Neutrons and synchrotron photons as probes for condensed matter research

Neutrons and synchrotron photons as probes for condensed matter research



Neutrons and synchrotron photons as probes for condensed matter research

This is the second seminar on a series about neutron scattering techniques for condensed matter advanced characterization, following the one presented by Viktor Petrenko a week ago, and complemented with an insight into suplementary synchrotron radiation techniques. The seminar will be divided into well differentiated sections. Firstly, an overview of the existing neutron sources in Europe and in the rest of the world will be presented, together with the most “friendly” user programs, paying special attention to those in which users from Spanish institutions can benefit from funding from the sources. This will be jointly discussed with a similar scheme for synchrotron radiation sources. A discussion about the preparation of proposals to perform neutron and synchrotron radiation experiments will follow, including a discussion on the different proposal types, do´s and don’t´s during the writing process, and information about the review process. Finally, specific cases of science investigated with neutrons and synchrotrons here at BCMaterials will be presented in a very broad manner, finishing with a particular science case where neutron and synchrotron measurements meet together.

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