Invited talk with Professor Hiroshi Imahori

Next December 4 (Monday), BCMaterials will host a new guest talk. On this occasion, our invited  speaker will be Hiroshi Imahori, full professor of the Graduate School of Engineering and the Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences at Kyoto University (Japan).

The prestigious professor Imahori will focus in his talk on solutions to the problems for the long-term use of MEMS accelerometers that use gold components, derived from the low mechanical resistance of this metal.

NM4BL 2023 brings together a hundred researchers around computing, AI and machine learning

On October 26, more than one hundred researchers gathered at the BCMaterials headquarters to attend a new edition of our annual workshop 'New Materials for a Better Life!'. The event was dedicated on this occasion to computational approaches, tools and strategies for the development of advanced materials. The program featured prominent Basque and international experts in advanced and quantum computing, artificial intelligence and machine learning.

‘New Materials for a Better Life!’ 2023 workshop to take place on October 26

The 2023 edition of the annual BCMaterials workshop ‘New Materials for a Better life!” will take place on October 26. This event will bring together renowned national and international experts in advanced computing, quantum computing, machine learning and artificial intelligence to present and debate the role of these tools in the understanding, design and application of advanced materials.

Sign up for PrintFun, BCMaterials' functional printing school, on September 25 and 26

BCMaterials will organise, on September 25 and 26 at its headquarters in Leioa (Spain), PrintFun - Autumn School on Functional Printing Materials and Technologies. This training activity offers an excellent opportunity to get started in the methods and techniques of functional printing in 2D and 3D through a complete theoretical-practical program.

BCMaterials will participate in the conference “Acelera la innovación de tu empresa con neutrónica”

On April 19, BCMaterials will participate in the K-Future conference organized by the Basque Technology Parks network, dedicated to promoting the use of neutron science in companies. Under the title “Acelera la innovación de tu empresa con neutrónica”, the conference will highlight the power of neutrons for the development of new materials, the optimization of processes and the improvement of products in a wide range of industrial and technological sectors.

The BIDEKO project consortium meets at BCMaterials to study the progress of the program

The BIDEKO project, in which BCMaterials participates as a partner of the consortium, held a follow-up meeting at the headquarters of our center on March 22 and 23 with the aim of evaluating the first steps taken and facing the second half of the work. whose results will be presented in approximately a year and a half.

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