3D Frameworks
Bravo-García L., Barandika G., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Bazan B., Urtiaga M.K., Lezama L., Arriortua M.I.
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2016, 29, 4783, 4791, (2016)
Coordination and crystallization molecules: Their interactions affecting the dimensionality of metalloporphyrinic SCFs
Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Amayuelas E., Barandika G., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.K., Arriortua M.I.
Molecules, 20, 4, 6683, 6699, (2015)
Heterogeneous catalytic properties of unprecedented μ-O-[FeTCPP]2 dimers (H2TCPP = meso-tetra(4-carboxyphenyl)porphyrin): An unusual superhyperfine EPR structure
Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Barandika G., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.K., Larrea E.S., Iglesias M., Lezama L., Arriortua M.I.
Dalton Transactions, 44, 1, 213, 222, (2015)
Mother structures related to the hexagonal and cubic close packing in Cu24 clusters: Solvent-influenced derivatives
Amayuelas E., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Barandika G., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.-K., Arriortua M.I.
CrystEngComm, 17, 17, 3297, 3304, (2015)
Water-induced phase transformation of a CuII coordination framework with pyridine-2,5-dicarboxylate and di-2-pyridyl ketone: synchrotron radiation analysis
Llano-Tomé F., Bazán B., Urtiaga M.K., Barandika G., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Fernández De Luis R., Arriortua M.I.
CrystEngComm, 17, 33, 6346, 6354, (2015)
Zheng, Fangyuan Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Active and smart materialsExpertise:Photocatalysis for water remediation
Photochemical analysis
Heterogenous catalysis for environmental sustainability
Nanomaterials synthesis and characterisation
Nanocomposite polymer membranes development and characterisation
Bio:Dr. Fangyuan Zheng graduated in Chemical Engineering in 2014 at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). She did her degree thesis based on effect of NaOH concentration on desilication of zeolite HY in Pt/HY catalysts for hydrocracking polystyrene. In 2016, she finished her master’s degree in Chemical Engineering at the UPV/EHU with a master thesis related to water treatment plant design carrying out in SENER Ingeniería y Sistemas under a grant. Afterwards, she was involved in several international engineering projects in Environment & Renewable Energy field.
In 2019, she carried out doctoral thesis at BCMaterials and Macromolecular Chemistry Group (Labquimac) of UPV/EHU by a pre-doctoral fellowship from UPV/EHU. Her doctoral thesis was focused on dealing with the major drawback of photocatalysis (poor efficiency under sunlight and reusability) towards industrial applications for water remediation and concluded her PhD in 2023. She has a solid knowledge in removal of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) such as pharmaceuticals by photocatalytic process and a wide experience in the nanomaterials and nanocomposite membranes development and characterisation (e.g., XRD, DLS, DRS, SEM, TEM, FTIR, DSC…).
Currently, as a post-doctoral researcher at BCMaterials, her research is focused on the development of smart materials based on hydrogels for actuator and sensor applications
More info:Publications:Upcycling discarded cellulosic surgical masks into catalytically active freestanding materials
Reguera J., Zheng F., Shalan A.E., Lizundia E.
Cellulose, 29, 4, 2223, 2240, (2022)
Baños Berganza, Leixuri Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Active and smart materialsBio:Leixuri Baños Berganza graduated in Chemistry in 2018 at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Her degree thesis was on “Synthesis of amides by metal-catalyzed aerobic oxidizing methods” at the Organic Chemistry Group of the Faculty of Science and Technology of Leioa.
Afterwards, she finished her master’s degree in Forensic Analysis in 2019 at the University of the Basque Country with a thesis based on the study of the polymorphism of different comercial drugs by X-ray diffraction, carried out in the Crystallography Group of the Faculty of Science and Technology of Leioa.
Then, she has been working on a project dedicated to the synthesis and characterization of new magnetic/plasmonic nanoparticles, with the objective of investigating their possible use in anti-cancer therapies. Currently, she is working on the development of antimicrobial coatings through the synthesis of new multifunctional hybrid materials composed of a polymeric matrix and multicomponent nanoparticles within it.
Martín Iglesias, Sara Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Active and smart materialsBio:Sara Martín Iglesias graduated in Biotechnology in 2017 at the University of León. Her degree thesis was on “Analysis of local ansesthetics on Hyaluronic Acid for Viscosupplementation therapy”. Subsequently, she finished her master’s degree in Biomedical Biotechnology in 2019 at Polytechnic University of Valencia with a thesis based on “Application of Mesenquimal Stem Cells for Tissue Engineering”, carried out in the Histopatology and Tissue Engineering group at University of Valencia .
She is currently starting his PhD in Active and Smart Materials for Tissue Engineering Applications at BCMaterials under the direction of Unai Silván and Senentxu Lanceros.
Anzola Martínez, Mikel Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Neutron ScienceBio:Mikel Anzola Martínez graduated in Physics in 2020 at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). His degree thesis, “An alternative manner of calculating Wannier functions”, focused on the simulation of electronic structures with tools such as Quantum Espresso.Subsequently, he finished his master degree in Quantum Science and Technologies in 2021 at the University of the Basque Country with a thesis named “Ab initio treatment of the electron-phonon interaction and anisotropic superconductivity” using the EPW project code.After a change of focus for a more experimental approach he is currently working on his PhD about magnetism and artificial spin-ice at BCMaterials and in collaboration with nanoGUNE. He is studying magnetic metamaterials made of interacting nanoislands with plasmonic functionality. In the future they will be incorporated as a basis for computation and as a platform for the simulation of quantum systems.
García Franco, Andrés Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesBio:Andrés García Franco graduated in Chemistry in 2020 at the University of Murcia (UMU). His final grade work was the study of the electrocatalytic capacity of gold nanoparticles in the oxygen reduction reaction using square wave voltammetry.
He finished the Master in New Materials in 2021 at the University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and the University of Cantabria (UC). He development his final master work at BCMaterials with the title of “Fabrication and Characterization of ThMn12-type compounds for his applications as permanent magnets”.
Currently, he is developing my PhD studies in the area of advanced functional materials at the BCMaterials.Publications:Magnetic Properties of Tetragonal SmFe12−xMox Alloys in Bulk and Melt-Spun Ribbons
Rodríguez-Crespo B., Garcia-Franco A., Rosero-Romo J.J., Echevarria-Bonet C., Porro J.M., Saiz P.G., Salazar D.
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science, 219, 15, 2100725, (2022)
Leiva Jiménez, Beatriz Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Active and smart materialsBio:Beatriz Leiva se graduó en Bioquímica en 2020 en la Universidad de Granada. Su Trabajo de Fin de Grado se titula “Aplicaciones biomédicas de nanopartículas de sílice mesoporosa”, y fue realizada en el Departamento de Química Inorgánica de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Facultad de Granada.
Posteriormente, terminó el Máster en Biomateriales en 2021 en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Su Trabajo de Fin de Máster trató sobre la síntesis, funcionalización y la caracterización de nanopartículas de sílice mesoporosa con el fin de crear un nuevo tratamiento para la enfermedad de la osteoporosis. Se realizó en el Departamento de Química en Ciencias Farmacéuticas de la Facultad de Farmacia de la UCM.
Actualmente, está realizando su doctorado en BCMaterials bajo la supervisión del Dr. Unai Silván y del Dr. Senentxu Lanceros-Méndez. Su trabajo se centra en el desarrollo de microambientes celulares activos para estrategias avanzadas de regeneración de tejidos.
Rodríguez Esteban, Corina Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Micro and nanostructured materialsBio:Corina Rodríguez Esteban graduated in Chemistry in 2019 at the University of Sevilla. Her degree thesis was on "Synthesis and characterization of Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) for environmental applications", at the Inorganic Chemistry Group of the Faculty of Chemistry of Sevilla.
Subsequently, she finished her master's degree in Science and Technology of New Materials in 2020 at the University of Sevilla with a thesis based on the development of lanthanide-based trimodal nanoparticles contrast agent for luminescence, magnetic resonance and X-ray computed tomography imaging, carried out in the Colloidal Materials Group of the Material Science Institute (ICMS) of Sevilla.
Currently, she is starting her PhD at BCMaterials in the field of molecular magnetism under the direction of Itziar Oyarzabal.
Publications:Magneto-thermal properties and slow magnetic relaxation in Mn(ii)Ln(iii) complexes: influence of magnetic coupling on the magneto-caloric effect
Oyarzabal I., Zabala-Lekuona A., Mota A.J., Palacios M.A., Rodríguez-Diéguez A., Lorusso G., Evangelisti M., Rodríguez-Esteban C., Brechin E.K., Seco J.M., Colacio E.
Dalton Transactions, 51, 34, 12954, 12967, (2022)
Undagoitia Notario, Mikel Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesBio:Mikel Undagoitia received his bachelor degree in chemistry from the University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in 2018 with a thesis about the development of fluorophosphate cathodic materials for sodium ion batteries and its application in high scale stationary batteries. Later, he obtained his master´s degree in New Materials in 2019 from the University of Basque Country. His master´s thesis degree was on the development of cathodic fluorophosphate-phosphate cathodic composite materials, also for sodium-ion batteries. Subsequently, he joined Leartiker (BRTA, Mondragon Corporation) as researcher and manager of Relicario project (Recycling of end-of-life carbon fibre reinforced plastics), an international project founded by EIT Raw Materials (European Institute of Innovation and Technology), collaborating with many companies as Extracthive, French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), Veolia, MAIER and University of Ghent (Ugent). His work was focused on the characterisation of recycled carbon fibres by solvolysis and their compounding with different thermoplastics for automotive applications. During this research stage, he had the opportunity to work with Professor Wim Van Paepegem, world-renowned expert in composite behaviour. After almost two years, in 2021, he decided to join BCMaterials to start his PhD in the field of sustainable batteries under the direction of Juan Pablo Esquivel and Verónica Palomares.
Villar Luque, Aritz Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Neutron ScienceBio:Aritz Villar graduated in Physics in 2020 at the University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU). His degree thesis was titled “Shape memory alloys elaborated by powder-metallurgy”.
After that, he continued his studies with a master’s degree in New Materials, which he finished in 2021. His master’s thesis was “Ultra-short pulses, application to magnetism” which was his starting point to his currently developing PhD thesis “Ultrafast All-Optical switching in nanostructured magnetic metamaterials” at the BCMaterials and the University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU) under the supervision of Dr. José María Porro. Both thesis are focused in the study of the All-Optical Switching phenomena in ferromagnetic thin films.Publications:Competition of Magnetic Anisotropies in Permalloy Antidot Lattices
Porro J.M., Villar A., Redondo C., Río-López N.A., Lasheras A., Salazar D., Morales R., Fernández-Martín E.
Magnetochemistry, 8, 5, 55, (2022)
Zarandona Rodríguez, Amaia Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesBio:Amaia Zarandona Rodríguez graduated in Chemical Engineering in 2017 at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Her bachelor thesis was on “Regeneration of the catalyst for hydrogen production” and it was carried out in the department of Chemical Engineering (Leioa).Afterwards, she finished her master’s degree in Chemical Engineering in 2019 at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and the University of Cantabria (UC). Her master thesis was on “Improvement of the thermal conductivity of different types of elastomers through the modification of the loads” with a fellowship in FLEXIX.
After that, she worked at VITO, an independent Flemish research organization in the area of cleantech and sustainable development, during 1 year. Her main work consisted in developing a novel electrochemical process for the transformation of glucose into added-value chemicals.
Nowadays, she is working on her PhD in the area of active and smart materials at the BCMaterials.
Martín Ayerdi, Ane Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Active and smart materialsPublications:Analysis of the influence of microencapsulated phase change materials on the behavior of a new generation of thermo-regulating shape memory polyurethane fibers
Laza J.M., Veloso-Fernández A., Sanchez-Bodon J., Martín A., Goitandia A.M., Monteserín C., Mendibil X., Vidal K., Lambarri J., Aranzabe E., Blanco M., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Polymer Testing, 116, 107807, (2022)
Towards a new generation of non-cytotoxic shape memory thermoplastic polyurethanes for biomedical applications
Veloso-Fernández A., Laza J.M., Ruiz-Rubio L., Martín A., Taguado M., Benito-Vicente A., Martín C., Vilas J.L.
Materials Today Communications, 33, 104730, (2022)
Fernández Maestu, Josu Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Active and smart materialsExpertise:Due to the previous work done throughout his professional career, Josu has experience in characterization of multifunctional materials both theoretically and experimentally. He has extensive knowledge of programming in both Python and MATLAB, and knows how to perform electromagnetic simulations using commercial softwares such as LUMERICAL and COMSOL. In addition, he has broad experience in different experimental techniques, such as: SEM, TEM, VSM, sputtering, tensile and fatigue tests, rotational rheometry and piezoresistive measurements. Due to his background in electronics, Josu masters the simulation and design of electronic circuits using PSPICE and their subsequent implementation on printed circuit boards (PCB).
Bio:Josu earned his Electronics Engineering degree at UPV/EHU Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (Spain) in 2021 and finished a Master Degree in New Materials at the same university in 2022. Along his study years he has participated in different reasearch groups:
- He worked with the Nanophotonic Theory group of the Department of Electricity and Electronics (UPV/EHU, Leioa) on the characterization by electromagnetic simulations of plasmonic biosensors based on nano-dolmen structures.
- He developed his Final Master Degree in the design and development of multifunctional materials combining piezo- and magnetoactive effects at BCMaterials in collaboration with the Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Group of the Department of Electricity and Electronics (UPV/EHU, Leioa).
Interests and Objectives:Now, Josu will work with Senentxu Lanceros Méndez and Carmen Rial Tubio in the study and development of novel magnetic responsive multifunctional materials and structures through 3D/4D printing techniques as a Predoctoral Researcher. The ultimate goal of his thesis would be to use such magnetic multifunctional structures as sensors and/or actuators capable of meeting the new global challenges of digitalization, such as IoT and Industry 4.0, thus promoting the usefulness of additive manufacturing.
More info:ORCID:
Teijido Fernández, Rubén Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesBio:Rubén Teijido Fernández received his Chemistry graduate (2019) and his Master´s degree in New Materials (2020), both from “Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)” in Leioa, Spain. In 2017 h started to collaborate with the Chemistry Physics department in its macromolecular chemistry research group under the supervision of associate professor Leire Ruiz Rubio and department director Jose Luis Vilas Vilela. Since then he has followed diverse investigation lines gaining experience with the most commonly employed methodologies and techniques in polymer science. Once a proper initial experience was achieved, he focused his work in hybrid biopolymer-inorganic hydrogel systems, developing both his grade and master’s thesis in developing and studying chitosan-polyoxometalate hybrid hydrogels. In September 2020 he joined BCMaterials as predoctoral researcher to develop his thesis in the developing of alginate-based anticorrosion coatings for metallic pieces under the supervision of Qi Zhang (BCMaterials) and Leire Ruiz Rubio (UPV/EHU).
Currently, besides his recently started predoctoral research, he is still involved with macromolecular chemistry department at UPV/EHU, following the research line of developing new multifunctional hybrid hydrogels with applications in biomedicine.
His abilities include the synthesis and characterization of hybrid hydrogels, including: thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), diferential scanning calorimetry (DSC), dynamical mechanical analysis (DMA), fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and contact angle, among others.
Jovenes Investigadores en Polimeros (JIP 2019) in Universidad de Burgos (UBU). Oral Communication. Title: ESTRUCTURAS HÍBRIDAS POLÍMERO POLIOXOMETALATO: INTERACCIONES, PROPIEDADES TÉRMICAS Y COMPORTAMIENTO DE AUTO REPARACIÓN.Publications:Graphene-Enhanced Methacrylated Alginate Gel Films for Sustainable Dye Removal in Water Purification
Teijido R.; Zhang Q.; Blanco M.; Pérez-Álvarez L.; Lanceros-Méndez S.; Vilas-Vilela J.L.; Ruiz-Rubio L.
Gels, 10, 1, 25, (2024)
Sustainable Bio-Based Epoxy Resins with Tunable Thermal and Mechanic Properties and Superior Anti-Corrosion Performance
Teijido R.; Ruiz-Rubio L.; Lanceros-Méndez S.; Zhang Q.; Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Polymers, 15, 20, 4180, (2023)
Polymeric Nanocomposite Membranes for Water Remediation: From Classic Approaches to 3D Printing
Rubio L.R., Teijido R., Veloso-Fernández A., Pérez-Yáñez S., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Engineering Materials, 191, 243, (2022)
State of the art and current trends on layered inorganic-polymer nanocomposite coatings for anticorrosion and multi-functional applications
Teijido R., Ruiz-Rubio L., Echaide A.G., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S., Zhang Q.
Progress in Organic Coatings, 163, 106684, (2022)
García Díez, Ander Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Active and smart materialsExpertise:Ander has experience in nanocomposites synthesis and characterization. In particular, he is proficient in the use of the following characterization methods:
- DC conductivity
- Dielectric measurements
- Mechanical characterization and failure analysis
- Magnetorheology
Bio:Ander García Díez obtained his BSc. in Physics (2014) and MSc. in New Materials (2015), both from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). His final degree thesis (TFG) and master thesis (TFM) revolved around the application of magnetic nanoparticles in magnetic hypertermia, both under the supervision of Prof. Mª Luisa Fernández-Gubieda.
Later (2019), he obtained his degree in Electronics Engineering from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). On October 2019, he joined BCMaterials as a Predoctoral researcher to work on printable magnetically responsive materials. He defended his PhD on February, 2025.
Interests and Objectives:Currently, Ander's main work is the development of printable magnetically actuated devices. His work involves the synthesis and characterization of magnetorheological elastomers with tunable mechanical properties via magnetic fields, and the process of making them suitable for additive manufacturing techniques. These smart nanocomposites ought to be used in several fields, ranging from vibration absorbers and dampers to biomedical devices for tissue engineering.
He is also interested in magnetic properties of materials, and measuring materials' properties at the nanoscale using atomic force microscopy.
More info:LinkedIn:
Publications:Self-sensing fluorescence polymer composites for chemical degradation protection and monitoring
Tubio C.R., Seoane-Rivero R., Garcia A., Gallardo A., Salaverria L.D., Amondarian A.L.A., Zubieta K.G., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Progress in Organic Coatings, 168, 106879, (2022)
Photocurable magnetic materials with tailored functional properties
Mendes-Felipe C., Garcia A., Salazar D., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Composites Part C: Open Access, 5, 100143, (2021)
Mendes Felipe, Jesús Cristian Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Active and smart materialsBio:Expertise
Stereolithography of UV curable resins, thermal and mechanical characterization: DSC, TGA-FTIR, DMTA.
Dr. Cristian Mendes Felipe obtained his Degree in Chemistry and the Master Degree in New Materials at the University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in Leioa (Spain) in the area of UV curable polymers for 3D printing. He carried out his PhD in Materials Science and Technology at BCMaterials together with the Macromolecular Chemistry Group (labquimac) of the UPV/EHU in the field of Multifunctional photocurable advanced materials for electronics and sensing applications. He has obtained a three years’ fellowship from Basque Government for a postdoc research in the Politecnico of Turin and BCMaterials for the investigation of 4D printing of photocurable polymers obtained from natural sources for smart and multifunctional applications. Dr. Mendes has realized different internships in the University of Buenos Aires and the University of Minho, as well as participated on different international and national conferences. He has published 10 scientific papers in international peer-reviewed journal, most of them as first author, obtaining a special mention by the Wiley Online Library for a publication on the top ten of 2019 mentioned articles in the journal of Advanced Materials Technologies.
Currently, as a postdoc, his investigation will be related to UV and visible light curable materials obtained from plants and other natural sources for applications in electronics, sensing and multifunctional applications.
Curriculum VitaePublications:One-Step Method for Direct Acrylation of Vegetable Oils: A Biobased Material for 3D Printing
Mendes-Felipe C.; Isusi I.; Gómez-Jiménez-Aberasturi O.; Prieto-Fernandez S.; Ruiz-Rubio L.; Sangermano M.; Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Polymers, 15, 14, 3136, (2023)
Photocurable 3D printed anisotropic electrically conductive materials based on bio-renewable composites
Mendes-Felipe C.; Cofano R.; Garcia A.; Sangermano M.; Lanceros-Mendez S.
Additive Manufacturing, 78, 103867, (2023)
Photocurable Hybrid Materials with High Magnetodielectric Coupling
Mendes-Felipe C.; Carvalho R.; Martins P.; Ivankov O.I.; Bobrikov I.; Petrenko V.; Porro J.M.; Sangermano M.; Lanceros-Mendez S.
ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 5, 9, 7631, 7641, 10, (2023)
Bio-Based Piezo- and Thermoresistive Photocurable Sensing Materials from Acrylated Epoxidized Soybean Oil
Mendes-Felipe C., Costa P., Roppolo I., Sangermano M., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 307, 7, 2100934, (2022)
Hybrid Organic–Inorganic Membranes for Photocatalytic Water Remediation
Mendes-Felipe C., Veloso-Fernández A., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Ruiz-Rubio L.
Catalysts, 12, 2, 180, (2022)
Capacitive and illumination systems based on printed and hybrid electronics
Peřinka N., Pozo B., Fernández De Gorostiza E., Mendes-Felipe C., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Méndez S.
Flexible and Printed Electronics, 6, 1, 015004, (2021)
Chitin/Metal-Organic Framework Composites as Wide-Range Adsorbent
Tovar Jimenez G.I., Valverde A., Mendes-Felipe C., Wuttke S., Fidalgo-Marijuan A., Larrea E.S., Lezama L., Zheng F., Reguera J., Lanceros-Méndez S., Arriortua M.I., Copello G., de Luis R.F.
ChemSusChem, 14, 14, 2892, 2901, (2021)
Lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide blended in polyurethane acrylate photocurable solid polymer electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries
Mendes-Felipe C., Barbosa J.C., Gonçalves R., Miranda D., Costa C.M., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Journal of Energy Chemistry, 62, 485, 496, (2021)
Photocurable magnetic materials with tailored functional properties
Mendes-Felipe C., Garcia A., Salazar D., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Composites Part C: Open Access, 5, 100143, (2021)
Photocurable temperature activated humidity hybrid sensing materials for multifunctional coatings
Mendes-Felipe C., Salado M., Fernandes L.C., Correia D.M., Ruiz-Rubio L., Tariq M., Esperança J.M.S.S., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Polymer, 221, 123635, (2021)
High dielectric constant UV curable polyurethane acrylate/indium tin oxide composites for capacitive sensing
Mendes-Felipe C., Barbosa J.C., Gonçalves S., Pereira N., Costa C.M., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Composites Science and Technology, 199, 108363, (2020)
UV curable nanocomposites with tailored dielectric response
Mendes-Felipe C., Rodrigues-Marinho T., Vilas J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Polymer, 196, 122498, (2020)
State-of-the-Art and Future Challenges of UV Curable Polymer-Based Smart Materials for Printing Technologies
Mendes-Felipe C., Oliveira J., Etxebarria I., Vilas-Vilela J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
Advanced Materials Technologies, 4, 3, 1800618, (2019)
Stimuli responsive UV cured polyurethane acrylated/carbon nanotube composites for piezoresistive sensing
Mendes-Felipe C., Oliveira J., Costa P., Ruiz-Rubio L., Iregui A., González A., Vilas J.L., Lanceros-Mendez S.
European Polymer Journal, 120, 109226, (2019)
Evaluation of postcuring process on the thermal and mechanical properties of the Clear02™ resin used in stereolithography
Mendes-Felipe C., Patrocinio D., Laza J.M., Ruiz-Rubio L., Vilas-Vilela J.L.
Polymer Testing, 72, 115, 121, (2018)
Matos Macedo, Vera Lúcia Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Active and smart materialsExpertise:Vera has experience on polymer-based nanocomposite membrane synthesis and characterization.
Also has some experience on Direct-Ink-Writing technique with natural polymer based inks.
Bio:Vera Macedo achieved her Integrated Master Material's Engineering degree in 2021, at University of Minho, Portugal. Her master thesis was "Material and processes to 3D printed electronics" using composites of natural polymers and nanoparticles, to be applied on electronic devices.
In 2022 she joined BCMaterials to work on active and smart materials under IKUR neutrons program. Her research is focused on the development of solid polymer-based electrolytes for energy storage systems.
More info:ORCID: 0000-0002-3903-182X
Chernova, Ekaterina Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Micro and nanostructured materialsExpertise:Design, synthesis, and characterization of porous membrane materials: square-wave and cyclic voltammetry, IR-and UV-VIS spectroscopy, measurement of gas transport properties. Proton-selective and catalytic materials.
Bio:Ekaterina Chernova obtained her bachelor’s degree in Chemistry at Kurgan State University, and master’s degree in Chemistry and Materials Science at Lomonosov Moscow State University. During her Master Program she had an internship in Bochum, Germany. Afterwards, she defended her PhD thesis at Lomonosov Moscow State University jointly with Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences (IGIC RAS) under supervision of Dr. Andrei Eliseev and Prof. Alexey Lukashin. During her PhD research, she developed and characterized new types of composite membranes based on polymers with intrinsic microporosity and graphene oxide for selective sweetening of sour natural gas and for air dehumidification. After obtaining PhD degree, she continued to work as a Researcher at Lomonosov Moscow State University in the field of 2D materials including graphene oxide-based structures. For 2021-2023 years she supervised the research project devoted to electrochemical reduction and characterization of thin films of graphene oxide for fuel cells applications. Ekaterina specializes in design, synthesis of membrane materials and their characterization with electrochemical and spectroscopic methods.
At present time, Ekaterina is a Postdoctoral Researcher in Stefan Wuttke´s Group for Science and is working on synthesis and characterization of 3D conductive metal-organic framework structures.
Interests and Objectives:Ekaterina´s research interests are in the area of reticular materials, conductive 3D MOFs structures, spectroscopic and electrochemical analysis of porous materials.
El Adel, Abdessamad Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Computational Materials ScienceExpertise:DFT Calculations, Electrochemistry, Materials Science
Bio:Abdessamad EL ADEL received his bachelor degree in Physics in 2020, followed by a Master degree in Renewable Energies and Storage in 2022, at Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco, where He did his Internship at Córdoba University (UCO), Spain, entitled "DFT Calculations for cation transfer within Na and Mg batteries". He will carry out his PhD studies at BCMaterials under the supervision of Ivan Infante, Ikerbasque Research Professor, to model and characterise colloidal semiconductor quantum dots using a combination of classical molecular dynamics, DFT and machine learning tools.
More info:
Saiz Galindo, Jorge Ramón y Cajal Fellow - Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Active and smart materialsExpertise:Chromatographic techniques:
- Liquid Chromatography (HPLC, UHPLC).
- Gas Chromatography (GC).
- Capillary Electrophoresis (CE).
Mass spectrometry techniques:
- Time of Flight - Mass Spectrometry (TOF-MS).
- Quadrupole-Time of Flight - Mass spectrometry (Q-TOF-MS).
- Ion Mobility - Quadrupole - Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (IM-Q-TOF-MS).
- Triple Quadrupole - Mass Spectrometry (QqQ-MS)
Bio:Jorge graduated in Biology at the University of Alcalá and he defended his PhD in the same institution. During this time, he specialized in the use of analytical techniques to solve forensics problems, while he performed three research stays in Switzerland. Later, he joined the Institute of Organic Chemistry, at CSIC, where he further specialized in applying chromatographic and mass spectrometry methods in food safety studies. Afterwards, he joined the Centre of Metabolomics and Bioanalysis, at the University San Pablo CEU, as a lecturer and researcher. During this period, he developed and applied innovative chromatographic and mass spectrometry methods to metabolomic studies, in the search of metabolic fingerprints of specific biological situations. He lead many different projects that improved the knowledge of the composition of valuable biological samples and included relevant works with novel and complex techniques, such as ion mobility coupled to mass spectrometry. His research has recently been recognized with a Ramón y Cajal fellow, which is the fruit of many collaborating works with several institutions, research centers and companies around the globe.
Interests and Objectives:His interests relate to apply Analytical Chemistry and Circular Economy principles for the valorization of agricultural waste, such as the production of new biomaterials, bioactive compounds and bioactive foods and beverages.
More info:
Gallego San José, Eloie Research Technician Assistant
Email:Bio:I´m a Higher Technician in Clinical and Biomedical Laboratory and Technician in Pharmacy and Parapharmacy. I have experience as Laboratory Technician in the Basque Biobank for 3 months for my practices of the grade. My work there was about extraction of DNA and RNA, DNA electrophoresis, blood dissociation and sample management.
Domenech Azorín, Daniel Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesBio:Daniel Doménech graduated in Physics in 2020 at the University of València (UV). He first became involved in Particle Physics, with his bachelor thesis regarding particle track reconstruction with machine learning techniques at LHCb. In 2021 he finished his master's degree in Advanced Physics at UV with a specialization in Theoretical Physics.
During his period in València he has collaborated in large experiments associated with CERN, such as LHCb, AMS-02 and RD50. He also enjoyed a research stay in Quantum Optics at the Johannes Guttenberg University (JGU) of Mainz, Germany, performing optical super-resolution microscopy of single trapped ions.
However, his interest changed during his master thesis, focused on the static characterization of monolithic radiation-hard active pixel sensors -the new generation of silicon particle detectors-. There he discovered the important role of Materials Science in the development of new technologies. His work received the Xavier Gómez i Font award for the best master's thesis written in English at UV.
He is now pursuing a PhD at BCMaterials and the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) on the control of current induced magnetic domain wall motion in nanostructures and thin films under the supervision of Prof. Rafael Morales and Dr. José Maria Porro. His research focuses on the characterization of magnetotransport processes and the fabrication of nanopatterned magnetic thin films for spintronics applications.
Gassara, Mahdi Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesBio:Mahdi Gassara has received his Master Degree in Chemistry from University of Sfax- Tunisia in 2020. His master´s thesis was focused on Synthesis of low-dimensional perovskite and its applications at the Faculty of Sciences of Sfax (FSS)- Tunisia. Then he continue at the same Faculty, as a Ph.D student working on of Low Dimensional Perovskites for opt electronics application. He has experienced in synthesis, structural and optical characterizations of hybrid halide perovskite materials. Then He joined with the Advanced Functional Materials group in BCMaterials as a visitor from April to June 2022, to become after that a pre-Doc with the same group in March 2023, working on the development of Perovskite Solar Cells under Prof. Shahzada Ahmad.
Ríos Naranjo, Mariana Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesExpertise:Use of some techniques: X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Rietveld refinement, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM), X-Ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) and others.
Bio:Mariana Ríos Naranjo graduated in Physics in 2014 from the National University of Colombia (Bogotá). Her degree thesis "modelling of the gas diffusion process in semiconductor films", focused on analysis the problem of initial conditions to solve the difussion differental equations and the modifications in process when porous appear into film.
Afterwards, she completed her master's degree in physics (2018) with the thesis entitled "Fabrication and Characterization of Perovskites type La1-xDyxMn1-yZnyO3 with Metallic Substitutions" in the National University of Colombia. In that research, she estimated the effect that the inclusion of the non-magnetic ion had on the structural distortions of the perovskite-like structure and magnetocaloric response.
From 2016 to 2022, she worked in some Colombian Universities as a physics professor and was in management positions related to laboratories and implementation of Colombian research policies.
Currently, she works as a pre-doctoral researcher within the IKUR Neutrionics Strategy: Heusler alloys and magnetocaloric effect.
More info:“Effects of Doping on the Structural Distortion of La0.7Dy0.3Mn1-xZnxO3”. J.F. López; M. Ríos; G.A. Mendoza. ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A. Vol. 131 (2017). DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.131.1254
Zaremba, Orysia Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Micro and nanostructured materialsBio:Orysia Zaremba received her B.Sc. in Chemistry in 2017 from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine and M.Sc. in Materials Science in 2019 from Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Russia. She also worked as an assistant researcher in Nagoya University, Japan. In BCMaterials, she will work as a pre-doctoral researcher in the area of metal organic compounds synthesis under supervision of Prof. Stefan Wuttke. So far, she has published 5 papers in peer-reviewed international journals in the field of nanomaterials and materials science.
Publications:MOF Synthesis Prediction Enabled by Automatic Data Mining and Machine Learning**
Luo Y., Bag S., Zaremba O., Cierpka A., Andreo J., Wuttke S., Friederich P., Tsotsalas M.
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 61, 19, e202200242, (2022)
Reticular Nanoscience: Bottom-Up Assembly Nanotechnology
Andreo J., Ettlinger R., Zaremba O., Peña Q., Lächelt U., De Luis R.F., Freund R., Canossa S., Ploetz E., Zhu W., Diercks C.S., Gröger H., Wuttke S.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 144, 17, 7531, 7550, (2022)
25 Years of Reticular Chemistry
Freund R., Canossa S., Cohen S.M., Yan W., Deng H., Guillerm V., Eddaoudi M., Madden D.G., Fairen-Jimenez D., Lyu H., Macreadie L.K., Ji Z., Zhang Y., Wang B., Haase F., Wöll C., Zaremba O., Andreo J., Wuttke S., Diercks C.S.
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 60, 45, 23946, 23974, (2021)
Artificial Bioaugmentation of Biomacromolecules and Living Organisms for Biomedical Applications
Cao J., Zaremba O.T., Lei Q., Ploetz E., Wuttke S., Zhu W.
ACS Nano, 15, 3, 3900, 3926, (2021)
The Current Status of MOF and COF Applications
Freund R., Zaremba O., Arnauts G., Ameloot R., Skorupskii G., Dincă M., Bavykina A., Gascon J., Ejsmont A., Goscianska J., Kalmutzki M., Lächelt U., Ploetz E., Diercks C.S., Wuttke S.
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 60, 45, 23975, 24001, (2021)
Villatoro Bernardo, Agustín Joel Ikerbasque Research Professor - UPV/EHU Research Associate
Email:Research line: Micro and nano-devicesExpertise:Advanced photonic sensors for practical applications or with potential use in real-world environments; applied photonics and development of prototypes.
Bio:Joel Villatoro received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in optics from the INAOE-Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica, Mexico, in 1995 and 1999, respectively. He is currently Ikerbasque Research Professor at the Faculty of Engineering Bilbao of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU. Prior to this permanent position, he was Research Fellow at Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies (U.K.) and Ramon y Cajal scientist at the world-renown Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO), Spain. He has also held research posts at the Centro de Investigaciones en Óptica A. C., Mexico, the University of Valencia, Spain, and the Case Western Reserve University, USA.
He has 6 international patents and more than 90 journal and 74 conference papers to his credit. Until December 2023, he scored more than 6300 citations and an h-index of 44 in ‘Google Scholar.’ Thus, in 2021, 2022, and 2023 he was included in the prestigious list of the World’s top 2% scientists published by Stanford University and Elsevier.
Joel has given 2 plenary and more than 26 invited talks at reputed international conferences. He has mentored, supervised, or hosted people from different nationalities, including 4 postdoctoral Fellows, 12 PhD students, 4 MSc students, and 2 undergraduate students.
Joel is IEEE Senior member and OPTICA Fellow (since 2020) for his seminal contributions to the research and development of interferometric optical fiber sensors and their applications.
Joel was Associate Editor in Journal of Lightwave Technology (IEEE/Optica) and is Editorial Board Member of Sensors and Actuators Reports (Elsevier). He is Chief Specialty Editor in Frontiers in Sensors (Frontiers); and belongs to the Editorial Advisory Committee of Optics & Photonics News (Optica).
Interests and Objectives:Joel’s research interests include development of advanced plasmonic and interferometric sensors based on conventional and specialty optical fibers, applications of such sensors in real-life scenarios, and development of optical sensors based on nanomaterials for applications in the biomedical, environment, and energy sectors.
More info:
Jiménez Cardo, Oihane Administrative Officer
Email:Bio:I am at BCMaterials doing a dual degree in administration and finance, I am also a technician in documentation and health administration.
Cortes Ossa, Juan David Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfaces
Henríquez Guerra, Eudomar Rafael Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesExpertise:He has managed to produce high-impact results in the optical and optoelectronic characterization of 2D materials at variable temperatures and under strain. On the technical side, he is an expert in device fabrication and characterization, as well as in the design and implementation of optical setups to explore systems under cryogenic conditions. He has extensive knowledge of programming in both MATLAB and LabVIEW. In addition, he has experience with various experimental techniques, such as reflectance, photoluminescence, Raman spectroscopy, and transport measurements.
Bio:Eudomar earned his degree in Physics from the Central University of Venezuela in 2014 and completed a master’s degree in Theoretical Physics at the same university in 2018. In 2017, he secured a lecturer (Instructor) position in the Department of Physics at the Central University of Venezuela, where he taught courses in quantum mechanics, mathematical methods for physics, statistical physics, and general physics. In 2021, he began a PhD in Materials Science at the University of Alicante, Spain. During his PhD, he collaborated with various research groups, including the University Institute of Materials (IUMA) in Alicante, the Crystalline Inorganic Solids Lab at the Institute of Molecular Science (ICMOL) in Valencia, and the Materials Science Institute of Madrid (ICMM).
His research focused on understanding the conduction and photoconduction mechanisms of the 2D antiferromagnetic family of transition metal chalcogen phosphates (MPX3) compounds and their integration into pn heterojunction devices at variable temperatures. He also explored the effects of biaxial compressive strain-tuning on the optical properties of single-layer TMDs at temperatures ranging from 300K to 10K. This innovative method unveiled the potential to study strain-induced effects in several fundamental phenomena only accessible at low temperatures, including superconductivity, magnetic order, and other low-temperature phases in quantum 2D materials.
Interests and Objectives:Now, he will work with M. Reyes Calvo Urbina on the optoelectronic properties of magnetic 2D materials under strain as a Predoctoral Researcher at BCMaterials, focusing on the effects of strain on the antiferromagnetic transitions of 2D materials and their response to linear and circular polarization.
More info:ORCID:
Research Gate:
Almonte García, Lisa Francisca Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfaces
Calvo Urbina, María Reyes Ikerbasque Research Associate
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesExpertise:Electronic and optoelectronic properties of 2D materials and biomaterials
Bio:I joined BCMaterials in 2024 as an Ikerbasque Research Associate, where I lead a research group dedicated to the study of fundamental properties of 2D materials and biomaterials and their hybrid structures, which could have a significant impact on the fields of optoelectronics and spintronics. Before joining BCMaterials, I was Assistant Professor at the University of Alicante from 2019 to 2024 and Ikerbasque Research Fellow at CIC Nanogune from 2014 to 2019. Between 2009 and 2011, I completed a two-year postdoctoral stay at the London Centre for Nanotechnology, University College London (UK), funded by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Spanish government, and in 2011 I was awarded a Marie Curie fellowship to conduct research at Stanford University for two years. Throughout my career I have worked on a wide range of problems in condensed matter physics, including electronic transport in nanostructures and confined states in topological semiconductors, single atom spin excitations, spintronics and optoelectronics with 2D materials.
I currently supervise the work of one postdoctoral and three predoctoral researchers, and our activities receive funding from regional, national, and European sources. Throughout my career, I have worked on a wide range of problems in condensed matter physics, resulting in relevant contributions that have been cited more than 1000 times (WoS) (>1500 GScholar). I have presented my work at international conferences and workshops, and I have supervised three postdocs (one in progress), four Ph.D. theses (three in progress), and several master's and undergraduate research projects. I have taught at the undergraduate and graduate levels. I am also strongly committed to science outreach to young students and general audiences, and I co-organize a Summer School on Topological
School on Topological Materials, which has become a reference in the field ( I am also committed to activities aimed at promoting equality and diversity in scientific environments.Interests and Objectives:More info:
Marzana Parra, Paula Internship
Email:Expertise:Purchasing process, travel expenses settlement
Bio:I am a Higher Technician in Administration and Finance. Currently I am in charge of the purchases and the customer service.
Usman, Muhammad Pre-Doctoral Researcher
García Castrillo, Marta Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesBio:Marta García-Castrillo graduated in Biology in 2021 at the University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Her bachelor’s thesis was on ‘Antibiotics in the environment: origin, consequences and dangers’ and it was carried out in the department of Cell Biology at the UPV/EHU. Moreover, during the last year of his degree, she did an internship at Neiker (Basque Institute of Agricultural Development), where she learnt different environmental monitoring techniques to study the impact of pollutants such as antibiotics and drugs on the environment and propose solutions to mitigate their effects and adapt to new environmental scenarios.
Afterwards, she finished her Master's Degree in Pharmacology: Development, Evaluation and Rational Use of Medicines in 2022 at the University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Her master’s thesis was ‘Effect of Carbamazepine on horizontal gene transfer of antibiotic resistance genes mediated by conjugative plasmids’ carried out in Neiker’s Soil Microbial Ecology group and in the department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (UPV/EHU). Finally, she presented this work at the CEEBI congress in 2022.
Nowadays, she is working on her PhD in the area of sustainable and biodegradable materials for future battery applications under the direction of Erlantz Lizundia.
Calles García, María Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Micro and nanostructured materialsExpertise:She has worked in a pharmaceutical company for almost 5 years as an Organic Chemist technician preparing collections of novel organic molecules trough execution of organic multi-step and parallel synthesis reactions at laboratory scale. María handles the synthesis of this molecules in high purity and manages their structural characterization trough high field NMR, mass spectrometry and chromatography. She has broad experience in various synthesis techniques, analysis, identification and coding in the pharmaceutical industry.
Bio:María earned her Chemistry degree at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) in 2017 and finished a Master Degree in Fine and Molecular Chemistry at Universidad de Murcia (Spain) in 2018. Along her study years she has participated in different reasearch groups:
- She participated for three months in an intership working in the preparation of Graphene by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) in the group of Electronic and Magnetic Materials in the Institute of Materials Science of Madrid (CSIC).
- She collaborated in the achievement of heterocyclic compounds mimetic of analgesic peptides in the Medical Chemistry Institute (CSIC) during her Final Degree Proyect.
- She developed her Final Master Degree in the synthesis, purification and structural analysis of Rotaxanes to study its catalytic activity in the Organic Synthetic Chemistry Group at University of Murcia.
Interests and Objectives:Now, María will work with Viktor Petrenko and Roberto Fernández de Luis in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) development as a Predoctoral Researcher. Researching in the framework of the NUETRONMOF project for creating advanced polymers composites based on Metal-Organic Frameworks for batteries and environmental applications.
Cortes Flores, Álvaro Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesBio:Álvaro Cortés graduated in Physics in 2023 from the University of Alicante. His bachelor's thesis focused on developing a Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) system to grow two-dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDCs), in collaboration with the Materials University Institute of Alicante (IUMA).
He then completed a master's degree in Molecular Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at the University of Alicante. His master's thesis centered on the biaxial strain-tuning of neutral excitons in single-layer semiconductor WS2. Specifically, he induced strain in two-dimensional material samples through the thermal expansion and contraction of polymeric substrates when cooled from room temperature to very low temperatures. He achieved unprecedentedly large amounts of homogeneous biaxial compressive strain and demonstrated an almost perfect transfer of strain at low temperatures. These results allowed him to present and defend part of his work at the European School on Molecular Nanoscience (ESMolNa), recently held in Cuenca, Spain.
He will now work with M. Reyes Calvo during his PhD studies, focusing on the optoelectronic properties and magnetic transitions of two-dimensional materials under strain.
Das, Dimitra Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesExpertise:Dimitra earned her PhD in Materials Science and Nanotechnology from Jadavpur University, India, in 2024. Her research focused on developing carbon and nitrogen-based polymeric materials for wastewater remediation. She has extensive experience in synthesizing various nanomaterials and heterostructures, and she has been actively involved in the (photo)catalytic degradation of hazardous pollutants, including organic compounds and heavy metals, from water environment, using these nanomaterials.
Bio:Dimitra completed her B.Tech in Electrical Engineering in 2014, followed by a Master's in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology from Jadavpur University in 2016. During her master's project, she began working with carbon and nitrogen-based polymeric materials containing triazine functional groups. Determined to make a real impact, Dimitra continued her research in this field for her PhD. Her doctoral work, funded by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, explored the implementation of these nanomaterials for the catalytic degradation of hazardous pollutants from the textile and pharmaceutical industries. This research was further supported by the prestigious DST INSPIRE fellowship. During her doctoral time period, Dimitra had several first-author publications in high-impact, international peer-reviewed journals. Throughout her PhD, obtained in 2024 from Jadavpur University, she extensively synthesized various nanomaterials and experimented with a wide range of pollutants. Her relentless pursuit was to develop effective methods for degrading and removing these contaminants from water. Her work paved the way for innovative solutions to ensure a readily available source of clean, purified water. Beyond her independent research projects, Dimitra have actively collaborated with experimental researchers in diverse fields, providing significant inputs in synthesis methodologies and applications.
Interests and Objectives:Although Dimitra´s doctoral research primarily focused on environmental remediation, she is very enthusiastic about expanding her expertise to other areas of two-dimensional (2D) layered materials, especially their applications in energy harvesting and optoelectronics. She is particularly inspired by recent advances in the use of 2D materials to enhance the performance of perovskite solar cells (PSCs). This domain presents numerous research opportunities, particularly in achieving uniform and defect-free integration of 2D and 3D layers through precise deposition techniques. The challenges of material selection, process inefficiency, and device design are what motivate her to contribute solutions in this field through innovation and engineering. She is set to begin her postdoctoral research with Prof. Shahzada Ahmad and his team at BCMaterials.
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Spirito, Davide Ramón y Cajal Fellow - Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesExpertise:Optical spectroscopy; optoelectronic devices; low-dimensional materials; nanofabrication; thermoelectrics
Bio:Davide Spirito graduated in Physics at Roma Tre University in 2008 and obtained a PhD in Physical Sciences of Matter from the same university in 2012, working on magnetotransport of 2D electron gases. After that, he worked as postdoc in Italy at CNR-Istituto Nanoscienze (Pisa) and Italian Institute of Technology (Genoa), where he extended his expertise in nanofabrication, electrical and optical measurements, to develop devices based on nanomaterials for optoelectronics and sensing applications. Then, he joined the Leibniz-Institut für innovative Mikroelektronik (IHP) in Frankfurt/Oder (Germany) as scientist to explore CMOS-compatible materials for optoelectronics, sensing and energy harvesting, with a focus on finding insight of the materials properties and the experimental techniques, being in charge of the spectroscopic lab.
He has authored more than 60 scientific papers with more than 1500 citations (h-index 23).
He is now a Ramón y Cajal fellow at BCMaterials.
Interests and Objectives:I am interested in the identification and development of novel materials for thermoelectrics and energy harvesting, with a combined approach of experimental methods, toward sustainable and large-scale production. Moreover, I am pursuing the development of new device concepts for sensing and electronic applications.
Galván De Cos, Vanessa Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Neutron ScienceExpertise:Vanessa Galván De Cos is working as a Research Intern at BCMaterials and is preparing to pursue a PhD. She has extensive experience in the development and functionalization of Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) as porous nanoparticles with high chemical versatility for biomedical applications. Vanessa is skilled in the synthesis and surface modification of MOFs, focusing on their interactions with amyloid proteins, which is key for potential therapeutic interventions in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. She also has a solid foundation in advanced characterization techniques such as Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) and Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS), applied to the structural analysis of complex materials.
Bio:Vanessa obtained her Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). During her degree, she conducted her final project at the Basque Center for Materials, Applications, and Nanostructures (BCMaterials), where she investigated neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, focusing on amyloid protein aggregates. She utilized MOFs, particularly MOF UiO-66, for their potential in controlling particle size for therapeutic purposes.
Later, she earned a Master’s Degree in New Materials from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and the University of Cantabria (UC). Her Master’s thesis was centered on functionalizing UiO-66 and MOF-808 nanoparticles with amino acids (lysine, arginine, cysteine) to explore their interactions with amyloid proteins. This research aimed at addressing the problem of amyloid-related neurodegenerative diseases by studying nanoparticle-protein interactions for potential therapeutic applications.
Interests and Objectives:Vanessa is passionate about developing "smart" hydrogels that are biocompatible, biodegradable, and mechanically robust, with applications in tissue regeneration. Her upcoming PhD research, under the direction of Viktor Petrenko and Gotzone Barandika, will focus on creating hydrogels that can respond to external stimuli, with the goal of regenerating damaged tissues, such as cartilage. The materials will include magnetic nanoparticles and piezoelectric polymer fibers, and the project will employ advanced techniques like neutron and X-ray scattering to optimize their properties. The ultimate objective is to develop hydrogels that can stimulate cell proliferation and release therapeutic substances, contributing to breakthroughs in biomedical materials.
Singh, Son Singh Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesExpertise:Fabrication of Perovskite Solar Cell & Photodetectors, Thin Film Deposition techniques using sputtering, ALD, E-beam and Thermal Evaporation, Photolithography, Spin Coating, Self-Assembled Monolayers (SAMs), Scintillators & X-Ray Detectors
Materials and Device characterizations: X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Solar Simulator, Transient Photocurrent Measurement, UV-Vis Spectroscopy, PL & TRPL, X-Ray Detector System
Bio:Son Singh obtained his dual degree (B.Tech-M.Tech) in Nanotechnology from the University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India, in 2013. During his studies, he interned at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), New Delhi, where he focused on optimizing CZTS thin films for inorganic solar cell applications. After graduation, he joined NPL, India, as a project assistant, conducting research on CIGSe thin-film solar cells. In 2020, he completed his Ph.D. in Material Science and Engineering at Kookmin University, Seoul, South Korea. His doctoral research centered on the fabrication and characterization of perovskite-based photodetectors on flexible substrates, with applications in health monitoring devices such as pulse oximeters.
Following his Ph.D., he pursued postdoctoral research at the Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation (IACF) at Kookmin University, where his work focused on advancing perovskite solar cell technology for wearable applications. During this time, he designed and developed a self-powered smart system by integrating a perovskite solar mini-module into wearable devices. He has published extensively in SCIE and SCOPUS-indexed journals and presented his research at international conferences, demonstrating his dedication to interdisciplinary innovation.
Currently, he is a postdoctoral researcher in Prof. Shahzada Ahmad's group at BCMaterials, continuing his research on the interlayer of perovskite solar cells.
Interests and Objectives:His research interests lie at the intersection of materials science, renewable energy, and nanotechnology with a specific focus on the development of advanced interlayer of perovskite solar cells. He aims to drive advancements in the field of perovskite solar cells by designing innovative interlayers that address the current limitations in efficiency, stability and scalability.
Gul, Shehla Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Computational Materials Science
Rodríguez Muiña, Stephania Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Micro and nano-devicesExpertise:She has experience in biosensing technologies and microfluidics, leveraging expertise in micro and nanofabrication, biosensor engineering, and materials science. Her work encompasses the design of Lab-on-a-Chip systems and advanced characterization techniques, including microscopy, spectroscopy, and electrochemistry.
Bio:Stephania graduated in the Double Degree in Physics and Chemistry in 2021 at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Her degree thesis was on the Phototransformation study of diclofenac and carbamazepine after water treatment LASER UV-C radiation, a cooperative project between the Institute of Research in Chemical and Biological Analysis and Photonics4life.
Afterwards, she worked as a junior scientist at Johanneum Research Materials in Austria until 2022. In this role, she focused on manufacturing Lab-on-a-Chip microfluidic devices for point-of-care testing using advanced imprinting technologies. During this time, she participated in several international projects and presented a talk titled “Heater Integrated in a Lab-on-Chip Device” at the BIOEL 2022 International Winterschool on Bioelectronics.
Then, in 2024 she graduated from a Master in Nanoscale Engineering coordinated between Ecole Centrale de Lyon, INSA and UCBL, in France. Her thesis, carried on in the Centre de Recherche en Neuroscience de Lyon and the Laboratoire Ampère, was based on the design and fabrication of an electrochemical biosensing platform for cell culture metabolic conditions management. During her master's program, she collaborated for three months with the Institut Lumière Matière and École Normale Supérieure CNRS on a project focused on developing reusable plasmonic photoelectrochemical electrodes in the liquid phase, utilizing gold nanobipyramids as nanoprobes. She delivered a talk on her findings at the Or-Nano 2023 conference.
Interests and Objectives:At BCMaterials, she is working as a MSCA Pre-doctoral Researcher under the supervision of Prof. F. Javier Del Campo on the development of an automated microfluidic system for the early sepsis diagnosis using electrochemiluminescence as a detection method. This project is part of the ECLectic Doctoral Network which focuses on the development of high-performance biosensors to solve infection problems for the next generation of sensing platforms.
Rojas García, Clara Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesExpertise:Clara Rojas has a solid background in electrochemistry and material characterisation, sustainable energy sources, and a deep passion for the scientific development of energy storage systems. She seeks to contribute to innovative energy storage solutions focused on creating ecodesigned batteries that align with the principles of circular economy and environmental sustainability.
Bio:Clara Rojas García graduated in Physics at the University of Granada in 2016. This year, she completed her end-of-degree thesis in the field of electronics focusing on tunnel effect transistors that can work at very low energies in which quantum effects are the basis of operation. In 2018, she started her master’s degree in Sustainable Energy Engineering at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). She completed the master´s thesis about the characterisation of the spent nuclear fuel by calculation of residual heat and gamma and neutron source terms in BWR fuel assemblies for safety transport and management. Then, she finished a PhD in Applied Engineering at University of Mondragon in collaboration with CIC EnergiGUNE in 2024. Her research focused on the development of a novel methodology for the parameter estimation of physics-based models accounting for electrochemical and thermal effects. She gained extensive experience in invasive and non-invasive characterisation techniques and battery modelling. Currently, she works in BCMaterials as postdoctoral researcher seeking new solutions in the battery community and breaking the concept of “one-size-fits-all’ to a new 'tailor-made’ one that can reduce the environmental impact of the current energy storage devices.
Interests and Objectives:Biodegradable batteries | Bio-based materials | Ecodeisgn | Electrochemical characterisation and fabrication
Lopategui Morán, Nerea Internship
Email:Bio:I´m a Higher Technician in Clinical and Biomedical Laboratory. I have experience as Laboratory Technician at Indautxu Clinic for three months for my practices of the degree. My work there was about blood extraction and analysis of biological samples in the laboratory. I also had the opportunity to be trained in the analysis of samples with sexually transmitted diseases.
Brito Gonçalves Pereira, Ricardo Jorge Post-Doctoral Researcher
Rosero Romo, James Janderson Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesBio:J.J. Rosero-Romo, received the title of Physical Engineer in 2016, and his M.Eng. in Materials and Process Engineering in 2019 from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellìn and candidate to a student of the PhD. in science and technology in 2021 in the Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. From 2016 to 2020, he worked for the Facultad de Minas, laboratory of Biomaterials in the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellìn. His research interests include Biosensors, methods electrochemistry and technique characterization of materials.
“Currently, I am involved in MULTI-FUN project, to the development of novel materials and progress of Additive Manufacturing, my other interest lies in the field of surfaces modification and development of biosensors.”
Areas of action- Engineering and Technology - Nanotechnology - Nanomaterials (Production and Properties)
- Medical and health sciences - Biotechnology in health - Biomaterials (related to implants, devices, biosensors)
Expertise- Research and development
Operation of: The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Carl zeiss, Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) Park System NX 10, microRaman confocal spectrometer HORIBA and Knowledge in Electrochemical Techniques.
o Documentation
o Material characterization
CvLAC Properties of Tetragonal SmFe12−xMox Alloys in Bulk and Melt-Spun Ribbons
Rodríguez-Crespo B., Garcia-Franco A., Rosero-Romo J.J., Echevarria-Bonet C., Porro J.M., Saiz P.G., Salazar D.
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science, 219, 15, 2100725, (2022)
Velasco Allende, Jon Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Micro and nano-devicesExpertise:Screen-printing, spectroelectrochemistry, electrochromic materials, metal oxide semiconductor
Bio:Jon earned his Chemical Engineering degree from the University of the Basque Country (EHU/UPV) in 2023. In 2024 Jon earned his Master’s degree in New Materials at the University of the Basque Country (EHU/UPV) and the University of Cantabria (UC). During his final degree thesis and master thesis he worked on the fabrication of screen-printed devices, electrochromic electrodes and p-n junction diodes, and their characterization by spectroscopy and electrochemical techniques, both under the supervision of Prof. F. Javier del Campo.
Interests and Objectives:Now, Jon will work with F. Javier del Campo on the development of biosensors and electronic devices by pad printing within the HERMES project as a Predoctoral Researcher.
More info:
Arias Cabrera, Omaira Gabriela Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Neutron Science
Sotelo Briceño, Diana Camila Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Active and smart materialsExpertise:Synthesis, functionalization and management of nanoparticles, generation of bionanocomposites, manufacturing of microsystems, use of biosensors and characterization techniques.
Bio:Diana C. Sotelo graduated in Biomedical Engineering with a minor in Biology from Los Andes University (2019). She has an MSc in Electronic and Computer Engineering from Los Andes University (2022), and her master's thesis was based on Novel Magnetic Polymeric Filters with Laccase-Based Nanoparticles for Improving Congo Red Decolorization in Bioreactors. Diana was part of Biomicrosystems Group for 6 years and has co-authored over 4 scientific publications (h=4). During her master’s degree, Diana worked for 2+ years in Colombia as a Research Assistant on several industrial projects with national and international companies, such as Multinsa, Ocensa, and Katya, in agreement with Los Andes University. The projects were focused on the synthesis, functionalization, and management of nanoparticles; the generation of bionanocomposites; the manufacturing of microsystems; the use of biosensors; and manometric techniques for measuring or treating wastewater with a biological approach. With knowledge in tests of rheology and practice in synthesis and functionalization of nanocomposites. As a result of research in industry Diana is a co-inventor on 4 patents. After completing her master’s degree, she started a position as an Instructor Professor at Los Andes University with the department of electrical and electronic engineering, teaching courses related to circuits and project development in engineering.
Interests and Objectives:She has a deep interest in materials, biomedicine and biotechnology, as well as their modification and development to contribute to human welfare and environmental responsibility.
Navarro Segarra, Marina Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Advanced functional materials and surfacesExpertise:Dr. Navarro-Segarra has produced outstanding achievements in the field of electrochemistry, materials engineering, microfluidics and sustainable power sources. Up to now, the results of her research have been reported in high-impact scientific journals, and her work has been awarded and recognized by international institutions with awards such as the Graduate Student Awards of the European Materials Research Society and the Post-Lithium Storage Cluster of Excellence award to early career researchers. Furthermore, she has performed noteworthy supervising duties of undergraduate and master students and has proven her ability to establish collaborative partnerships through two international research stays at the Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico) and the ITAS-KIT institute in Karlsruhe (Germany)
Bio:Marina Navarro-Segarra is currently a postdoctoral researcher at BCMaterials. She holds a B.S Degree in Physics from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2017). Her research career started as a research assistant at the Microelectronics Institute of Barcelona while she was studying a M.Sc. in electrochemistry at the University of Barcelona (2018). She obtained her PhD in electrochemistry (UB) in July 2022, under the supervision of Dr Juan Pablo Esquivel Bojórquez and Dr Neus Sabaté. In her dissertation, entitle ‘Primary batteries redefinition within the environmental planetary boundaries’, she envisioned a rationale to develop sustainable portable batteries based on the doughnuts economics model and materialized three portable battery concepts with disruptive end-of-life.
Interests and Objectives:Marina Navarro-Segarra's research at BCMaterials seeks the reconceptualization of portable power sources under an environmentally conscious framework. She uses eco-design, electrochemistry and engineering as tools to reformulate the decision-making drivers of her investigation, exploring the edges of disruptive battery concepts to create sustainable and feasible technological solutions that can evolve within the environmental boundaries of the planet. As a multidisciplinary electrochemistry, but also a nature lover and a climate activist her main research interests are:
Biodegradable batteries| Ecodesign| Bio-based Materials| Doughnuts Economy| Paper fuel cells| Life Cycle Thinking
Schönlein, Richard Fritz Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email:Research line: Active and smart materialsExpertise:Polymer Processing, 3D Printing, Bioresorable Polymers, Sustainable Piezoelectric Polymers, Tissue Engineering, Energy Harvesting
Bio:Dr. Richard Schönlein graduated in Mechanical Engineering (B.Sc. and M.Sc.) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany. After 18 months working as Research Associate at the “Institute für Kunststofftechnik” at the University Stuttgart, he joined the Basque Center for Macromolecular Design and Engineering (POLYMAT) to work on the processing of sustainable piezoelectric polymers, covering a number of fabrication techniques, including melt spinning, electrospinning, melt extrusion and film drawing with a focus on the generation of piezoelectric chain morphology. During this time, he was for 4 months as a visiting researcher at CURAM Research Centre for Medical Devices exploring different strategies of ultrasound-activated piezoelectric cell stimulation for enhanced tissue regeneration. In 2025, he defended his PhD thesis at the University of Basque Country entitled “Piezoelectric polylactide-based materials for biomedical applications.
To date, Dr. Richard Schönlein works as a Post-Doctoral researcher in BCMaterials, where he will contribute to the design and fabrication of sustainable, biobased and bioresorbable piezoelectric devices for biomedical applications including energy harvesters, sensors and electroactive scaffolds.