Azala berria Energy Technology aldizkarian
“Amplifying the Performance and Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells Using Fluorinated Salt as the Surface Passivator”, BCMaterials eta kolaboratzaileek egindako argitalpena Energy Technology…New Cover on Journals of Materials Chemistry C
"The versatility of polymers in perovskite solar cells" BCMaterials eta kolaboratzaileek egindako argitalpena Journal of Materials Chemistry C aldizkarian (45. 2022, 16935 – 17400) azala izateko…MOFen propietate fisikoen kontrolari buruzko artikulu berri batean parte hartzen du BCMaterials-ek Nature Communications-en
BCMaterials-ek, Itziar Oyarzabal (Ikerbasque Research Fellow) ikertzailearen bidez, artikulu interesgarri bat argitaratu du Nature Communications aldizkarian. MOF, konposatu metaliko organikoen…Atari berria Physica Status Solidi A aldizkarian
BCMaterials ikertziale eta laguntazileen lana, “Magnetic Properties of Tetragonal SmFe12−xMox Alloys in Bulk and Melt-Spun Ribbons” izenekoa, Physica Status Solidi A aldizkariko atari gisa hautatua…New cover on ACS Sensors magazine
A contribution from BCMaterials and colleagues, “Magnetoelastic Resonance Sensors: Principles, Applications, and Perspectives”, was selected as journal back cover in ACS Sensors, 2022, 7, 5, 1248–…New Cover on the Journal of the American Chemical Society
A contribution from BCMaterials and colleagues, “Reticular Nanoscience: Bottom-Up Assembly Nanotechnology”, was selected as journal cover in the Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS),…New Cover on Langmuir magazine
A contribution from BCMaterials and colleagues, “Magneto Twister: Magneto Deformation of the Water–Air Interface by a Superhydrophobic Magnetic Nanoparticle Layer”, was selected as journal cover in…New back cover in Advanced Healthcare Materials
A contribution from BCMaterials and colleagues, “Wireless Force-Inducing Neuronal Stimulation Mediated by High Magnetic Moment Microdiscs”, was selected as journal back cover in Advanced HealthCare…New cover on Journal of Materials Chemistry C
A contribution from BCMaterials and colleagues, "The impact of fluorine atoms on a triphenylamine-based dopant-free hole-selective layer for perovskite solar cells", was selected as journal cover…New cover on Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers
A contribution from BCMaterials and colleagues, Metastable Zr/Hf-MOFs: the hexagonal family of EHU-30 and their water-sorption induced structural transformation, was selected as journal cover in…New cover on Analytica Chimica Acta
New cover on microfluidics and materials for smart water monitoring at Analytica Chimica Acta. Congrats to the authors!New cover on Materials Advances
New cover on laser-induced highly oriented pyrolytic graphite for high-performance screen-printed electrodes on Materials Advances by F. Javier del Campo et al.New cover on Journal of Materials Chemistry C
New cover on Journal of Materials Chemistry C about photo-induced charge transfer dynamics in dopant-free perovskite solar cells