Own laboratory

Metallurgy & Ceramics Laboratory


Laboratory for synthesis of monocrystalline and amorphous metals, and ceramics. It includes both synthesis and thermal treatments

Laboratory for synthesis of monocrystalline and amorphous metals, and ceramics.

Lab. Manager:


In case you want to prepare any sample, indicate the requirements. All systems require the presence of the contact person.


Melt spinner

Melt Spinner

Laboratory scale system for max. 10 g per run. The system has a solid copper spinning wheel of 200 mm Ø, can go down to  10-5 mbar and includes an infrared quotient pyrometer and atomatic crucible positioning system.

Edmund-Buehler/ Melt Spinner SC 2018

turbomolecular pumped coater

Turbomolecular pumped coater

Metal sputtering or carbon evaporation with vacuum value down to 5 x 10-5 mbar. Fine grain sputtering for advanced high resolution SEM applications. Actual targets Cr and Au. Thick film capabilities up to 60 minutes sputtering time without breaking vacuum.

Quorum Technologies / Q 150 TS 2012

Mixer Mill

Mixer /Mill

Dual clamp, high-energy ball mill that grinds up to 10 grams of sample in each clamp. Electronic timer is set for 100-minute range. Grinds multiple samples in the 0.2 – 10 gram range or mixes up to 50 mL of material per clamp.

SPEX SamplePrep/ 8000D 2016

Miny Rotary Tube

Mini Rotary Tube Furnace

1200℃ mini tube furnace used for chemical vapor deposition experiments which reaction temperature is round 1150 ℃. It is also used for vacuum sintering, vacuum sintering under atmosphere protection, nano materials preparation and battery material preparation.

Max temperature:    1200℃
Working temperature: 1150 ℃
Chamber material:    Alumina fiber (Al2O3)
Single heating temperature zone
Quartz tube size:    Ø 50 mm x 600 mm
Length of the heating zone: 200 mm
Length of constant heating zone: 1200 mm
Heating element:    Alloy Heating wire
Heating rate:    advice:10℃/min
Sealing mode:    Vacuum Flange
Accuracy:    ±1℃

NBD-O1200-50ICR 2018